Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling
The Modern Family Home: Adapting Spaces for Multiple Generations

The Modern Family Home: Adapting Spaces for Multiple Generations. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Living with multiple generations under one roof offers a unique opportunity to enrich your family life as long as you navigate the inherent complexities skillfully. Each family member, from grandparents to toddlers, brings distinct needs and expectations. With the right strategies, these diverse requirements can coexist in harmony. Managing this dynamic effectively transforms daily challenges into rewarding experiences for everyone involved.

Modern Family Home

Modern Family Home


Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling shares some tips for doing just that:

Fostering Open Lines of Communication

The foundation of a harmonious multigenerational home lies in open communication. Encourage everyone to share their feelings and needs openly, fostering an environment where no topic is off-limits and everyone feels heard. Regular family meetings can be an excellent platform for discussing issues, expressing emotions, and brainstorming solutions collectively. This practice prevents misunderstandings and strengthens the family bond, making everyone feel valued and respected.

Tailoring Flexibility in Daily Routines

A flexible family system accommodates each generation’s varied lifestyles and schedules. Consider adapting meal times to fit everyone’s daily routines or designating certain areas as shared spaces at particular times. This adaptability helps minimize conflict and ensures that the house functions smoothly without anyone feeling inconvenienced by rigid rules or schedules.

Streamlining with Digital Solutions

Digitizing essential papers and records can declutter your home and streamline document management. Converting physical documents to PDFs saves space and improves accessibility and security. Digital files allow you to effortlessly share information and protect sensitive data by obscuring personal details before distribution. This method modernizes your record-keeping and minimizes the physical clutter that can overrun shared living spaces. Click here for more info on efficiently managing your digital records and maintaining a tidy home environment.

Respecting Privacy and Individual Space

Privacy is crucial in a house where multiple generations live together. Establish clear protocols about personal boundaries and emphasize respecting individual spaces. Whether it’s a private nook for someone to unwind or designated quiet times when no interruptions are allowed, these practices help maintain peace and personal freedom within the shared home environment.

Updating Key Home Areas for Accessibility

Modify your kitchen and bathroom to accommodate people of all ages and abilities. Consider installing grab bars, walk-in showers, and adjustable counters to make these spaces more accessible, especially for elderly family members. Similarly, an open-plan kitchen with a central island can become a gathering spot for cooking and socializing, helping blend daily activities into bonding moments.

Collaborative Household Management

Involving every family member in household management fosters a sense of responsibility and belonging. Divide chores equitably and allow each person to contribute in ways that match their ability and interest. This collaborative approach not only eases the workload for everyone but also teaches younger members valuable life skills and responsibility.

Bridging the Gap with Technology

Integrate technology to connect different generations. Use apps and devices to facilitate communication, learning, and entertainment that appeal to various age groups. For instance, a shared family calendar app can help keep track of everyone’s activities and appointments, while smart home devices can make daily tasks easier for older adults.

Building a Unified Family Identity

Cultivate a family culture that celebrates the unique contribution of each member, regardless of their age. By recognizing the value everyone brings to the family dynamic, you nurture a supportive atmosphere where mutual support is a priority. This shared purpose binds the family together, reinforcing that everyone is integral to the family’s success and happiness.

Creating a multigenerational home where everyone thrives involves balancing individual needs with family goals. You can build a nurturing environment that supports every family member by fostering open communication, respecting privacy, and adapting your living space and routines. Remember that the strength of a family lies not just in the good times shared but also in the collaborative effort to overcome challenges together. Embrace these strategies to enhance your home life across generations, ensuring every family member feels valued and connected.


Modern Family Home


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Navigating Hurricane Season in Gainesville Florida

Navigating Hurricane Season in Gainesville Florida. Florida, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, also holds a less desirable reputation: it is a hotspot for hurricanes. The state’s hurricane season, which spans from June 1 to November 30, brings a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Understanding the dynamics of these powerful storms, preparing adequately, and learning from past experiences are crucial for residents and visitors alike.


Hurricane Season in Gainesville Florida

Navigating Hurricane Season in Gainesville Florida


The Anatomy of a Hurricane

Hurricanes are intense tropical cyclones with sustained winds exceeding 74 mph. They form over warm ocean waters and can cause catastrophic damage upon landfall. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) monitors and predicts these storms, providing vital information to help mitigate their impact.

Historical Impact on Florida

Florida has a long history of hurricanes, with some of the most devastating storms leaving lasting marks on the state’s landscape and communities. Notable hurricanes like Andrew (1992), Charley (2004), and Irma (2017) serve as reminders of the potential destruction. Each storm brought lessons in preparedness, response, and recovery.

Preparing for the Season

1. Emergency Kit:

  • Essentials: Stock up on water, non-perishable food, medications, and personal hygiene items.
  • Tools and Supplies: Ensure you have a flashlight, batteries, a first-aid kit, and a portable phone charger.

2. Property Protection:

  • Reinforcement: Secure windows with shutters or plywood and reinforce doors.
  • Landscaping: Trim trees and shrubs to minimize debris during a storm.

3. Evacuation Plan:

  • Routes and Shelters: Know your evacuation routes and the locations of nearby shelters.
  • Communication: Have a family communication plan and stay informed through reliable sources like the NHC and local authorities.

Community and Government Roles

Local governments and communities play pivotal roles in hurricane preparedness and response. Public education campaigns, emergency services, and infrastructure improvements are vital. Programs like the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program help mitigate financial losses and aid recovery efforts.

The Role of Technology

Advancements in technology have significantly improved hurricane tracking and forecasting. Satellite imagery, weather models, and real-time data provide more accurate predictions, allowing better preparation and timely evacuations. Apps and social media platforms also facilitate communication and dissemination of critical information.

Resilience and Recovery

Recovering from a hurricane is a long and challenging process. It involves restoring power, rebuilding homes, and providing mental health support to those affected. Community resilience is strengthened through collective efforts, government aid, and non-profit organizations’ support.

1. Financial Assistance:

  • Insurance: Ensure you have adequate coverage, including flood insurance.
  • Grants and Loans: Explore options like FEMA grants and Small Business Administration (SBA) loans.

2. Mental Health:

  • Support Services: Access counseling and support groups to cope with the trauma and stress following a hurricane.


Hurricane season in Florida is a time of vigilance and preparedness. By understanding the nature of these storms, taking proactive measures, and leveraging community and technological resources, Floridians can better navigate the challenges posed by hurricanes. As climate change continues to influence weather patterns, ongoing adaptation and resilience efforts are essential to safeguarding lives and property.

Hurricane season in Gainesville Florida brings with it the promise of powerful storms, leaving communities to grapple with the aftermath. The cleanup process after a hurricane is crucial, involving coordinated efforts to restore normalcy and ensure safety. In the wake of a powerful storm, the road to recovery can be overwhelming. The aftermath often involves extensive damage, from fallen trees and debris to water damage and structural issues. Professional storm damage cleanup services play a crucial role in helping homeowners and businesses restore their properties efficiently and safely. 

Professional storm damage cleanup services are an invaluable resource in the aftermath of a storm. Their expertise, equipment, and comprehensive approach ensure that properties are restored safely and efficiently. By choosing a reputable and reliable service, property owners can navigate the challenging post-storm period with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that their homes and businesses are in capable hands.

In Gainesville, Florida, storm season can bring a range of challenges, from minor wind damage to major flooding and structural destruction. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a trusted name in the community, offering comprehensive storm damage cleanup services to help residents and businesses recover quickly and safely. If you need storm damage cleanup services in Gainesville Florida and the surrounding areas, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. 

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling stands out as a leading provider of storm damage cleanup services in Gainesville, Florida. Their commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction makes them a trusted partner in the aftermath of a storm. By offering a full range of services, from debris removal to structural repairs, they ensure that homes and businesses are restored quickly and efficiently. For those facing the daunting task of storm recovery, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling provides the expertise and support needed to rebuild and move forward.


Top 5 Tips and Tricks on How to Control Home Building Costs

Top 5 Tips and Tricks on How to Control Home Building Costs – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Control Home Building Costs

Top 5 Tips and Tricks on How to Control Home Building Costs

Are you thinking of building your new home or maybe want to make improvements to your home, but you are on a budget? In this article, we will cover how you can build your new home or renovate your existing home on a budget.

Everyone wants to construct their ideal home. For a middle-class family, it usually means devoting their entire life’s savings to building a new home.  People are always looking for ways to save on construction costs. For most people, building a new home is a significant financial investment.

With the use of modern technology like external and internal wall insulation, they can significantly reduce the overall cost of their homes. We are going to discuss how to reduce the construction costs of building a new home. The Iraye group will help you minimize your construction costs and save money by following these important tips.


1. Make A Cost-Conscious Plan

Making a budget-conscious plan is your first step towards the home of your dreams. Without a budget, it will be difficult to plan the construction of your home, as this depends on knowing what the budget for your project will be. To save cost, the planning phase must include budget restrictions to stay within budgetary constraints.

After finalizing your budget, you will be ready to begin planning. To make you successful,  all procedures should be compared to the financial plan regularly minutely. Also employing the correct number of people for labour should be your top priority.

2. Select a Simple Design

After you have planned your budget and now it comes to the design of your home. It is the design that will further run the plan. Simple design means low cost.  The more you get complicated, the more it will cost you.

So try to design a house in such a way that it will reduce the surface area and the cost of your house. This is the best suggestion for the overall reduction in your construction cost. You can do it by reducing the number of walls. It will ultimately reduce the surface area and also decrease the cost.


3. Choose Cheap Alternative Materials

After having a successful plan, the next step is to make a strategy of using cheaper, alternate building materials that are either more effective or easily available that will drastically reduce the overall cost of all the construction materials. Construction material alternatives should be explored or discussed thoroughly when working out project specifications with a client or customer.

Selection of materials becomes challenging when some customers may object to particular materials. However, in many circumstances, recycled materials can be a preferable choice also.  Steel, for example, has been recycled.  It has been polished and reused, but it’s still structurally robust enough to last for many decades.

Similarly, tension fabric structures are a relatively new construction material that is widely used to construct sheds, warehouses, and residences. The design of the construction site and the material used in construction will further direct the total cost of your home. So be simple and smart during the designing phase.

4. Save Finishing Material as Much as Possible

Along with the construction materials, it is the finishing material that results in cost rising.  The material particularly when it comes to finishing work, flooring material, wall work, doors, and windows, especially wooden interior work absorb a huge sum of your overall cost.

However, if you choose the right finishing material and also buy in bulk quantity,  you can cut your costs amazingly. To buy material in stages means no discount overall. So buy in bulk from the same shopkeeper and enjoy a huge discount.

5. Buy Construction Material from Local Shopkeepers

Try to purchase your construction and finishing materials from local vendors because it will considerably reduce your transportation cost as the transportation of construction materials is costly.


I hope this article will help a lot when it comes to estimating the overall construction cost of your home. As for many people, building a home is a dream come true. A consciously devised plan will help you to avoid any loan for construction.  All you are required here is to follow the right house construction strategies and minimize construction costs. Internal wall insulation is the best strategy you can follow to reduce the energy cost of your home. The Iray group will help you here by giving you tips and tricks regarding your house construction with a lower budget. So visit the Iraye Group and turn your dream into a reality.



Buying a Home
The Ins & Outs of Buying a Home with Significant Damage

The Ins & Outs of Buying a Home with Significant Damage – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Purchasing a home is a major investment, and finding out that your potential new property has suffered extensive damage can be overwhelming. Whether the cause is a natural disaster, burst pipe, or fire, taking immediate and strategic actions is crucial to safeguard your interests. Making an informed decision about whether to proceed with the purchase will help ensure your investment is sound and secure. Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling shares more:


Buying a Home

The Ins & Outs of Buying a Home with Significant Damage


Consult a Real Estate Attorney

The first step is to hire a real estate attorney. An experienced attorney can provide legal advice specific to your situation and guide you through the complexities of purchasing a damaged property. They will review the home sale contract, explain your legal rights, and help you understand the implications of the damage. An attorney can also assist in negotiating terms with the seller, ensuring that all agreements are documented and legally binding.

Organize and Digitize Housing Documents

Managing your housing documents efficiently is crucial during this process. Organize all paperwork related to the property (e.g., inspection reports, contractor estimates, correspondence) with the seller. Digitize these documents for easy access and sharing.

PDFs are often preferred over Microsoft files when sharing files with your attorney, agent, or any other party. Numerous online tools allow you to make fast conversions by dragging and dropping them into the tool. Search “PDF convert files” online to see your options and ensure your documents are easily accessible and securely stored.

Review the Home Sale Contract

Carefully reviewing the home sale contract is vital. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the sale and should include clauses related to property damage. Look for any contingencies that allow you to back out of the deal if significant damage is discovered.

Your real estate attorney can help interpret these clauses and advise on any additional provisions that should be included to protect you. If the contract does not adequately address the discovered damage, your attorney can negotiate amendments.

Conduct a Thorough Walkthrough

Before closing, conduct a detailed walkthrough of the property. This inspection is your chance to assess the extent of the damage firsthand. Take notes, photos, and videos of all affected areas. Pay attention to signs of termite infestation, water damage, structural issues, and fire or smoke damage. A thorough walkthrough can provide a clear picture of the repairs needed and their potential cost, informing your decision on purchasing.

Assess Your Options with Your Real Estate Agent

Your real estate agent is a valuable resource in this situation. Contact them immediately to discuss the discovered damage. An experienced agent can offer insights into how similar cases have been handled in the past and what steps you should take next. They can also facilitate communication with the seller and other parties, helping negotiate repairs or adjustments to the sale price. Trust your agent’s expertise to help you navigate this challenging situation.

Hire a Home Inspector and Contractor

Engaging a professional home inspector and contractor is crucial. A home inspector can provide a detailed report on the property’s condition, identifying all areas of concern. A contractor can then assess the cost and feasibility of necessary repairs. Together, these professionals will give you a comprehensive understanding of the damage and what it will take to restore the home. Their reports will be invaluable in negotiations with the seller.

Negotiate Repairs Before the Final Sale

After gathering all necessary information, negotiate with the seller on which repairs are non-negotiable before the sale. Use inspection and contractor reports to support your demands, such as requesting the seller to complete repairs, lower the sale price, or offer other concessions. Your real estate agent and attorney can facilitate these negotiations to protect your interests.

Facing the discovery of significant damage in a home you’re planning to buy can be daunting, but it’s essential to take proactive steps to safeguard your interests. You can make a well-informed decision by seeking legal advice, thoroughly reviewing the contract, and consulting with professionals. With careful planning and expert assistance, you can navigate the challenges and make a sound investment in your future home.


The Ins & Outs of Buying a Home with Significant Damage

Termite Threat – How to Identify Early Signs of Infestation

Understanding the Termite Threat: How to Identify Early Signs of Infestation. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

By guest author: Rela Catucod


Termite Threat

Termites might be small, but they can cause big and expensive problems. In Gainesville, where the climate is perfect for termites to thrive, it’s especially important to keep an eye out for these destructive pests. Understanding the signs of a termite infestation can help you catch it early and save your home from significant damage.

What Are Termites?

Termites are small, social insects that play a crucial role in the ecosystem by decomposing and recycling wood and plant material. However, when they invade homes, they can become significant pests by causing extensive damage to structures. Understanding the termite threat can help homeowners recognize and address infestations effectively.

Types of Termites

There are over 2,000 species of termites worldwide, but only a few are significant pests to homeowners in Gainesville. The most common types of termites in Florida include:

  • Subterranean Termites: These are the most destructive type of termites in the United States. They build extensive underground colonies and create mud tubes to access food sources above ground. They primarily feed on wood, but they also consume other materials containing cellulose.
  • Drywood Termites: Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites do not require contact with the soil and can establish colonies in dry wood without any connection to the ground. They are typically found in attic wood and can cause significant damage over time without any visible signs of mud tubes.
  • Formosan Termites: Formosan termites are known for their aggressive nature and large colony size. They are particularly troublesome in Florida and can chew through wood, flooring, and even wallpaper.

Early Signs of Termite Infestation

Here are 10 early signs of termite infestations every homeowner should know:

1. Discarded Wings

One of the first signs of a termite infestation is discarded wings. Termites shed their wings after finding a place to start a new colony. If you find small wings near windows, doors, or light fixtures, it could mean that termites have entered your house and are settling down. These wings are all similar in size and typically appear in the spring, around the same time as the annual Gainesville Spring Arts Festival.

2. Mud Tubes

Mud tubes are about the width of a pencil and are usually found near the home’s foundation. Subterranean termites build these tubes made of tiny pieces of soil and wood mixed with their saliva. They use these tubes to travel between their colony underground and the food sources (your home). Finding mud tubes on or near your home is a clear sign of termites.

3. Wood Damage

Termites consume wood from the inside out, which makes it tricky to notice until significant damage has been done. However, if you tap on wooden beams and hear a hollow sound, it might indicate termite activity. Frequently check areas like attics, sheds, and crawl spaces, as these are prime spots for termites.

4. Frass

Frass, or termite droppings, is another indicator of drywood termites. These droppings look like small, wood-colored pellets and can often be found beneath infested wood. Spotting these tiny pellets inside your home can suggest there’s active termite feeding within your structures.

5. Tight Fitting Doors and Windows

When termites chew through door frames and windowsills, their excrement and saliva create a humid environment that causes wood to warp. If you notice that doors or windows are suddenly tight or hard to open, especially in historic neighborhoods like Duckpond, it could be due to termite damage swelling the wood. Regular checks are especially important in such areas, where the combination of old wood and humid Florida weather can create the perfect conditions for termites.

6. Hard-to-Open Drawers or Warped Cabinets

Similar to tight-fitting doors and windows, if your wooden drawers or cabinets start sticking or won’t close properly, it could be due to the humidity introduced into the wood. As they consume wood, they create moisture, which can cause the wood to warp. This is often an overlooked sign that can be an early indicator of a termite problem.

7. Clicking Sounds from Walls

Termites are noisy eaters. If you hear a quiet clicking sound coming from the walls, it might be the sound of termites tapping their heads against the wood or the noise of them chewing. This is more likely to be heard at night when the house is quiet.

8. Termite Swarmers

A termite swarmer (or alate) is a young queen or male that has wings. If you see swarmers inside your home, it’s a strong indication of an infestation. These swarmers are attracted to light, and you might notice them around lights or windowsills. In Gainesville, swarmers are often seen during the evening, especially after a warm rain shower typical of Florida summers.

9. Peeling Paint

Similar to water damage, peeling paint can be a sign of termite infestation. If the termites have introduced moisture to the wall interiors, it can cause the paint on your walls to bubble and peel away. Keep an eye out for unexplained areas of flaking paint, which might suggest more than just aging.

10. Fine Sawdust-Like Material

If you find fine, sawdust-like material near wooden structures, it might not actually be sawdust. This could be frass, the droppings from drywood termites, which they push out of their tunnels as they eat. It often accumulates in small mounds and can be a subtle yet telling sign of early termite activity.

When to Contact a Professional


If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to contact a professional as soon as possible to assess and address the potential termite infestation. Dealing with termites is not a DIY project, as these pests can cause extensive damage that only worsens over time. Professionals have the tools and expertise to manage the situation effectively and prevent further damage to your property.


For residents in Gainesville facing termite damage, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can provide expert services to repair any harm caused by these pests. Our team is equipped to handle the challenges of restoring your home to its original condition, ensuring that structural integrity and safety are restored. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you suspect termite activity; we’re here to help protect and repair your home.


Understanding the Termite Threat: How to Identify Early Signs of Infestation


Rela Catucod brings her expertise in DIY solutions to the realm of pest control. Her hands-on approach and in-depth research equip homeowners with effective strategies to tackle common pest issues. From natural repellents to preventative maintenance, Rela’s articles are a treasure trove of practical advice for maintaining a pest-free home.


Hardie Board Siding
Benefits of Hardie Board Siding

Benefits of Hardie Board Siding.  In the sunny and humid climate of Gainesville, Florida, homeowners face unique challenges when it comes to maintaining the exterior of their homes. With frequent rain, intense heat, and the occasional hurricane, finding the right siding material is crucial. One option that has gained popularity in recent years is Hardie Board siding, also known as fiber cement siding. Let’s delve into the myriad benefits of Hardie Board siding for homeowners in Gainesville.


Hardie Board Siding


1. Durability

Gainesville’s weather can be unforgiving, but Hardie Board siding stands up to the challenge. Made from a blend of cement, sand, and cellulose fibers, this material is highly durable and can withstand the elements with ease. Unlike traditional wood siding, Hardie Board is resistant to rotting, warping, and cracking, making it an ideal choice for the humid climate of Gainesville.

2. Resistance to Moisture

With its high humidity levels and frequent rain showers, moisture can be a significant concern for homeowners in Gainesville. Hardie Board siding is engineered to resist moisture penetration, helping to prevent mold, mildew, and water damage. This moisture resistance ensures that your home’s exterior remains in top condition year-round, even in the face of Florida’s unpredictable weather.

3. Termite Resistance

Termites are a common pest in Florida, and they can wreak havoc on traditional wood siding. However, Hardie Board siding is impervious to termites and other wood-destroying insects, providing homeowners with peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected against these destructive pests.

4. Fire Resistance

In addition to withstanding moisture and pests, Hardie Board siding offers excellent fire resistance. This is particularly important in Gainesville, where the risk of wildfires can be a concern, especially during dry periods. Hardie Board is non-combustible, helping to protect your home and your family in the event of a fire.

5. Low Maintenance

Maintaining a home’s exterior can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor, but Hardie Board siding requires minimal upkeep. Unlike wood siding, which needs regular painting and sealing to maintain its appearance and protect against the elements, Hardie Board siding is pre-finished with multiple layers of paint, ensuring long-lasting color retention and reducing the need for repainting over time.

6. Versatility in Design

Hardie Board siding comes in a wide range of styles, colors, and textures, allowing homeowners to achieve the look they desire for their homes. Whether you prefer the classic look of wood siding or a more modern aesthetic, there is a Hardie Board option to suit your taste. Additionally, Hardie Board can be customized to mimic other materials such as brick or stone, providing endless design possibilities for homeowners in Gainesville.

7. Increased Home Value

Investing in Hardie Board siding can significantly increase the value of your home. Not only does it enhance curb appeal with its attractive appearance and versatility, but it also provides long-term protection against the elements, making your home more appealing to potential buyers. Additionally, many homebuyers are willing to pay a premium for homes with low-maintenance siding materials like Hardie Board, making it a wise investment for homeowners in Gainesville.

8. Warranty Protection

Hardie Board siding is backed by a comprehensive warranty, giving homeowners added peace of mind knowing that their investment is protected. James Hardie, the manufacturer of Hardie Board siding, offers warranties ranging from 30 to 50 years, depending on the specific product and installation method. This warranty coverage ensures that homeowners can enjoy their siding for decades to come without worrying about costly repairs or replacements.

9. Environmentally Friendly

For homeowners concerned about the environmental impact of their building materials, Hardie Board siding is an excellent choice. Made from sustainable and eco-friendly materials, including recycled content, Hardie Board is a more environmentally responsible option compared to traditional wood siding. Additionally, its durability and long lifespan help reduce the need for frequent replacements, further minimizing its environmental footprint.

10. Local Availability and Support

Gainesville homeowners can easily access Hardie Board siding through local contractors like Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. So, that if repairs or replacements are ever needed, homeowners can rely on local professionals who are familiar with the product and its installation requirements. Additionally, local suppliers can provide valuable expertise and guidance to help homeowners choose the right Hardie Board products for their specific needs and budget.

Hardie Board siding offers numerous benefits for homeowners in Gainesville, Florida, including durability, moisture resistance, termite resistance, fire resistance, low maintenance, versatility in design, increased home value, warranty protection, environmental friendliness, and local availability and support. With its ability to withstand the challenges of Florida’s climate while enhancing the beauty and value of your home, Hardie Board siding is an excellent choice for homeowners looking for a long-lasting and reliable siding solution.

To find out more about the benefits of James Hardie Board siding contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling is a James Hardie Preferred Remodeling Contractor and has received complete factory training in all James Hardie products. Also, this factory training includes Hardie Board technology and installation methods.  In addition, we can work with old or new homes currently built with; T-111, cedar siding, vinyl siding, or any other wood-based siding. 



Benefits of Hardie Board Siding


Adding a Room Addition – Enhancing Your Home Space

Adding a Room Addition – Enhancing Your Home Space. In the realm of home improvement, few endeavors are as transformative and rewarding as adding a room addition. Whether you crave extra living space, need a home office, or desire a cozy sunroom, expanding your home’s footprint can breathe new life into your living environment. Let’s delve into the exciting journey of planning and executing a room addition, unlocking the potential for enhanced comfort, functionality, and value within your abode.


Adding a Room Addition

Adding a Room Addition – Enhancing Your Home Space


Dream and Design: Every successful project begins with a vision. Take the time to envision how the new room will integrate into your existing home. Will it seamlessly flow with the current layout, or do you desire a distinct architectural style? Consider factors such as the purpose of the room, desired size, location within the house, and how it will enhance your lifestyle.

Consult with architects, designers, or contractors to translate your vision into tangible plans. These professionals can offer valuable insights, suggest design elements, and ensure your addition complies with local building codes and regulations.

Budget and Planning: Once the design is finalized, it’s time to establish a budget and create a detailed plan. Factor in costs for materials, labor, permits, and potential unforeseen expenses. It’s prudent to set aside a contingency fund for any surprises that may arise during construction.

Collaborate closely with your chosen professionals to develop a realistic timeline for the project. Consider how the construction process will impact your daily life and make any necessary accommodations.

Construction Commences: With plans in hand and permits secured, construction can commence. Depending on the scope of the project, this phase may involve excavation, foundation laying, framing, roofing, electrical work, plumbing, insulation, drywall installation, and finishing touches.

Regular communication with your contractor is essential to address any concerns, make decisions promptly, and ensure the project stays on track. Keep an eye on the progress while maintaining realistic expectations regarding timelines and potential delays.

Interior Flourish: As construction nears completion, it’s time to infuse the new space with personality and functionality. Choose interior finishes, such as flooring, paint colors, lighting fixtures, and trim details, that complement your existing home decor while reflecting the room’s intended purpose.

Furnish the space thoughtfully, considering both aesthetics and practicality. Whether it’s a cozy reading nook, a vibrant playroom, or a serene home spa, select furniture and accessories that enhance comfort and utility.

Revel in the Transformation: As the final touches are put in place, take a moment to savor the transformation. Your home has evolved, expanding to accommodate your evolving needs and aspirations. Celebrate the newfound space with loved ones, creating cherished memories in a setting tailored to your lifestyle.

Adding a room addition to your home is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, collaboration, and vision. From dreaming up the design to witnessing the completion of construction, the journey is filled with excitement, challenges, and ultimately, fulfillment. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your living environment, creating a space that not only meets your needs but also enriches your daily life.

If you would like to learn more about adding a room addition to your Gainesville Florida home, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a Gainesville Florida Home Remodeling Contractor. From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your restoration needs in Gainesville Florida.



Kitchen Remodeling Trends
Kitchen Remodeling Trends of 2024

Kitchen Remodeling Trends of 2024: Embracing the Future! In the ever-evolving realm of interior design, the heart of the home – the kitchen – remains a focal point for innovation and style. As we step into 2024, homeowners are seeking not just functionality, but also cutting-edge designs that reflect their lifestyle and personality. Let’s delve into the exciting kitchen remodeling trends shaping homes this year.


Kitchen Remodeling Trends

Kitchen Remodeling Trends of 2024


Smart Technology Integration: The kitchen is becoming smarter than ever with the integration of technology. Smart appliances controlled by mobile apps, touchless faucets, and voice-activated assistants streamline tasks and enhance convenience. Expect to see kitchens equipped with integrated charging stations and Wi-Fi-enabled appliances for seamless connectivity.

Minimalist and Multifunctional Design: The mantra of “less is more” continues to influence kitchen designs in 2024. Sleek, minimalist cabinetry with concealed storage solutions creates a clutter-free environment. Multifunctional kitchen islands serve as both prep areas and dining spaces, maximizing functionality in smaller kitchens.

Bold Color Palettes: Say goodbye to all-white kitchens as bold and vibrant color palettes take center stage. From deep navy blues to rich emerald greens, homeowners are embracing color to add personality and character to their kitchen spaces. Matte finishes and textured surfaces further elevate the visual appeal.

Statement Lighting: Lighting serves as both a functional and decorative element in kitchen design. Eye-catching pendant lights and chandeliers are being used to make a statement, adding drama and style to the space. LED strip lighting under cabinets not only illuminates work surfaces but also creates a warm ambiance.

Open Shelving and Display Cabinets: Open shelving and glass-front cabinets are making a comeback, offering a contemporary twist to kitchen storage. These features provide an opportunity to showcase decorative dishes, glassware, and cookware, adding visual interest and personality to the kitchen.

Luxury Finishes: From brass and copper accents to luxurious marble countertops, upscale finishes are elevating the look and feel of modern kitchens. Matte black fixtures and hardware are also gaining popularity, adding a touch of sophistication and contrast to the space.

Biophilic Design: Bringing the outdoors in is a key trend in kitchen remodeling for 2024. Biophilic design elements such as indoor plants, natural wood finishes, and large windows that offer views of nature create a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere in the kitchen.


As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of interior design, the kitchen remains a space where innovation and creativity thrive. From sustainable materials to smart technology integration and bold design choices, the kitchen remodeling trends of 2024 reflect a fusion of style, functionality, and sustainability. Whether you’re planning a complete kitchen overhaul or a subtle refresh, embracing these trends can transform your kitchen into a stylish and functional sanctuary that reflects your individuality and lifestyle.

If you have a remodeling project you would like to explore, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida. For well over a decade we have been providing restoration, roofing, and remodeling services to the residents of North Central Florida. We are a full-service construction company specializing in Room Additions, Kitchen and Bath Remodeling, Leak Detection, Storm Damage, Roofing and Roof Repairs. We want to be your contractor of choice! 

Roof Restoration vs Replacement: Which One is Better?

Roof Restoration vs Replacement: Which One is Better? The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Keeping the roof in good shape is a massive deal for anyone owning properties like apartment buildings, shopping malls, or fancy penthouses. As roofs get up there in age, you will notice issues popping up like leaks or sagging spots.

At some point, you must decide whether shelling out the cash to replace the roof entirely is worth it or if you can get by just restoring the roof to squeeze out some more years before a total swap. Both options have their upsides and downsides regarding budget and lifespan. Knowing the main differences can help make the best call for your property.

Roof Restoration vs Replacement

Roof Restoration vs Replacement: Which One is Better?


Roof Budgeting

The costs of restoring an existing roof and doing a complete tear-off replacement can vary significantly. Roof restorations that involve surface repairs and coatings are less expensive upfront than full replacements, which require installing all new materials. Variables like roof size, materials, layers, permitting and assessments also impact costs. Total costs can be high for large commercial re-roofing projects.

Suppose more than 25% seems degraded or the original materials are nearing expected lifespan limits of around 20 years. In that case, replacement provides more muscular water tightness and long-term financial returns over continual repairs and moderate restoration grants extra valuable years as a budget-conscious maintenance option.

Getting estimates from real estate companies for both fixes allows owners to weigh costs against durability in selecting the optimal approach.

Roof Restoration Benefits

For roofs with sound structural framing just needing surface refreshing, restoration proves a lightweight rejuvenation approach offering advantages like:


Preserving 80-90% of existing roof materials keeps tons of tiles, shingles, and tar out of landfills during replacements, reducing waste and aiding environmental goals.

Architectural Preservation

Historic buildings often showcase unique slate, tile or cedar shake profiles that would prove cost-prohibitive for most owners to replicate with complete custom replacement. Surface restoration allows for maintaining such original, distinctive designs.

Tenant Disruptions

Without intensive demolition, dusty debris, and noisy work, surface-level roof restoration allows normal interior operations with fewer disturbances.

Top Restoration Candidates

The best candidates for roof restoration rather than complete replacement are buildings with roofs under 25 years old that have sustained only minor weathering damage and still have structurally sound framing and previous repairs that have lasted 5+ years.

Prime examples include:

  • older apartment complexes and quarters where replacement costs would be prohibitive,
  • historic buildings with rare roof profiles that are costly to reproduce, and
  • individual retail locations with short remaining lease terms that do not warrant major capital expenditures.

Limitations of Roof Restoration

While beneficial in the short and mid-term, restoration eventually falls short for commercial owners prioritizing advanced water protection, energy efficiency, and property value boosts over 20+ year hold periods.

Specific downsides consist of the following:


The lifespan after restoration is typically only 10-15 years, compared to 30-50 years expected from a complete roof replacement with new materials and technologies.


Maximum of 2 potential restorations before integrity declines too far, as the underlying base structure decays after repeated repairs.

Minor Defects

The restoration process often overlooks subtle defects like small insulation gaps or limited deck sagging. These issues can then slowly contribute to leaks recurring in the coming years without comprehensive fixes.

Best Time to Replace a Roof?

Thorough roof inspections by experienced contractors like ZEM Builders identify issues from surface repairs to potential complete replacement. They will scan for pooled water, protruding nails, pest damage spreading rot, attic moisture and lingering mold—all red flags. The best seasons to schedule roof replacements are spring and fall. However, replacements can happen year-round as long as there’s no precipitation expected.

Complete Tear-Off Replacement Benefits

Unlike superficial improvements tackling only surface issues, total roof replacement allows fixing neglected problems from top to bottom, including water ingress points, compromised insulation, and structural reinforcements, modernizing the entire system’s performance.

Upgrades deliver:

Structural Refortification

Repairing or replacing damaged rafters, decking and drains for optimal integrity and enhanced roof load ratings able to bear additional solar panels.


New ventilation techniques, radiant barriers and insulation seal buildings better for sustainably regulating temperatures and operational expenses.

Storm & Impact Resilience

Modern roofing materials meet newer wind, hail, flood and snow load standards to withstand intensifying extreme weather patterns better.

Choosing between restoration and replacement requires factoring in criteria like roof age, assessed damage, planned ownership timelines, property investments and eco-centric business practices.  Local roofing authorities like ZEM Builders tailor solutions to maximize remaining integrity on a case-by-case basis across residential and commercial Islamabad real estate.


Ultimately, the decision between roof restoration or full replacement depends on the unique circumstances of each roof. Restoration can sufficiently extend moderately damaged roofs with life left. However, severe deteriorations likely necessitate complete replacement as the only means to regain sound structural integrity and weatherproofing.


Roof Restoration vs Replacement

Transforming Homes: Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Transforming Homes: Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling with a commitment to quality craftsmanship and a passion for transforming spaces, this local contractor has become synonymous with turning houses into dream homes. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has been at the forefront of transforming homes and businesses, breathing new life into the heart of the community.


Transforming Homes: Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling


Heritage and History: Gainesville boasts a tapestry of historic homes, each with its unique story to tell. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling Contractor understands the importance of preserving this rich heritage while incorporating contemporary comforts. From Victorian gems to Craftsman classics, their skilled team navigates the delicate balance of restoration and renovation, breathing new life into time-honored structures.

Innovative Design Approach: Every project undertaken by GRR is a testament to their commitment to innovation. The team of designers and architects collaborates closely with homeowners, ensuring that each remodel reflects the client’s vision and lifestyle. Modern amenities seamlessly blend with historic aesthetics, creating spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional.

Quality Craftsmanship: The mark of a great contractor is in the details, and Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling excels in delivering top-notch craftsmanship. From intricate woodwork to meticulous tile installation, their skilled artisans bring a level of precision that transforms ideas on paper into tangible, breathtaking results. Quality is not just a standard for them; it’s a promise.

Client-Centric Approach: One of the reasons behind the success of GRR is their client-centric approach. They understand that a home is not just a structure; it’s a personal sanctuary. Regular communication, transparent processes, and a dedication to exceeding expectations define their relationship with clients. The end result is not just a remodel but a collaborative masterpiece.

Community Impact: Beyond their exceptional workmanship, GRR is deeply ingrained in the local community. They actively engage in community projects, supporting the preservation of historic landmarks and contributing to the overall growth and beauty of Gainesville.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is more than just a construction company; it’s a driving force behind the transformation of homes and communities in Gainesville, Florida. With a perfect blend of heritage preservation, modern design, and a commitment to excellence, this local contractor continues to redefine what it means to restore and remodel homes. If you’re dreaming of a home that seamlessly marries history with modern living, look no further than Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling Contractor – where dreams become reality.


Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling



Holiday Remodeling
Decking the Halls and Walls: A Holiday Remodeling Extravaganza

Decking the Halls and Walls: A Holiday Remodeling Extravaganza. The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by giving your home a festive makeover? Holiday remodeling is a fantastic way to infuse your living spaces with warmth, joy, and a touch of seasonal magic. In this blog post, we’ll explore creative ideas and tips to transform your home into a winter wonderland. From the front porch to the living room, let’s embark on a journey of holiday remodeling that will leave your guests in awe.

Holiday Remodeling

Decking the Halls and Walls: A Holiday Remodeling Extravaganza


  1. Festive Front Porch: Start the transformation from the moment guests arrive by giving your front porch a holiday facelift. Consider adding a wreath to your front door, flanked by sparkling lights and festive garlands. Don’t forget to place a welcoming holiday doormat to set the tone for what’s inside.
  2. Dazzling Decorations: Spruce up your interiors with holiday decorations that reflect your personal style. Classic ornaments, twinkling lights, and elegant garlands can instantly transform your living room. Consider incorporating a theme – whether it’s a winter wonderland, a rustic retreat, or a modern celebration – to tie everything together.
  3. Kitchen Magic: The heart of the home deserves its share of holiday cheer. Update your kitchen with festive dishware, tablecloths, and seasonal centerpieces. Consider adding a touch of greenery with potted herbs or small Christmas trees. Encourage a warm atmosphere where loved ones can gather and enjoy delicious holiday treats.
  4. Cozy Corners: Create cozy corners throughout your home where family and friends can relax and enjoy the festive ambiance. Add plush throws and holiday-themed pillows to your couches and chairs. Arrange seating around a fireplace or set up a reading nook with a selection of your favorite holiday books.
  5. Bedroom Retreat: Extend the holiday magic to your bedrooms. Adorn beds with festive bedding, and hang string lights or garlands for a dreamy atmosphere. Consider placing small, themed decorations on nightstands or dressers to complete the look. Transforming bedrooms into holiday retreats ensures that the festive spirit is felt throughout your entire home.
  6. Lighting Magic: Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a festive atmosphere. Experiment with different lighting options, such as fairy lights, candles, and lanterns. Consider using smart lighting to adjust colors and intensity, allowing you to tailor the ambiance to different holiday occasions.

As you embark on your holiday remodeling journey, remember that the most important aspect is to create a space that brings joy and togetherness. Whether you opt for traditional decorations or a more modern approach, the holidays are a time to celebrate the warmth of home and the company of loved ones. So, put on your favorite holiday tunes, grab some hot cocoa, and let the remodeling festivities begin!

Need help with a remodeling project? From kitchens and bathrooms, to full interior restorations, call the remodeling pros at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida. We are a full-service construction company specializing in, kitchen and bath remodeling, room additions, and whole house restorations. Call us today, we want to be your contractor of choice! 

Emergency Garage Door Repairs
Emergency Garage Door Repairs: What to Do Before the Pros Arrive

Emergency Garage Door Repairs: What to Do Before the Pros Arrive – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Emergency Garage Door Repairs

Emergency Garage Door Repairs: What to Do Before the Pros Arrive

You’re minding your own business, cruising in and out of your garage with your trusty garage door doing its thing. Life is good until, BAM! Your garage door decides to throw a tantrum.

When your garage goes on the fritz, and you are not ready to invest in a new garage door or garage door installation, panic sets in. But fear not! This guide will walk you through the steps to take before the professionals arrive. Remember, a little know-how can go a long way in preventing further damage and saving you from a hefty repair bill.

Assess the Situation

The first rule of Garage Club: assess the damage. Like a detective at a crime scene, take a step back and look at the big picture. Here’s what you need to consider before calling garage door service.

Ensure Safety

Safety should be your top priority. Before attempting any troubleshooting, disconnect the garage door opener to prevent accidental activation. Use vise grips to secure the door in place, ensuring it won’t unexpectedly come crashing down while you work.

Identify the Problem

Before the pros step in, try to get a handle on what’s happening with your garage door. Here’s how you can pinpoint the problem:

  1. Check for Stuck Points: Examine if your garage door is refusing to budge or stuck in a particular position. This could help diagnose issues related to tracks or obstructions.
  2. Listen for Strange Noises: Pay attention to the sounds your garage door makes. Are there unusual clanks, bangs, or creaks? These sounds can be indicative of potential problems with various components.
  3. Spot Mid-Air Pauses: If the garage door stops halfway during its operation, take note of the specific point. This detail can guide professionals in identifying potential disruptions in the tracks or problems with the door’s balance.
  4. Watch for Sensor Hiccups: In cases where the garage door behaves erratically, stopping or reversing without warning, consider the photo-eye sensors. Documenting these instances helps technicians address potential sensor misalignments or obstructions.
  5. Check Response Time: Evaluate how quickly your garage door responds to commands. If there’s a delay, inspect the remote batteries and watch for interference from nearby electronics. This information assists in identifying issues with the control system.

Document the Problem

In the midst of a garage door emergency, documenting the details of the issue is a crucial step that often proves invaluable when communicating with professionals. By taking note of specific details, homeowners can provide accurate information, aiding technicians in diagnosing and efficiently resolving the problem.

  1. Take a Good Look: Check out what’s happening with your garage door. Is it acting weird or making funky noises? Note down exactly what’s going on. Make a quick note of when all this started. The more info, the better!
  2. Inspect the Basics: Give your garage door a once-over. Look for anything that seems off – like parts that look wonky, misaligned tracks, or anything that seems worn out. Pay attention to how the tracks, rollers, hinges, and springs are holding up.
  3. Listen Up: Tune in to the sounds your garage door is making. What kind of noise is it? Creaking, grinding, or maybe it’s just being a bit dramatic? Write it down so you can share it with the experts.
  4. History Check: Has anything been fixed or tweaked recently? Let the experts know about any recent DIY adventures or professional help you’ve called in. It helps them connect the dots.

By taking a moment to observe and note down these specific details, you’re essentially creating a helpful roadmap for the professionals. This extra information can significantly expedite the troubleshooting and repair process when the experts arrive.

What Not to Do

While waiting for professional assistance, it’s crucial to steer clear of actions that may worsen the situation or compromise safety. Here’s a list of things you should not do:

  1. Forceful Maneuvers: Resist the urge to forcefully open or close a stuck garage door. Forcing it may cause further damage to the tracks, rollers, or motor.
  2. DIY Overhaul: Avoid attempting major repairs or disassembly if you lack the expertise. Garage doors are complex systems and DIY efforts could lead to more problems.
  3. Tampering with Sensors: Refrain from tampering with the photo-eye sensors. Professionals best address misalignment or obstruction issues to ensure proper functionality.
  4. Excessive Lubrication: Avoid over-lubricating moving parts without professional guidance. Applying the wrong type or excessive lubrication can attract debris, causing more harm than good.
  5. Delaying Professional Help: Don’t procrastinate in seeking professional assistance. Delaying repairs might lead to further damage, resulting in higher repair costs.


Facing a garage door emergency can be daunting, but with the right steps, you can mitigate damage and ensure a smoother repair process. Remember to prioritize safety, explore DIY fixes cautiously, and, when in doubt, call in a garage door repair service. By taking preventive measures, you can reduce the likelihood of future emergencies and keep your garage door functioning smoothly.


Emergency Garage Door Repairs: What to Do Before the Pros Arrive

How to Avoid Common Home Heating Problems This Winter

How to Avoid Common Home Heating Problems This Winter – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Winter season, the time for snug blankets and steaming mugs of cocoa, also brings unwelcome guests: home heating problems! The last thing you would want to experience is your heating system decides to take a vacation! As the icy winds gust outside, a failing heating system can quickly turn your cozy home into an icy cavern. No worries, though! In this article, we’ll provide tips on sidestepping common heating problems during the winter months.

Home Heating Problems

How to Avoid Common Home Heating Problems This Winter


Common Heating Problems This Winter

Before we delve into the solutions, let’s size up the potential culprits lurking in your heating system. Familiarize yourself with these common problems inside your home to better combat them:

  1. Frozen Pipes: When temperatures plummet, pipes can freeze and potentially burst, causing havoc.
  2. Furnace Failures: Regular wear and tear or lack of maintenance can lead to furnace malfunctions.
  3. Inadequate Insulation: Poorly insulated homes can leak warmth, causing your system to work overtime just to heat your home.
  4. Thermostat Troubles: Malfunctioning thermostats might not accurately control your home’s temperature, leading to discomfort and inefficiency.
  5. Airflow Restrictions: Blocked vents, dirty filters, or ductwork issues can restrict proper airflow, causing uneven heating or system strain.
  6. Short Cycle: Rapid on-off cycles of the heating system, potentially caused by an oversized HVAC system, clogged air filters, or thermostat issues

Proactive Measures to Avoid Common Winter Heating Issues

Schedule a Pre-Winter HVAC Check-Up

  1. Call in the Pros: Have a professional HVAC technician do a thorough inspection and heating maintenance services before the frosty season arrives. Their expertise can identify potential issues early, ensuring your system is winter-ready and functioning at its best, keeping you snug all season long.
  2. Clean Those Filters: Clogged filters hinder the flow of the heated air, strain your system, and decrease efficiency. Regularly cleaning dirty air filters or replacing these can save you from heating hiccups.
  3. Inspect the Ductwork: Check for any leaks or blockages in your ducts. Sealing leaks and clearing blockages can significantly improve the efficiency of your heating system.

Winterizing Your Home

  1. Seal the Leaks: Drafty windows and doors can let the cold seep in. Seal gaps and cracks with weather stripping or caulking.
  2. Insulate, Insulate, Insulate: Beef up your home’s insulation, especially in the attic and walls. It’ll trap the heat inside where it belongs.
  3. Protect Those Pipes: Insulate exposed pipes to prevent freezing. Running a trickle of water through faucets during extreme cold can also prevent freezing.

Battling the Chill: Troubleshooting Heating System Issues

Dealing with Frozen Pipes

  1. Thawing Safely: If pipes freeze, never use an open flame! Use towels soaked in hot water or a hairdryer to thaw them slowly.
  2. Prevent Future Freezes: Keep cabinet doors open to allow warm air to circulate pipes. Consider using pipe insulation to prevent future freezing.

Tackling Furnace Failures

  1. Check the Thermostat: Ensure it’s set to ‘heat’ and at the right temperature. Replace batteries if needed.
  2. Inspect the Circuit Breaker: A tripped circuit breaker might be the culprit. Reset it and see if that resolves the issue.
  3. Don’t Skip Maintenance: Regular maintenance prevents breakdowns. Schedule annual check-ups for your furnace.

Mastering Thermostat Troubles

  1. Calibrate the Thermostat: Test the accuracy of your thermostat by using a separate thermometer. If it’s off, recalibrate it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Upgrade if Needed: Consider investing in a smart thermostat for better control and energy efficiency.

The Importance of Professional Heating Services

Calling in a professional HVAC technician is key to preventing winter heating issues despite your efforts. Their expertise detects problems early to prevent heating problems all winter long.

  1. Early Detection: HVAC professionals are trained to identify potential issues that might go unnoticed by homeowners during routine checks. Their keen eye can spot minor concerns before they escalate into significant problems.
  2. Comprehensive Inspection: A thorough pre-winter check-up by a certified technician ensures that every aspect of your heating system, including ducts, filters, and thermostat, is in optimal condition for the upcoming cold season.
  3. Safety Measures: Professionals prioritize safety protocols, especially in cases of potential gas leaks or electrical issues, averting hazardous situations and ensuring the well-being of your household.
  4. Long-term Efficiency: Their maintenance services also contribute to the long-term efficiency and durability of your heating system, reducing the likelihood of breakdowns during winter.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I troubleshoot my heating system on my own?

A: Yes, but proceed with caution. Some tasks, like changing filters or adjusting the thermostat, can be DIY-friendly. However, complex issues might require professional help.

Q: How often should I schedule maintenance for my heating system?

A: It’s advisable to schedule annual maintenance before winter. This ensures optimal performance and catches potential problems early.

Q: What should I do if I suspect a gas leak from my heating system?

A: Immediately evacuate your home, leave doors/windows open, and call emergency services. Do not turn on any lights or use electrical devices that could create a spark.

Q: Why is my heater making strange noises?

A: Odd noises like a squealing sound or loud bang, for instance, could signal various issues, from loose components to airflow problems. It’s best to turn off the heater and consult a professional for inspection and repairs.

Q: How can I save money on my heating bill?

A: To cut your energy bill, consider programming your thermostat for efficient temperature control, sealing drafts, insulating your home, and scheduling regular maintenance to ensure your system operates at peak efficiency.


Embracing a Warm, Trouble-Free Winter!

Prepare for the winter battle against heating issues armed with these strategies. Through regular maintenance, preemptive measures, and troubleshooting, maintain your home as a cozy haven during the chilly months. Remember, little preparation wards off common heating problems this winter. With these tips, bid farewell to heating troubles and embrace a snug and delightful season!


How to Avoid Common Home Heating Problems This Winter


About the Author

Maria Klesser is a content marketing specialist for Paragon Service Pros, with a focus on creating informative and engaging articles about heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. With 5 years of experience in the industry, she brings a unique perspective to her writing, combining her technical knowledge with her passion for helping homeowners understand how their HVAC systems work.

Creating Accessible Homes: Handicap Modifications Gainesville Florida

Creating Accessible Homes: Handicap Modifications Gainesville Florida. Living with a disability should not mean sacrificing comfort, independence, or the ability to navigate one’s own home. In Gainesville, Florida, a city known for its vibrant community and commitment to inclusivity, there is a growing emphasis on creating homes that are accessible to all. Handicap home modifications play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals with disabilities can enjoy a fulfilling and independent lifestyle. In this blog, we will explore some of the key aspects of handicap home modifications in Gainesville, Florida, and how these modifications contribute to a more inclusive community.


Handicap Modifications

Creating Accessible Homes: Handicap Modifications Gainesville Florida


Ramp Installations: Bridging the Gap

One of the fundamental modifications for accessible homes is the installation of ramps. These ramps provide a smooth transition between different levels, making it easier for wheelchair users or individuals with mobility challenges to move in and out of their homes effortlessly.

Widened Doorways and Hallways: Opening Up Spaces

Narrow doorways and hallways can pose significant challenges for individuals using wheelchairs or other mobility aids. Handicap home modifications often include widening doorways and hallways to ensure easy passage throughout the house, promoting a sense of freedom and independence.

Bathroom Accessibility: A Priority

Bathrooms can be particularly challenging spaces for individuals with disabilities. Modifications may involve installing grab bars, accessible showers, and raised toilets to enhance safety and usability. These changes not only accommodate the needs of the residents but also contribute to a more universally designed living space.

Accessible Kitchens: Cooking with Ease

Kitchens are the heart of many homes, and making them accessible is crucial. Modifications may include lowering countertops, installing pull-out shelves, and ensuring that appliances are within reach. These adjustments empower individuals with disabilities to engage in cooking and meal preparation independently.

Smart Home Technology: The Future of Accessibility

Gainesville is embracing the benefits of smart home technology to enhance accessibility. From voice-activated controls to smart thermostats and lighting systems, these innovations empower individuals with disabilities to control their living environment with greater ease.

Financial Assistance Programs: Making Modifications Affordable

Gainesville offers various financial assistance programs to help residents with disabilities cover the costs of home modifications. These programs aim to eliminate financial barriers and make accessibility modifications more attainable for everyone.

Consulting with Accessibility Experts: A Personalized Approach

Each individual’s needs are unique, and so are the modifications required for their homes. Consulting with accessibility experts in Gainesville ensures that homes are modified in a way that caters to specific requirements, fostering a sense of inclusivity and personalized comfort.

Gainesville, Florida, is making commendable strides towards creating a more accessible and inclusive community through handicap home modifications. These modifications not only enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities but also contribute to a city that values diversity and prioritizes the well-being of all its residents. By embracing these changes, Gainesville is setting an example for other communities to follow in the journey toward a more accessible future.

If you are in need of Handicap Home Modifications in Gainesville Florida, contact the remodeling and modification experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Solar Panels
6 Benefits of Adding Solar Panels to Your Home

6 Benefits of Adding Solar Panels to Your Home. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Solar Panels

6 Benefits of Adding Solar Panels to Your Home


We have good news for prospective solar users! Do you want to lower your utility outlay without damaging the environment? If yes, we have the best eco-friendly option for you; solar panels. Solar photovoltaic cells generate power which is clean and sustainable. These panels reduce conventional grid power bills and give excellent ROIs on solar users’ investments. Owing to panels’ countless benefits, commercial users and homeowners prefer shifting to solar technology. Since solar technology has evolved greatly and has become more reasonable for users, it is high time to invest in solar panels. People can enjoy these six incredible benefits if they install solar panels in their homes.

Solar Panels Save More!

Solar has an exceptional edge over conventional power production approaches. Solar PV systems have a unique way of generating electricity that helps lower power costs.

Recently, most populations around the globe faced a rise in grid power prices due to worse climatic changes that increased the use of air conditions and other summer appliances, and that increased the demand for grid power. Before solar technology, it was getting difficult for conventional consumers to cope with high electricity rates and inflation. Thanks to solar PV systems, solar users now have the independence to use both forms of power at their convenience. For instance, they can optimize their grid power consumption by shifting to solar power during the daytime and to grid power during night hours. Also, solar power batteries give extended backup so solar users can use stored surplus power during later hours, which is one of the biggest benefits of installing solar panels at home.

Protection from Rising Power Prices

We understand that irrespective of location, conventional and fossil fuel power prices are soaring. At this point, it has become very difficult to manage expenses, and everyone is seeking better and more affordable solutions. Fortunately, solar panels are the breeze of fresh air in this high inflation time! These panels not only provide sustainable power but also provide independence from grid electricity.

Affordable Installation and Easy to Maintain

Despite initial high investments, solar is low maintenance. Solar users should opt for professional solar installers and voila! Skilled solar installers have all the tools and expertise to make the solar panel installation process affordable and seamless. And the cherry on top is the low-cost maintenance of solar panels. Thus, with solar panel installations, solar users can enjoy every ray of sunlight!

Excellent ROI

Besides numerous benefits, solar panels and solar PV systems are highly reliable technologies and proffer excellent ROIs. After solar panel installation, solar consumers generate extra income through net metering, Feed-in tariffs, and other solar programs offered by different governments around the world. Net metering allows solar users to sell surplus power to the government at their offered rates.


Another excellent benefit of going solar is their eco-friendly build and mechanism. Solar works on photovoltaic cells and unlike fossil fuel burning and other conventional electricity production methods, do not produce any carbon or poisonous emissions. So, solar is the best way to conserve the planet and make a better greener future.

Power Independence

Solar offers clean power that can be stored in solar power batteries. This power production mechanism frees solar users from conventional power usage. Solar consumers can have the independence to use stored solar power at any time or in peak hours, in both cases, solar panels are highly beneficial for homes and businesses. Therefore, solar panels decrease the solar user’s dependency on grid electricity.

What to Consider Before Investing in Solar Panels?

Though these panels offer numerous benefits to homeowners, it is wise to consider a few things before investing in the technology. New solar users must research popular solar manufacturers, warranties they offer, claim policies, solar panel size, etc.

At the initial stage, solar PV system installations require fat investments and new users need to analyze available solar rebates and loans as per their locations and region to lower the initial financing and leverage these opportunities. Also, it is significant to consult reputable solar installers because they have skilled and expert technicians who will properly install solar panels. The good thing about professional solar installers is that they provide 24/7 customer service and assistance as well. Recognized solar professionals assist new users in selecting solar brands as per their budgets and requirements. The next step after the installation of solar panels is power backups. Last but not least, before making a final decision, it is necessary to consider monthly and annual power consumption. It will help you to select the most suitable solar panels in terms of number, size, and kilowatts of systems.

The Bottom Line

All in all, solar acquisitions need extensive research and financial assessment. It is better to consult professional and recognized solar retailers to avoid inconvenience. They will ensure regional/local law compliance, and offer excellent customer service.

Transforming Spaces: A Guide to Kitchen and Bath Remodeling

Transforming Spaces: A Guide to Kitchen and Bath Remodeling by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida. Embarking on a kitchen and bath remodeling journey is an exciting venture that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also adds functionality and value. Whether you’re revamping your culinary haven or creating a spa-like retreat in your bathroom, careful planning and thoughtful design are key. In this blog, we’ll explore the latest trends, practical tips, and creative ideas to inspire your kitchen and bath remodeling project.


Kitchen and Bath Remodeling

Transforming Spaces: A Guide to Kitchen and Bath Remodeling


Kitchen Remodeling:

  1. Functional Layouts: Start by evaluating the layout of your kitchen. Consider the work triangle – the relationship between the stove, refrigerator, and sink. Optimal spacing and a logical flow can make your kitchen more efficient.
  2. Cabinetry Choices: Cabinets are the backbone of any kitchen. Explore the latest trends, such as open shelving, two-toned cabinets, or sleek, handle-less designs. Customized storage solutions can help maximize space and keep your kitchen organized.
  3. Countertop Materials: From classic granite to modern quartz, the choice of countertop material can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your kitchen. Consider durability, maintenance, and aesthetics when making your selection.
  4. Smart Appliances: Integrate smart technology into your kitchen with appliances that offer convenience and efficiency. Smart refrigerators, ovens, and even faucets can streamline your daily tasks.
  5. Lighting Design: Adequate lighting is crucial in the kitchen. Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-lit and inviting space. Pendant lights over the kitchen island or under-cabinet lighting can add a touch of style.


Bath Remodeling:

  1. Spa-Like Retreats: Transform your bathroom into a serene retreat by incorporating spa-like elements. Freestanding tubs, rainfall showerheads, and heated floors are popular choices for creating a luxurious ambiance.
  2. Trendy Tile Selections: Experiment with different tile patterns and textures. Large-format tiles, intricate mosaics, and patterned tiles are all the rage. Consider using tiles to create an accent wall or a statement floor.
  3. Storage Solutions: Bathrooms can quickly become cluttered. Invest in stylish and functional storage solutions, such as built-in shelves, medicine cabinets, or vanity drawers, to keep essentials organized.
  4. Modern Fixtures: Upgrade your bathroom fixtures to enhance both form and function. Consider waterfall faucets, touchless technology, and contemporary shower systems to bring a modern touch to your space.
  5. Natural Elements: Bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural elements into your bathroom design. Consider using wood accents, stone finishes, or even plants to create a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere.


Embarking on a kitchen and bath remodeling project is an opportunity to infuse your personal style into the heart of your home. From functional layouts to trendy designs, the possibilities are endless. Take the time to plan carefully, seek inspiration, and work with experienced professionals to turn your vision into reality. With the right approach, you can create spaces that not only meet your practical needs but also reflect your unique taste and lifestyle. Happy remodeling!

Contact the kitchen and bathroom remodeling professionals at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida to get a quote on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom. 

What to Expect When It Comes to Gainesville Home Renovations

What to Expect When It Comes to Gainesville Home Renovations – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Home renovations are a great way to add value to your home while improving comfort and aesthetics. But before you start any renovations, it’s important to carry out your research and set realistic expectations. It’s also best to consult with local realtors to understand what renovation projects will bring you the highest ROI (return on investment). So, here are some tips from Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to get you started.


Gainesville Home Renovations

What to Expect When It Comes to Gainesville Home Renovations


Types of Home Renovations

The renovation you choose will depend on your needs and budget. These are some of the most common types of renovations:

  • Extensions: these are a great way to add extra space to your home without moving. Common home extension projects include building an addition to your home, finishing your basement, or converting your attic into a usable space.
  • Remodels: kitchen or bathroom projects usually involve updating fixtures, floors, cabinets, and countertops and can modernize your home without breaking the bank.
  • Energy Efficiency: making your home more energy-efficient is great for the environment and can save you money on your energy bills. Consider installing solar panels, upgrading your insulation, or replacing your windows.
  • Home Office: a home office can make a world of difference if you work remotely. When designing your home office, be sure to locate it near natural light to maximize productivity. If your office doesn’t have enough natural light, be sure to invest in overhead lighting. And locate this space as far away from common living areas as possible to ensure more quiet and fewer disruptions.


The cost of your renovation will depend on the scope of the project. To get an accurate estimate, it’s important to consult with a qualified contractor.

When budgeting for your renovation, be sure to factor in the cost of materials, labor, permits, and any other unexpected costs. You’ll need to acquire permits for most home renovation projects, especially if you’re making structural changes. It’s also a good idea to set aside 10-20% of your budget for contingency in case of unforeseen problems.

Also look at the ROI for each project before you start. Check out local listings for fixer-uppers to see if the updates you are planning will likely yield a high enough return rate. You can estimate your own rate of return by comparing the price of your fixer upper with the average sale price in your area. You can also look up comparable properties with the upgrades you are planning to see how far above the average prices they are listed.

Hiring a Contractor

It’s essential to hire a qualified and reputable contractor, so be sure to ask for referrals from friends or family, search online, or check with your local home builders association. If you’re in the Gainesville area, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help you with your remodeling, restoration, and roofing needs.

Once you’ve found a few contractors you’re interested in, check that their licenses are current and that they have adequate insurance to make sure they’re qualified to do the job. You should also ask for references and read online reviews to get an idea of their work.

When you’re ready to hire a contractor, be sure to sign a written contract that includes the scope of work, timeline, and price. This will protect you in case there are any problems with the project.

HVAC installers need to use HVAC software to obtain more accurate quotes. This software allows them to create and send estimates easily, accept online payments, and send invoices, so be sure to ask your contractor about this.

Things to Remember

There are several steps that you’ll want to take beyond the renovation itself:

  • Be Neighborly: you’ll want to be considerate of your neighbors during your renovation. Let them know about the project in advance and schedule work during reasonable hours.
  • Protect Your Home: take steps to protect your home during the renovation, such as covering your floors and furniture and sealing off any areas that aren’t being worked on.
  • Keep Little Ones Safe: if you have young children or pets, you may need to make arrangements for them during the renovation.
  • Protect Your Investment: once your project is complete, you’ll need to update your insurance and warranties. If you operate a business out of your home, you’ll need to purchase business insurance in addition to your homeowners policy. Homeowners insurance will not cover your business-related assets in the event of a loss.
  • Invest in a Home Warranty: every insurance and warranty has different coverage, so consider investing in a home warranty that will fill in some of your current coverage gaps. You’ve invested a lot of time and money into your renovation, so make sure that you have the right coverage for your home.

Plan for a Rewarding Reno Experience

A home renovation is no small task, but with proper planning, it can be a smooth and rewarding experience. Take the time to include elements that will make your home more comfortable, like a home office, and choose contractors who use tools like estimating software for greater accuracy. Most of all, ensure your investment is not wasted by properly insuring and warranting your newly renovated home.


What to Expect When It Comes to Gainesville Home Renovations

Roofing Reroofing & Roof Repairs in Gainesville Florida

Roofing Reroofing & Roof Repairs in Gainesville Florida. Among the many businesses that contribute to the upkeep and aesthetics of Gainesville’s homes is Gainesville Restoration, Remodeling and Roofing Company. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the role that roofing plays in preserving homes and businesses. Gainesville’s unique climate demands careful consideration of materials, regular maintenance, and a proactive approach to hurricane preparedness. By understanding and addressing these factors, Gainesville residents can ensure their roofs stand strong under the Florida sun for years to come.


Roofing Reroofing & Roof Repairs

Roofing Reroofing & Roof Repairs in Gainesville Florida


Expertise in Roof Restoration: Gainesville Restoration, Remodeling and Roofing Company stands out for its expertise in roof restoration and replacement. With years of experience in the industry, we have earned a reputation for bringing tired, worn-out roofs back to life. Whether it’s a classic Victorian home or a modern suburban residence, our skilled team is well-versed in addressing a variety of roofing needs. Our roofing services will not only enhance the visual appeal of your home but also contribute to the overall structural integrity as well.

Comprehensive Roofing Services: From roof inspections to repairs and full-scale roof replacements, we offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to the diverse needs of homeowners in the region. We understand the unique challenges posed by Florida’s climate, including intense heat, humidity, and tropical storms. As such, our services are designed to ensure that roofs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and resilient.

Quality Materials and Craftsmanship: One of the pillars of our success is our commitment to using high-quality materials and employing skilled roofers. We understand that a roof is not just a protective covering but a significant component of a home’s overall design. By using top-notch materials and employing experienced roofing professionals, we can ensure that every project is executed with precision and attention to detail.

Local Engagement and Community Impact: Beyond our commitment to roofing excellence, Gainesville Restoration, Remodeling and Roofing Company actively engages with the local community. We take pride in being a part of Gainesville’s growth and development, and it reflects in our customer-centric approach. The team values open communication with clients, ensuring that homeowners are well-informed and confident in the decisions they make regarding their roofs.

Environmental Responsibility: In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, we are committed to sustainable practices. From choosing eco-friendly roofing materials to implementing waste reduction strategies, we strive to minimize its environmental footprint. This commitment not only benefits the local ecosystem but also aligns with the values of homeowners who prioritize sustainability.

Gainesville Restoration, Remodeling and Roofing Company is more than just a roofing service provider; it’s a cornerstone in the preservation and enhancement of Gainesville’s architectural landscape. With a focus on quality, community engagement, and environmental responsibility, we are contributing to the lasting beauty and resilience of homes in the heart of Florida. Whether you’re in need of a simple repair or a complete roof restoration, Gainesville Restoration, Remodeling and Roofing Company stands ready to revitalize your home and protect it for years to come.


Roofing Reroofing & Roof Repairs in Gainesville Florida

Water Slab Leak Detection Services in Gainesville Florida

Water Slab Leak Detection Services in Gainesville Florida. Water slab leaks are one of the most inconvenient and potentially damaging issues a homeowner can face. Situated beneath the concrete foundation of a home, these leaks can silently wreak havoc, causing structural damage, mold growth, and inflated water bills. In Gainesville, Florida, where the warm climate and soil composition can exacerbate the risks of slab leaks, timely detection and professional services are crucial to prevent significant damage.

Understanding the gravity of this issue, Gainesville residents are fortunate to have access to advanced water slab leak detection services. These services are equipped with cutting-edge technology and skilled professionals who employ various methods to identify and repair these hidden culprits.


Water Slab Leak Detection

Water Slab Leak Detection Services in Gainesville Florida


The Importance of Early Detection

Detecting a slab leak at its early stages can save homeowners from substantial repair costs and potential damage to their property. Signs of a slab leak might include unexplained increases in water bills, the sound of running water when all faucets are turned off, damp or warm spots on the floor, or cracks in walls or flooring. If any of these symptoms are noticed, prompt action is essential.

Advanced Detection Techniques

Professional leak detection services in Gainesville, Florida, employ an array of advanced techniques to identify and pinpoint slab leaks without causing unnecessary damage to the property. These methods include:


  1. Electronic Listening Devices: Utilizing specialized equipment, professionals listen for the sound of water running beneath the slab, helping to narrow down the leak’s location.
  2. Thermal Imaging: Infrared technology helps to identify temperature differences, pinpointing potential areas of water accumulation beneath the surface.
  3. Static Leak Isolation: This method involves shutting off the water and monitoring pressure changes to isolate the specific section of the plumbing system where the leak is located.
  4. Video Pipe Inspection: High-definition cameras are inserted into pipes to visually inspect and identify the cause and location of the leak.


The Role of Professional Services

Professional water leak detection services in Gainesville play a crucial role in not only identifying but also effectively repairing these leaks. These experts are trained to employ non-invasive techniques to pinpoint the leak accurately and minimize damage during repair.

The utilization of these advanced techniques not only ensures accuracy in pinpointing the leak but also saves homeowners from unnecessary property damage and extensive excavations. Additionally, professionals are equipped to handle repairs promptly, preventing further damage to the property.

Preventive Measures and Long-Term Solutions

Soil composition and environmental factors can contribute to the risk of slab leaks, preventive measures are key. Regular plumbing inspections, maintenance, and keeping an eye out for early signs of water leaks can help homeowners stay ahead of potential issues.

Moreover, after repairing a slab leak, professionals often provide advice on preventive measures, such as installing pressure regulators or water softeners, to minimize the risk of future leaks.Water slab leaks are a significant concern for homeowners in Gainesville, Florida. However, with access to advanced detection services and skilled professionals, residents can address these issues efficiently, preventing costly damage and ensuring a leak-free future for their homes. By being vigilant, seeking professional help, and embracing preventive measures, homeowners can safeguard their properties from the destructive impact of water slab leaks.

The investment in timely detection and repair not only saves money in the long run but also provides peace of mind, knowing that your home is free from the hidden perils of water slab leaks.

For Gainesville residents, safeguarding against water slab leaks isn’t just a necessity; it’s a proactive step towards preserving their homes and ensuring a secure and leak-free environment. If you think you may have a slab leak, contact Gainesville Restoration in Gainesville Florida.

Checking your home for leaks annually can give you peace of mind as well as, give you a chance to fix problems before they become serious. You should always have these repairs performed by water leak detection experts. Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe.


Smart HVAC Systems
Smart HVAC Systems: Embracing the Future of Comfort

Smart HVAC Systems: Embracing the Future of Comfort – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Smart HVAC Systems

Smart HVAC Systems: Embracing the Future of Comfort


Are you thinking about getting a smart HVAC system for your home or business? These modern systems are changing how we control our indoor temperature, making it more comfortable, convenient, and energy-efficient.


Let’s dive into how you can harness the power of residential and commercial Smart HVAC systems to create a modern and comfortable living and working environment.

How Do Smart HVAC Systems Work?

In the past, traditional Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems were the standard choice. They relied on basic timers or thermostats, often resulting in energy wastage and discomfort.


On the other hand, smart HVAC systems utilize cutting-edge technology, including sensors, machine learning algorithms, and internet connectivity. These systems can adapt to your preferences, monitor weather conditions, and more to create the ideal indoor environment.


To understand how these systems work, let’s delve into their key components and the underlying principles that make them smart:


  1. Sensors: Smart HVAC systems are equipped with sensors that act as their eyes and ears. These sensors can detect changes in temperature, humidity, and air quality in your home or business. For example, if a room becomes too warm or air quality drops, the system can detect it and make adjustments using its heating and cooling features.
  2. Data Collection: The sensors collect real-time data from their surroundings. This data includes temperature variations, humidity levels, and changes in air quality, all of which are crucial for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.
  3. Data Processing: The collected data is processed by the Smart HVAC system’s onboard computer or controller. This computer typically uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze the data.
  4. Real-Time Adjustments: The system can adjust various parameters in real-time to achieve the desired indoor climate. For instance, it can control the speed of the HVAC system’s fan, adjust the temperature settings, or modulate airflow to different areas of the building.

Smart HVAC Systems: Features and Benefits

Here’s a closer look at the key features and benefits that make smart HVAC systems a game-changer for residential and commercial spaces:

Energy Efficiency

One of the standout features of these systems is their remarkable energy optimization capability. Through continuous monitoring of factors such as occupancy, temperature, and humidity, they make real-time adjustments, leading to substantial energy savings for homeowners and more energy-efficient commercial HVAC services.

Wi-Fi Connectivity

Just as your smartphone seamlessly connects to the internet, these systems offer the same level of connectivity. This Wi-Fi capability allows you to remotely manage your HVAC system through your smartphone or computer. Whether you’re miles away or simply in another room, you can easily fine-tune the temperature, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment upon your return.

Personalized Comfort

Every individual has unique comfort preferences, and smart HVAC systems acknowledge this fact. They adapt their operations to cater to your specific needs, whether you prefer a cozy, warm atmosphere or a crisp and cool indoor environment.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Smart HVAC systems go beyond temperature control. They actively monitor and purify indoor air, removing pollutants and allergens. This feature is especially advantageous for commercial HVAC services, where maintaining air quality is paramount for the well-being of employees and customers.

Integration with Smart Homes

Smart HVAC systems seamlessly blend into your smart home ecosystem. You can control your thermostat using voice commands, schedule adjustments remotely via smartphone apps, and receive real-time energy consumption reports. This level of control and convenience is unparalleled.

Predictive Maintenance

Smart HVAC systems can foresee when maintenance is required, preventing unexpected breakdowns. This proactive approach saves both time and money.

Tips for Choosing the Right Smart HVAC System

Selecting the right system is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your comfort, energy efficiency, and overall satisfaction. To ensure you make an informed choice, consider these practical tips when choosing the most suitable system for your needs:


  1. Assess Your Needs: Begin by evaluating your specific requirements. Determine the size of the space you need to cool or heat, your climate zone, and any unique comfort preferences.
  2. Energy Efficiency Goals: Determine your energy efficiency goals. Are you looking to reduce energy bills, minimize environmental impact, or both? Smart HVAC systems vary in their energy-saving capabilities, so prioritize systems that align with your sustainability objectives.
  3. Compatibility: Check the compatibility of the smart HVAC system with your existing HVAC infrastructure, if applicable. Some systems are designed to retrofit easily into existing setups, while others may require more extensive modifications.
  4. Zoning Options: If you have specific temperature requirements for different areas or rooms within your space, consider systems that offer zoning capabilities. Zoning allows you to customize the climate in individual zones, optimizing comfort and energy efficiency.
  5. Integration Capabilities: If you have other smart devices in your home or business, look for Smart HVAC systems that can seamlessly integrate with your existing smart home ecosystem. This compatibility allows for coordinated control and automation.
  6. Reviews and Recommendations: Research user reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from trusted sources. Learning from the experiences of others can provide valuable insights into the performance, reliability, and satisfaction levels associated with different Smart HVAC systems.
  7. Professional Consultation: For complex installations or if you’re unsure about your specific requirements, consider consulting with a professional HVAC technician or contractor. They can assess your needs, recommend suitable systems, and provide installation services.
  8. Future-Proofing: Finally, think about the future. Select a system that is adaptable and can accommodate potential changes in your home or business needs. Future-proofing ensures that your Smart HVAC investment remains relevant and effective over time.

Embrace Comfort and Efficiency with Smart HVAC Systems

In a world where change is constant, Smart HVAC systems represent a welcomed evolution—an evolution that allows us to remain comfortable, connected, and responsible stewards of our environment. So, whether you’re a homeowner seeking to optimize your living space or a business owner striving for efficiency and sustainability, the path to comfort and eco-consciousness begins with embracing the future of Smart HVAC systems.



About the Author

Hazel Hale is the Content Marketing Strategist of Annette Hale’s Indoor Comfort Systems, the most trusted provider of heating and AC repair services in Huntsville, AL and the surrounding areas. When not working, she enjoys photography, digital art and watching her son’s soccer games.


James Hardie Board Siding
The Benefits of James Hardie Board Siding

The Benefits of James Hardie Board Siding: Durability, Beauty, and More. When it comes to choosing siding for your home, you want a material that not only looks great but also offers durability and protection against the elements. James Hardie board siding, also known as fiber cement siding, is a popular choice among homeowners for good reason. In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of James Hardie board siding and why it’s an excellent option for enhancing both the aesthetics and longevity of your home.


James Hardie Board Siding

The Benefits of James Hardie Board Siding


Unrivaled Durability – One of the standout features of James Hardie board siding is its exceptional durability. It is engineered to withstand various weather conditions, including extreme heat, cold, rain, and snow. Unlike wood siding, which can rot, warp, or become infested with pests, James Hardie siding is resistant to these common issues. It does not succumb to moisture, making it an excellent choice for regions with high humidity or heavy rainfall. This durability means that your siding will retain its original appearance and structural integrity for many years, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements.

Outstanding Longevity – Thanks to its durability, Hardie board siding offers an impressive lifespan. With proper installation and routine maintenance, it can last for several decades. This longevity not only saves you money in the long run but also minimizes the environmental impact associated with frequent replacements. Investing in James Hardie siding means you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your home’s exterior is protected for years to come.

Versatile Design Options – Hardie board siding doesn’t just excel in performance; it also offers a wide range of design options. Whether you prefer a classic or contemporary look, you can find a style and color that complements your home’s architecture and your personal taste. This versatility allows you to achieve the aesthetic you desire while benefiting from the durability of fiber cement. Additionally, the siding can be customized to mimic the appearance of wood, stone, or other materials without their associated drawbacks.

Low Maintenance – Maintaining your home’s exterior can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor, but James Hardie board siding helps minimize these concerns. Unlike wood siding, it doesn’t require frequent repainting or sealing. It is also resistant to fading, so you won’t have to worry about your siding losing its vibrant color over time. Routine cleaning is typically all that’s needed to keep your siding looking its best, saving you both time and money on maintenance.

Fire Resistance – In regions prone to wildfires, fire-resistant building materials are a must. James Hardie board siding is non-combustible, making it an excellent choice for homeowners in fire-prone areas. It provides an added layer of protection, reducing the risk of your home catching fire due to flying embers or flames from nearby wildfires.

Sustainable Choice – For environmentally-conscious homeowners, Hardie board siding offers sustainability benefits. It is made from a combination of sustainable and recyclable materials, reducing its overall environmental impact. Its long lifespan also means fewer resources are required for replacements, contributing to a more sustainable building industry.


Hardie board siding is a superior choice for homeowners looking to combine aesthetics with durability, longevity, and low maintenance. Its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions, resist pests and fire, and offer versatile design options makes it a top contender in the siding market. If you’re considering a siding upgrade, James Hardie board siding is a wise investment that will enhance the beauty and value of your home while providing peace of mind for years to come.

If you have a project in mind or an emergency situation arises; please give the experts at Gainesville Restoration, Roofing, and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida a call. We are available 24-hours a day/seven days a week for emergency services. In addition, we can work with most insurance companies. At Gainesville Restoration, Roofing, and Remodeling, we will work hard to exceed even your highest expectations!

Need a Kitchen Remodel For Your Gainesville Florida Home?
Need a Kitchen Remodel For Your Gainesville Florida Home?

Need a Kitchen Remodel For Your Gainesville Florida Home? Are you tired of your outdated kitchen? Do you dream of a modern and functional space where you can cook and entertain with ease? Look no further than Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, your trusted partner for kitchen remodeling in Gainesville, Florida. With their expertise and commitment to quality, you can turn your kitchen into the heart of your home.


Kitchen Remodel

Need a Kitchen Remodel For Your Gainesville Florida Home?


Why Choose Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling?

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a local contractor that understands the unique needs and preferences of Gainesville homeowners. They have earned a stellar reputation in the area for their exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to customer satisfaction. When you choose them for your kitchen remodeling project, you can expect the following benefits:


Professional Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, the team at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling possesses the knowledge and skills to handle every aspect of your kitchen renovation. From design to installation, they will guide you through the entire process.

Customized Solutions: Your kitchen should reflect your style and meet your specific requirements. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling offers customized solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring your dream kitchen becomes a reality.

Quality Materials: They source high-quality materials and products to ensure the longevity and durability of your kitchen remodel. You can trust that your investment will stand the test of time.

Budget-Friendly Options: Remodeling your kitchen doesn’t have to break the bank. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will work with your budget to deliver a stunning result without compromising on quality.

Timely Completion: They understand the importance of timelines and strive to complete your project on schedule. You can count on them to minimize disruptions to your daily life.


The Kitchen Remodeling Process

Embarking on a kitchen remodeling journey with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is an exciting adventure. Here’s what you can expect during the process:


  1. Initial Consultation: The process begins with a thorough consultation where you can discuss your vision, preferences, and budget with their team. They will provide expert guidance and recommendations.
  2. Design and Planning: Once the initial consultation is complete, their talented designers will work with you to create a kitchen layout and design that aligns with your goals. This step ensures that your kitchen is not only beautiful but also functional.
  3. Material Selection: You’ll have the opportunity to select materials, finishes, and fixtures that match your style. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will assist you in choosing the best options within your budget.
  4. Construction and Installation: With the design and materials in place, the skilled craftsmen at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will bring your vision to life. They’ll handle all aspects of the construction, including plumbing, electrical work, cabinetry, and countertops.
  5. Final Inspection and Handover: After completing the construction, they will conduct a final inspection to ensure every detail meets their high standards. Once you’re satisfied with the results, your newly remodeled kitchen is ready to be enjoyed.


The Transformation Begins

A kitchen remodel by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is more than just a renovation; it’s a transformation. With their expertise and commitment to excellence, you can turn your outdated kitchen into a beautiful, functional, and welcoming space that you and your family will love for years to come.

Don’t wait any longer to upgrade your kitchen. Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward your dream kitchen. Your home deserves the best, and with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, you can trust that your kitchen remodeling project will exceed your expectations.

Gainesville Florida Shutters
Professional Services Are the Best Option for Complex Home Repairs

Professional Services Are the Best Option for Complex Home Repairs – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Home repairs can be time-consuming and expensive. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before tackling a major home repair project. While DIY projects have their place in certain situations, complex home repairs are often best left to the professionals. From Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, here are some of the main benefits of hiring professional services when it comes to complex home repairs.


Complex Home Repairs

Professional Services Are the Best Option for Complex Home Repairs


Ensure You’re Working with a Licensed and Insured Pro

Hiring a professional for home repairs ensures that your job is done right and legally. Licensed professionals follow all regulations and codes, providing you with the assurance that everything will be done properly and up to par. Furthermore, they are insured, so there is no need to worry about any legal or financial repercussions should something go wrong.

If you’re not sure where to find a licensed professional, then this option deserves a look. Using this home maintenance will connect you with reputable contractors in your area. You can start with a video chat and decide who you want quotes from before moving forward!

Stay Compliant

When it comes to complex home repairs, following codes, permits, and regulations is essential to ensure that everything is done properly. Professionals know what permits may be required for different projects as well as all applicable building codes in your area. This helps ensure that all work is done safely and legally.

The experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help you get the updates you want with the confidence that everything will be high quality and compliant. Contact them for a quote today!

Long-Term Cost Savings

Hiring a professional may seem like an expense upfront, but it can save you money and protect you from costly mistakes in the long run. Professionals understand how to get the job done right the first time, saving you from having to repair or redo work because of inexperience or lack of proper tools. DIYers without experience and proper tools often struggle with complex home repairs.

Benefits of Professional Warranties

Plus, many professionals offer warranties for their work. That means if something goes wrong after they finish the job, you don’t have to worry about paying additional out-of-pocket costs. Professionals will honor their warranties, giving you extra peace of mind that your project was done right the first time. Not only do warranties provide financial protection, but they also show your trust in the experience and integrity of a professional contractor.

They’ve Got All the Right Equipment

DIYers often lack the proper tools and equipment or the experience necessary to complete complex repairs entirely on their own. Professional services can provide not only access to the right tools but also expertise in knowing which tools to use for each repair. On top of that, a professional is able to provide accurate estimates before work begins so you’ll never be met with an unexpected bill when the job is done.

Boost Your Property’s Value

Home repairs and updates are an important consideration, not just in terms of cost savings but also in increasing your home’s resale value. Adding insulation and weather stripping around windows and doors can help make your property more energy-efficient and increase its value should you decide to sell it in the future. Such improvements will pay off both in the short term and the long term.

Ensuring that Your Repairs are Done Right

Home repairs can be a daunting task for any average homeowner. There are definitely some that you can DIY, especially if you have some experience with things like painting or even welding. (Here are some great resources from Welding Logic for amateur welders looking to take on more projects.)


Professional contractors provide peace of mind knowing that the job will be done with quality results, using the right tools and experience. Not only is the cost often worth it, but so is the convenience of having someone else handle all of the complex tasks associated with home repairs.

Find the Right Professional for Your Job

When considering a complex home repair project, it is always best to hire a professional with the experience, tools, and insurance needed to properly complete the job. Not only will they have the expertise to do the work correctly, but many pros also provide warranties on their work in case anything goes wrong after completion. It is this combination of assurance and skill that makes hiring a professional the ideal choice for any major repair job around the house.

Commercial Build Outs
Commercial Build Outs Gainesville Florida

Commercial Build Outs Gainesville Florida. Commercial buildouts are a crucial part of the business world, allowing companies to create customized spaces that meet their unique needs. Whether you’re starting a new business or looking to renovate your existing workspace, commercial buildouts can transform a simple office or retail space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a company specializing in commercial remodeling and buildouts in the Gainesville Florida area. We offer a range of services related to renovating and customizing commercial spaces to meet the unique needs of our clients.


Commercial Build Outs

Commercial Build Outs Gainesville Florida


Here are some of the services we provide:


  1. Commercial Remodeling: This involves renovating existing commercial spaces to improve functionality, aesthetics, and efficiency. It can include everything from updating interior finishes to reconfiguring layouts.
  2. Buildouts: Buildouts typically involve transforming raw or unfinished commercial spaces into functional areas that suit a specific purpose, such as offices, retail stores, or restaurants. This can include installing walls, electrical systems, plumbing, and HVAC as needed.
  3. Tenant Improvements: If you are a tenant in a commercial building and want to modify or improve your leased space, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help with tenant improvement projects. This could include customizing the space to your business requirements.
  4. Office Renovations: We provide services for renovating office spaces, making them more appealing and functional for employees and clients.
  5. Retail Store Remodeling: If you have a retail business, they can help you revamp your store’s interior to create an inviting and attractive shopping environment.
  6. Restaurant Buildouts and Remodeling: For those in the restaurant industry, we can assist with designing and constructing restaurant spaces, including kitchens, dining areas, and bars.
  7. Healthcare Facility Remodeling: If you run a healthcare facility, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help you with renovations to create a more patient-friendly and efficient environment.
  8. Industrial and Warehouse Remodeling: We also offer services for industrial and warehouse spaces, optimizing them for specific operational needs.
  9. Interior Design: We provide interior design services to help you make the most of your commercial space in terms of aesthetics and functionality.
  10. Project Management: Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will also handle project management, ensuring that your commercial remodeling or buildout project runs smoothly from planning to completion.


Commercial build outs are a valuable investment that can transform your business environment and boost your bottom line. With careful planning, a well-defined budget, and the right team of professionals, you can create a workspace that reflects your brand identity, enhances productivity, and meets your business needs. Whether you’re renovating an existing space or starting from scratch, a successful commercial buildout can be a game-changer for your business.


Our commitment to preserving the city’s historical charm while embracing contemporary living spaces has made us a trusted partner for homeowners seeking to transform their properties. Whether you’re looking to restore a historical gem or give your home a fresh, modern look, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is the team to turn your dreams into reality. With their passion for craftsmanship, dedication to sustainability, and client-centric approach, they are reshaping homes and spaces in Gainesville, Florida, one project at a time.


Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is available for all your commercial remodeling or buildout needs in Gainesville Florida. We can be reached online at or by calling the number below.



Commercial Build Outs Gainesville Florida

Hurricane Idalia & It’s Impact on Gainesville Florida

Hurricane Idalia & It’s Impact on Gainesville Florida by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Natural disasters have an uncanny ability to bring communities together, reminding us of our shared vulnerability and resilience. One such event are hurricanes, like Hurricane Idalia as it approaches Gainesville, Florida. As the winds start to howl and the rains begin to pour, the city and its residents face a daunting challenge. Let’s take a closer look at the potential impact of Hurricane Idalia on Gainesville, Florida.


Hurricane Idalia

Hurricane Idalia & It’s Impact on Gainesville Florida


The Arrival of Hurricane Idalia

In the late summer of 2023, Gainesville, Florida, found itself in the path of Hurricane Idalia, a powerful storm that had been gaining strength in the Atlantic. As the city braced for impact, residents began to prepare for the worst. The memories of past hurricanes were still fresh in people’s minds, a reminder of the destruction that nature could unleash.

The Physical Impact

The arrival of Hurricane Idalia with it heavy rains and strong winds could hit Gainesville and the surrounding areas. Flooding is a major concern as the relentless rain could cause rivers to swell and streets to turn into waterways. The floodwaters could invade homes, businesses, and streets, disrupting daily life and causing widespread damage. Power outages will be common as downed trees and power lines succumb to the storm’s force.

Emergency Response and Preparedness

Local authorities and emergency services are preparing for Hurricane Idalia, having learned valuable lessons from previous storms. Evacuation plans have been executed if needed, and shelters are set up to accommodate those who have to leave their homes. Communication is key, with regular updates and alerts keeping residents informed about the storm’s progression and safety measures.

Lessons Learned

Like past hurricanes, Hurricane Idalia could leave a lasting impact on Gainesville, leaving the community with valuable lessons. Preparedness, both on an individual and community level, are crucial in mitigating the storm’s effects. As the importance of strong infrastructure, early warning systems, and efficient emergency response plans became even more apparent.

The story of Hurricane Idalia’s impact on Gainesville, Florida, will be known in the coming days. Despite the destruction and challenges that the storm may bring, the unsung heroes will be the emergency response teams and storm damage crews. These dedicated men and women will help rebuild and cleanup the damage caused by the storm. The memory of Hurricane Idalia will serve as a testament to the city’s ability to weather any storm that comes its way.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has been providing storm damage cleanup, storm damage repairs, and, storm tree damage repair for their customers in Gainesville Florida since 2004. As Hurricane Idalia approaches, keep us in mind for all your storm damage and cleanup needs.

At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, we are your restoration specialists. Our storm professionals can handle your entire storm damage repair process from reconstruction and restoration to repair and remodeling. We also offer 24-hour storm damage response. In addition, we will also work with your insurance company saving you the stress and aggravation.


5 Plumbing Upgrades for Energy Efficiency

5 Plumbing Upgrades for Energy Efficiency – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Plumbing Upgrades for Energy Efficiency

5 Plumbing Upgrades for Energy Efficiency


Your plumbing system is more than just pipes and fixtures – it can be an asset that significantly impacts your household’s energy consumption. As you seek ways to trim expenses and embrace environmentally friendly practices, focusing on plumbing upgrades can deliver impressive results. We explored some of the most effective strategies that harmonize energy efficiency with sustainable living to share with you.


Understanding the Link Between Plumbing and Energy Efficiency

Before jumping into upgrade mode or contacting a professional plumber, we should understand how and why plumbing can equate to less water consumption.

Conventional plumbing setups are often susceptible to water and heat waste—therefore, energy wastage. Upgrading specific plumbing components and investing in professional plumbing services addresses these inefficiencies and aligns with your commitment to a sustainable lifestyle.


1.    Low-Flow Toilets and Faucets: A Small Change with a Big Impact

Traditional toilets and faucets flush more water than necessary, straining the environment and your budget. Enter low-flow toilets and faucets – a minimal tweak with significant impact. With reduced water usage, you conserve resources without sacrificing functionality.


2.     Embracing Tankless Water Heaters for On-Demand Energy Savings

Traditional water heaters constantly keep water heated, regardless of demand. Enter tankless water heaters – an innovation that heats water as needed, translating to substantial energy savings. Especially beneficial for larger households or those who indulge in long showers, this upgrade exemplifies efficiency in action.


3.    The Heat Shield: Why Pipe Insulation Matters

Uninsulated pipes are equivalent to energy leakages, draining warmth and escalating energy bills. Insulating pipes create a protective barrier that retains heat, translating to energy conservation and tangible savings. Regular heating system maintenance also plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency.


4.    Dripping Dollars Away: Importance of Swift Leak Repairs

A dripping faucet may seem innocuous, but each drop contributes to water and energy wastage. Promptly addressing leaks is paramount to curbing unnecessary expenditures and maintaining your commitment to an energy-efficient lifestyle.


5.    Harnessing Greywater Systems: From Drain to Gain

Greywater, the gently used water from sinks and showers, offers a unique opportunity for recycling. Implementing a greywater system, along with regular drain inspection, will allow you to repurpose this water for tasks like irrigation, reducing freshwater consumption, and bolstering your energy-saving endeavors.


Additional Considerations for Energy-Conscious Upgrades


To better work on your energy-efficient plumbing system, consider these factors:


Evaluating Your Plumbing System’s Age and Efficiency

An aging system might operate less efficiently than modern alternatives, prompting thoughtful upgrades. Think of your plumbing system as a vital organ of your home – over time, it can show signs of wear and inefficiency.

Upgrading to newer components designed with energy efficiency in mind can lead to immediate and long-term benefits. These upgrades could involve replacing outdated fixtures, pipes, and connections with their contemporary, energy-saving counterparts.


Sizing Up Efficiency

The size of your dwelling directly impacts resource consumption. Tailoring upgrades to your home’s dimensions optimizes efficiency gains. A larger home inherently demands more energy and resources to maintain its functionality.

This principle applies to plumbing, too – the scale of your dwelling affects the water and energy required for various tasks. When considering energy-efficient plumbing upgrades, it’s crucial to factor in the dimensions of your home.


Lifestyle Choices

Your family’s habits dictate water usage. Customizing upgrades to accommodate your family’s needs enhances your overall energy-saving strategy. Every family has its unique rhythm, routines, and habits. The number of family members, daily activities, and individual preferences all contribute to the overall water consumption.

Customizing your upgrades to align with your family’s lifestyle ensures that the changes you implement are both practical and effective. For instance, if you have a large family with multiple members using water simultaneously, investing in a water-efficient system that can handle high demand ensures that your energy-saving efforts are sustainable.


Estimating Investment Returns

While the initial cost of plumbing upgrades can vary, most prove cost-effective in the long run. Energy savings and reduced utility bills often offset the investment, making a homeowner’s endeavor a financially sound decision.



With each energy-conscious plumbing upgrade, you are one step closer toward a more sustainable future. The seamless integration of technology, mindful consumption, and proactive choices will provide a more energy-efficient household and contribute to a healthier planet. So, kudos to you for choosing environmentally friendly options.

Don’t forget to seek help from professional plumbers and plumbing services to achieve your sustainable plumbing system goals.


5 Plumbing Upgrades for Energy Efficiency

Safeguarding Your Home: The Importance of Water Leak Detection

Safeguarding Your Home: The Importance of Water Leak Detection by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida. Water is essential for life, but when it finds its way into places it shouldn’t, it can wreak havoc on your home. Water leaks, whether from plumbing issues, roof damage, or other sources, can lead to extensive and costly repairs if not detected and addressed promptly. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling understands the significance of water leak detection in preserving the integrity of your home and ensuring your peace of mind.


Water Leak Detection

Safeguarding Your Home: The Importance of Water Leak Detection


The Silent Menace: Unseen Water Leaks

Water leaks are often silent culprits, causing damage behind the scenes before their effects become visible. From deteriorating walls and ceilings to fostering mold growth, undetected water leaks can gradually undermine your home’s structural integrity and your family’s health. This is where water leak detection proves to be a crucial aspect of home maintenance.


Advanced Technology in Leak Detection

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling employs state-of-the-art technology to detect water leaks, ensuring that even the most elusive leaks are located and resolved. Some of the advanced techniques they use include:


  1. Infrared Thermography: This technology allows professionals to detect temperature differences in walls, ceilings, and floors, revealing hidden sources of moisture.


  1. Acoustic Sensors: These sensors pick up on the sound of dripping or flowing water within walls or beneath floors, helping to pinpoint the exact location of the leak.


  1. Moisture Meters: These devices measure the moisture content in various materials, helping technicians identify areas with elevated moisture levels that might indicate a leak.


  1. Endoscopic Cameras: These small, flexible cameras can be inserted into pipes and tight spaces to visually inspect the condition and identify leaks.


Preventing Costly Repairs

Timely water leak detection can save homeowners from significant financial burdens. By identifying leaks early on, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling prevents potential damage that would otherwise require extensive repairs. This proactive approach not only preserves the value of your property but also ensures the safety and comfort of your family.


Mold Mitigation and Health Concerns

One of the gravest consequences of unchecked water leaks is the growth of mold. Mold can spread quickly in damp environments, contributing to indoor air pollution and causing health problems for occupants. Water leak detection plays a crucial role in preventing mold infestations, protecting your family’s respiratory health and maintaining a clean living environment.


Water leak detection is not just a service; it’s a safeguard for your home’s longevity and your family’s well-being. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling understands the urgency of addressing water leaks promptly and efficiently. Their commitment to employing advanced technology, experienced professionals, and a proactive approach ensures that your home remains a safe haven. Don’t let water leaks go unnoticed; take the proactive step of investing in water leak detection to protect your home and your loved ones.

Finding the Best Home Builder in Gainesville Florida

Finding the Best Home Builders in Gainesville Florida by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida. Whether you’re looking to build your dream home from scratch or customize an existing design, finding the best home builder is essential to ensure a smooth and satisfying home-building experience. Choosing the best home builder in Gainesville, Florida, can make a world of difference when it comes to realizing your dream home. 

Best Home Builder

Finding the Best Home Builder in Gainesville Florida


Your home is not just a place; it’s a reflection of your personality, style, and comfort. Whether you’ve recently purchased a fixer-upper, wish to renovate your current dwelling, or looking for a new custom build, the right home builder can turn your dreams into reality. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a name synonymous with excellence in the home construction industry. With a passion for craftsmanship and a commitment to customer satisfaction, their team of experts has been transforming houses into dream homes for years. Let’s delve into why Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling stands out as the go-to home builder in Gainesville Florida.


A History of Excellence

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has a long-standing reputation for excellence in the industry. With years of experience under their belt, they have honed their skills, perfected their craft, and completed countless successful projects. This history of excellence is reflected in the satisfaction of their clients and the numerous accolades they’ve received over the years.


Expertise in Home Restoration

Restoring a home requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. It involves preserving the original charm and character of the property while updating it with modern amenities and functionality. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling excels in this area. Their team of skilled craftsmen understands the intricacies of historical homes, ensuring that every detail is carefully restored to its former glory.


Innovative Remodeling Solutions

Whether you’re looking to transform your kitchen, renovate your bathroom, or create an open-concept living space, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has the expertise to make your vision come true. They specialize in innovative remodeling solutions that maximize both space and functionality while maintaining aesthetic appeal. From design conceptualization to the final touches, their team works closely with clients to ensure that every project is personalized to meet their unique needs.


Quality Craftsmanship

One of the key aspects that set Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling apart is their commitment to quality craftsmanship. They take immense pride in their work and use only the finest materials and techniques to ensure that each project stands the test of time. From the foundation to the finishing touches, no detail is overlooked, resulting in homes that are as durable as they are beautiful.


Transparent Communication and Timely Execution

Home projects can often be overwhelming, but Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling streamlines the process through transparent communication and timely execution. They keep clients informed throughout every stage of the project, ensuring that any questions or concerns are addressed promptly. Moreover, their team is dedicated to delivering projects on time and within the agreed-upon budget, providing peace of mind to homeowners.


The custom home builders are Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling are known for their exceptional craftsmanship, outstanding customer service, and commitment to creating houses that exceed expectations. As one of the finest home builders in the industry, we combine innovative design, skilled craftsmanship, and customer-focused service.

When it comes to finding the perfect home builder to bring your vision to life, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling stands out as a name you can trust. Their history of excellence, expertise in home restoration, innovative remodeling solutions, quality craftsmanship, and commitment to transparent communication make them a top choice in the industry. If you’re looking to transform your house into a home that reflects your style and comfort, look no further than Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling – your partner in creating dreams from the ground up.

AC Repair Checklist – How to Troubleshoot and Fix Common Issues

AC Repair Checklist – How to Troubleshoot and Fix Common Issues by Maria Klesser of Paragon Service Pros. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Feeling the heat, but your AC is giving you the cold shoulder? We’ve all been there! Air conditioning is a savior, especially during scorching summers or those balmy nights when sleep seems impossible without a cool breeze. But what happens when your trusty AC decides to act up, leaving you in a sticky situation?

Fear not, for we have your back with our comprehensive AC Repair Checklist! Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just a regular homeowner trying to save on costly repairs, this infographic will equip you with the essential know-how to troubleshoot and fix common AC issues.

AC Repair Checklist

AC Repair Checklist – How to Troubleshoot and Fix Common Issues


Before we dive in, let’s clarify one thing: AC repair doesn’t have to be intimidating. Sure, it might be tempting to call in the professionals immediately, but some issues can be resolved with just a little patience and some TLC for your cooling companion.

AC Tune-Up: The Key to AC Longevity

First things first, let’s talk about AC Tune-Up – a term that might sound unfamiliar to some. Like any machine, your AC requires regular maintenance to keep running smoothly and efficiently. An AC Tune-Up is like a refreshing spa day for your cooling system, where a professional technician performs a series of checks and adjustments to ensure it’s in top-notch condition.

Think of it as preventative care – a stitch in time saves nine! An annual AC Tune-Up not only extends the lifespan of your AC but also enhances its performance, helping you avoid costly breakdowns and ensuring optimal energy efficiency. So, before we troubleshoot any issues, remember to pencil in that all-important tune-up on your AC’s calendar.

Troubleshooting Made Easy

Now, let’s move on to the fun part – troubleshooting! Don’t worry; we won’t bombard you with technical jargon or complex flowcharts. Our AC Repair Checklist breaks down the process into simple steps, empowering you to identify the source of the problem and, in many cases, resolve it yourself.

Our checklist covers it all, whether it’s odd noises, poor cooling, funky odors, or mysterious leaks. We’ve gathered insights from experienced technicians and pooled advice from seasoned homeowners and combined it all into an easy-to-follow roadmap for AC troubleshooting success.

The AC Repair Guru in You

When you finish reading this infographic, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the most common AC issues like a pro. Armed with newfound knowledge and some basic tools, you’ll be ready to take on the challenges that come your way. And remember, it’s all about staying cool under pressure – literally and figuratively!

However, we understand that some AC issues might be beyond the scope of DIY repair. Don’t hesitate to call in the cavalry in such cases – a reliable and professional AC repair service can be a lifesaver. But before you make that call, give our checklist a chance to work its magic. Who knows? You might just find yourself basking in a triumph of DIY accomplishment!

So, let’s dive right in and unlock AC troubleshooting and repair secrets. Get ready to save the day, one cool breeze at a time! Happy tinkering!


AC Repair Checklist


About the Author

Maria Klesser is a content marketing specialist for Paragon Service Pros, with a focus on creating informative and engaging articles about heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. With 5 years of experience in the industry, she brings a unique perspective to her writing, combining her technical knowledge with her passion for helping homeowners understand how their HVAC systems work. In her free time, she enjoys photography by capturing beautiful moments and sometimes turning them into art.


Home Remodeling Gainesville Florida – A Guide to Home Transformations

Home Remodeling Gainesville Florida – A Guide to Home Transformations by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Welcome to the charming city of Gainesville, Florida, where historic neighborhoods blend seamlessly with modern developments. If you’re a homeowner looking to breathe new life into your property or a prospective buyer looking to create your dream space, home remodeling is the perfect solution. In this blog, we’ll explore the various aspects of home remodeling in Gainesville, from popular renovation ideas to finding the right contractors and complying with local regulations. Let’s embark on this exciting journey of transforming houses into homes!

Home Remodeling Gainesville Florida

Home Remodeling Gainesville Florida – A Guide to Home Transformations


Embracing the Gainesville Aesthetic

Gainesville is renowned for its vibrant arts and culture scene, which often inspires homeowners to incorporate unique design elements into their remodeling projects. While preserving the city’s historical charm, modern touches such as open floor plans, energy-efficient appliances, and eco-friendly materials are popular choices. Whether you’re renovating a bungalow in the Duckpond neighborhood or a contemporary residence in Haile Plantation, blending the old and the new will create a harmonious aesthetic.


Popular Remodeling Ideas

  • Kitchen Revamp: The heart of any home, kitchens in Gainesville often undergo significant transformations. From granite countertops and stainless steel appliances to open shelving and farmhouse sinks, the options are endless. A well-designed kitchen can elevate your daily culinary experiences and add value to your property.
  • Bathroom Retreats: Turn your bathrooms into luxurious sanctuaries by incorporating spa-like features such as walk-in showers, soaking tubs, and elegant fixtures. Aesthetics aside, functional upgrades like improved storage and energy-efficient water fixtures make a substantial difference.
  • Outdoor Living Spaces: Gainesville’s pleasant weather makes outdoor living spaces highly sought after. Consider adding a deck, patio, or screened porch to extend your living area and enjoy the beautiful Florida sunshine year-round.
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Sustainable living is a growing trend in Gainesville. Energy-efficient windows, solar panels, and smart home technology can not only reduce your environmental impact but also save you money on utility bills.


Finding Reliable Contractors

Choosing the right contractor is crucial for a successful remodeling project. Seek recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have had positive experiences with local contractors. Online platforms and reviews can also provide valuable insights into a contractor’s reputation and craftsmanship. Make sure to verify their licenses, insurance, and past work before making your decision.


Complying with Local Regulations

Homeowners in Gainesville must adhere to specific building codes and regulations to avoid any legal issues during the remodeling process. Always consult with local authorities or hire professionals familiar with the city’s permitting and zoning requirements. Staying in compliance ensures your project progresses smoothly and without unexpected setbacks.


Preserving the Community Spirit

Gainesville’s neighborhoods foster a strong sense of community, and as you embark on your remodeling journey, it’s essential to respect and preserve this spirit. Engage with your neighbors, inform them of your plans, and be considerate of noise and construction disruptions. Building positive relationships within the community will only enhance your remodeling experience.


Home remodeling in Gainesville, Florida, is an exciting opportunity to create the home you’ve always envisioned while respecting the city’s unique charm and heritage. Whether you’re revitalizing an old house or enhancing a modern property, thoughtful design, reliable contractors, and compliance with local regulations are essential for a successful project. As you embark on this transformative journey, embrace the city’s cultural diversity and friendly atmosphere to create a home that truly reflects your vision and the spirit of Gainesville. Happy remodeling!


Don’t settle for a cookie cutter home designed and mass-produced when you can design and build a custom home. Find out how easy and affordable building a custom home can be by contacting us today. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a State Certified Building Contractor. From estimation to completion, our team is ready to build your custom home. So, please contact us today and tell us about your home improvement project. Send us an email.

Slab Water Leak Detection: Preventing Costly Water Damage

Slab Water Leak Detection: Preventing Costly Water Damage – by Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling in Gainesville Florida. Water leaks can wreak havoc on your property, causing extensive damage and draining your finances. When it comes to residential and commercial buildings, one of the most challenging types of leaks to detect and address is slab leaks. These stealthy water intrusions occur beneath the concrete foundation of a structure, making them hard to identify until the damage becomes evident. In this blog, we will explore the importance of slab water leak detection, its potential consequences, and effective strategies to prevent extensive damage.

Slab Water Leak Detection

Slab Water Leak Detection: Preventing Costly Water Damage

The Dangers of Slab Leaks:

Slab leaks can arise due to various factors, such as soil erosion, shifting foundations, corrosion of pipes, or poor installation. When left undetected and untreated, they can lead to significant issues, including:

  1. Structural Damage: Continuous water seepage beneath the foundation can compromise the structural integrity of the building, leading to cracks in walls and floors and weakening the overall foundation.
  2. Mold and Mildew Growth: Excessive moisture creates a breeding ground for mold and mildew, posing serious health risks to occupants and potentially requiring costly mold remediation.
  3. Higher Utility Bills: Undetected leaks waste water and raise utility bills, as they continuously drain water even when the fixtures are not in use.
  4. Foundation Problems: Slab leaks can cause the foundation to shift or settle unevenly, leading to further structural issues and costly repairs.

Detecting Slab Leaks:

Detecting slab leaks in their early stages is crucial to prevent extensive damage. Here are some signs that may indicate the presence of a slab leak:

  1. Unexplained Water Pooling: If you notice water pooling on your floors, especially in unexpected areas, it could be a sign of a slab leak.
  2. Hot Spots on the Floor: A warm or hot spot on the floor could indicate a hot water line leak beneath the slab.
  3. Constant Sound of Running Water: If you hear the sound of running water even when all faucets are turned off, it might indicate a hidden leak.
  4. Increased Water Bills: A sudden, unexplained spike in your water bill could be due to a hidden water leak.

Slab Water Leak Detection Methods:

  1. Electronic Listening Devices: Professional plumbers use electronic listening devices to detect the sound of water escaping from pipes beneath the slab. This non-invasive method helps pinpoint the leak’s location accurately.
  2. Thermal Imaging: Infrared thermography is another effective method to identify temperature anomalies caused by water leaks. It can help locate areas with higher moisture levels, potentially indicating a leak.
  3. Static Leak Isolation Testing: This method involves isolating sections of the plumbing system to determine the exact location of the leak.

Prevention is Key:

While detecting leaks is essential, taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of slab leaks. Here are some preventive strategies:

  1. Regular Plumbing Inspections: Schedule periodic inspections by a qualified plumber to check for signs of leaks and address potential issues promptly.
  2. Maintain Consistent Moisture Levels: Avoid overwatering near the foundation, as excessive moisture can accelerate the wear and tear of pipes.
  3. Monitor Water Pressure: High water pressure can strain pipes and lead to leaks. Install a pressure regulator to keep the water pressure in check.
  4. Properly Insulate Pipes: Insulating pipes can protect them from external factors that could lead to corrosion or damage.


Slab water leak detection is vital for preserving the integrity of your property and avoiding costly repairs. If you suspect a slab leak, don’t hesitate to contact a professional plumber immediately. Regular maintenance and preventive measures can go a long way in safeguarding your property from the devastating effects of water leaks beneath the foundation. By being vigilant and proactive, you can save yourself from the headache and financial burden associated with slab water leaks.

If you think you may have a slab leak, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s technicians use the most advanced methods to locate hidden water and plumbing leaks; saving you time and money.

Transform Your Bathroom with These 5 Remodeling Ideas

Transform Your Bathroom with These 5 Remodeling Ideas – by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Are you tired of your outdated bathroom? Are you ready to transform it into a modern and luxurious space? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll explore five fantastic bathroom remodeling ideas that will help you create the bathroom of your dreams. From updating fixtures to optimizing storage, these ideas are sure to inspire you. Let’s dive in!

Transform Your Bathroom

Transform Your Bathroom with These 5 Remodeling Ideas


  • Update the Fixtures: One of the easiest and most effective ways to give your bathroom a fresh new look is by updating the fixtures. Swap out your old faucet, showerhead, and towel bars with modern, sleek designs. Consider opting for energy-efficient fixtures to save on water and electricity bills. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference these small changes can make in elevating the overall aesthetic of your bathroom.


  • Add a Fresh Coat of Paint: A new coat of paint can work wonders in revitalizing any space, and your bathroom is no exception. Choose a color scheme that matches your desired style and complements the fixtures and accessories. Soft, neutral tones create a calming ambiance, while bold colors can add a vibrant touch. Don’t forget to consider the moisture levels in the bathroom and use a paint specifically designed for high-humidity areas to ensure durability.


  • Upgrade the Lighting: Proper lighting is crucial for creating a functional and visually appealing bathroom. Consider replacing your existing light fixtures with modern options that provide adequate illumination. Install task lighting around the vanity area for a clear and well-lit space while getting ready. Additionally, incorporating dimmable lights can create a relaxing atmosphere for those late-night baths.


  • Optimize Storage: A cluttered bathroom can make your daily routine more challenging. Take advantage of your bathroom remodeling project to optimize storage solutions. Install shelves, cabinets, or floating vanities to maximize vertical space. Consider incorporating storage niches in the shower area for easy access to bath products. Don’t forget to include hooks and towel racks to keep towels and robes within reach.


  • Upgrade the Flooring: The flooring sets the foundation for your bathroom’s style. Replace worn-out tiles or outdated linoleum with a new flooring option that suits your taste. Popular choices include ceramic tiles, luxury vinyl planks, or even natural stone for an upscale look. Ensure that the flooring material you choose is water-resistant and easy to clean, as bathrooms are prone to moisture.


By implementing these five bathroom remodeling ideas, you can transform your outdated space into a stylish and functional oasis. From updating fixtures and lighting to optimizing storage and flooring, each element contributes to creating a bathroom that reflects your personal style and enhances your daily routine. So roll up your sleeves, gather some inspiration, and get ready to embark on a bathroom remodeling journey that will leave you with a space you’ll love for years to come.

Remember to consult with professionals, consider your budget, and plan ahead to ensure a successful remodeling project. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a bathroom remodeling expert, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling in Gainesville Florida.

A Comprehensive Guide to Kitchen Remodeling

A Comprehensive Guide to Kitchen Remodeling – by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Your kitchen is the heart of your home, where meals are prepared, memories are made, and conversations are shared. However, over time, wear and tear can take its toll, leaving your kitchen in need of a makeover.

Kitchen remodeling not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space but also improves functionality and increases the value of your home. We will take you on a journey through the exciting world of kitchen remodeling, offering tips, ideas, and expert advice to help you create the kitchen of your dreams.

Kitchen Remodeling

A Comprehensive Guide to Kitchen Remodeling


  1. Assess Your Needs: Before diving into any remodeling project, it’s essential to evaluate your needs and goals. Consider your lifestyle, cooking habits, and the requirements of your household. Ask yourself questions like: Do you need more storage space? Are you looking to upgrade your appliances? Do you require additional seating or a larger dining area? By understanding your needs, you can make informed decisions throughout the remodeling process.


  1. Set a Budget: Determining your budget early on will help guide your choices and ensure that your remodeling plans align with your financial situation. Research the average costs of materials, appliances, and labor to get a rough estimate. Remember to allocate a contingency fund for unexpected expenses that may arise during the renovation. Stick to your budget as closely as possible, but also be prepared to make adjustments along the way.


  1. Plan the Layout: The layout of your kitchen greatly affects its functionality. Consider the classic kitchen work triangle, which involves positioning the refrigerator, stove, and sink in a triangular formation to facilitate smooth movement during cooking. Assess the existing layout and identify areas that can be improved. Consult with a professional kitchen designer or use online tools to create a well-optimized layout that maximizes space and efficiency.


  1. Choose the Right Materials: Selecting high-quality materials is crucial for the longevity and aesthetic appeal of your kitchen. Cabinets, countertops, flooring, and backsplashes play a significant role in the overall design. Opt for durable materials that can withstand heavy use and are easy to maintain. Explore various options such as natural stone, quartz, hardwood, or tile, and consider their compatibility with your chosen style and color scheme.


  1. Lighting and Ventilation: Proper lighting and ventilation are often overlooked but can make a significant difference in the functionality and atmosphere of your kitchen. Ensure that your kitchen receives ample natural light during the day and incorporate a layered lighting scheme that includes task lighting, ambient lighting, and accent lighting. Install a range hood or ventilation system to remove odors, smoke, and excess heat, creating a comfortable cooking environment.


  1. Enhance Storage Solutions: An organized kitchen is a joy to work in. Explore innovative storage solutions that maximize space and improve accessibility. Consider installing custom cabinets, pull-out shelves, lazy Susan’s, or vertical storage racks to make the most of every inch. Utilize wall space with hooks or racks for hanging pots, pans, and utensils. Incorporate a pantry or pantry cabinet to keep your ingredients and supplies neatly organized.


  1. Select Appliances Wisely: Modern appliances not only add convenience but also contribute to the overall aesthetic of your kitchen. Choose energy-efficient appliances that suit your needs and align with your design preferences. Stainless steel appliances provide a sleek, timeless look, while integrated appliances can be concealed behind cabinetry for a seamless appearance. Research different brands and models, considering their features, durability, and warranty options.


  1. Finishing Touches: The final details can elevate your kitchen remodeling project to the next level. Pay attention to hardware, such as drawer pulls and cabinet knobs, and select styles that complement your overall design theme. Add a splash of color with a vibrant backsplash or incorporate a statement piece like a kitchen island or a unique light fixture. Don’t forget to personalize your kitchen with artwork, plants, or decorative accessories that reflect your personality and style.


Embarking on a kitchen remodeling project is an exciting opportunity to transform one of the most important spaces in your home. By carefully planning, setting a budget, and considering your needs, you can create a kitchen that is not only visually appealing but also functional and efficient. Remember to seek professional advice when necessary, and enjoy the process as you watch your dream kitchen come to life. Happy remodeling!

Kitchen remodeling can be a large task to handle by yourself. For professional remodeling help, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. We have decades of remodeling experience in Gainesville Florida and the surrounding area. We can help you create the kitchen of your dreams!



What to do When Your Roof is Leaking and How to Find an Expert

What to do When Your Roof is Leaking and How to Find an Expert – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

roof is leaking

What to do When Your Roof is Leaking and How to Find an Expert

Replacing the roof was the first change we made when we purchased our circa 1830s farmhouse. Our roof was an accident waiting to happen. The shingles were chipped and discolored, and what’s worse – layers had been placed one over the other instead of removed and replaced.

The professional roofer we hired was fantastic. He walked our sloping roof with the confidence of a mountain goat and had strong and very helpful opinions about the best choice for shingles. He worked fast, came on time, and stuck to his estimate. That was 25 years ago. The roof still looks great and has never given us the least bit of worry.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about the 1830s barn that came with the house, which we re-roofed 10 years later. A general carpenter, rather than a roofing specialist, did that. He was a really good carpenter, just not that into roofs. Perhaps it’s only a coincidence that last spring, the barn roof began to leak a bit into the upstairs storage area. After we threw scads of plastic sheeting underneath the leak, we called Ron.

When big trouble looms, talk to a trusted professional

If you don’t have a Ron in your life, find one. Ron has years of experience in renovation and repair. He’s smart and always seeks the most practical solution. In the case of the barn roof, this means a quick and cheap fix: A small strip of metal flashing around the old cupola had cracked and needed to be replaced.

Talented do-it-yourselfers probably could have found and repaired this roof leak themselves. Doing small roofing jobs, like this one, can save you money. Knowing how to analyze and even execute the big ones can make you a more savvy and competent homeowner. But working on roofs can be tricky and dangerous. Most often, the work is best done by a pro.

Ask around and make a list

Friends, neighbors, and relatives can be good sources of recommendations for roofers. Your Homeowner’s Association, if you are part of one, can be another source. As new homeowners, we asked for names from our real estate agent, lawyer, and appraiser. Years later, the facilities manager at one of my jobs became an invaluable source of information.

Listen to why people think a certain professional will do a good job. Character references are great, but keep in mind that acquaintanceship is not the same as actually having done business with someone.

There are two kinds of contractors: independent contractors and larger companies. Hiring an individual allows a more personal touch, but larger companies are more likely to have their work covered by warranties and to complete big jobs quickly. They also may offer a more extensive array of services and work with a wider range of materials.

Look for the BBB 

Now that you’ve got your list, do your research. Accreditation by the Better Business Bureau means that the company has been in business for at least six months. It has all the necessary bonding and local licenses. It has no unresolved consumer complaints or governmental ethics violations. It fulfills all contracts and promises, its website follows privacy practices, and uses secure financial transactions, if applicable.

The Bureau also rates businesses, with A+ representing the highest level of confidence.

Schedule consultations

Have two or three local roofing contractors inspect your property. You want each of them to give you a written estimate of the work to be done, including the removal of any debris. Keep in mind the lowest bid is not necessarily the best one. Experience matters and a higher price may be well worth the outcome. Project start time may also be a decisive factor, depending on the severity of your problem.

It’s helpful at this time to learn what other services the contractor may offer. If you haven’t checked references, get names now. A good contractor will be more than happy to give references. As you close in on your decision, don’t forget to ask how a company bills, the kinds of payments they accept, and how much you must pay upfront, if anything.

Beware the door-to-door bid

If your neighborhood has recently been hit by wind or other violent storms, you may encounter door-to-door contractors offering to repair your roof on the spot. Find out if it’s a local professional, and if so, check out their license, insurance, and references before considering their bid. If it’s not a local professional, just say goodbye.

A leaky roof is a big deal, and when this happens, you must act quickly. Professional roofing companies understand the seriousness of the matter and will get your home protected and repaired before the situation gets worse. But remember: the fastest and cheapest option may not be the best, and cutting corners on roof repair will only cost you more in the long run.

A long-time journalist, Frances Black lives in a farmhouse built by the first European settler on her land. His brother built the house across the street.


What to do When Your Roof is Leaking and How to Find an Expert





Upgrade Your Rental Haven: Personalizing Your Space Without Breaking the Bank

Upgrade Your Rental Haven: Personalizing Your Space Without Breaking the Bank – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Upgrade Your Rental

Upgrade Your Rental Haven: Personalizing Your Space Without Breaking the Bank


As a renter, you may feel limited in the changes you can make to your living space. However, there are plenty of ways to transform your rental into a comfortable and personalized haven without breaking any rules or causing damage. In this article, which is shared below by Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling, we’ll explore redecorating and reorganizing tips to better accommodate your needs while staying within the limits of your lease.

Look Into Shelving and Storage Solutions

One of the most effective ways to maximize space and keep your belongings organized is to add shelves or other storage solutions. Consider installing floating shelves, which are both stylish and functional, and can be easily removed when you move out. Additionally, look for multi-purpose furniture pieces, such as a bed with built-in storage or an ottoman that doubles as a storage box. These items will help you maintain a clutter-free environment and make the most of your limited space.

Refresh Your Furniture’s Arrangement

Sometimes, the simplest solution to a cramped or uninviting space is to rearrange your furniture. Experiment with layouts to find the one that best suits your needs and makes the most of your room’s dimensions. Keep in mind the principles of feng shui, which emphasize balance and harmony. For example, avoid placing all your large furniture pieces against one wall, and instead, create a more balanced layout by distributing them evenly throughout the room.

Invest in Comfortable Bedding That Lasts

A good night’s sleep is essential for overall well-being, so don’t skimp on your bedding. Purchase new, comfortable bedding that’s both durable and breathable. Opt for materials like cotton, linen, or bamboo, which regulate temperature and wick away moisture. Additionally, consider investing in a duvet cover, as it’s easy to clean and swap out for a fresh look. If you’re not sure where to start, check this option out for some inspiration. A cozy and inviting bed will make your rental feel like a true sanctuary.

Refresh Your Space with Art

Artwork is a great way to personalize your space and showcase your style without making any permanent changes to the walls. Look for pieces that resonate with you and complement your existing décor. You can find affordable art online or at local galleries, or even create your own. To avoid damaging the walls, use adhesive strips or hooks specifically designed for hanging artwork without leaving marks.

Hang New Curtains or Blinds

Window treatments can dramatically impact the look and feel of a room, so don’t overlook this aspect when redecorating. Hang curtains or blinds to add color, texture, and privacy to your space. Choose materials and patterns that complement your existing décor, and consider options with insulating properties to help regulate temperature and reduce energy costs. If you’re not allowed to drill holes for curtain rods, look for tension rods or other non-damaging alternatives.

Replace Your Fixtures

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere. If your rental’s light fixtures are outdated or unattractive, consider swapping them out for more stylish options. Look for floor lamps, table lamps, or pendant lights that suit your taste and provide adequate illumination. Make sure to store the original fixtures safely, so you can reinstall them when you move out.

Make Good Use of Corners

Corners often go unused in living spaces, but they provide excellent opportunities for creative decorating and organization. Consider adding a corner shelf, a reading nook, or a small workstation to make the most of these often-overlooked areas. This will not only maximize your space but also add interest and functionality to your rental.


Redecorating and reorganizing your rental can significantly improve your quality of life and help you create a space that truly feels like home. By implementing these tips, you’ll enjoy a more comfortable, personalized, and organized living environment while respecting the restrictions of your lease agreement. So, don’t hesitate to revamp your rental and make the most of the space you have.


Upgrade Your Rental Haven: Personalizing Your Space Without Breaking the Bank

Make Hurricane Idalia Easier with an Experienced Handyman

Make Home Maintenance Easier with an Experienced Handyman – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Maintenance

Make Home Maintenance Easier with an Experienced Handyman

When something breaks, leaks, or malfunctions in your home, your first instinct may be to fix it yourself. However, let’s face it, not everyone is handy. Plus, some tasks are just too big to handle alone. That’s why you may consider hiring a handyman to do the job for you. Here are some tips from Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling to help you find the perfect one to trust with your home repairs.

Research the Handyman’s Background

Before hiring anybody, it’s vital to know who you are inviting into your home. Research the handyman’s background before you even consider hiring them. Make sure they have a clean record and no criminal history. You may also want to look into their past work history to see if they have experience with your specific repair needs.

Review References

Handymen are usually referred to others by current or previous customers. Ask the handyman for references, and don’t hesitate to reach out to them to get an idea of the quality of work that the handyman provides. You can also check the handyman’s reviews on online platforms to see what others have to say about their work.

Get a Quote in Writing

When you’ve found a handyman that you feel comfortable with, get a written quote. This will protect both you and the handyman from any misunderstandings about the work to be done, the timeframe, and the cost. Verify that the quote includes everything that needs to be done to complete the job, any materials that will be needed, and the timeline.

Avoid the Lowest Bidder

While it may be tempting to go with the lowest bidder on the job, sometimes it can end up costing more in the long run. The lowest bidder may be cutting corners on materials or workmanship, or they may not be fully qualified to do the job. Always choose a handyman based on reputation, experience, and the quality of their work, rather than just the price.

Set and Work on a Schedule

To ensure that the job gets done correctly and in a timely manner, set and work on a schedule with the handyman. This schedule should include the start and end dates of the job, as well as any milestones or deadlines that need to be met. Communication is important throughout the process so that everyone is on the same page regarding the progress and any issues that arise.

Use Online Tools to Manage, Organize and Store Important Documents

There are various online tools available that can aid in managing, organizing, and storing important documents related to repairs. By utilizing these tools, you can keep track of receipts, work orders, and other important paperwork. Not only do these tools offer storage solutions, but they also allow you to easily search and retrieve your documents. In order for you to merge a PDF, you may need to subscribe to a paid plan, but in the long run, it can save you time and effort by eliminating the need for physical file storage.

Review Licenses and Certifications

When selecting a handyman, ensure they have the necessary licenses and certifications to do the job. The handyman should have credentials to perform the job and be licensed and insured to ensure their work is covered by insurance. Handymen need to be licensed by the relevant state or local authorities, and they should also hold a license in any specialty work they may perform, such as electrical or plumbing work.

Inquire About Clean-Up Services

Before approaching the end of the job, ask the handyman about their clean-up responsibilities. You want to avoid being stuck with a bunch of mess that you have to clean up after the handyman leaves. Make sure the handyman takes full responsibility for cleaning up their mess once the job is complete.


To choose the perfect handyman for your repair needs, do your due diligence by reviewing their background, references, licenses, and certifications. Get a written quote and avoid the lowest bidder. Utilize online tools to organize your repair needs and establish a work schedule. Finally, inquire about their clean-up services. Remember not to rush the process as the quality of work may suffer.


Make Home Maintenance Easier with an Experienced Handyman


For your home renovation, restoration, and remodeling needs in North Central Florida, contact Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling today!

The Hidden Dangers of Mold in Your Home

The Hidden Dangers of Mold in Your Home – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Dangers of Mold

The Hidden Dangers of Mold in Your Home


Have you ever noticed a musty smell or random dark spots on your walls? Although this might seem like a trivial problem, you could be at risk for mold exposure. In some best-case scenarios, a simple cloth and detergent do a great job of cleaning mold growth. However, there are certain cases where mold growth isn’t easy to remove. 

Mold is a severe issue that can have harmful repercussions for both your home and your health. It’s important to act quickly to get rid of the mold if your home has existing mold growth. If you don’t have any mold in your home, it’s always a good idea to prevent it from growing in the first place.  This blog post will go through the risks of mold and safe mold removal techniques to ensure your home stays mold-free.

The Risks of Mold

If you’ve noticed something growing in your home that smells funny and looks unsightly, it could be mold – and this is nothing to ignore. Mold can cause some pretty serious health problems, from respiratory issues to skin irritations. Mold can also cause bronchitis, allergic reactions, and even fatigue. 

It’s important to identify mold early on and take the necessary steps for removal. When inhaled too long, its tiny spores can spread throughout your house until it’s everywhere, leading to much more severe consequences. 

Where Can You Find Mold?

Mold is a common – but unwelcome – nuisance found in many homes around the world. This type of fungus grows best under certain conditions: dampness, darkness, and warmth. These are the perfect conditions for mold to thrive, which could lead to health problems and structural damage if left unchecked. 

Since mold thrives in damp and moist areas with high humidity, you’ll likely find mold growth in basements, bathrooms, attics, or even kitchens. The reality is that mold spores are all around us and there’s no sure way to prevent them from entering our homes completely. When an area is moist and humid, it creates the perfect environment for mold growth. 

Preventing Mold Growth Early On

Thankfully, there are a lot of ways you can prevent mold growth early on. To prevent mold problems, it’s important to keep your home clean and dry by wiping away moisture from surfaces, making sure bathrooms are well-ventilated, checking the outdoors for run-off water near the foundation of your home, emptying old food containers like plastic bins regularly, cleaning filters often and maintaining good airflow throughout your house. 

According to the EPA, the key is to eliminate moisture and make your home unlivable for mold to thrive. This means being vigilant and taking proactive steps to prevent mold growth. 

Another thing you can do is to keep a close eye on your home and inspect it regularly for signs of mold growth. If you start to notice that certain areas or rooms in the house have a musty or earthy smell, this can be an indication that mold has started to develop. Additionally, if you spot any visible growths on furniture or walls, these could also be signs of mold.

The key to preventing mold growth in your home is to be vigilant and proactive in keeping mold spores from developing. This can be done by eliminating sources of moisture, keeping your home clean, and doing routine maintenance or inspections. 

Closing Thoughts

Finding mold in your home can be stressful and overwhelming. Mold can cause health issues, reduce air quality and damage the structure of your home if it isn’t dealt with quickly. To stop the spread of mold, take immediate action to clean it up. 

Start by regularly checking for damp spots or wet items that might provide the moisture needed for mold growth. It’s also a good idea to regularly inspect any areas with poor airflow or ventilation in your home such as the basement, closet, or pantry. You can also get rid of mildew by cleaning surfaces with soap and bleach, scrubbing difficult stains with steel wool or sandpaper to get rid of any leftover spores, and then going back to your usual cleaning schedule.

Lastly, if you notice any health issues developing, such as coughing or sneezing fits, that might be an indication that your home has been exposed to mold and should be checked out immediately. If you’re unsure of what steps to take, consider hiring a professional to give you a hand. Taking these precautions can help protect you and your family from the potentially harmful effects of mold infestation.


The Hidden Dangers of Mold in Your Home


Top Tips to Remember When Taking Care of Your Air Conditioner

Top Tips to Remember When Taking Care of Your Air Conditioner – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Taking Care of Your Air Conditioner

Top Tips to Remember When Taking Care of Your Air Conditioner


Having an air conditioner at home can be a great asset during the hot summer months, but it also requires regular maintenance and upkeep to keep it running efficiently. Taking care of your AC unit the right way can help you avoid expensive repairs and make it last longer. Here are some pointers to help you maintain your air conditioner and make the most of your investment in a new AC unit.

How to Take Care of Your AC

Taking care of your air conditioner is important if you want it to work well and efficiently. Consider the following advice to keep your AC unit in good condition:

Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual maintenance with a professional to clean and inspect your unit. It helps catch any issues before they turn into bigger problems.

Maintaining an air conditioner to keep it running well and avoiding expensive repairs is important. Setting up a professional maintenance appointment once a year is a simple way to ensure that your unit stays in good shape. During the appointment, the professional will clean and check the unit, which will help them find any problems before they get worse.

Additionally, regular maintenance makes the air conditioner last longer, which ultimately saves you money. Set up a maintenance appointment for your air conditioner with a professional today. Knowing your unit is running at its best will give you peace of mind.

Change Filters: Replace your air filters regularly, typically every three months. Dirty filters can reduce the efficiency of your AC unit.

Changing your air filters regularly is key to keeping your air conditioning unit running efficiently. To make sure your air conditioner is working at its best, you should change the air filters every three months.

Dirty filters can make your air conditioner less effective, which means it will run longer, use more energy, and make less-good air. You can make sure your air conditioner works well, uses less energy, and gives your home the best air quality possible by changing the filter often. Remember to change your air filters every three months for optimal performance.

Keep the Area Around the Unit Clear: Ensure that the area around your AC unit is clear of debris and plants. It will allow the unit to breathe and operate properly.

To ensure your air conditioner works well and efficiently, keep the area around it clean and free of plants and trash. Allowing the unit to have plenty of space and air to breathe will help it run properly and reduce the amount of maintenance it needs. To maximize the performance of your AC, regularly check the area around your unit and keep it clear at all times. It is important to ensure that your air conditioner runs smoothly and efficiently.

Keep the Unit Level: Make sure the unit is level so it operates efficiently and doesn’t wear down unevenly.

For optimal performance, it’s important to keep the unit level. It will ensure that the unit works well and lasts longer because it won’t be worn down in different ways. Properly leveling the unit will also ensure it runs smoothly without any hiccups.

It’s a good idea to check the level of the unit regularly to ensure it’s in the correct position and continues to function as it should. Leveling the unit can help keep it running efficiently and extend its lifespan.

Invest in a New AC Unit: It could be time to get a new AC unit if your old one is over ten years old and needs frequent repairs. A new unit will be more energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

Investing in a new AC unit can be one of the best decisions for your home. It won’t just consume less energy, which will lower your energy costs, but it will also need fewer repairs in the long run. In fact, purchasing a new AC unit can be an excellent long-term investment.

Newer AC units have features like energy-saving settings that can help you save even more money on energy costs. A new AC unit can also increase your home’s air quality, making it a safer and healthier environment for your family. If your current AC unit is over ten years old, now may be the perfect time to invest in a new AC unit.

Final Words

By following these tips, you can keep your air conditioner in good shape and avoid having to pay for expensive repairs. Remember to invest in a new AC unit if it’s time to upgrade!


About the author

Stella Ohler is a Senior Content Editor for We Write Best and has written a blog for New AC Unit. She has an extensive background in writing and editing, as she has worked on several high-profile publications. Stella is dedicated to providing the highest quality of content to her readers. With her dedication to producing well-written, accurate, and engaging pieces, she ensures that her readers get only the best content.

Steps to Take When Upgrading Your Home for a Growing Business

Steps to Take When Upgrading Your Home for a Growing Business – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Upgrading Your Home

Steps to Take When Upgrading Your Home for a Growing Business


As we head into the year 2023, we will find that remote work will become more popular than ever. While it is great to work from home and be alongside our family, if your business grows, then your house will need to grow with it. That is not always possible, so you may need to upgrade to a new property. Here at Gainesville Restoration, we love to help people to transform their homes into the perfect space, so we have some tips for how you can find the proper home and keep your business growing strong at the same time.


Keep Your Business Running Smoothly With an LLC and the Cloud

Before you start looking at houses, you will need to ensure that you prepare your business so it can continue to run smoothly during the move. There are several ways that you can do this. One is to move all of your files and programs to the cloud. This is a great option because you will be able to access your important files from anywhere, so you can work on the road or from the new house in an instant.

Another great idea is to form your business as a limited liability corporation. An LLC can be very helpful because it protects your business and makes running it much easier. There is more flexibility and less paperwork, and you get great tax benefits which could free up some of the money that you may need for home expenses. Keep in mind that every state is different, and you will want to set up an LLC for the state where you will be living. So, consider hiring a formation service that can get you set up and be in full compliance.


Research Potential Homes and Neighborhoods

Once you are ready to move, it is important to do your research. If you are looking for a change of scenery then you might consider moving to a new neighborhood. When you find one you like, look up the schools and the crime statistics to ensure that it is safe for your family. You should also make it a point to move to a place where you will be close to the people that make up your target demographic so you can ensure the continued success of your business.

When you find a city you like, look at potential homes and make sure that they fit your needs. Check out the square footage, ensure that there are enough rooms for your business and your family, and verify that you will have enough room to welcome clients. Visit the property several times until you are sure it comes with everything you need.


Get Your Home Insured and Get a Warranty

Since you have gone through the trouble of finding your perfect home, it is important to protect your new property. The first step is to get homeowners insurance which will protect you in the case of a natural disaster, theft, and a handful of other issues. If you want to ensure that your appliances, heating and cooling, and plumbing systems are protected, you need to invest in a home warranty. You have many companies to go with when it comes to getting a home warranty, depending on where you live. Before you sign up with a company, make sure to read online reviews and get a price quote so you can ensure it is something you can afford.


Make Your New Home Office Official With a Cast Bronze Plaque

Just because you are working from home, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t a highly professional company, and you can show your pedigree by installing a plaque that will display your business name and address. The process of ordering customized cast bronze plaques is earlier than ever. When you call, you can specify your own colors, background, thickness, and more. You will also get your money’s worth because the plagues are extremely durable, even in areas with tough weather and strong storms.

As you can see, there are many considerations to make when upsizing your home. Consider starting an LLC to make things easier, get your home insured, and install a bronze plaque to make your business official. If you would like to learn more about the services at Gainesville Restoration, then please contact us at 352-554-0646.


Steps to Take When Upgrading Your Home for a Growing Business

Top 10 Roof Problems for Homeowners & How to Fix Them

Top 10 Roof Problems for Homeowners & How to Fix Them– The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Roof Problems

Top 10 Roof Problems for Homeowners & How to Fix Them


The roof is the most vital component of your home, as it protects you and everything under it from rain, snow, or any other forms of precipitation. However, as the home deteriorates, you may encounter potential problems.

While many of us think that the condition and life expectancy of the roof is determined solely by materials, other factors can contribute to its deterioration. Roof repairs can be a significant expense, often at the top of the homeowner’s maintenance list. It is not a DIY project, as you have to hire experts with accreditation and roofing insurance.

To prevent costly repairs, you need to mitigate potential roofing issues. Here are ten of the most common roofing problems you will likely encounter as a homeowner and their fixes.

1.   Roof Leaks

Roof leaks are inevitable. It does matter what kind of roof you have. It can be caused by many factors, like broken shingles or the flashing not being properly fastened during installation. You can find leaks around the gutters, near the chimney, close to pipes or vents, and at flashing points.

The best way to find the leak is to inspect the attic, which is typically several feet from the penetration. Use a flashlight to search the attic for water stains, mold, or dark spots. If the ceiling is vaulted and you can’t access the attic, you can only see the problem on the roof. Hiring a professional roofer is the best person to perform leak repair.

2.   Blistering

When ignored, roof ridge splitting, surface erosion, and blistering frequently become more serious issues. Although blisters are typically not cured, they must be dealt with if they are a substantial size.

Blisters can develop for various reasons, such as slipping felts, improperly attached hot bituminous roof systems, and rapid aging. Blisters can also develop due to dry laps and weak interply integrity.

Another cause of blistering is when trapped air and moisture in modified bitumen roofs evaporate. Blisters typically don’t result in significant harm. But it must be fixed immediately when it affects the lap area.

3.   Damaged or Worn Flashing

Metal flashings are made to endure deterioration. However, they are not made to survive forever. You need to check whether your flashing should be changed or repaired if your roof has been in place for several decades or has been exposed to some harsh conditions.

4.   Tree Damage

Another frequent issue that homeowners encounter with their roofs is fallen branches from trees. You might assume that only giant branches could harm your roof, but tiny branches can also erode the top layer of your roof if they come into contact with it and brush against it repeatedly.

Trimming your tree branches as they approach the ceiling is the best solution. If the tree poses a major threat, remove it and replant the tree somewhere else. It is especially important if you live in a region with strong winds and storms.

5.   Missing or damaged shingles

When your shingles’ sealant wears off, it becomes loose, cracks, or falls off. Some possible causes are the force of nature, rat infestations, or general wear and tear. It is normal to assume that shingles may begin to come off as your roof ages.

Simply replacing the shingle will solve this issue, and it is easy to do. You may even find a store selling a single shingle. Alternatively, you can purchase a box and replace those with issues. You can replace the shingles yourself if you’re into DIY.

6.   Damaged Roofing Materials

These could include, among other things, shingles, tiles, nails, and sealants. The deterioration of the roof can be caused largely by nature. That is why you need routine maintenance for your roof before it gets too serious.

For instance, holes will leak moisture into the roof, damaging it. Roof materials that shrink can crack and degrade, and the flashing may come undone. Contact a roofing contractor to arrange a maintenance check so they can find these problems before they get worse.

7.   Damages from Freezing

Living in an area where your roof is frequently exposed to snow and ice means your roof will have a shorter life expectancy. Homes in cold weather usually have roofing issues. It is because it melts at a slow rate. That means you have standing water that can penetrate your roof and cause damage.

Even worse is when the temperature is below freezing, this water freezes. As it freezes, it can expand and push against the roofing material. Eventually, it leaves an opening, letting more water in. And when the season changes, you will have roof leaks.

It is inevitable because you cannot prevent this weather. However, you can prevent the problem by regularly checking your roof for damages.

8.   Pooling Water

Your roof can get damaged if your gutters are clogged and there are heaps of garbage on it. When this happens, the moisture builds up, creating stagnant or pooling water. Standing water can be a perfect breeding ground for mold or mildew, which eats away at the roofing material and results in further problems with the roof.

Stagnant water is more of a concern when you have a flat roof. In this case, you need tapering portions over your roof to allow water to drain off. Regular inspections of your roof by a qualified expert can help you avoid more serious problems.

9.   Clogged Downspouts

You might see some aggregates from the roof installation if it is still quite new. However, granules in the downspout indicate that your shingles are deteriorating and that you may need to replace them if your roof is reasonably old.

Granules are a crucial component of the roof because they shield it from ultraviolet radiation; if they are gone, the shingles become exposed and more prone to cracking.

Clogging in the gutters is one of the first indications of falling granules. Unless leaves and branches completely block your gutters, the obstructions are likely granules, and you need to replace them.

10.   Splitting

While the roof may appear to be a fixed part of your house, it slowly moves and changes with time. For instance, certain roofs may experience cracking due to shingles expanding as soon as the weather warms up. The roof may completely distort if the shingles keep colliding with one another.


These are some of the most common roofing issues and the fixes that can help keep your roof in good condition. The best action is to have them fixed before they become serious problems.

The good news is there are roofing contractors that conduct free inspections. But even if you need to pay them, it is well spent considering the amount you need to repair your roof.


Top 10 Roof Problems for Homeowners & How to Fix Them

Should You Buy a Starter Home or a Forever Home?

Should You Buy a Starter Home or a Forever Home? – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Starter Home

Should You Buy a Starter Home or a Forever Home?

Choosing between a starter and a forever home can be difficult. Moreover, there are many things to take into account beforehand, depending on your situation and preferences, that might compel you to make a decision one way or the other. Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling outlines some of the things you should consider before settling on a starter or forever home for good.


Pros of a starter home


Starter homes are generally the best option if you’re on the fence regarding what it is you envision for your ideal property. Furthermore, starter homes give you time to really look around for that perfect property that you can see yourself living in “forever.” The pros of investing in a start-up property include that it is usually smaller and therefore requires far less maintenance overall.

Then there is the fact that it will probably come in on the lower end of your budget, which means you get extra money to spend on making your house a home. Additionally, your property taxes won’t be as high. Plus, as Purlfrost notes, you get the chance to try your hand out at DIY experiments if you want to give your new starter home a bit of character.

It’s also a good idea to contact a local, reputable company that specializes in restorations and upgrades like those to the roof or plumbing. Reach out to Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling whether it’s for remodels to the kitchen, bathrooms or even to add on a room. They can also address any issues that may arise, such as plumbing or roof leaks or storm damage.


Cons of a starter home


Some of the cons of purchasing a starter home include the space issue. Starter homes are usually on the smaller side, which means you might not have adequate space. You might also have to go the extra mile to make your home all you want it to be, as starter homes usually require a few upgrades or renovations to make them much more attractive.


Why you would want to invest in a property permanently


Suppose you have found the property you have dreamed about for the longest time. If so, it’s a good idea to go ahead with the purchase, especially if you feel like it’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Other benefits of moving into a property for the long term include not having to move again anytime soon, and it’ll probably have the space you and your family need to live in comfortably.


Cons of purchasing a forever home


Some of the disadvantages of purchasing a forever home include having to purchase a property that is likely to stretch your budget that much further. Additionally, your expenses are likely to increase, as you’ll have a larger area to maintain. These expenses could include additional costs like having to maintain your lawn, paying for a higher utility bill, and purchasing all the extra furnishings you’ll need to make your property feel more homely.


Deciding on your budget


Ultimately, your budget will determine what type of home you can afford. You’ll want to factor in the cost of any home repairs or appliance replacement, especially if you’re going with a starter home. A smart way to offset such expenses is by insuring your above and beyond the required homeowners insurance. If you want coverage in case home systems or appliances break down, then a home warranty can be beneficial. Before deciding whether to get a home warranty, check the home inspection report for any red flags and check if there are any existing warranties on appliances and what they cover; this will help determine if it’s worth the cost.

Also, if you don’t have a lot of savings to put down on a home, you’ll need to qualify for a mortgage. The amount you’ll be able to loan will depend on various factors, such as your credit score, what your income is currently, how much of a down payment you’re able to make, etc. A mortgage loan calculator can help you figure out what your mortgage repayments are likely to be based on your unique circumstances.

You will also need to decide between different mortgage options, as different home loans require different down payments. For example, as Credit Karma points out, with an FHA loan you can probably get away with putting down a 3.5% down payment going up to 10% based on the purchase price of the property. If you qualify for a conventional loan, on the other hand, you may be required to put down up to 20% of the home’s value.


These pointers should be able to give you a rough indication of what each property type involves and how to go about getting a home loan, which should hopefully make your decision easier at the end of the day.


Image via Pexels


Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling is a trusted full-service construction company specializing in commercial building, remodeling, roofing, and restoration. Text us today for more info! 352-554-0646

The Best Roofing Materials to Consider for Your Home

The Best Roofing Materials to Consider for Your Home – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Best Roofing Materials

The Best Roofing Materials to Consider for Your Home


Some things need to be prioritized more than others when looking for a new roof. While cost is a major factor for many homeowners, other factors are more crucial, such as longevity, durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability of the materials you use. Of course, you’ll also need to hire a reputable roofer with adequate roofing insurance coverage to ensure your new roof is properly installed.


Nowadays, roofing materials are available in more varieties to accommodate different budgets and preferences. Durable and impact-resistant roofing materials guarantee longevity and protection from the harshest weather conditions, while energy-efficient and sustainable roofing systems contribute to long-term energy savings. There are also synthetic options that offer both durability and energy efficiency at a much lower cost.


Top 6 Most Popular Roofing Options


Despite the wide variety of roofing materials available, a few options consistently attract the attention of homeowners across the country.


The following are the most common types of roofing materials you can see today:


1.     Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles usually come in two types: fiberglass and organic. Most homeowners prefer fiberglass shingles over organic ones because they are easier to work with but tougher than the organic variety.

With so many styles and colors available, fiberglass shingles can be used in any home type. The shingles have fiberglass layers separated by ceramic and asphalt granules to make them more durable. Fiberglass asphalt shingles have an expected lifespan of 15–30 years and are the best choice if you’re looking for a stylish but budget-friendly roof.


2.     Metal Roof

Metal roofs can outlast most types of roofing materials. And as more people look for aesthetically-pleasing eco-friendly roofing systems, their popularity has skyrocketed in recent years.

Although metal roofs are slightly more expensive than asphalt and wood, they are better able to withstand prolonged exposure to inclement weather. In terms of style, there is a wide variety of metal roofing options, with some even designed to look like traditional shingles, shakes, or tiles. However, installing a standing seam metal roof requires specialized skills, and not every roofing company is equipped to do so.


3.     Wood Shingles

Wood shingles are made from fire-resistant wood. It is unquestionably one of the most classic types of roofing material – a beautiful, rustic option that is also extremely durable and energy efficient.

But while wooden roofs look great, they’re expensive to order and install. There are also costs associated with keeping them in good condition. Maintaining wood roofing is labor-intensive and time-consuming. If not maintained well, the roof can get severely damaged.

4.     Slate Roof

Slate is one of the oldest and most expensive roofing materials. It is also very durable, known to withstand the test of time, and lasting more than a hundred years with proper care and maintenance.

​​Slate roofs are, by far, the most sustainable roofing material around. They can last two or three times longer than the next best option, eliminating the need for replacement every 30 years or so. Slate is also very dense, making it a good insulator and a highly-efficient choice.


5.     Clay and Concrete Tiles

 Clay and concrete tiles give a roof texture and elegance. Authentic clay tiles are energy-efficient and extremely durable, but they are also heavier and costlier than most roofing choices.

Because of their weight, roofs made with clay or concrete tiles typically require additional framing and must be installed by roofers with plenty of experience in handling these materials, running up the costs even more. If you’re after the aesthetics, though, the results can be worth it! With proper maintenance, clay or concrete roofing systems can last between 40 and 50 years.


6.     Synthetic Roofing Products

 Rubber, plastic, and polymer are just some of the modern synthetic roofing materials that can be made to look and feel like more traditional materials like slate and wood.

Synthetic roofing is appealing because they are often not as fragile, heavy, or expensive as natural products. They can last up to 50 years with minimal maintenance and work well  with different architectural styles. However, be very careful when selecting synthetic roofing because the quality can vary across manufacturers.


How to Choose A Roofing Material for Your Home

Several factors need consideration when deciding on a roofing system for your home. These factors include your budget, location, architectural design of your house, maintenance, and more. If you’re planning a rooftop HVAC unit, you should first ask your HVAC contractor to speak with your roofer. Whatever type of roofing fulfills your requirements is the one for you.

Your roof’s primary purpose is to keep the elements out, but you should pick a material that does this without compromising your home’s aesthetic value. You don’t want to spend too much on a roof, especially if you’ll have to put in a lot of work and money keeping it in good condition.

Many roofing companies provide no-cost inspections and quotes. Whether you’re in the market for a new roof or replacing your old one, consult with the experts and ask for their professional advice.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Residential Roof

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Residential Roof – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Residential Roof

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Residential Roof


After owning your home for some time, you’ll begin to notice imperfections and signs that it may be time to replace your roof. To the unknowing eye, these may go unnoticed, but by looking out for these telltale signs, you’ll be able to ensure you get your roof replaced before it’s too late.

Look For Specific Signs

Your residential roof can endure a lot over the years, but you’ll want to keep your eye specifically on these signs that it’s time for a replacement. Knowing if it’s time to replace your roof can depend on the following factors:


  • Age of your roof
  • Material of your shingles
  • Condition of your shingles (i.e. cracked, damaged, or missing)
  • Storm damage
  • Rotting or trapped moisture
  • Plants and incessant moss growth
  • Cracks or breaks in the roof flashing
  • Water damage


Having a damaged roof can cause your heating and cooling bills to increase and can also be rather dangerous if it’s caving in or sagging throughout your home. Take account of the conditions of your roof indoors as well. Make sure to check the underside of your roof in your attic to look for shiners or nails sticking out where they shouldn’t be to cover all your bases.


Know How to Finance Your Repair


Replacing your roof can be a costly endeavor, so you’ll want to be sure you have the funds to properly fix the damage that’s been done. The quicker you realize where your roof is deteriorating, the quicker you can get to the root of the problem, lessening how much you’ll have to spend on your project. Preparing a roof replacement budget can be beneficial if you’re doing consistent preventative maintenance, and can allow you to use money here and there on your roof repair.


Another financing option that would add more money to your roof replacement budget could come from your utilizing your home’s equity. A home equity loan can give you a full lump sum of cash all at once to put towards any home improvement project, allowing it to become tax deductible. When replacing your roof you have a variety of materials to choose from, and we can help you decide what is best for your home and budget.


Prepare For Future Maintenance


In order to prolong the lifetime of your new roof, you’ll want to adhere to some routine roof maintenance tips. Preventative roof maintenance is the best way to ensure your roof lasts up to 60% longer than reactively maintained roofs. Use binoculars or a sturdy ladder, and use a spotter to ensure you’re following the best safety practices.


Throughout the inside of your home, look for any warning signs and take note of new water spots or cracks in your ceiling. If you have an attic you don’t check on too much, begin to make this part of your maintenance routine, along with checking on your roof at least twice a year. After large winds or winter storms, it’s best to check your roof for any damage or holes that could’ve come about and repair them quickly to ensure they won’t get worse. By using our clean up and recovery services, you can be assured that your roof is in great condition all year long. Leaving damages untouched can lead to replacing your roof sooner rather than later. Taking preventative measures is key to the longevity of your new investment.


Following through with preventative maintenance and inspections throughout the year will ensure your roof is getting the care and attention it needs. If you find that your roof is in need of a replacement, consider your financing options.

The Health Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The Health Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

The Health Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality


Here’s an alarming fact: according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the level of pollutants indoors is two to five times higher than outdoors. Polluted indoor air is also considered one of the top public health risks.


On average, people in the United States spend 90 percent of their time indoors. This makes adequate ventilation, air filtration, and proper HVAC maintenance important as they can help minimize exposure to airborne contaminants and harmful emissions.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants


The following are some of the most prevalent air pollutants indoors:


  • Biological Particulates. This includes pet dander, dust mite feces, bacteria, viruses, cockroach exoskeleton particles, dust, pollen and other biological pollutants that are invisible to the naked eye. If you have an allergy, exposure to particulates can be harmful to your health. It has also been known to trigger asthma attacks.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Volatile organic compounds are typically found in pesticides, new flooring, dry-cleaned clothes, adhesives, and air fresheners. VOCs are also known to produce hazardous chemical emissions that have short- and long-term effects on the health.
  • Mold develops when there is inadequate ventilation and excess moisture. Depending on your sensitivity, molds can trigger asthma or allergy symptoms. You can also develop respiratory illnesses or allergy-like symptoms when exposed to the mycotoxins produced by mold colonies.
  • Combustion Pollutants. Items that use oil, wood, or gas like furnaces, water heaters, gas stoves, and fireplaces produce combustion pollutants that can be harmful to health. According to the World Health Organization, combustion pollutants are considered the most dangerous for children, especially those in third world countries. This type of indoor pollutant has been known to cause acute lower respiratory infections that can be life-threatening. Two of the most dangerous combustion pollutants are carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.


How Poor Indoor Air Can Affect Your Health

Poor indoor air quality can cause infections, chronic lung diseases, and lung cancer. Understandably, those with lung diseases are at a greater risk. Below are some of the most common indoor air pollutants and how they can affect your health:

Building and Paint Products

Remodeling and construction materials can emit dust or fumes that can endanger your health. Older building materials can also release indoor air pollutants when removed or disturbed. Building materials like furniture, plywood, and other pressed-wood products can contain chemicals that give off odors and gasses as the materials age.

When it comes to building materials, opt for those with low or zero emissions. Fortunately, many building materials are now produced using alternative chemicals that emit less harmful chemicals. Refrain from using products with benzene as it has been known to cause cancer.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide or CO is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas. This highly dangerous gas is produced when fuels like kerosene, charcoal, natural gas, and oil are burned. Carbon monoxide can minimize the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Other possible sources of CO include wood stoves, camp stoves, and charcoal grills.

Breathing even low levels of carbon monoxide can produce symptoms like disorientation, nausea, weakness, headache, confusion, and dizziness. On the other hand, breathing high levels of CO can cause vomiting, anxiety, sleepiness, impaired vision, and impaired coordination.

Pet Dander

Pet dander can linger in the air longer compared to other allergens. This can be attributed to the fact that they are jagged in shape and can easily stick to bedding, fabrics, and furniture.

Exposure to pet dander can cause symptoms such as sneezing, watery or itchy eyes, stuffy or runny nose, and shortness of breath. Pet dander can also trigger asthma and cause hives or skin rash. It can also cause contact dermatitis.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are insect-like and very small pests that thrive in humid settings and feed on dead human skin cells. Inflammation or swelling of the nasal passages caused by dust mites is considered a dust allergy.

Dust mites can also live in curtains, carpets, bedding, mattresses, and upholstered furniture. Since dust mites are found almost anywhere, four out of five homes in the United States are exposed to them.


Lead is a harmful and toxic chemical. Exposure to lead can be very detrimental to the body. Lead can accumulate in the kidneys, liver, bones, and blood. In some cases, lead poisoning continues even after the source of the exposure has been eliminated. Children are more prone to lead pollution because their nervous systems are still developing.

Some of the ill effects of lead pollution include paralysis, anemia, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased IQ, behavioral problems, constipation, increased blood pressure, reproductive system damage, and kidney and brain damage.

Final Thoughts

Considering all the health risks involved, it’s never a good idea to ignore poor air quality indoors. Just like contractor insurance, investing in HVAC maintenance is a wise idea. After all, proper mitigation begins with seeking help from qualified and experienced professionals. They can help you decide on the indoor air quality solutions that would suit your needs best.



About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of New AC Unit. Aside from heading the company’s content marketing strategies, she writes articles about how to stay fit and energy-efficient home living.

6 Essential Upgrades to Make During a Renovation

6 Essential Upgrades to Make During a Renovation – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


6 Essential Upgrades to Make During a Renovation


Upgrading your home is a great opportunity to boost its resale value and add unique details that reflect your style. More importantly, though, your renovations should optimize the space in your home and add to its functionality. The following upgrades will help you achieve this goal and make your home uniquely yours.


Have a remodeling project? Trust the pros at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling for all your renovation needs!


  1. Home Office and Guest Room

With an increasing number of professionals working from home, the need for home office spaces has risen rapidly. You can incorporate an office into your home — and you don’t have to lose your guest bedroom to do so. You can renovate your spare room to meet both needs by putting a sleeper sofa in the room and investing in storage cabinets. Add a full-length mirror for a touch of class, and you have the ideal multifunctional room.


  1. Better HVAC System

If your renovation includes any expansions, you’ll need to assess whether it’s necessary to add additional ductwork or ventilation for the new space. An HVAC company can offer advice on the issue, and if you do need HVAC services, you should start looking for contractors near you online and research reviews and ratings before you contract with a provider. This is the best way to ensure that the company you use will be worth the investment.


  1. Wear-Resistant Flooring

Flooring has evolved considerably in recent years, and delicate shag carpets are no longer the norm. Instead, most homeowners prefer wear-resistant flooring materials such as bamboo, vinyl, ceramic, or porcelain. These options offer both style and sustainability thanks to their long-term durability.


  1. Roof Repairs or Replacement

According to research, the average roof needs to be replaced every 25 to 30 years. If you have a unique roofing material such as copper, tile, or slate, it may last as long as 50 years. No matter what material your roof is made of, though, renovations are the perfect time to invest in any repairs that may be necessary — or, if a replacement is needed, get the replacement out of the way. In addition to the boost in value that a new roof will provide, it will improve your home’s insulation and increase its curb appeal.


  1. Energy-Efficient Appliances

Replacing appliances is a major decision. You may have trouble choosing the color and brand, but no matter what style you opt for, you should prioritize one thing — energy efficiency. Energy-efficient appliances are a fantastic investment, and they offer considerable long-term savings to homeowners.


  1. Interior Design Elements

Lighting is a great opportunity to show off your aesthetic sensibilities. Consider adding some other unique interior design elements such as wallpaper, accent trim, or retro accessories. A renovation allows you to infuse your uniqueness into your home. Don’t miss the opportunity to craft an environment that you love with thoughtful design details.


Home Warranty

A home warranty provides peace of mind by protecting homeowners from costly repairs to appliances and major home systems, such as their HVAC system. They also offer financial protection in the case of unexpected damage due to things like natural disasters or unforeseen accidents. What’s more, many home warranty plans include additional benefits, such as free service calls and discounts on annual maintenance. If you need help with a Florida home warranty, read online reviews to determine the best protection plan for your needs. When choosing a plan, carefully consider customer service, scope of coverage, and available deals.


Transform Your Home Into a Haven

You spend most of your time at home, but it might not always feel like the haven you wish it were. You can change that with renovations that allow you to upgrade the most important parts of your home and add to its appeal. Once you’ve renovated, consider purchasing a home warranty to protect your home’s systems and appliances.


Make More Money From Your Investment Property Business

Make More Money From Your Investment Property Business With These 4 Tips – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Investment Property

Make More Money From Your Investment Property Business

Buying real estate is a lucrative way to grow your money and diversify your investments. Perhaps the best way to make money from your investment property in the long term is to rent it out to interested tenants. However, there is more to the process than simply buying a home and then immediately putting up the first renter you can find. By following a few best practices in your budding investment property business, you can find even greater financial success in this profitable venture.


  1. Repair and Deep Clean Each Property

Any home that is previously lived-in is likely to show some signs of wear and tear. Your first priority upon purchasing an investment property is to conduct a thorough inspection and address any damages which might be a liability later on. Common repair expenses can include roof renovations and electrical repairs.


It is also a good idea to deep clean the entire house, even if the floors and walls appear passable to the naked eye. When potential tenants come to view the home, their willingness to rent may go up dramatically just by noticing a freshly-cleaned carpet.


  1. Add Attractive Modifications

Beyond what is strictly necessary for the sake of safety, there are other touch-ups you can make to your property to increase its value to renters. Real estate experts explain that some of the best property upgrades are the ones that prospective tenants will notice right away, such as landscaping or even a literal fresh coat of paint.


Accessibility is another huge priority and one that can broaden the pool of potential renters who might show interest in your property. Start by constructing an entrance ramp for easier access into the home, and widen doorframes throughout the house if they cannot already accommodate wheelchair passage.


  1. Market Your Property to Potential Tenants

An appealing property in a prime location might eventually attract renters on its own merits, but the time spent waiting is time that your property could be generating revenue. To bring in tenants quicker, and higher-quality tenants at that, you need to properly market the property.


Putting up signs or flyers in the local area is a tried-and-true method of raising awareness. You can also find potential renters through social media networks and email your flyer directly to them as a PDF file. If you want to learn how to edit a PDF, use a free tool. Then, you can make additional changes or add drawings for emphasis before downloading the finished document and sharing it.


  1. Write a Business Plan

While it’s true that you can make a decent property by occasionally flipping houses or by owning one or two rental properties, your investment property venture can become a consistently reliable source of income if you treat it like a full-fledged business. To that end, you need a detailed business plan that outlines your long-term goals, your funding needs, and whether you will manage your growing real estate property yourself or with the help of a property manager.


As you move forward with formalizing your business, you should consider establishing a limited liability company to protect yourself and your assets from the possibility of litigation. You can form an LLC by hiring a lawyer or by working with a more cost-effective formation service.


Investing in real estate is a prudent decision for anyone with the finances to spare. To truly bolster your income in the long-term, though, you can take the appropriate steps toward turning your side investments into a successful investment property business.


Clogged Drain? Here Are 8 Effective Options

Clogged Drain? Here Are 8 Effective Options – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Clogged Drains

Clogged Drain? Here Are 8 Effective Options


Plumbing systems may clog over time, and that is normal. After all, you use them every day, so you can’t always keep them free from grease, grime, dust, and other elements.

But the good news is that there are ways to clear the clog once and for all: use specialized cleaning products and tools or seek professional help.

In this post, we’ll discuss the available options for clearing clogs in your plumbing system. However, before we do that, let’s figure out why your plumbing system sometimes gets clogged.

Why Clogs Happen


Hair clumps are the most common culprits behind a clogged shower drain, while toilet paper build-up is the popular cause of a clogged toilet. Large food particles and grease in the pipes, on the other hand, are usual reasons your kitchen sink clogs.

You see, water cannot flow properly once debris and other solid particles accumulate. As a result, your plumbing system may slow down or clog. To make matters worse, you will never know your plumbing system is clogged until you experience these problems:

  • The toilet overflows or won’t flush, no matter what you do.
  • It takes longer than usual to drain water in the bathtub, sink, and shower.
  • There’s an odd smell coming from your plumbing system.
  • You find standing water around the dishwasher, laundry machine, or toilet base.

How to Unclog Your Drains

There are many ways to unclog your drain, but it can be challenging to identify which option works best for your plumbing system. As a general rule, start with the easiest and gentlest solution to avoid making the problem worse.

Here are some easy methods to unclog your drain:

1. Use a hanger to unclog the sink.

Food particles, hair, and dirt can get stuck in your drain pipe walls. If not removed, they can slow down water flow and cause your plumbing system to clog.

A quick solution to this involves the use of a simple hanger. Find a coat hanger, straighten it out, and bend it to form a small hook shape at the end of the wire. Slowly push the hook down to the hole and start to fish. Do not push the hanger downwards. This will only cause the blockage to move further down the drain. It is best to use gentle hooking motions to remove the gunk that is blocking your drain.

2. Use a dish detergent.

Hair can easily clog the shower drains, whereas wipes, tissue paper, and female sanitary products tossed into the toilet bowl are notorious for blocking the toilet.

As a quick fix for clogged shower drains and toilets, use dish detergent. This product can break the build-up and lubricate your drain. Start by pouring a cup of dish detergent, then flush it with boiling water. To make it easier to remove the blockage, use a plunger.

3. Add baking soda and vinegar.

Who knew that our science class project is key to unclogging your drains? Believe it or not, baking soda and vinegar aren’t just for the DIY volcano project we had during our early years at school. The fizzing power created by these two ingredients can help eliminate mild clogs!

Pour boiling water into the drain and wait for it to be cleared. After that, pour one-half cup of baking soda. Follow that with one cup of vinegar and another cup of hot water. Wait for about an hour as the ingredients work their magic. Lastly, use tap water to drain the ingredients away. Your drain should work properly at this point.

4. Use washing soda.

If the previous method did not work, find a stronger alternative, such as washing soda.

Also called sodium carbonate, washing soda is a common cleaning product used for unclogging drains. Compared to baking soda, this ingredient is more alkaline, making it a stronger and more effective drain cleaner.

To use, pour boiling water down the sink and follow it with a cup of washing soda. Next, pour another cup of boiling water and leave it there for 5 minutes. Any blockage should be removed by then. If you notice that your sink is still not draining quickly, repeat the process.

5. Use a wet/dry vacuum.

As the name suggests, a wet/dry vacuum cleans liquids and dry dirt by vacuuming. This is commonly used to suck waste from clogged drains, especially if the blockage is near the surface.

Before you start, make sure to create a seal over the hole to prevent creating a mess. You can use an old or broken plunger head for this. Then turn on the vacuum and choose the liquid setting. Use the most powerful suction if possible. Put it over the plughole. Leave it there for 1-2 minutes. Then turn it off and pour tap water to see if the sink is now unblocked.

6. Coke

We know that coke makes for a refreshing drink on a hot summer day. But did you know it also works as an effective clog drain fix? Simply pour 2 liters of cola down the drain and let it sit for at least an hour. Then add hot water to drain it away. Watch how blockage is removed.

Unlike commercial drain cleaners, coke is quite effective but far milder. So, it’s definitely safe to use. However, note that it can also leave a sticky substance because of its sugar syrup content. Hence, it is recommended to use only when dealing with major plumbing system blockages.

7. Plungers

You can also use tools like plungers to unclog your drains. But make sure you use the right type because plungers are not created equal. A simple toilet plunger won’t work if you are dealing with a sink blockage. For that, you need a cup plunger.

To use a plunger, unscrew the stopper and position the plunger into the drain. Create a tight seal. Then start plunging. Run water every now and then to see if the clog has cleared. Repeat the process if necessary.

8. Caustic Soda

Caustic soda is a harsh ingredient and can cause chemical burns if not used properly. So, when you use it, you need to wear eye goggles and rubber gloves. Also, ensure that there is proper ventilation in the area to avoid suffocation.

To use caustic soda in unclogging drains, add three-quarters of a gallon of water and three cups of caustic soda to a bucket. Stir well using a wooden spoon. You should notice that the solution starts to fizz. Pour it down the blocked drain and leave it there for half an hour. Rinse it with boiling water. Repeat the process if needed.

Never Have to Worry About Clogged Drains!

Clogged drains can be annoying, especially if they become a regular problem. But before you resort to harsh chemicals, try to remove the visible blockages first and opt for natural solutions. They are safer for you, your pipes, and the environment.

However, if you are not confident about what to do with your clogged pipes, seek help from experts. Professional plumbing service providers can fix clogged drains, so you don’t have to. They also offer drain cleaning services to prevent clogged drains! Plus, they can recommend the best course of action to unclog those drains.


About the author

Merrie is a Marketing Manager for the Rooter Ranger brand. Her focus is on results driven strategic marketing efforts that deliver sales and profit growth. In her spare time she enjoys the outdoors and traveling the world.

Tips for Choosing a Roofing Contractor

Tips for Choosing a Roofing Contractor – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


roofing contractor

Tips for Choosing a Roofing Contractor


The roof is one of the most important components of your home. For most homeowners, replacing the roof is a huge (and costly) decision. That said, it makes perfect sense that you look for the best roofing contractor to work with.


Just like contractor insurance, replacing the roof is a massive investment, so you must make sure you pick the right contractor for the job. When choosing a roofing contractor, keep the following important tips in mind:

Exceptional Standards

If you spend $10,000 or more on your roof, a roofing contractor with “decent” or “average” standards won’t cut it. With such a huge investment, you need to pick a roofing company with exceptional standards.

The ideal roofing contractor focuses on craftsmanship, employee training, and durable materials. Your chosen roofer should also be transparent throughout the whole process. Do some research to determine if a roofer has high standards before starting any work.

Great Partnerships

Superb roofing contractors often give back to their community through partnerships with reputable businesses or other community organizations. Often, you won’t have to ask about these partnerships as they are most likely a part of their PR and marketing efforts. Great partnerships are also a sign they offer superb service and quality products.

Dependable On-Site Project Management

The ideal roofing contractor has a reliable project manager on site that helps ensure work is going smoothly. The project manager also functions as a quality control mechanism and will provide answers to any questions you may have about the project.

Before signing on the dotted line, ask your prospects if they have an on-site project manager to ensure everything is done accordingly and within the agreed timeline. An on-site manager can save you from headaches and hassles down the road.

Excellent Warranties

The right roofing contractor will provide manufacturer warranties covering the roofing products used. They also need to provide labor warranties to protect you against the improper installation of roofing products.

Warranties can give you peace of mind since they will ensure that if anything goes wrong, you are covered. You should opt for a roofer that provides installation and product warranties for maximum protection.

High-Quality Materials

Even if your chosen roofing contractor has the best installation team, it means nothing if they use cheap and substandard roofing materials. Tropical storms, heavy rains, high humidity, and hurricanes can put your roof to the ultimate test so it’s crucial that your roofer use only top-of-the-line materials.

Before picking a roofing contractor, it would be best to find out first about the roofing materials they use. Are the materials fire and algae-resistant? Will they offer protection against high wind and UV rays? When it comes to the roofing materials used, there is no such thing as asking too many questions.

Remarkable Online Reputation

When assessing a prospective roofing contractor’s online reputation, you must remember that not all review sites (and reviews) have been created equal. Case in point: sites like Yelp! give lower ratings compared to other sites because they target those who need a platform where they can share negative experiences.

If someone has a complaint about a business, it does not always follow that the contractor offers mediocre services. Remember that it is also possible that there was a mistake or misunderstanding; in some cases, the problem is not always with the contractor. However, it’s another story if you notice negative patterns in the reviews.

Negative patterns like not communicating clearly, using cheap materials, using high-pressure sales tactics, and lying should not be taken lightly and should be enough to scare you away. Check BBB, Top Rated Local, Google, and other neutral review sites to see what previous clients have to say about your prospects and take it from there.

Right Insurance and Licenses

Insurance and licenses will protect both contractors and homeowners in various situations and it’s the two things that stand between the parties when something goes wrong during the process. That said, it is recommended that you pick a contractor with insurance and licenses.

If a roofing contractor you are considering does not have insurance or a license, don’t hesitate to find another one. Also, if they claim they have insurance and licenses but won’t show you any proof, it would be best to walk away. Ensure you opt for licensed and insured contractors when working on a costly project like your roofing.

Goes Above and Beyond

When choosing a roofing contractor, pick someone passionate about their trade and willing to go the extra mile to deliver superb service. You would also benefit from picking someone who takes their job seriously and is dedicated to going above and beyond to satisfy customers.

Final Thoughts

Lastly, trust your gut. If you find an energetic contractor with a helpful vibe and extensive experience, they might be the perfect contractor for you. Also, take your time when choosing a roofing contractor. Don’t jump into the first ones you talk to or those that offer the cheapest rate. Choosing the right contractor will save you time and money so make sure you choose wisely.



How to Freshen Up Your Home So It Revives Your Senses

How to Freshen Up Your Home So It Revives Your Senses – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Freshen Up Your Home

How to Freshen Up Your Home So It Revives Your Senses


If your home is starting to feel a bit outdated, and you feel like it needs some freshening up, it’s time to take some action. Fortunately, there are many ways to revive your home without spending a fortune or making major renovations, though that’s an option too! By following these tips from Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling, you can breathe new life into your living space and revive your senses.


Create a special space just for you

Perhaps you’ve longed for a space just for you to unwind and relax in. Then why not carve out that special place? This is easy to do even if you aren’t a design guru. Designate the ideal space that can function as a retreat spot. Then paint your chosen space a light neutral color to make it feel more spacious and airy, or maybe opt for the look and feel of textured wallpaper to give the space a unique touch. You’ll also want to decide on the right furniture to suit the look and feel of your new sanctuary. Here, it’s all about the comfort factor. This could be a chic yet comfortable chaise lounge or a cozy velveteen armchair. Ultimately, the goal is to create a serene and inviting space that promotes calm and relaxation.


Declutter strategically – start with switching from paper to PDFs

A surefire way to refresh your home is getting rid of the old. Decluttering to refresh your living area clears away unnecessary, unneeded items and frees up space for living stress-free. One idea is to digitize your “paper” records and other documents that tend to pile up. When digitizing paper records, instead of using many files, you can easily keep everything in one file by adding pages to PDFs using an online tool. This tool will also allow you to reorder, delete, and rotate pages, and you can add additional pages to your PDF file if needed.


Make your home more plant-friendly

Swanson’s Nursery notes that there are many benefits associated with having indoor plants dispersed throughout your home. Studies have shown that being surrounded by greenery has specific mood-boosting effects, improves the air quality of the air of surrounding spaces, and can lower stress and anxiety levels if you’re feeling out of sorts. Moreover, it’s quite the decor trend nowadays and can add a bit of liveliness to a room that verges on being too ordinary. Best of all, plants are relatively affordable.


Design the Ideal Office

If you work from home, then it’s important to have a comfortable and inviting space to work in. One way to achieve this is by ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic furniture is designed to reduce stress on the body and encourage good posture. For example, an ergonomic chair can help to prevent back pain, while a standing desk can help to improve circulation. In addition to ergonomic furniture, there are a few other things you can do to redesign your home office for comfort and focus. For instance, calming colors and decor can help to create a more relaxing atmosphere while storage solutions will help to declutter your space and keep your work area organized.


Let the light in

Fenesta points out that natural light is also known to be a mood-booster, as is the fresh air that will most likely accompany it. So, if possible, try to let as much natural lighting as you can into your home if you want to feel refreshed and revitalized. For example, maybe it’s time to renovate your home in such a way that you remove partitioning walls to create a more open-plan area so that natural sunlight flows in and through a room. Or you could decide to install double sliding doors in a room that needs a bigger entrance, creating a better flow from one room to the next.


Don’t forget about your home’s exterior

Whether it’s the curb or the back of the house, concentrating on your property’s exterior is just as important as its interior. Essentially, it’s about creating a space that’s pleasing to the eye and restful for the mind and body. Again, be sure to keep records of any new and significant changes you make, such as adding an elaborate water feature to the garden or redoing the deck and patio, for example.


Buy a new home

Depending on the age of your home and your budget, the makeover solution may not be the best option. Particularly if you have rooms that need serious updating. In this case, you’re better off moving into a new home that offers the design features and amenities you’re looking for. The housing market has started to let off a bit of steam, but there are still inventory issues to consider. Start surveying properties that fit your designated budget, and then connect with an experienced local agent to set up showings.

Creating a home that promotes health and wellness should be top of mind for most people nowadays, given the busy and stressful times we live in. So, add the touches your home needs to give it the refresh it’s asking for, whether it’s a retreat space or your home office. And if that proves to be too much, it just might be time to change your location.


In addition to commercial construction services, Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling provides other related services such as bathroom and kitchen remodeling, roofing, and water leak detection. Text us today for more info! 352-554-0646

Best Tips for Roof Repair

Best Tips for Roof Repair – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Best Tips for Roof Repair

Best Tips for Roof Repair


While most homeowners may not want to attempt a DIY roof repair project, there are situations when it makes sense, especially for smaller repairs and for people with at least some basic building and roofing expertise. Sometimes it is necessary for you to take this step and do the roof repair of your real estate.


Following are some of the best possible tips for speedy and effective roof repair:


  • Matching shingles should be used:


Whether you simply need to change a few shingles, you could assume that it won’t matter if the brand, color, and design match exactly. Think again. Even small variations in shingle type may frequently be seen from a distance. If you want to keep your property’s “curb appeal” while preserving its value, a precise match is essential.


  • Use shoes with a rubber sole:


Make sure you are appropriately attired if you are dexterous enough to maintain your balance when doing roof repairs from a rooftop. It is advised to wear long pants, ideally jeans, and a long-sleeved top to avoid personal injury. The most crucial item, though, is to put on rubber-soled shoes that will grip the roof since slick surfaces can cause deadly slips and slides.


  • Save the shingles:


In certain cases, it is possible to conserve existing shingles rather than buy new ones or run the risk of being unable to match the shingles because the item has been discontinued. To hold curled-up shingles in place, use roofing cement in conjunction with roofing nails. To prevent them from breaking as you push them to the ceiling if they are fragile, you may frequently use a heat gun to soften them.


  • Repair vs Replace:


You can quickly fix your roof if the damage is limited to a few isolated spots. However, don’t squander your time and money mending broken items. There are a variety of indicators that can help you determine the difference, such as shingles that seem naked, gutters clogged with shingle dust, easily broken shingle or shingles that are curled up and won’t fall back down, as well as age and a manufacturer’s guarantee that has run out.


  • Flashing during rain:


Flashing has to be fastened to the rooftop with nails and/or roof cement if it is loose or has holes around it. Even if the caulk is present but broken, leaks might still occur. Avoid a pricey roof leak by making sure the areas surrounding vents, flashing, and chimneys are sealed. This will prevent water from coming into your home and thus prevent any slip and fall accidents.


  • Cover the nail heads:


Use nails that won’t rust quickly, such as galvanized steel or aluminum. However, be careful to keep all nails slightly above the shingle they are in, just below the shingle. If you can’t do that, cover the nail heads with caulk or roof sealant.


  • Contact the professionals:


The virtue of caution always triumphs over bravery, and taking on more than you can handle is never brave. Never hesitate to call in the experts when you don’t know how to repair a roof issue, lack the time or expertise to handle it, or don’t feel secure doing it.

Plumbing Upgrades That Help With Water Conservation

Plumbing Upgrades That Help With Water Conservation – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Plumbing Upgrades

Plumbing Upgrades That Help With Water Conservation

While it seems like there is an infinite water supply on the planet, this is not the case. Water is a precious and finite resource and must be used wisely.

Most homeowners conserve water by turning off the tap when not in use, taking shorter showers, fixing overflowing kitchen sinks, checking for pipe leaks, etc.

While all the methods mentioned above work, water conservation efforts at home should not stop there. Fortunately, reducing water consumption has become much easier with so many innovations in water conservation technology and plumbing fixtures.

To help with your water conservation efforts, below are some of the plumbing upgrades you should consider:

Pressure-Reducing Valves

Most of the wastewater at home is caused by excessive water pressure in your pipes. While 70 psi is considered the standard pressure for plumbing systems, 35 psi would often suffice.

Pressure-reducing valves (PRVs) allow homeowners to control the pressure that goes into the pipes. Have your plumber check your water pressure and install a PRV if needed. PRVs can also help prolong the life of your pipes.

Low-Flow Shower Heads

Obsolete shower heads can be a massive source of water waste, just like old toilets. Most shower heads consume 2.5 liters every minute. If you switch to a low-flow model, you can reduce water consumption by as much as 40% without compromising performance and water pressure.

There are two low-flow shower heads to choose from—aerating and non-aerating. Aside from helping reduce water consumption, low-flow shower heads can also help lessen your energy usage, as you will need less hot water when you shower.

High-Efficiency Toilets

If you want to renovate your bathroom, consider fitting them with low-flow and high-efficiency toilets. Low-flow toilets will use 20  to 60 percent less water than standard models. The average family can save as much as 80 liters of water annually when they use low-flow toilets.

Another option you can look into is the dual-flush toilet. Amazingly, they use even less water than the low-flow ones. Dual-flush toilets come with two buttons, so the user can pick between two flush amounts, depending on the waste. While they cost more, they can also help you save more.

Hot Water Recirculating Systems

Hot water recirculating systems send hot water to the faucet or shower on demand. They can also deliver hot water way faster than water heaters. Hot water recirculating systems can help ensure you won’t waste cold water while waiting for it to get hot.

The technology has been around for many years but is mostly used by hotels and buildings. Fortunately, newer versions are already suitable for use in residential settings. Having one installed might also qualify homeowners for a tax break, depending on the laws of the state they live in.

Green Sprinkler System

In the United States, inefficient landscape irrigation is considered one of the top contributors to water waste. Because of this, automated sprinkler systems are recommended instead of conventional manual models. The automated type can water the garden or lawn at night when water is less likely to evaporate.

Most automated water sprinklers have a timer to turn off the misting system after a specific time. The more sophisticated variety has other amazing features, like a weather-monitoring function, which offers high quality outdoor misting. Advanced models can predict precipitation levels and will only disperse water when needed.

Final Thoughts

Switching to the plumbing fixtures mentioned above will save you money and help you conserve clean and fresh water. While these modifications can cost money, you will eventually save in the long run as you will use less energy and water.


About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

5 Backyard Renovation Ideas to Turn Your Backyard Into a Unique Space

5 Backyard Renovation Ideas to Turn Your Backyard Into a Unique Space – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Backyard Renovation

5 Backyard Renovation Ideas to Turn Your Backyard Into a Unique Space


One of the benefits of finding your forever home is that you now get to turn it into a space specifically designed for you and your family. That also includes the outdoor space. As you start designing the outdoor area, try to think big. Here are a few installation suggestions you can use to help you create the perfect outdoor area.

Need remodeling for your home? The professionals at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling have the ability and experience to handle all your renovation needs. Call or text 352-554-0646 today!


1. Consider the Lighting You Need

Lighting is a serious topic you should consider as you start your backyard plans. Talk to a professional about how to include safety features in your lighting and create a system that allows you to maximize the use of your outdoor area, especially during the winter months when the days are shorter. One way to find inspiration on your own is to review case studies in the outdoor lighting industry. You’ll learn more about the ways professionals handle lighting for football stadiums, outdoor complexes, and indoor arenas. Then you can find ways to incorporate those ideas into your own design.


2. Add Features That Promote Physical Activity

Maximize the use of your space by turning it into an outdoor gym. You can install a climbing wall or an obstacle trail. You don’t even need a massive space to include a dirt bike or skateboard ramp. Outdoor fitness equipment can be beneficial for the entire family. Research ways you can create a fitness space outside that will accommodate your growing children for years to come.


3. Get Creative With a Pool

The ultimate backyard accessory is a swimming pool, but it doesn’t have to be a standard rectangle or kidney-shaped pool. Think about incorporating something custom, such as a wave pool. Research shows updates in wave pool design will eliminate some of the complaints about the technology. Whether you choose to install a wave pool indoors or outdoors, it’s a great form of experience and can be individualized to be an accessory to your larger swimming pool.


4. Hire Professionals for Grading

One important consideration for any outdoor installation is grading. You need an even surface before you place anything, from pool to patio, in your yard. This is an area where you should seriously consider hiring a professional contractor to help you create a more stable space and avoid water pooling. Before you meet with any experts, read reviews online to see what other customers say about their services. Then talk to several to get quotes for your project plans. If cost is a major concern for you, research companies that offer discounts and credits.


5. Build an Outdoor Living Room

Every backyard should have an outdoor living space for family events or just hanging out. You can incorporate a kitchen and fireplace. Spice up pool days with a brick pizza oven and a grill. You can even include a full-size refrigerator and a bar area. Talk to professionals about finding the right furniture to withstand the outside elements, and include an outdoor TV for game days and movie nights.


As you work your way through ideas for your backyard, keep in mind that big projects are better left to professionals. For example, there are too many risks associated with grading your landscape on your own. Make sure the lighting is pleasing and effective, and stay on top of maintenance to keep everything in the best shape.

Top 10 Tips and Tricks on How to Control Home Building Costs

Top 10 Tips and Tricks on How to Control Home Building Costs – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

How to Control Home Building Costs

Top 10 Tips and Tricks on How to Control Home Building Costs


Are you jumping on that building, extending, or renovating project? Read these 10 tips and tricks before you start!

No one wants to spend the extra money on building, extending, or renovating their house. Many will also be taking on the project with a tight budget.

Psst.. we’ll give you the goldmine of massive savings right at the start – go for Internal Wall Insulation!


Now let’s dive into some home building and renovating tips that will help you control home building costs without compromising on quality, comfort, and luxury.


Lock your Budget

Decide your budget as soon as possible and communicate it to your designer and architect.

Architects and designers have years of experience working on a budget; leverage their expertise to your advantage.

It is crucial to incorporate budget constraints early on in the project.

Simple Construction and Design

A simple design of your building goes a long way.

Building simple shapes is highly advised; the more complex a building gets, the more it will cost to construct with add-on construction expenses.

Remember, every corner in the external wall slows down the construction process. Similarly, every valley or hip costs more in terms of roof timbers rise – and the labor timescale gets extended.


Follow the Plan

While the construction might not be absolute, a good design delivered with integrity helps save time and expenses. What you prioritize is crucial to deliverables and costs.

If you keep switching plans or make amendments along the way, expect additional costs.

Help Out

Work on smaller tasks yourself; one way of saving money is to ask the trades what smaller tasks are needed to be done to save them from doing the low-skilled jobs. Your hired help will be very thankful for this and will guide you along the way on what needs to be done before undertaking the job.

Incorporate Inexpensive Materials

Fuse inexpensive materials with your construction. If you can, go for OSB, plywood, or the rough-sawn softwood instead of expensive hardwood flooring.

Think about what materials you have at your disposal that you can recycle or upcycle.

This rule can also be applied to the choice of lighting in your house – as a standard, a pendant rose color cable with a globe LED bulb can look just as chic as any expensive light fixture.

Separate Pricing

Go for pricing out elements of the project at hand separately.

For instance, fetch the roof tiles pricing yourself, then move to ask three or more qualified roofing establishments for a price fit/match. You can save more than 20% on the total build cost.

Having as many packages as possible will increase your chances of saving big on building costs; however, you must also consider the work involved and how to perfectly coordinate the separate trades.

Go for a Quantity Surveyor

It is impractical to expect an architect always to know how much the entire project will cost to build.

It is up to you to scrutinize the varying costs, put them all together and work out a plan that includes the impact of changes that will influence the final building sum.

If this is a cause for concern – which it will probably be – go for the services of a quantity surveyor or a packaging company to work alongside you on the project.

Walk the Known Path

Tried and tested methods, materials, and techniques are best for a new build – do not go for any of the tools/techniques your builder is unfamiliar with.

If you do choose to tread the new/unknown path, know that it will drive up the time builders will need for your site; also, increasing wastage plus the number of fixes required at the end of the process might also lead you to a sub-standard finished building.

Waste Free

Making the most out of the efficiencies of a project and a build system is the easiest and the first way to save on budget costs.

Internal Wall Insulation

The best way you can keep on saving big on your ever-continuing expenses is to go for reliable internal wall insulation.

Internal wall insulation costs are economical at the building level. Internal wall insulation will also help you conserve power usage, reduce your heating/cooling bills, and also help reduce your carbon footprint on the environment.

Energy waste via un-insulated houses is the biggest foe to tight power/utility budgets. Work smart and trap the expensive energy inside your home for better turnaround. Internal wall insulation is the way to do that without spending a huge number of valuable resources, time, and money.

This post specially curates these tips to help first-time or seasoned builders/homeowners. Following these easy guidelines, you can have an efficient, workable project without spending too much on construction.

Also, the after-construction tips here, for instance, the internal wall insulation installation, will help you save money in the long run.


Happy Building with Iraye Group Internal Wall Insulation services.

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System: Key Factors to Consider

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System: Key Factors to Consider – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Commercial Plumbing System

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System: Key Factors to Consider

The plumbing system plays a critical role in the day-to-day operations of any commercial establishment. As a business owner, you want to provide the best services to the people who work and visit your establishment.

Whether you’re building a new commercial facility or renovating an older one, put a lot of thought into planning your plumbing system. Commercial plumbing issues can cause major inconveniences to employees and guests, and ruin productivity. Foresight and proper planning, plus regular plumbing maintenance, can help ensure reliability and longevity of your plumbing system.


Here are seven important factors to consider when installing a commercial plumbing system:

1. Hiring a Professional Plumbing Company

Whether its plumbing installation, or repair; finding a reliable plumbing contractor should be your first priority. Many business owners try to save money by using inexperienced or unqualified plumbers. However, such attempts at cutting costs may backfire; causing premature leakages and an array of unanticipated issues.

Certified plumbing professionals, on the other hand, will conduct a thorough investigation of the building and evaluate the specifications of the project to come up with the best possible plumbing system for your commercial establishment. Moreover, they have the knowledge, experience, and tools to get the job done and deliver excellent results.

2. Size and Occupancy of the Building

The size and occupancy of your commercial facility is an important factor to consider because it will influence how much plumbing you need; how many restrooms, sinks, showers, water fountains, and even decorative water features are going to be in the entire building.

This information will also help the plumbing company determine the complexity and scale of the project; the workforce needed; and how long the entire installation process is going to take.

3. Plumbing Codes in Your Area

You may have to adhere to specific plumbing codes, depending on where your commercial building is located. If you are not familiar with the plumbing codes in your area (or not sure if there’s any), do some research and share this information with your plumber.

Before giving the project the green light, make sure that everything you’re doing is up to code – plumbing or otherwise. You don’t want to spend money on something and later on find out that it’s not allowed.

If you’re working with a local plumbing company, however, they’re probably already well-versed with the plumbing codes in your location.

4. Pipe Design and Layout

How do you want your pipes? Do you want them concealed in the walls? Visible and mounted on the surface? Or a combination of both? This is something you need to ponder on as well when designing the building.

If you’re going for a clean, sleek, and more streamlined look, hiding the pipes should be the way to go. However, if you want the space to have a modern and industrial feel to it, leaving the pipes exposed will contribute to the overall aesthetics.

5.  Water Needs and Frequency of Use

Commercial buildings often house dozens – sometimes, hundreds – of people. And these people will have to use the toilets, wash their hands, and even take a shower, putting a lot of strain on the plumbing system.

How will the building be used? Is it going to be an office space or rented out to tenants? How many people, on average, will be using the system on any given day?

These are the information your plumbing contractor needs to be aware of, so they can accurately assess the situation and install a plumbing system that can handle the possible increase in demand.

6. Public Restrooms

Public restrooms are an entirely different matter. Some commercial facilities have one or two public restrooms, while others have more. The thing is; public restrooms, especially in establishments that see a lot of guests daily, put a huge strain on commercial plumbing systems. People using the toilets non-stop; washing their hands non-stops; sometimes flushing stuff down the toilet.

If your building has public restrooms, consider how often they’re going to be used when upgrading or installing plumbing systems.

7. Schedule of the Installation or Upgrade

If you’re upgrading or installing a new plumbing system on a building that’s currently in use, you’ll have to pick the best days to implement the changes.

Schedule the work on the least busy days of the week. If it’s an office building, do it on the weekends when there are no employees around. This way, you’ll cause as little disruption as possible.

Investing in your establishment’s plumbing system is one of the wisest business decisions you can make. Plumbing issues are some of the worst problems in both residential and commercial properties. They can cost a lot of money to fix, too!

Attention to detail and working with the right commercial plumbing company will save you from the stress and future unexpected expenses caused by faulty plumbing.

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System


 About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Can a High Efficiency AC Unit Really Help You Save Money?

Can a High Efficiency AC Unit Really Help You Save Money? – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

High Efficiency AC Unit

Can a High Efficiency AC Unit Really Help You Save Money?

Air conditioners are essential to comfort, whether you live in a place that enjoys sunshine all-year round or the changing of seasons. But with energy prices rising across the country – and likely to continue doing so in the foreseeable future, homeowners may find themselves torn between comfort and economy in the hopes of reducing their overall energy consumption and saving money on utility bills.


With heating and cooling accounting for about half of the energy use in the average U.S. home each year, even slight changes in the HVAC system can significantly influence a household’s utility costs. That being said, upgrading to a high-efficiency air conditioner is one of the best ways to save on AC expenses both in the short and long term.


What is a High-Efficiency Air Conditioner?


To understand energy efficiency is to comprehend how it is measured. For heating and cooling systems, the energy efficiency of an equipment is reflected by its SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy efficient an AC unit is.


The average SEER rating of modern air conditioners is between 13 and 14, but you can find ultra-efficient units with ratings reaching as high as 25 for standard split systems. Around 15 years ago, most air conditioners in the market only have a SEER rating of 10. If your system is more than a decade old, you should seriously consider switching to a newer model to improve your home’s overall energy efficiency.


How A High Efficiency AC Can Save You Money


AC units with high SEER ratings are generally more expensive, but they can offer more cooling per watt, which helps offset the expense and result in bigger long-term savings.


Here are the top four money-saving benefits of a high-efficiency AC unit:


  1. Lower Energy Consumption


Installing a new energy-efficient air conditioner in you home won’t come cheap, but it’s likely to save you more money in the long run. The right choice of high-efficiency AC can result in a dramatic decrease in your household energy consumption – as much as 30% in the first month!


  1. Less Repair Expenses


An AC unit that operates at a higher efficiency level will not have to work as hard to cool your home. Since the equipment receives less stress, it’s likely to last longer, become less prone to wear-and-tear issues, and require fewer repairs over time. You get to save more money on the upkeep of the unit.


  1. Increased Lifespan


Along with fewer breakdowns and lesser maintenance expenses, a more efficient AC unit will also have a longer life expectancy. Air conditioning systems cost a lot of money; you’ll want them to last as long as possible. With proper care and regular professional AC maintenance, a high-efficiency AC unit can last 15 to 20 years, or even longer.


  1. Possible Rebates and Incentives


Most states offer rebates and incentives for eco-friendly home improvements, including a new energy-efficient air conditioner. If you’re planning to install a new high-efficiency AC, make sure to check for potential rebates and incentives in your area. Your local HVAC company should know about these programs and how you can qualify for them.



About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of New AC Unit. Aside from heading the company’s content marketing strategies, she writes articles about how to stay fit and energy-efficient home living.

Small Room Remodeling Ideas

Small Room Remodeling Ideas – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Small Room Remodeling Ideas

Small Room Remodeling Ideas


Small room remodeling ideas

With efficient storage solutions and enviable interior design concepts, the appropriate small bedroom ideas may transform a little cramped area into a must-see getaway. Even the most basic of box rooms may be converted into a cozy little bedroom, and careful furniture placement can make it into a multi-functional space as well, adding valuable study and storage areas.

To maximize the possibilities of a tiny bedroom, careful planning and a dash of imagination are all that is required. Consider these small bedroom and single bedroom ideas before you start decorating.

Rethink the design.

Rethinking the standard layout of a small bedroom is always beneficial. Arrange the furnishings to make you feel more at ease. Place the majority of the furniture on one wall, preferably the one you see the least when you’re in it, to avoid the space seeming cramped.

Use creative multipurpose objects, such as a sideboard that also functions as a dressing table, to minimize the quantity of furnishings in a small bedroom to a minimal.

Make use of any difficult corners for storage.

When space is limited, creative storage solutions are necessary. The proprietors of this little attic bedroom idea fashioned bespoke built-in cabinets out of an uncomfortable recess space in a tight position. Using an otherwise vacant space for hidden storage avoids clutter from intruding on a place that is already constrained.

In a tiny bedroom, any visible products will make the space appear crammed – and hence much smaller – so keep things hidden.

Construct storage around the bed.

Bespoke wardrobes are the most effective solution to maximize your bedroom storage space. Building wardrobes on both sides of the bed helps to create a frame that keeps the attention on that one wall. By removing any obstructions, this frees up a lot of space on the remaining walls. Instead, hang artwork or mirrors on the other walls.

By adding storage above the bed, you may make greater use of the space, but be cautious not to make the design appear dated – or claustrophobic with too much going on.

Consider your surface options.

Use reflective surfaces to create the optical illusion of continuing space to double the feel of a small bedroom. Who hasn’t strolled into a pub and mistakenly though it was double the size, only to find out it was just a smart use of mirrors? To make the small bedroom look larger than it is, mirrored closets, a reflecting shining wall covering, and mirrored bedside tables are employed.

Don’t worry if employing all three is too much; the same rules apply when only one of these items is employed. Consider where you can best put reflecting surfaces when building your compact bedroom arrangement.

With some imaginative decoration, you may create a sense of more space.

Paint is an excellent solution for a multitude of decorating problems. A splash of color may not only enliven a space and make it feel more inviting, but it can also be used to solve greater aesthetic problems, such as making small spaces appear larger. Consider this little bedroom paint proposal, where a color combination has helped to create a border and, as a result, a new perspective for the walls. It’s an optical illusion of sorts.

Use your headboard as storage as well.

If you’re short on space, go for a headboard like this one, which features a storage gap as well as a surface area for storing stuff. This means you can get rid of those bulky bedside tables since you’ll have a place to put your nightly reading. If you want to go the additional mile, add wall lighting as well.

Install the lighting on the wall.

In a compact bedroom, wall-mounted lighting can help to free up much-needed surface space. To improve the arrangement, use the wall to precisely place the task lights.

Vertical storage takes things to the next level.

Ladder storage is a terrific method to have the benefits of wall shelves while having the freedom to move it when you need to. This one is ideal for this small bedroom, but it would also work well in a bathroom or a small sitting area.

Not to mention the storage options for beneath mattresses to keep anything hidden – just make sure it’s hidden at all times. To create a sense of space, keep as much as possible off the floor; look up at the ceiling to remind yourself of the amount of floorspace available in the room. After you remodel, make sure to get assistance of companies like Denver Colorado’s Bed Bug Experts to get rid of any bugs, etc.

And, of course, make sure the area is comfortable; whether large or little, this is the most crucial factor to consider when developing a bedroom layout.

5 Realistic Ways to Get Organized Before Buying a New Home

5 Realistic Ways to Get Organized Before Buying a New Home – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Buying a New Home

5 Realistic Ways to Get Organized Before Buying a New Home

While buying a home can be exciting, it can also quickly become overwhelming, especially in the current state of the housing market. The way to combat this stressful time is by being prepared and organized. Knowing what to expect before buying a home will help you stay on track with your budget and have a positive outlook on a rather daunting process. This article will help you get organized and feel prepared before buying a new home.


Prepare Your Finances

Inevitably one of the most important factors to buying a home is money. A great way to start is by researching how much house can I afford? This is based on your income, current debt, and funds available for a down payment. It’s important to understand your debt-to-income ratio going into the homebuying process. Knowing how much of a mortgage you can afford will help you narrow your search. Once you have this figured out, you can filter your search to areas that are within your budget. To keep your finances in order, create a folder with copies of all of your necessary financial documents. Remember, the amount you are approved for is not what you have to spend. You may be able to find homes that fit your criteria and come in under budget! If you plan on buying a home that is going to require renovations or remodeling keep that financial estimate in mind also.


Make a List of Wants Vs. Needs

Once you have narrowed down what you can afford and multiple areas to search, make a list of what you are looking for in a home. To make it efficient, create an excel document with two separate tabs. One for things you must have in your new home, and another for things you would like to have but are not necessary. Print this chart and keep it in a home-buying folder with all of your information and notes related to purchasing your home. A couple of topics to consider include having a fenced-in yard, how many bedrooms and bathrooms are on your Wishlist, and what kitchen floor plan or size would be best for your family. On top of that, considering local school districts and what else you want in a neighborhood is important.


Create a Moving Timeline

Your moving timeline will depend on if this is your first home or if you are selling your current home. If you are currently renting, you will need to plan your move based on when your lease ends. Remember to give your landlord the proper notice that you will be moving out and the expected date.

If you are waiting to sell your home before buying a new one this timing can be a little trickier. Make sure to work with your realtor on the specifics of when you want to be in your new home. Your realtor can then try and plan out your closing date accordingly so that there is as little overlap as possible between selling your current home and moving into your new one. Another important to-do list item is reserving a moving company if you will need assistance with packing or transporting your belongings.


Search for Furniture and Appliances

The fun part of moving, especially if this is your first home, is buying new furniture and decorations to make your new space feel warm and welcoming. You will also need to know what appliances come with your new home so you can plan what you need to additionally purchase or replace. For warm-weather areas replacing or updating the AC unit is something to consider.

For furniture, if you are trying to stick to a budget check out second-hand stores, antique shops, or discount stores for a variety of affordable options. Also, make a list of what you need right when you move in versus what you could get after settling in. If you will be buying new appliances you might want to consider a home warranty. Investing in a home warranty can give you peace of mind that your new appliances are covered if something goes wrong, and save you money down the road by avoiding costly repairs. Since your new home is truly yours you can decorate it however you want and make any cosmetic updates including changing the paint colors.


Settle Into Your New Place  

Buying a home and moving are big accomplishments. After such a stressful and lengthy process, you are apt to feel burnt out. Being organized helps the process run smoothly and allows you to enjoy your new place once you are able to move in. One of the main things to remember is to take your time unpacking and really get to know your new space. You will have to make sure electricity is turned on and make an appointment for cable to be set up. Utilize this checklist to be sure not to forget anything you should be doing right after moving in, and remember to enjoy your new home!

10 Tips to Keep your Kitchen Clean and Evergreen

10 Tips to Keep your Kitchen Clean and Evergreen –  The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Kitchen Clean

10 Tips to Keep your Kitchen Clean and Evergreen


The kitchen is an integral part of a family home, and it undergoes the most wear and tear over time. Kitchen waste and ample use of water accelerate corrosion, discoloration, and deterioration. It is extremely important to maintain cleanliness and good hygiene in the kitchen, as it is the place where your food is typically stored and prepared. A dirty kitchen propagates germs and infections; not to mention, it is unsightly and diminishes the value of your real estate. Follow these ten tips to keep your kitchen in pristine condition:

1. De-clutter the surfaces

The best kind of kitchen is a clean and organized one. If you don’t put stuff back in their right spots, the place will turn into a huge mess pretty quickly. You won’t be able to find items the next time around, which will add to the frenzy and confusion. You might break things, misplace them, or spoil them.

2. Wash/clean stuff after use

If you let the dishes pile up for days on end, and don’t clean up your equipment right after use, grease and bad odor will follow. It will become difficult to clean it up later, and shall probably leave stains; you will need a lot more water and energy too.

3. Wipe and sanitize daily

Do not forget to wipe and sanitize your kitchen counters and floors daily by the end of the day. This will remove contaminants and dirt that accumulate and create problems over time. You will be welcomed by a fresh and tidy kitchen the next day.

4. Don’t let Waste and Spills sit

If you drop or spill something in the kitchen, try to clean it up immediately. Lubricants on the floor can cause slip and fall accidents, whereas food items may attract pests and micro-organisms. Keep all surfaces dry as much as possible.

5. Line your Bins

Most of the kitchen waste is organic waste, which rots and decomposes quickly. Lining your waste bins with biodegradable plastic bags will ensure that none of the waste adheres to the walls or bottom. They are easy to remove and you won’t have to worry about remnants.

6. Deep Clean at least once a Week

Whenever you have time over the weekend, take out an hour and engage in some deep cleaning. Bring out the detergent or an industrial cleaner to nicely scrub your kitchen surfaces. This will effectively remove any residues of grease, dirt, and filth that remain hidden to the naked eye.

7. Never ignore leaks

If you notice a leaky faucet or pipe, do not leave it be until it propagates into a disaster. Call in a plumber or handyman as soon as possible. Refrain from DIY hacks and quick fixes. If you don’t pay attention to the leak, it may cause greater damage to the plumbing and sanitation system.

8. Do not delay repairs

Anything that seems to be malfunctioning or out of place should be taken care of immediately. Whether it’s an electrical appliance, nozzle/knob, or something else, have it repaired or replaced before it’s too late; same goes for cracks, breakage, and leaks.

9. Laminate Wooden Surfaces

Most people go for the conventional wooden cabinets and flooring, though they might not be the best choice for a kitchen that is constantly exposed to moisture. If you want to protect your wood based structures, you may do so by coating the surfaces with laminate material.

10. Ensure Proper Ventilation

Blocking the airways of a kitchen is as bad as committing a criminal offense. Make sure to open the windows or turn on your exhaust for proper ventilation. This will promote circulation of fresh air and eliminate excess air moisture. If you have a chimney, get it serviced on a regular basis.


10 Tips to Keep your Kitchen Clean and Evergreen

7 Typical Garage Door Problems and How to Fix Them

7 Typical Garage Door Problems and How to Fix Them – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Garage Door Problems

7 Typical Garage Door Problems and How to Fix Them


The garage door has evolved over the years from a manually-operated wooden door that was often too heavy to conveniently open and close. Nowadays, garage doors come in almost all varieties: steel, wood, glass, fiberglass, and aluminum. Most of these doors are opened through a remote control or an app on your mobile phone that you can use even if you are on the other side of the world.

Modern garage doors are also equipped with several high-tech features, such as backup power when blackouts happen and an insulation system. Nevertheless, even if they are modern and have highly-advanced technology, they will still require proper care and maintenance.

Additionally, garage door repair should be the primary solution the minute you realize something is wrong with the door. However, it is also vital for you to know how to identify garage door problems so you can apply the proper action for the situation.


Signs That Say Your Garage Door Needs Repair


1.  Your garage door is unusually noisy.

When your garage door makes loud noises, don’t waste any time and immediately check out what is causing the noise. The volume of the noise shouldn’t matter because even the softest noise is an indication that there can be problems with your garage door.

The first thing you should check is the track’s nuts and bolts. If any of them are loose, these can cause the door to become noisy, especially if they move up or down. If this is what you are experiencing, ensure that you tighten these nuts and bolts. Once done, check if it still makes noises. If it still does, check if the track is off the line. If it is, this may be what is causing all the noise.

Another possible problem would be the need for lubrication. Lubricate the garage door’s springs and rollers, or have them changed if the problem persists.

It is also possible that the problem isn’t with the door itself but with the loose belt of the opener unit. Once this is determined, tighten the unit right away. Have it replaced immediately if the problem isn’t resolved after the tightening.

2.  Your garage door does not fully close.

Garage doors have something that looks like a camera lens. These are called photo eyes, and these should be the first thing you should check if your garage door does not completely or fully close. These “eyes” are actually sensors, and if they are dirty or something gets in their way, they won’t function properly. Check them to make sure that nothing is obstructing their way, or wipe off dirt using a glass cleaner and soft, clean, dry cloth,

Ensure as well that the photo eyes are properly aligned.

3. Your garage door has gaps.

Garage door gaps are caused by constant use (wear and tear). If you do not contact your garage door specialist right away, this can cause serious problems, such as water buildup.

This may also be caused by a cable or spring that has snapped. If this is the case, the cable or spring should be replaced immediately.

4. Your garage remote is not functioning properly.

Your garage door is not working. No matter what you do, it doesn’t budge. Have you tried checking the remote? It might need a new set of batteries, especially if you haven’t replaced them since you started using the door.

You should also check the antenna and ensure that it is working properly. Lastly, your remote may just be out of range, so move closer to your garage door and try opening it again.

5. You hear your garage door’s motor running, but after a few seconds, the door still would not open.

If a storm recently hit your area or if you have had power interruptions quite recently, you can experience this problem with your garage door. If your garage door’s motor is running but doesn’t open, it may be that the door’s disconnect switch was engaged, which means the garage door can be opened manually if there is a storm, power outage, and other similar situations. Sometimes, you may forget to disconnect the switch after the power comes back on.

6. Your garage door makes a high-pitched sound.

A high-pitched sound similar to scraping comes from your garage door as it goes up and down is a sign that there is something wrong with the tracks and rollers. You can clean the tracks yourself, but you have to ensure that you check each track from one end to the other. Remove any debris from the tracks and check out its overhead parts. Ensure that there are no loose tracks – and tighten the bolts if necessary.

Call your garage door service specialist if you want to make sure that all loose parts are tightened, and the necessary repairs are properly done.

7. Your door shakes or vibrates.

There is nothing cool about garage doors that shake or vibrate. Even the slightest shaking or vibration can indicate problems with the rollers and tracks or opener. They have to be regularly cleaned and well-maintained to prevent debris from gathering around them.

Get in touch with your garage door specialist if the problem persists after a thorough cleaning.


The list above enumerates the most common problems your garage door may have. The best thing to do to prevent such situations from happening to you is to have your garage door regularly cleaned and maintained.

Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner? The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Air Conditioner

Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?


Let’s face it; most of us like holding on to things for as long as we can and only replace them when they can no longer serve their purpose or get damaged beyond repair. But while this practice is often a good way to save money and cut on unnecessary spending, it’s not always practical especially when it comes to your air home conditioner.

It can be difficult to decide whether or not to get rid of an outdated air conditioner, so you need to know what exactly to look out for. If your any of these signs or characteristics apply to your current unit, it could be time for an AC replacement:


1. Too Old 

Is your air conditioner more than ten years old? You may want to seriously think about an upgrade. After a decade (or more) of cooling your home, your AC unit will start to show signs of wear and tear more often.

Most manufacturer warranties are only valid for five to ten years, which means that if your unit is too old, you will have to pay for all types of repairs out-of-pocket. In this case, it would be wiser and more cost-effective to invest in a new air conditioner with a valid warranty and much better features.


2. Outdated Refrigerant

Freon is being phased out in favor of ozone-friendly refrigerants in most countries, resulting in a drastic increase in Freon prices worldwide.

If your AC unit is still running on R-22 Freon, it would make a lot of sense to make the switch to an updated model. Your wallet and the environment will both benefit from an air conditioner that uses an eco-friendly refrigerant.


3. Strange Noises

Are you hearing weird noises coming from your air conditioner? Any grinding, rattling, pounding, or similar sounds that aren’t normally heard in your house? These noises could be the result of a blockage caused by the accumulation of dust and debris or, worse, a faulty motor or compressor.

Most of the time, all it takes to fix a noisy air conditioner is a call to your local AC repair company. However, if your air conditioner has been around for at almost ten year, these noises could be a sign of a much bigger problem and it may be best for you to replace the unit instead of repair.


4. Foul Smells

Your air conditioner is supposed to make your home feel relaxing and comfortable, not make it smell bad. If your AC is emitting strange odors, then there’s definitely a problem and you’ve got to have it diagnosed immediately.

Some of the common causes of foul AC smells are burnt wire and the presence of mold in the air ducts. These problems are generally fixable, but if they keep coming back, you may need to have the entire system checked or replace your AC unit to solve the issue for good.


5. High Energy Bills


The air conditioning system consumes the most energy in most households. This means that even the smallest inefficiencies can have a substantial impact on your home’s energy usage.

Air conditioners become less efficient as they get older. As their components acquire dirt and wear out over time, AC units have to work harder and use more power to achieve the same cooling level. That being said, if you have noticed an unusual spike in your electric bill over the past months, it may be because of your aging air conditioner. You’ll be saving money by investing in a new unit with excellent energy-saving features.


6. Poor Cooling Efficiency


Does the room still feel a little hot or humid even with the air conditioner turned on? It’s either your AC’s overworked or the wrong size for the space. A unit that’s too small or too worn out will not be able to cool a room efficiently and use more power in the process.

If your air conditioner is no longer serving its purpose well, it’s time for you to get a new one. An AC professional can help you choose the right unit for your space and cooling needs.


7. Frequent Breakdowns


Have you been calling a professional service too frequently to repair your malfunctioning air conditioner? Then it’s definitely – DEFINITELY – time to replace your old AC unit.

The cost of maintaining and repairing an old air conditioner could easily exceed the price of a new AC unit in the long run. Replacing a worn out AC will save you the trouble of having to call for air conditioning repair every few months, and all the costs and hassles that come with a faulty AC unit.


About the Author

Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of New AC Unit. Aside from heading the company’s content marketing strategies, she writes articles about how to stay fit and energy-efficient home living.


Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Why You Should Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System

Why You Should Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.



Why You Should Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System


If your building is operating with an obsolete HVAC system during the spring and summer months, you need to prepare yourself for over the roof utility bills once your central air is turned back on. In addition, obsolete HVAC systems are notorious for not working as efficiently as the new ones.

Just like commercial heating installation, there are things you need to take into account when upgrading or replacing your commercial HVAC system. However, once you have things all figured out, you can look forward to enjoying many long-term benefits. If you are hesitant about upgrading your HVAC system, below are some reasons why you should:

Energy Efficiency

Energy bills you can incur from using an obsolete HVAC system can take up a considerable percentage of your business expense. If spending a huge amount of money on energy bills is something you would like to avoid, you should consider upgrading to an energy-efficient system with energy-saving technology. Also, since new HVAC systems rarely break down, you can save a significant amount on maintenance and repair costs.

Better Health

Undeniably, good indoor air quality can help improve the health of your employees. New HVAC systems often come with air filters and purifiers that can kill contaminants like bacteria and viruses that are present in the air. Keep in mind that contaminants might also cause illnesses that can impact employee productivity and business profitability.

Increased Comfort

A new HVAC system comes with technology that will enable reliable temperature and consistent humidity throughout the building. A work area or office that’s too cold or too hot can dramatically affect the productivity of employees and the comfort of customers. In addition, new HVAC systems operate silently, creating a peaceful work environment for employees. It can help significantly improve the customer experience as well.

Less Impact on the Environment

Your HVAC system will not only have an impact on your business, but it can also have an impact on the environment. It is crucial to keep in mind that high-efficiency HVAC systems use less electricity than obsolete ones and can help minimize waste. Also, new HVAC systems can also help lessen carbon monoxide emissions that are known to be harmful to the environment.

Remote Operation

Once you have upgraded to a new and smart HVAC system, you no longer have to turn the system on and off manually. Nowadays, some air conditioners can be turned on and off using a smartphone. Undoubtedly, new HVAC systems allow you to use the system in ways that will benefit your business.

Easy Repair and Maintenance

Old HVAC systems often have high operating costs. Not only that, replacing components of old HVAC systems like coils and motors can be costly. Fortunately, new systems come with programs that can notify you of any problems before it breaks down.

Other Peerless Benefits You Should Not Miss Out On

If your HVAC equipment has been used for years, it would be a great idea to switch to a new and efficient one. New and smart HVAC systems will not only allow you to accomplish more, but it can also help warrant that you enjoy the following peerless benefits:

Less Downtime

When your air conditioning system breaks down, it can interfere with your business one way or another. For instance, if your air conditioner is not working accordingly, your workers might not be able to work as efficiently and as comfortably.

In addition, there is a high probability that your customers might leave if the temperature becomes unbearable in your office building. Finally, if you have a building occupied by tenants, you will surely receive complaints from the occupants if your system breaks down.

Seamless Business Expansion

If you intend to expand your business, an efficient system can help accommodate your expansion. This is especially helpful if you add more space to your business and your old HVAC system can no longer effectively power the whole building.

Smart Investment

Operating commercial buildings can be expensive, so investing in smart systems can help you save a significant amount in the long run as it can lower your operating cost dramatically.

Final Thoughts

Investing and installing a new and high-efficiency HVAC system can benefit your business in more ways than you can possibly imagine. If you want to lower your energy bills, reduce your environmental footprint, and enjoy all the benefits laid out above, investing in a new HVAC system is the best thing you can do.



About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.


5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home


Anybody who owns real estate hopes that someday, their property will be worth more than they paid for it.

Like any real property, your home’s value is heavily dependent on factors such as location, population growth, and market fluctuations, but there are some things that you can do to increase the value of your home.

Here are five simple ways to make your property more attractive and raise its worth:


1. Work on your property’s curb appeal.

Real estate agents go on and on about curb appeal for a reason: The way your home looks from the street has a great impact on its desirability.

Do you have plenty of money to spare? Consider investing in a new garage door with an updated garage door design. If you’re on a limited budget, though, replacing or painting your front door a new color can is a good way to elevate your property’s curb aesthetic without breaking the bank.

Of course, you should never forget landscaping, which is probably the best and least inexpensive way to make any property more appealing. Healthy trees, blooming flowers, and well-kept lawns and flower beds can make your home feel fresher and look multiple times prettier than it is.


2. Add more usable square footage.

Creating more usable space in your home can be a very economical and cost-effective decision, especially if you’re living in an area with very limited real estate.

The more livable square feet your home has, the more it will be worth by the time you decide to sell it. Additions like bathrooms, a family room/entertainment den, or an in-law suite can improve the functionality of your home and also increase its value.

Building additional rooms is the most obvious way to make your home bigger, but they also require more capital. If you want to create additional living space at a fraction of the cost, consider building a deck or a patio.


3. Update your kitchen and bathrooms.

Bathroom and kitchen renovations are widely regarded to have the most impact on a home’s resale value. Appraisers are likely to check for updates in the bathrooms and kitchen first as these areas tend to have the most significant impact on the decision of buyers.

There are a lot of things you can do to update the look and feel of your kitchen. You can replace outdated appliances with newer models, reface old cabinets, and revive aged flooring with newer tile designs or vinyl. Even minor upgrades such as a new backsplash can make your kitchen like new.

As for the bathrooms, complete renovations aren’t always necessary. A new vanity or toilet and some newer bathroom fixtures are often enough to give it a more updated feel.

Even if you’re not planning to sell your home anytime soon, a kitchen or bathroom renovation makes a lot of financial sense. These are high-use and high-traffic areas of your home; any improvement will pay off in the long run.


4. Invest in eco-friendly features.

Homebuyers these days tend to place more importance on the eco-friendliness of a home for two good reasons: a greater awareness of the environmental issues we are facing and because energy-efficient features in a home can save them money on utility bills.

When purchasing new appliances for your home, always look for energy-efficient models. Energy Star appliances use 10 to 50 percent less water and energy than their standard counterparts. Moreover, upgrading to a smart thermostat will improve the efficiency of your HVAC system.

If you’re ready to go the extra mile, install solar panels on your roof. However, this investment only makes sense if you’re looking to increase the value of your home over time and not looking for a quick return on investment or boost in resale value.


5. Apply a fresh coat of paint.

A new paint job is one of the quickest and most affordable approaches to updating the appearance of your home and increasing its value, especially if you’re planning to sell it soon.

If you’re on a tight budget, you don’t have to repaint your entire house. You may breathe new life into your property with basic fixes like touching up flaking or chipped paint or painting your front door and trim a new color.

When it comes to color choices, painting rooms in ivory and warm neutrals are said to add greater value to a home since light hues can make small rooms appear larger. If you want to add a pop of color to the space, create an accent wall by painting one of the walls with a different or more vibrant color than the rest of the room.


Upgrading your home doesn’t have to be a costly undertaking. There is a selection of DIY projects that can help you increase the value of your property, both for yourself and for future buyers.

Whether you’re renovating for your personal benefit and convenience or to sell for profit down the road, the ideas we’ve mentioned above will help you maximize the value of one of your most important investments.



Home Safety Checklist

Home Safety Checklist – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Home Safety Checklist

Home Safety Checklist


Most people spend a tremendous amount of time in their homes, whether it’s a house, condo, apartment, or something else entirely. However, most homeowners often forget about the hidden hazards at home that can put everyone living in the property at risk. The statistics are staggering; at least 33 million people are injured at home annually!

The good news is you can maintain a healthier and safer household by conducting routine safety checks. From garage door repair to checking for signs of black mold, it is necessary to stay on top of your home maintenance at all times to prevent safety hazards and costly repairs.

Ensure the safety of everyone in your household by keeping the following home safety checklist in mind:


Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors

The importance of having a working smoke and carbon monoxide detector cannot be overstated. According to the National Fire Protection Association, people are 55% less likely to die in home fires if they have a working smoke system.

The US Fire Administration recommends testing the batteries of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors monthly. It is also ideal to replace the batteries at least once or twice yearly. Swapping the device every ten years (or earlier if there are problems during testing) is also recommended.

Check your fire extinguishers

While the number of fires has been reduced in half since the 80s, the risk of death during fires has stayed the same. To prevent a blaze from getting out of hand, experts recommend having a fire extinguisher at home. However, it is important to remember that fire extinguishers are only effective when properly maintained.

Check yearly if your fire extinguisher has not expired yet. You need to also check if the safety pin is intact. It is also important to keep the fire extinguisher damage-free and clean. It is also ideal to regularly check if the nozzle is working as it should. Lastly, you need to have your fire extinguisher replaced every 10 to 12 years.

Check for signs of black mold

Black mold is frequently found in your home’s moist and warm areas, like the basement and bathroom. Mold can trigger symptoms like wheezing, fever, itchy eyes, and shortness of breath. Black mold has also been known to contribute to the development of asthma in children.

Make it a point to check for any signs of mold on a routine basis. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Look for mold clusters or spots, particularly in damp places or rooms where you have had water damage or leaks.
  • If you find any, put some protective gear on and open the doors and windows. Throw away any moldy items you will find.
  • Ensure you also pull out and replace any mold-covered surfaces like ceiling tiles or carpets. Treat the area with bleach.
  • Allow everything to dry completely. If a leak causes the mold, make sure it is fixed.

Other basic home safety basics to keep in mind include:

  • If built before 1978, your home likely has lead paint. Remodeling projects that disturb lead paint might spread lead dust throughout your home. Check with your state or local health department for low-dust home remodeling tips.
  • Make sure your electric heaters are grounded and have a three-prong plug. Instead of using extension cords, it is ideal that they are connected directly to the wall outlets. It is also important to never leave kids unsupervised or alone in a room with a space heater.
  • Do not leave toiletries, medicines, and other household products in nightstands, drawers, or anywhere where children can have easy access to them. Also, make sure controlled substances like sedatives and narcotics are in locked containers.
  • Have a fully stocked first aid kit that includes gauze, bandages, antiseptic, and medical tape. Keep your first aid kit in a place where you have easy access to it.
  • Have your HVAC system cleaned, inspected, and tuned up regularly. This can help ensure the air conditioner and furnace are safe and ready for use when you need them.
  • While foundation damage is not common, it can present serious flooding danger. Common signs of foundation damage include cracks and wet spots in floors and walls, particularly over doors or windows where the ceiling and the walls meet.
  • To ensure nobody will stumble down dark hallways, add nightlights for safe passage after the lights are turned off. Lights with motion sensors can help ensure your hallways are safe and you won’t waste energy or disturb others.
  • Check your light switches and outlets for cracked or missing covers. Make sure the contacts are not exposed in light switches with missing covers. For homes with small children, add childproof outlet covers. This is important, so the little ones are protected as they explore your home.
  • Check for cracked or missing shingles and determine if they need to be repaired or replaced. Working with a roofer is also a good idea so they can inspect and identify other issues like dry rot, which can lead to the roof sagging. To prevent any ice dams in winter, ensure there is adequate insulation.

Final Thoughts

Last but not the least, make sure you have an escape plan in the event of a fire. It is also recommended that you have an escape plan that can address other applicable emergencies you might face. Depending on where you reside, it can be a tornado, flood, or earthquake. Whatever the emergency may be, make sure you have a comprehensive emergency plan. You need to also run regular drills so everyone in the house knows what to do.


Home Safety Checklist

Do You Need a New AC Unit This Summer?

Do You Need a New AC Unit This Summer? – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

New AC Unit

Do You Need a New AC Unit This Summer?

This is perhaps one of the worst things to happen to you in the middle of the summer – your trusty and frankly, necessary air conditioner seems to be on its last legs and you need to replace it. You need to consider so many factors when it comes to a new air conditioner; not only the cost but also the discomfort of not having a functioning AC unit in your home.

In states like Arizona, living without a functional AC unit is virtually impossible, which is why we reached out to AC repair experts at Hughes Air from Chandler, AZ to share their guide on the simple identification of a faulty AC. Do you need to replace or just repair your AC? Read on and find out.

Can You Smell the Unit?

Having the air in your house smell bad can really throw you off. If the air starts smelling off when you start your air conditioner, that should be a clear signal that something is wrong. What exactly is the matter depends on several factors.

For instance, if you start smelling smoke and the electrical smell, you need to act quickly. Turn off the unit as soon as possible and consult an HVAC technician to come and inspect the potential problem. That does mean that you will be out of AC for the time being, but you may be avoiding a more serious problem down the line.

Musty and moldy smells are also relatively common, but they don’t typically require you to replace the whole AC. More likely, the problem is in your ducts or in your air filter – remember to clean or replace those as often as the manufacturer recommends.

Does Your Device Work Longer?

If you’ve had your AC unit for a while, you should be familiar with how long it typically works. Things like how often it turns on and overall, how much electricity it uses – just from your monthly electricity bill in the months when you use the AC heavily.

So, if you start to notice certain things being off, like your AC turning on more often than usual, or it running for a long time just to achieve the same temperature, that should be a clear sign that something is wrong.

If you catch it in time, you can have an HVAC technician take a look at it and potentially offer a repair solution. However, if left untreated, this condition will cause one or more elements of the system to fail. Depending on the age of your system, repairing it may not be the best course of action. If your system is older than 10 years, chances are that replacement is a more viable option.

Strange Noises

Finally, if you notice strange noises either accompanying the above problem or even occurring on their own, this is a cause for concern. Any behavior out of the normal for your AC should tell you something is wrong.

If you hear hissing near the indoor or outdoor unit, the most likely cause is the leak in the coolant system –something that is easy to repair and can be done by any technician. However, if you hear buzzing, it’s more likely to be an electrical problem or a part malfunctioning. Turning off the device and calling an HVAC expert is the best course of action there.

Finally, if you hear banging or similar loud noises, the issue might be with the compressor or the motor – once again requiring a professional’s help.

Whether you will be seeking to repair or replace your unit will largely depend on the age and state of your AC device, as well as the severity of the problem you have. However, always keep in mind that you shouldn’t ignore the AC issues.

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Home Office Safety

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality

As an entrepreneur, working from home can allow you to continue to serve your clients while maintaining a safer environment for yourself and your family. Your home office can allow you to meet with clients remotely or in-person to provide outstanding customer service for these individuals and company representatives. Creating a safe and attractive home office environment may require some adjustments on your part. Here are four key considerations to keep in mind when equipping or upgrading your home office this year, brought to you by Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling.

Implementing SaaS for Accounting

Software as a service (SaaS) options allows you to access an extensive array of tools that let you manage accounting, estimating, and invoicing procedures from your home office. This can reduce the need for face-to-face meetings with customers and vendors, which can significantly reduce your risk. A relatively small SaaS investment can pay off in increased productivity and less time spent traveling to and from meeting sites. As a bonus, these tools can also take some of the drudgeries out of the process of accounting, which is often cited as the one task most small business owners loathe. Many SaaS invoicing and payment systems are designed specifically to minimize in-person contact while streamlining the accounting process for you, your vendors, and the clients you serve.

There are also services that provide contact-free ways to handle elements of your business. ZenBusiness, for instance, allows you to easily register your Florida LLC with the state, which prevents you from having to visit an office in person. What’s more, you’ll be able to legally do business within the state of Florida.

Managing Remote Connections

Virtual meetings and conferences are an integral part of the modern business environment. Forbes recommends investing in supplemental lighting, an external webcam, and an external microphone to ensure your Zoom, Skype, or Teams meetings go more smoothly. Forbes also recommends using a virtual background or decluttering your home office to reduce distractions for you and the other participants.

It’s generally a good idea to upgrade your Wi-Fi connection and internet speed to accommodate the added bandwidth necessary for video calls. Zoom recommends a bandwidth of at least 600 kbps for one-on-one video calls. For larger groups or higher-quality videos, you may need much more bandwidth to achieve stable connections with clients and customers.

Protecting Your Health

If you do intend to entertain clients in your home office, it’s generally a good idea to go over the best practices for protecting your guests and yourself from infectious diseases. Some of the safety measures most recommended by the CDC include:

  • Wearing masks during in-person meetings and offering disposable masks to guests
  • Maintaining a six-foot distance between you and your visitors
  • Providing hand sanitizer for clients who visit your home office
  • Opening windows to improve ventilation when possible
  • Installing UV air purification systems in your HVAC ductwork to kill microbial organisms
  • Suggesting Zoom, Skype, or Teams virtual meetings as alternatives to most in-person visits

By implementing these measures on behalf of yourself, your family, and your guests, you can often achieve a solid level of protection during in-home visits from your customers or vendors.

Improving Your Home

Investing in a fully functional and well-equipped home office can improve your productivity and morale immediately. Your home office can also provide some welcome benefits when it’s time to sell your home. Be sure to take before and after photographs of major home office upgrades to track these improvements and to allow you to realize the greatest return on your investment when you’re ready to sell.

These four keys can add up to improved productivity and added functionality when working from home. By upgrading your home office, you can protect your health while maintaining open lines of communication with your most valued clients.

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality

Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling can help you with roof repairs, as well as install a completely new roof to your home. To learn more, email today.

10 Signs Telling You to Renovate Your Gainesville Home

10 Signs Telling You to Renovate Your Home – Today’s guest blog is by the Law Office Of Phillips and Allen P.A. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Renovate Your Home

10 Signs Telling You to Renovate Your Home

New homes fitted with good quality materials and appliances appeal to spectators for a reason. The shiny and spotless surfaces, smoothly operating systems/devices, and overall vibrancy are aesthetically pleasing and comforting. However, material things don’t remain new forever – they deteriorate with time and usage. Problems with the home start to become evident by the end of ten years, or sooner if the house wasn’t flawless, to begin with. The rate of property depreciation also depends upon the level of maintenance exercised by the inhabitants.

If you notice the following signs, it is high time to consider a home renovation:

1.      Leaky Roof

If you notice water dripping from any part of the roof, do not ignore it. It could be an indication of rotting structure, which may get worse if not attended to immediately. The roof may weaken over time and collapse without warning, causing fatal personal injuries. Fixing the roof can be a bit expensive, but delaying the job will only increase the damage and resulting costs of repair.

2.      Constant Plumbing and Eclectic Issues

If one or more taps are constantly leaking, toilets and drains keep getting clogged, lights keep flickering/dimming, sockets are loose/don’t work, your water storage tank overflows/doesn’t fill up, you should be calling in a professional electrician and plumber. DIY solutions or quick fixes might make matters worse or even dangerous.

3.      Flaky/Peeling Paint

Flaky or peeling paint is just another sign of wear and tear or might be an indication of moisture buildup in the wall. Filling up gaps, evening the surfaces, and applying a fresh coat of primer and paint will give your home new life. You can take care of the paint job on your own if the walls are in fairly good condition.

4.      Congested Space

The house you bought a decade or more before may not look as roomy as it used to be. Your family has perhaps expanded, or the kids have grown up. You should consider adding a second story, room extensions, or modification of layout. You may also get rid of stuff nobody in the house needs.

5.      Cracks in Walls

If there are noticeable cracks in the walls, get them checked by an expert before you attempt a DIY paint job to cover them up. There could be a leakage in pipes running along the walls, or some other structural issue.

6.      Chipped Wood

Damaged or chipped woodwork tends to make the house look more shabby and worn out than it actually is. You can expect wood to decay faster if the weather in your area is mostly wet or humid. Staining/painting and varnishing/polishing wood can restore its glory. If you are thinking about replacing your existing woodworks, you may choose laminated wood or faux wood instead.

7.      Floor Giving Way

Broken, cracked, chipped, and discolored tiles are appalling sights. It may give the impression that some violent crimes have been committed within the house. If the floor gives way or has gotten uneven in places, it definitely needs work because it is a hazard.

8.      Bug Infestation

If termites and other bugs have been pouring into your home, do not let it slide. Your home obviously needs some professional cleaning and disinfecting. Bug infestation is also a sign of problems with the house foundation.

9.      Out-dated Vibes

Home interior trends continuously change with time and old appliances lose their value. Therefore, don’t be surprised if your real estate starts to look outdated after a decade of no refurnishing projects. Replace your obsolete household items with sleeker and greener ones.

10. Dirty Kitchen and Bathrooms

Kitchens and bathrooms are most susceptible to wear and tear, primarily because of their constant exposure to moisture. Renovating the kitchen and bathrooms is the most commonplace approach to renew a home and increase its market value.

Five Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do on Your Own

Five Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do on Your Own – Today’s guest blog is by Bryan Electric, Inc. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Improvement

Five Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do on Your Own

We take pride in what we can accomplish with our own two hands. Some tasks around the house can be easily handled on our own — such as changing HVAC filters or pressure washing the deck. However, there are a few projects that are best left to the professionals. Here is a list of five home improvement projects that you shouldn’t handle on your own, presented to you today by Gainesville Restoration, Roofing, and Remodeling.


Removing Asbestos, Lead and Mold


You’ve probably seen the commercials on asbestos lawsuits, where workers can sue large companies for working with the toxic material several decades ago before it became widely known how dangerous asbestos really was. For many homeowners who are looking into buying or renovating an older home, there always comes a risk that the home includes walls, flooring, or other materials that contain asbestos, lead, or hazardous mold.


While asbestos, lead, and mold should be immediately tended to, it’s beyond the typical handyman’s prowess to safely remove toxic materials. Masks, hazmat suits, and ventilation machines will be necessary. Even the slightest error in procedure could result in spreading the hazardous material or putting the safety of yourself or others into peril. Instead of taking a risk on your own, leave this serious undertaking in the hands of professionals. It’s a pricey project, but it’s critical to remove toxic elements from your home for the health and safety of your family.


Take Care of Your Home’s Exterior


Taking care of your home extends beyond the interior. From landscaping to tree removal, you need professionals to ensure that these tasks are handled correctly and safely. Additionally, if you have gutters that need some attention, call in a pro to handle that project as well. Not only will it prevent you from climbing a ladder and getting your hands dirty, hiring a gutter cleaning service will give you peace of mind knowing everything is handled professionally. Always read reviews and check ratings before you hire anyone.


Tearing Down the Walls


Demolition projects look fun on HGTV when watching from the comfort of your couch, but in reality, these kinds of projects are a little more involved than taking a sledgehammer to a wall. lists a few personal safety hazards that can come about from DIY wall removal, which includes the ceiling actually caving in. To ensure that you can handle a demolition project on your own, you will need the proper safety equipment as well as a very thorough understanding of where the pipes, vents, and wiring are located in your wall.


On top of that, you need to make sure that what you are tearing down doesn’t compromise the structural integrity of your home. If you tear down a load-bearing wall, it might put you and your home at risk. If you do decide to swing the ax on your own, you would be held responsible for any unwanted/unexpected damages that occur. It’s probably best to leave the demolition to the pros.


Fixing Your Foundation


Speaking of structural integrity, nothing is more essential to your home than its foundation. Cracks in your foundation may seem straightforward to fix on your own. Just fill them with spackle or something, right? While you may be able to aesthetically cover up a shifty foundation, you won’t know the extent of the damage to your home unless a trained professional takes a look. You may be seeing the signs of a larger underlying problem that needs to be taken care of. Properly fixing a foundation will require a lot of time and some very specialized tools, so you should really call in the experts for this one.


Installing New Lighting Fixtures


There’s a huge difference between plugging in a floor lamp and rewiring your living room. Electrical work may be a tempting project to handle on your own, especially if you’ve worked with wiring before in high school or college. But as many trained electricians will tell you, electricity is a lot more complicated when applied to working safely and effectively in your home, so you should always work with a licensed electrician.


While gathering the appropriate materials may be easy and cheap enough to pull off on your own, setting up a new fixture that is safe, efficient, and up to code is not as straightforward as you think. Additionally, when working with electricity, you put yourself at risk of seriously harming yourself for even the smallest mistake.


It feels good to be able to get our hands dirty from time to time and take on DIY home improvement projects. However, it’s not as easy as it looks on TV. We still need to consider what we can and cannot achieve within our reasonable capabilities. Sometimes, we have to honestly assess whether it’s time to work or hand over the gloves to highly-trained and specialized professionals.


Gainesville Restoration, Roofing, and Remodeling specialize in restoration and remodeling projects. 

5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a Fixer-Upper

5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a Fixer-Upper – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Buying a Fixer-Upper

5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a Fixer-Upper

Buying a fixer-upper is a great opportunity for you to create your dream home. With some TLC, restoration, and remodeling, your ideal home can become a reality. However, it is important to go into the process prepared, flexible, and with an open mind. If you’re considering a fixer-upper, take a look at the five tips below to help you enjoy the process.


Meet With Remodeling Professionals

During your house-hunting process, consider consulting a remodeling and restoration team. Professionals can give you an idea of what to look out for and estimates for the cost of projects. A remodeling team can help you pinpoint your design style, too. Once you purchase and close on your home, you will have already established a relationship and determined your style to move forward with. Then, you can get to work on the plans and details to start your remodel.


Think Carefully About Your Budget

When going into buying a home that you will remodel, it is crucial to be able to balance the purchase price with your reno budget. There are some factors to consider when thinking about your budget for a fixer-upper. The key is to buy a home in a good neighborhood, with good bones, that is well below your budget. This way, you will have more than enough room in the budget for your renovations and any unexpected costs. To figure out what a good baseline price would be for you to allow you room for your budget is to look into some remodeling resources and educate yourself on a mortgage preapproval. This process can help you figure out what your home’s monthly mortgage cost might be in relation to the amount you’d like to spend on the remodel. Think about how much you are willing to devote to the project to get your dream design. You want to make sure you are buying a home that is manageable to fix up, while also staying within your means.


Identify Your Design Must-Haves and Goals

Fixer-uppers have lots of potential, but the condition of the home directly impacts your design capabilities. In order to determine if a home is right for you, think about how much work you are willing to do and what your design goals are. If a home is a total gut job, then you will need to factor that into the equation. Will you have the funds available to upgrade that large of a project? If you are not interested in an open floor plan, but you want a gourmet kitchen or perhaps a spa-like bathroom, you can focus your design priorities there instead. However, you need to establish your general goals before looking at homes in order to stay on track and have a clear plan. Be sure to create a list of your top priorities when it comes to the renovation and start there first—you may also want to consider how much time each ‘must have’ might take and factor that into your decision as well.


Focus on the Home’s Potential

When looking at homes, remember to focus on their potential. At first, it may be hard to see what a home could be when you are distracted by a boxy floor plan and outdated fixtures. Yet, every home has its own unique advantages and features that can make for an excellent home once the remodeling is done. You also want to pay attention to the home’s bones—its main structure, foundation, and frame. If these are in good standing, the home is likely in good standing to become your perfect fixer-upper! Sometimes all it takes is removing some walls, configuring the layout, and bringing it up-to-date with your personal style to totally change your perspective.


Get a Home Inspection

A critical component of your home buying journey when buying a fixer-upper is getting a home inspection. You never know what a professional can uncover when going over your property with a fine-tooth comb, especially with an older home or fixer-upper. A home inspector can review all of the home’s major systems, and give you a detailed report back on its current standing. That way, you can even negotiate with the seller to fix these issues or score a lower price on the home. If everything checks out, you can have peace of mind in knowing you won’t have to eat away at your remodel budget due to hidden issues.

Looking for a fixer-upper can provide you with limitless opportunities. Rather than buying a home with someone else’s design aesthetic, you get to be creative and craft a home that is uniquely yours. A fixer-upper is your canvas, and you are the artist that can bring your one-of-a-kind design to life. Don’t forget to plan carefully, let your creativity flow, and have fun when looking for your fixer-upper home.

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers – Today’s guest blog is by The Medlin Law Firm. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Tips to Keep Your Home Cool

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers

Summers are all about sunbathing at the beach, outdoor grills, and backyard stargazing in some parts of the world. For others, summers are far too hot and humid to leave home. The few peak months of summer seem like the perfect time to crank up the air conditioner and hibernate till the temperatures drop to a tolerable level; even if it entails filing for bankruptcy by the end of the season. If your home heats up like a furnace in the summers, use these tips to cool it down without amplifying your utility bills or contributing to global warming:

1.      Shield the Windows at Daytime

Closing blinds or putting up blackout curtains can stop the scorching rays of the sun from penetrating your home and pushing it to a boiling point. They act as an effective shield against heat waves, and lower temperature by up to 10%. Thick drapes and curtains have a darkening effect that keeps the house cooler.

2.      Go Cotton

Cotton is a natural light, soft, and breathable fabric, so make the most of it during summers. Invest in some cotton sheets for your bed and couches. Loose-fitted cotton clothing will also keep your body cool and comfortable.

3.      Replace Incandescent Lighting

Incandescent bulbs and lamps emit heat, which increases indoor temperatures. Replace them with energy-efficient fluorescent lighting to beat the heat and lower your electricity bill. Energy-saving electrical appliances are a huge favor for the environment as well.

4.      Try the Ice Fan Hack

Who says you cannot enjoy a cool breeze at home without an air conditioner? All you need is a portable/mobile fan and a bowl full of ice cubes. Place the ice bowl in front of the fan to relish in a pleasantly icy gust of air.

5.      Avoid Hot Meals

Turning up the oven and keeping the stove on during summers makes the house even hotter. Skip the cooked meals and opt for dishes you can prepare without fire. Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits, make Greek yogurt parfaits, and be creative with whatever you have at home. You can initiate a healthy lifestyle and save natural resources side by side.

6.      Dehumidify

A dehumidifier is an inexpensive electrical appliance that can remove the extra moisture from the air. Humidity dampens the air, lowers evaporation rates, and tends to make summers feel warmer than they actually are. Dehumidifying your indoor space will readily make it a lot more airy and cool.

7.      Stay Grounded

Heat rises, which is why upper stories in buildings get too hot during the summer. Sleeping on the ground floor is your best option. If that is not an option, try sleeping nearer to the floor. Remove carpets and rugs, as they trap heat inside them.

8.      Add Greenery Outdoors

Growing trees around your real estate and placing potted plants near windows can also help lower surrounding temperatures. Plantation removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and provides cool shade.

9.      Counter Clockwise Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans often feel useless when it’s hypothetically a hundred degrees outside; all they do is throw hot air at your face, which is far from comforting. Adjust your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise, as it will push air downwards and produce a cooling effect.

10. Open the Windows at Night

Temperatures drop during the night, as the sun goes down. Open your windows after sunset to let in some cool air and eliminate the stuffiness. However, do lock up before going to bed as closed windows are a preliminary form of domestic

Essential Tips for a Perfect Living Room Renovation

Essential Tips for a Perfect Living Room Renovation – Today’s guest blog is by Yorkshire Fabric Shop. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Living Room Renovation

Essential Tips for a Perfect Living Room Renovation

When it comes to first impressions and comfort, the living room is among the primary and most important areas in the house. Since many individuals spend more relaxation at home, especially in their living rooms, the renovation of living rooms should be at the pinnacle of your mind.

Furthermore, your living room renovation doesn’t need to be a major overhaul. Whatever style you choose, renovation is always possible for you. A few tips to help make your living room look better and feel more relaxed than ever are as follows.

Set the Atmosphere of the Room       

Start by changing the mood of your living room. One way to do this is to change and work on the color palette of the room depending on what style you are opting for to achieve. 

For your living room, the colors you choose will influence how visitors feel in the house. Depending on how strong they are and how warm or cold they are, colors can energize or relax the room.

In addition to that, consider white, blue, green, and other soft-toned colors if you want to make your tiny living room look bigger. It will make your living room not only larger but also brighter.

Fix the Lightning of the Room

One of the fastest ways to add an appeal and overall comforting look to your living room is better lighting. In addition to that, it can add details to your walls. It can be a particularly stylish way to highlight the wall while adding extra light to space if you have an accent wall or stone.

Furthermore, by creating a shadowing effect, whether you have an extra-long fireplace or wall shelving, this will balance out the bulkiness of it all. Space will look bigger and more inviting right away.

Choose the Perfect Flooring

In your living room, if you want to add more personality, you might consider renovating your flooring.  Try using wooden flooring if you are into the traditional look, not just that it will also make your living larger without compromising the whole aesthetic of your house.

Furthermore, changing the flooring dramatically will affect your home’s value. Although it is possible to add or replace carpets in less than a day, know that hardwood will improve your home’s value. When the wood floor is cracked, stained, or in need of substitution, go for it.

Add Some Accents

Choosing whether or not to dress your windows in curtains remains the most contentious aspect of a home. Leaving the windows bare, however, may make the living room look incomplete.

Curtains can make or break your style, and they can add drama to your space if you use the right kind of curtains. There are a lot of choices for you on the market that is why it’s quite a struggle to choose the right one.

However, it can give you the satisfaction you want when you achieve the look you are after. If you are still looking for a fabric to match your living room style, then visit the Yorkshire fabric shop. You can choose from a wide array of fabrics with different materials, styles, and patterns.

Moreover, if there are wide and long walls in your living room, then you must give them life as well. For an additional attractive feature, the walls of your living room can and should be decorated.

Invest in unique pieces of art that complement the theme of your living room and hang it in a triptych pattern over the main couch or put a large statement mirror above the mantlepiece, etc.

Revamp your Furniture

Revamp your old furniture instead of buying a new collection of furniture and giving it a new start. Not only does this make for an affordable renovation project, but the furniture fabric and paint can also be personalized if you want to suit the living room and fit its theme.

Furthermore, too much furniture in your living room can make your living room feel crowded. As homeowners usually spend a great deal of time in their living room, they want to be happy with their furniture.

However, the furniture needs to look appealing to visitors because the area is the heart of the home and not concealed like a cellar. To suit the function of your living room, you need the best furniture. Of course, you need a sofa, but an unnecessarily plush one that covers so many walls will limit the room’s overall use.


Always remember that it doesn’t need to be costly to renovate an area in your home, like your living room. To make it look better, you just need to know where to make changes. Don’t worry too much about your room’s aesthetic, you have to prioritize being comfortable in your home.

5 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

5 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas – Today’s guest blog is by Brand Range. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

5 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

As you know, the kitchen is the standard gathered-in room of your house, so it is necessary to make little changes to remodel your kitchen. Do you want to remodel your kitchen? If yes, then go for it because the kitchen is where you love to spend most of your time with your family, friends, and food.

Whether you are looking to remodel your kitchen, there are several kitchen trends of the modern age. Simple changes to renovate your kitchen can update your kitchen.

There are many beautiful ideas to make a significant change in your kitchen, and it gives a fresh, updated look to your house and family. Check out these fantastic ideas to remodel your kitchen.

Renovate backsplash of the kitchen:

A backsplash is a great way to update your kitchen with an innovative and pop up look because it is the most used kitchen area. The backsplash with a mosaic pattern is the first field that should get renovated in your kitchen.

A tiled backsplash is the best thing in your kitchen because it takes all the oil sprinkles and food scatters on it. If you are updating your backsplash, try to bring new additions to the existing style.

But if your kitchen is not in good condition, and then include new materials instead of existing ones for an instant update. The trend of mirrored backsplash gives a glamorous and stylish look to your kitchen. Very inventive!

Like that, you can add various styles to your kitchen backsplash that will demand routine care and cleansing. However, if you add a single shade to give a stylish look to your kitchen, that is insufficient.

Update cabinetry:

Rather than choosing new cabinets for your kitchen, it is better to replace your cabinets’ doors and renew the handles. Decorating ideas for kitchen cabinets give the entire kitchen an updated and stylish look.

Updating old cabinets with a modern look gives the full kitchen an uplift and bring some bold change for a stylish impact. Buy the best quality cabinets within an affordable range to make a powerful style statement.

There is no kitchen without a cabinet because lots of the kitchen belongings are stored in the cabinet like wooden boxes, mason jars, canned meats, and packets of rice and key rings.

New flooring

A kitchen floor remodeling gives a new life to the kitchen to make it seem livelier and more candid. When it comes to the kitchen’s flooring, replace the marble with a wooden floor to give an up to date look to your kitchen, that’s why wood flooring is a fabulous choice for the kitchen.

The brightness of hardwood gives your kitchen an effective style on a moderate budget and always takes special care to maintain the hardwood floor’s sparkle. Care is essential as you go with wood, tile, or marble. Yet marble flooring offers an excellent fashion statement for your kitchen.

The kitchen flooring is the ideal part to update your kitchen status with a color scheme. The quality of kitchen flooring is limitless with a single coat of white color.

If the new flooring does not work with the color of cabinets, do not bother, there are still other ideas are present to upgrade your kitchen. Remember, you can strive to improve the color of cabinets within your budget.

Add great lightning:

Lightning designs are brilliant ways to remodel your kitchen with style and luxury. Lightning in the kitchen uses excessive energy, so try hard to use those lights with minimum energy usage.

The kitchen lighting ideas are countless; it depends on whether you are looking for LED technology or halogen light bulbs with glaring light. But the new LED technology is the most efficient option for your home. What a significant update for the kitchen!

Make sure that light bulbs work best in your kitchen to increase the charm portion of your kitchen. The influence of light is exciting on your kitchen both day and night.

Paint your kitchen:

As new flooring and cabinets give a stylish look to the kitchen, it’s time to change your paint color to provide a classy new look. Remember beyond your backsplash and wooden flooring; colorful paint makes a significant impact on your kitchen.

Color is the central part of kitchen remodeling because different colors have a remarkable impact on your kitchen. Paint not only gives a stylish look to the kitchen but also improves the benefits of your kitchen.


If you are an enthusiast to remodel your kitchen, then the ideas mentioned above are the best for kitchen remodeling. Do you prefer an updated kitchen for your home? The choice is yours because it depends on you whether you want to work in a well-furnished kitchen or not.

You are the one who decides that kitchen remodeling is necessary for your home. More importantly, remodeling of the kitchen demands significant research, thought, and care.

Now, you know what works best for your kitchen needs? Try to implement these ideas to refresh your kitchen look.

Remodeling Your Home: Best Home Improvements That Add Resale Value

Remodeling Your Home: Best Home Improvements That Add Resale Value. Today’s guest blog is by home stager, Bryce Thompson. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Remodeling Your Home

Remodeling Your Home: Best Home Improvements That Add Resale Value

The money you just spent on that new sink and automatic sprinkler system isn’t going down the drain. Think of it as seed money. Most home improvements add resale value to your home, some more than others.

Spending on home improvement projects is expected to rise in 2021. Here’s why: Interest rates remain low, COVID-19 has people spending more time at home, and more homeowners are looking to increase the value of their homes before a sale.

Before you pick up the hammer and nails, here’s some constructive advice: Ask a real estate agent for recent home sale prices in your area. This will help you set a budget so you don’t spend more than you can expect to recoup.

Here are the best home improvements that will add resale value to your home.


Whether you’re planning on selling or staying in your home for a while, you can’t go wrong with a fresh coat of paint. Start with the front door. A recent Zillow analysis found that a black front door can increase the sale price of a house by as much as $6,000.


The first thing prospective buyers see is your front yard. Curb appeal can be the difference between attracting a bid and losing offers to your competition. A good landscape design can account for 20% of the value of your home.

In Gainesville, the average cost of landscape design and build is just under $4,000 according to LawnStarter. Outdoor projects like building new patios and stone walkways will add thousands more to your expenses but could be worth the investment, adding several thousand more to your sale price.


When a prospective buyer walks into your home, the condition of your floor immediately makes an impression. If they don’t like what they see, they will already be calculating the cost and inconvenience of having to upgrade worn carpets or out-of-date tile.

If you can remodel some, but not all your flooring, kitchen and bathrooms are a priority.


Outdated kitchen appliances, countertops, and cabinets can make the entire home feel like a relic. Remodeling this room can also be the most expensive project. Once again, have a clear budget in mind and start with items that will immediately freshen up the look of your kitchen.

Having wooden cabinets painted and new hardware installed will make a great impression. A new kitchen sink and modern faucet is a must. If countertops and backsplash areas are dated and show signs of damage, consider replacing them.

If your appliances are mismatched, malfunctioning, or beat-up looking, replacing them with energy-efficient models will boost the value of your home.


The rooms that get some of the most use in the house are also often the most in need of an upgrade. Replacing toilets is relatively inexpensive and low-flow models can save you money in the long run.

Hazy glass shower doors, soap scummy tile, grungy grout, and moldy spots should either be power cleaned or replaced. Old sinks, faucets, vanities, cabinetry, and decorative items like mirrors, medicine cabinets, light fixtures, towel bars, and toilet paper holders can all be upgraded to freshen up bathrooms. If wallpaper or paint has been there a while, it’s time for a couple of fresh coats.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

It may be tempting to try and save money by DIY. That’s just one of the costly mistakes homeowners make while renovating and remodeling. If you’re the type who measures twice, cuts once and curses three times, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals. The cost of an emergency room visit and wasted materials adds up.

Remember, the choices you make to add resale value to your home aren’t necessarily the same choices you would make when staying in for years to come. Pet projects like changing the style of your staircase banister or adding closet organizers will not be the kinds of items that pay off in your quest to attract the highest selling price. Save those projects for your next place.


Bryce Thompson is a home stager and freelance writer who specializes in inexpensive ways to improve energy efficiency and curb appeal.

Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid – Today’s guest blog is by Cavalier Estates. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Renovation Mistakes

Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

Two things homeowners have on their mind when renovating their home are saving money and maximizing value. The reason a lot of owners do a home renovation in the first place is to improve the look and function of the home and make it more valuable to potential buyers.

But at the same time, owners are often motivated by financial constraints to try and cut down on the cost of the home upgrade. Basically, as Cavalier Estates LLC explains, homeowners often have two objectives when renovating their home: to improve the value and to save money. This can lead them to make mistakes during the home renovation process.

To help you avoid this, we have created this list of the most common home renovation mistakes that homeowners make. The list can help you be more careful about the choices you make during the planning and execution of your home renovation project.


1.     Renovating before you live in the house

If you are not a building professional, it is hard to fully understand the shortcomings of a house until you have lived in it. Living in a newly bought home for at least two months before renovating will help you avoid unnecessary upgrades.


2.     Failing to consider long-term needs

Many renovation efforts are based on what catches the homeowners’ eyes or the latest trends in the market. Homeowners often fail to adopt a big picture approach or take into account what the users of space will need in 5-10 years.


3.     Mistakes in design choices

Common mistakes homeowners make when choosing designs for a renovation project include:

  • Using a design that does not compliment the home’s original architectural style. Doing creates incongruity in the design and this devalues the home.
  • Failing to think of function, how spaces are actually used, and thinking only of form and how the place will look.
  • Being overly trendy and failing to recognize that trends will always change but a good design will never lose its appeal.


4.     Doing too much at once

In their eagerness to create a space that is uniquely theirs, some homeowners will take on too much. Rather than renovate the home piecemeal, they attempt to overhaul the whole house. This often results in too much disruption, lots of change orders, and wasted money.


5.     Underestimating costs

Renovations budgets are intelligent estimates at best. A good contractor may give you an estimate that is just a little above the eventual cost, but the estimates will rarely be your exact costs. You can avoid underestimating by building an additional 20% into the budget.


6.     Choosing the wrong contractor

Some homeowners choose their contractor without asking for recent references from the company. Yet others will choose a contractor who does not have a proper warranty or is not bonded. Another mistake that homeowners make is to choose a national firm that does not have local experience.


7.     Going DIY when you shouldn’t

Due to the explosion of DIY videos on YouTube, many homeowners are fooled into thinking they can successfully undertake their home renovation themselves. This often ends in damage to the home and injury to the homeowner.


8.     Settling for the lowest estimate

Some homeowners make price the main criteria for choosing their contractor. But this often results in them eventually spending more money than they were trying to save. That’s because the contractor may cut corners and they would have to redo the work.


9.     Working without a permit

Getting permits for a renovation takes time but proceeding without one is not an option. If a renovation project requires permits and it is done without one, that part of the building may be torn down. A good right design-build company can facilitate the necessary building permits.


10. Not anticipating problems

Every renovation project has its fair share of problems. For instance, when drywall is torn down, you may discover that the electrical system is in bad shape. There may also be incidents that do not inflate the budget but delay the project. Anticipating these problems helps to reduce stress.


11. Not doing prep work

Prep work is the foundational work that must be done before the renovation itself. Depending on the part of the home being renovated, prep work can be anything from priming walls, to sanding or the structural work that goes before re-flooring. Proper prep work prolongs the life of a renovation.


12. Not following the proper workflow

Every home renovation project has a workflow that guarantees the best outcome. The right workflow saves time, materials, and money. It ensures that you do not go back and forth on the project by tearing up finished work to install new components.


13. Installing appliances last and buying furniture or décor too early

If furniture and décor are bought too early, they may not fit into the overall design of the home. They should be bought when the project has gone far enough to give you a clear idea of what things will look like at the end. But choose appliances early enough to make sure the design will accommodate them.

There you have it, renovation mistakes to avoid if you are thinking about renovating your home.


Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

How to Prepare for Major Home Repairs

How to Prepare for Major Home Repairs – Today’s guest blog is by Parenting with Kris. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Repairs

How to Prepare for Major Home Repairs

Major home repairs never come at a good time. Whether it’s a broken-down water heater or a roof that’s caving in, they seem to always sneak up and do their best to wreck your budget. That’s why it’s so important to prepare for the unexpected. Gainesville Restoration Roofing & Remodeling wants to help, so explore these practical ways you can prepare as a homeowner for the inevitable major repairs, from knowing about common repairs to paying for them once they arise.


Common Major Repairs


The first part of preparing is to learn what kind of repairs to expect. Below you’ll find a few of the most common major fixes homeowners often face, though you will also want to learn about additional types of repairs as well:


Roof replacement. The roof is one of the most important structural aspects of your home, and it protects the inside of your home from outdoor elements. Roofs typically last 20 to 30 years, depending on the material of the shingles. The best way to avoid having to do a full-on replacement out of nowhere is to have your roof inspected annually for leaks and wear and tear. Then, repair the roof as needed.


HVAC. Heating and air conditioning units are known to stop working suddenly, and it’s usually during the hottest or coldest days of the year. Regularly change out your air filters, and have your HVAC regularly inspected and maintained if you want to prevent a sizable replacement bill.


Water heater. Like HVACs, hot water heaters tend to quit with no warning. You’re enjoying a relaxing shower, and the next thing you know, you feel like you’ve taken the polar plunge and you can’t breathe. Sometimes, however, there are signs of failure before it happens.


Siding replacement. Siding can last forever, but sometimes it needs replacing after 10 to 30 years — depending on the material. Wood siding will typically last the longest, especially if you treat it (i.e., pressure wash, caulk, paint/stain) every few years. Vinyl is the cheapest of siding options, but it also needs to be replaced more often than other types. If you have vinyl siding, pressure washing it once a year can help it look good for longer.


Saving Up for Repairs


The best way to pay for major home repairs is to do it without acquiring any debt. Consider starting an emergency repair fund, in which you allocate a portion of your income each month to a savings account. A general rule of thumb is to put in 10 percent of your monthly mortgage payment; so, if your mortgage is $850, you would put $85 into your emergency fund each month.

If you need money for a repair before you have your fund built up, consider borrowing from a family member or friend, or applying online for a personal loan. If you have time to prepare for a significant repair, you can always refinance your home and use some of the equity you’ve built up, but this process can take as long as four weeks.


Those who have debt holding them back from assembling necessary funds have opportunities, too. With a debt consolidation loan, settlement, bankruptcy, or other solution, you can get your finances back on track and find breathing room.


Hire the Right Help


Once you have your problem assessed and funds assembled, make sure you connect with a high-quality contractor like Gainesville Restoration Roofing & Remodeling to help put your home back in order. Gainesville Restoration Roofing & Remodeling can assist both commercial projects and homeowners, transforming bathrooms, rebuilding roofs, clearing water damage, and much more. And if you’re looking elsewhere, be sure to get recommendations, assemble a list of interview questions, and review the portfolio of anyone you’re considering for your project.


Big repairs are part of being a homeowner, and it’s important to be prepared when these problems come up. Research what major home repairs can arise and how to avoid/delay them through inspections and maintenance. Be selective when you’re choosing a contractor, and start building your emergency repair fund today. Being prepared even a little can soften the financial blow of an unforeseen major home repair. And if that older home is proving to be too much, a newer home can be the better choice for your family and bank account.


Contact Gainesville Restoration Roofing & Remodeling for more information on how they can help you with your home project!

Choosing Between a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel

Choosing Between a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel – Today’s guest blog is by Remax Infinity Property Management. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Kitchen Remodel

Choosing Between a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel

For homeowners, remodeling their homes can be hugely challenging. On one hand, there is the high cost and inconvenience of the project, and on the other hand, there is the struggle of deciding on the best renovations to do.

Many homeowners start out with a clear idea of what their homes should look like based on something they have always wanted or, as points out, what they think buyers would value. But most owners end up just settling for the projects that are within their reach.

Instead of a wholesale overhaul, they have to take a piecemeal approach to remodel the home. This often means considering a list of possible projects and choosing those that are most profitable or immediately possible.

Many times, that decision boils down to choosing between a kitchen and a bathroom remodel. Given that these two are homeowner’s most desired renovation projects, it is not always an easy decision to make.

What should homeowners do when confronted with the dilemma of choosing between a bathroom and kitchen renovation? If you are a homeowner caught in this predicament, the guidelines below will help you navigate the situation.

Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel

Why do kitchens and bathrooms matter so much?

Kitchens are the hub of the home. In addition to their established use as storage areas and the space where meals are prepared and eaten, kitchens function as family gathering places. They are often the best indication of a family’s lifestyle.

Bathrooms matter because they play the dual role of meeting our body’s sanitary needs and providing a stress-free sanctuary with complete privacy. Bathrooms are usually where we start the workday and often where we end them.

Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel

Choosing between a bathroom and kitchen remodel

Each home’s needs will be different, the problem should be evaluated from the standpoint of what a home needs now and the homeowner’s future plans.

What is the home missing?

The answer largely depends on your lifestyle. For families that spend a lot of time sharing meals, the kitchen should take priority. The same applies if you love trying out special recipes. The kitchen would also be the better choice if you receive guests in that room.

However, if the only appliances you use in the kitchen are the microwave for heating food and the freezer for preserving them, you probably don’t need a kitchen remodel. Also, if you love to take luxurious baths or if there is someone in the home who has difficulties using the toilet/shower, a bathroom upgrade would be more valuable.

 Bath Remodel

How much does it cost?

Based on how much money you have now; which room could you renovate to the best standard? Remodeling your kitchen will usually cost more than remodeling your bathroom. But the difference is often marginal.

If it is possible to do a thorough remodel of the kitchen, based on your current budget, you should probably go with the kitchen remodel. However, if your budget will only achieve a less-than-perfect kitchen remodel, it makes better sense to divert the money to a cheaper bathroom remodel. When considering costs, though, it is important to also think about the project’s ROI.

The impact on home’s resale value

This is really important if you are looking to sell your home in the near future. If that is your objective, you cannot do renovations from the perspective of what is important to you. The features which buyers value most should take precedence over your own likes.

Typically, kitchen remodels tend to be more valuable to buyers. The average buyer will take more interest in a home’s kitchen than its bathrooms. Therefore, if a home is on the verge of being listed for sale, the bathroom should only be done after the kitchen is finished.

 Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel

How disruptive will the project be?

Home remodels are disruptive and the level of disruption depends on which parts of the home are being upgraded. Remodeling the kitchen is not as disruptive as remodeling the bathroom because there are restaurants, fast-food, and microwaves to temporarily take the place of the kitchen. But if the shower is out of commission for even one day, it would be very hard to find a replacement.

Even if it is possible to install a portable toilet, it is just not the same. So if your home has only one bathroom, doing a bathroom remodel could be really stressful.

The project duration

This is related to the disruptiveness of a remodeling project. The longer the project lasts, the longer you and your family have to endure its inconvenience. This can be a major factor in the overall cost of the project because you would have to spend on providing alternatives.

A mid-range bathroom upgrade can be completed in 18 days, but the minimum duration for a kitchen remodel is usually 5 weeks. Even though bathrooms are acutely inconveniencing, kitchens can be disruptive for a longer period.

So, which should you choose: a bathroom remodel or a kitchen remodel? Ultimately, that question can only be answered by you.

Choosing Between a Kitchen or Bathroom Remodel

Benefits of Commercial Epoxy Floor Coatings

Benefits of Commercial Epoxy Floor Coatings- Today’s guest blog is by Orlando Epoxy. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Commercial Epoxy Floor Coatings

Benefits of Commercial Epoxy Floor Coatings

A busy office space rarely gets a complete revamp. Even if it is necessary, this one task is put-off every time. That is why the epoxy floor comes to the rescue. Known as the King of floors, it provides an efficient solution for demanding spaces.

Epoxy is so durable. This is the reason why many high-traffic spaces prefer installing this type of flooring. Unique properties like high-resistance, realistic images on floors, and more are discussed by  Orlando Epoxy Floor. Still, there is so much more you have to know about this high-tech flooring solution.

Here are 4 reasons for you to know why you should install epoxy in your office.

1- Stylish Sheen 

Who wouldn’t want stylish floors? Admit it. Floors are rarely given attention when it comes to styling and designing. Often, you rely on carpets of colorful rugs to accent the grey footing you walk on.

Also, what most pays attention to is cleaning and mopping. But why not give these sturdy surfaces a make-over? This is why epoxy rules. It instantly adds style to floors.

There are many durable concrete floors out there, giving strong quality. But only a few who satisfy an eye for design. Epoxy tops this solution. It offers 3D printing images to be a design coat on floors.

The style you want can be hard to meet. Do you want a realistic, nebulous surface? Or a shabby chic pattern or an image or logo of your company? Yes, you can personalize a flooring with epoxy.

2- Metallic Shine and Steel Strength

Let us talk more about epoxy’s aesthetic factor. If you are not a fan of 3D and got a more sophisticated taste. Then a traditional plain, clear pavement is your thing. There are many stunning Pinterest-inspired metallic epoxy floors to produce.

Achieve a distinct shine on the floor. The resin-rich coating adds luster. That is why you can see the metal-like shine on the floors. Aside from it looking stain-free, it also feels how it appears.

The shiny metallic floor also got the strength of steel. This flooring solution is tough on damages. Epoxy floors’ top layer does not quickly get scratches. The concrete base is so dense that it will not also dent when hard object hits.

3- Lasting Appeal

Office spaces in big companies indeed receive massive foot-traffic. People come in and out. Different soles attach to the floor. An epoxy floor does not lose its appeal.

What for that you achieve a design or style you want. When it can fade or scrape easily. No worries. This footing system will not fail you. Its quality sheen and the lustrous surface is to stay for a long time.

4- Quality Indoor Office Air

Epoxy’s rising popularity has also got the industry hooked on low VOC products. This means epoxy flooring emits low volatile organic compounds.

Unlike other porous cement or vinyl floorings, these products can leak compounds and blend into the air. Indoors, the air quality can attract a different form of invisible particles.

Rugs or rubber floorings, when they react with solvents or heat, would fume certain odors. Certain chemicals also breakdown and infused to the air people breathe.


Epoxy’s exquisite features are less known to many, but now that you’ve become aware, it is now your turn to choose the perfect match for commercial interiors. Among office spaces, peoples’ health is at stake. Don’t forget to add style to encourage creativity, innovativeness, and productivity.

Home Modifications to Improve Your Health and Well-being

Home Modifications to Improve Your Health and Well-being – Today’s guest blog is by Parenting with Kris. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Modifications

Home Modifications to Improve Your Health and Well-being

With many of us spending more time at home with the family, it’s important that your home be a space where you can relax and feel at ease. Along with keeping it clean, consider ways you might make some modifications or repairs to improve your health and well-being. You could install air filters to improve your air quality or modify your patio or backyard to make it easier to entertain guests.


Outdoor Modifications

Improving your outdoor space will make it feel more inviting.



Indoor Improvements

Along with your outdoor mods, make sure you revamp your indoor space with these resources.



Ways to Decorate

Along with renovations, think about ways you can decorate to make your home more functional—and more fun.



Your home can be a place of comfort and health by following some of the above resources. Remember to think about ways to make your outdoor area fun for kids and guests, and be sure to use store coupons where you can to keep costs down.

5 Essential AC Repair Tips to Stay Cool

5 Essential AC Repair Tips to Stay Cool – Today’s guest blog is by Ankita Bose of Dubai Cleaners. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

5 Essential AC Repair Tips to Stay Cool

5 Essential AC Repair Tips to Stay Cool

There are regions where summer can be mild, while in other regions, summer can be very hot, such as in Dubai. Despite the moderate heat, there are often those days when the sun is scorching hot and it becomes nearly impossible to stay outdoors.

During the summer season, the only thing that can make the heat bearable is an Air Conditioner. However, there is a problem with that. The more you stay indoors and keep the AC running all day, the more it creates pressure, and that’s when problems can arise.

Even though maintenance and AC cleaning services do a good job of making sure it’s running efficiently, there is still nothing worse than having a sudden AC breakdown.

To avoid times like this, we’ve made a list for you. A list of essential tips for keeping your AC running without any issues. Read more below.

Common AC Issues that We all Face!

Before we can jump right into AC repair tips, it is important for you to first take a look at all the common problems that the majority of people face with AC. Here’s a brief list of them:


  • AC is unable to turn on
  • Unit is unable to produce cool air
  • Refrigerant leak
  • Frozen evaporator coil
  • Clogged Condenser
  • Electrical Failure
  • Damaged Compressor
  • High Energy Bills


Now, that you know what to look out for, it’ll be easier for you to understand.

5 AC Repair Tips to Keep it Cooling & Running

It’s a hot summer day and you find out that your AC is not cooling properly. This can be a stressful event. If you think that your air conditioning unit may be in need of repair or maintenance, first go through the steps mentioned below.

1.Clean Air Filters

We’ve all faced a time when we realize our AC is no longer operating at peak performance. You may think it’s time to replace your AC unit, but it may be something else. One reason why your AC won’t cool is that the air filter needs to be cleaned.

The filter is responsible for filtering the air before it reached the unit. However, with this air, comes dust particles, dirt, and other contaminants. If not cleaned regularly these contaminants can form a hard layer and freeze the evaporator coil.

Be it a split or window AC, you can clean the filters easily. Open the AC and take out the filter tray from it and carefully clean the filter. If you find it difficult, you can always refer to the AC cleaning Dubai service.

2. Close All Vents

When you turn the AC on, it is always important to make sure that the Airflow is circulating within a range and without any open vents. This is because when the AC pulls in the air present in the room, it produces cool air from it.

Now, if there is an open vent, then the compressor will be affected due to the constant intake of air. Thus, make sure that there is no open vent present in your room.

Keep the exhaust fan turned off when the AC is working and make sure you’ve closed all the ventilators in the room. If there are any gaps between the window and unit then you can try using caulk or any other strong sealants to seal these gaps.

Get your walls insulated. If your walls are too thin then it would be difficult for the AC to keep the room cool at all times. Additionally, sealing all the gaps and leaks to make them airtight can save the consumption of energy which will result in a low energy bill.

3. Adjust Thermostat Settings

The thermostat will allow you to easily control the temperature of the appliance. Be it Split or windows, all AC units come with thermostat settings and cooling operations. If the temperature in the room suddenly changes you may need to adjust your thermostat. Make sure the thermostat remains in the “Automatic” mode instead of the ‘On” mode.

Another reason why the AC is not working is that the thermostat may have run out of batteries. Simply get new ones, or you can even replace the thermostat with the one that is compatible with the unit.

4. Clean Physical Unit

The internal components of the AC are critically important. But, you must not ignore the fact that the external components are equally important. For instance, a dirty physical unit can hamper the AC and stop it’s core functions. The condenser is the outside unit that is responsible for transforming outside air from hot to cold. Because it runs a lot, there is a huge possibility that the condenser can get dirty or even clogged from dirt layers and tiny debris.

Furthermore, a clean condenser keeps the AC running smoothly. Carefully remove the debris from the condenser. You can get help from someone who has done it before or you can simply get assistance from AC cleaning Dubai service providers.

5. Increase Refrigerant Levels

As much as the AC is capable of transforming hot air into the cold air, it is the refrigerant that actually transforms the hot air into cold air. All AC components consist of this fluid that is helpful in transforming the temperature of the air.

But, when the refrigerant gets low, due to many other reasons, the air conditioning unit can stop working or become less efficient when compared to its performance when it was new.

A leak inside the AC unit can also be responsible for a loss of refrigerant fluid. The most common signs to watch out for are unusual noises coming from the AC, water dripping from the AC unit, or it just does not cool as it used to. In such cases, it is advisable to seek help from AC repairing experts

So, if you are experiencing any of these issues, get your AC unit serviced immediately!


5 Essential AC Repair Tips to Stay Cool

Getting Your Home on the Market During the COVID-19 Recovery

Getting Your Home on the Market During the COVID-19 Recovery. Today’s guest blog is by Parenting with Kris. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

COVID-19 Recovery

Getting Your Home on the Market During the COVID-19 Recovery

Selling your home is a stressful and time-consuming process, especially if you’re a parent. If you’ve been thinking about moving this year, you may be hesitating to list your home because of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you may not have to postpone your plans: buyer demand remains strong, interest rates are hitting all-time lows, and in many states, the recovery is in full swing. These resources will guide you as you hire a team to help you navigate your journey, declutter, and stage your home with your children pitching in, and decide how you want to show your property.


Find Help to Sell Your Home


You don’t have to find a buyer all by yourself. Working with a few professionals whom you can lean on for expert assistance will allow you to list your home quickly.


  • Connect with a listing agent who can teach you everything you need to know about your local real estate market.
  • Consider working with a home captain program that provides access to real estate concierge services.
  • Hire contractors like the tradesmen at Gainesville Restoration for roofing or remodeling projects.
  • Contact home staging professionals in your area to see if they will offer virtual consultations.


Prepare Your Property for Buyers


Once you’ve assembled your “sales team,” it’s time to spruce up your property. Here’s how to declutter, stage your home without spending big, and get your kids to lend a helping hand.


  • Before you begin your preparations, talk to your children about your upcoming move so that they know what to expect.
  • Start by decluttering your home – you may be able to find charities accepting donations of clothes or other items in your area.
  • Get your kids involved with the cleaning process, and give them time to organize their rooms.
  • Finally, it’s officially time to stage your home: put out a welcome mat, arrange a few throw pillows, and hang up new wall art!


Find the Perfect Buyer


As a parent, you’ll want to protect your family from contracting COVID-19 without pausing your search for a buyer. Here’s how to showcase your property while putting safety first.


  • Want to ensure that no one in your household will be exposed to COVID-19 during showings? Take buyers on virtual tours instead of hosting them in-person.
  • If you do choose to invite prospective buyers into your home, make sure they wear masks for the entirety of their viewing and be prepared to provide masks just in case.
  • After your guests leave, you will need to deep clean every room with solutions that are scientifically proven to eliminate COVID-19.


Selling your home during a pandemic will no doubt require some extra effort on your part – and moving with children in tow is always challenging! But if you hire a great team for support, take time to carefully stage your home, and encourage your kids to have fun and take part in the process, you’ll have no trouble connecting with a buyer who’s ready to make an offer.

Getting Your Home on the Market During the COVID-19 Recovery


Photo via Pixabay

Top 3 Benefits of Pool Deck Resurfacing

Top 3 Benefits of Pool Deck Resurfacing – Today’s guest blog is by Decorative Concrete Leads. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Pool Deck Resurfacing

Top 3 Benefits of Pool Deck Resurfacing

When your pool deck shows some signs of wear and tear, the best way to have it restored is to have it resurfaced. Pool deck resurfacing is one of the most affordable and cost-effective solutions and recommended by Pool Repairs Atlanta for improving or even restoring your pool deck’s aesthetic appeal.

Compared to other options where the old concrete needs to be removed for replacement, pool resurfacing is installed over an existing concrete slab, making you save time and money.

In this article, pool deck resurfacing Orlando will be sharing the top 3 benefits of pool deck resurfacing to help you decide if this option is worth the investment.


  1. Improve your pool deck’s appearance


Concrete resurfacing comes with a variety of colors, textures, and designs you can choose from. You can surely find a finish that would complement the existing architectural design of your home or business. If you can’t find a design you like, you can have it customized with the styles you are after.


  1. Variety of options for your budget and style


You can choose from a variety of finishes based on your budget and style. If you want to increase the value of your property, you have an option to choose stamped concrete overlays or stained concrete, these options provide an elegant finish to your pool deck and can also be customized based on your desired results. But if you want a more affordable option, acrylic coating or microtapppings are the ones you can choose from. These options offer a fade-resistant finish that can be customized to your desired style.


  1. Provide a new, slip-resistant surface 


When your pool deck surface is exposed to high foot traffic, it will eventually lose its grip making the area unsafe to walk on and increase the risk of accidents. Pool deck resurfacing not only addresses holes, stains, and cracks. It also gives a new slip-resistant surface making the area more functional, safer, and aesthetically pleasing.

Pool deck resurfacing Orlando can help restore the beauty of your pool deck area, making your favorite spot safer, functional, and aesthetically appealing. To ensure your desired quality results, make sure to hire a professional contractor in your area.


Home Inspections – 10 Tips To Ace Your Home Inspection

Home Inspections – 10 Tips To Ace Your Home Inspection. Today’s guest blog is by New York State Lawyer. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Home Inspections

Home Inspections – 10 Tips To Ace Your Home Inspection

The purpose of a home inspection is to guarantee the safety of the people who are going to live within the home. The results of a home inspection can make or break a deal for a house on the market. The construction plan and quality of materials utilized play a huge role in establishing the integrity of the real estate. Therefore, consider all aspects of your house design if you wish to sell it in the future. Here are 10 ways to assure a smooth inspection and leave a lasting impression on the potential buyer:

1. Roof Repairs

Problems in the roof are a major red flag in a home inspection. The presence of any leaks can greatly damage your score. Repairing roofs can be costly, but you should call in a contractor to have a look and give a reasonable estimate. Refrain from temporary or cosmetic fixes because this could lead to a personal injury lawsuit.

2. Fix Drainage Problems

Poor drainage is the most frequent shortcoming discovered by home inspectors. It can ruin your home’s foundation and cause further problems like cracks in the walls, stuck door, tilted cabinets, floor tile upheaval, and dampness. Your downspouts should be wide and draw water away from your property.

3. Even out Floors

Slide a marble across the floor to assess its unevenness; if it keeps rolling in one direction, call in a professional to evaluate the level of damage. Sometimes the issue is minor, owing to wearing material of old tiles. Other times, the problem might indicate deeper issues, such as an impaired foundation; in this case, restoration might kill your budget.

4. Lighting Check

Ensure sound lighting to eradicate any issues with electricity. If the inspector comes across burned out bulbs, they may mention ‘faulty wiring’ in the report.

5. De-clutter

A happy home inspector will certainly work in your favor, so facilitate the process by making the task easier for him/her. Empty all appliances, remove obstacles, and keep the place tidy. Moving around the house should be convenient; if any part is unreachable, he/she will mark it as ‘inaccessible’ and the inspection will go into pending.

6. Eliminate Plumbing Issues

Leaky faucets, clogged sinks & toilets, exposed rusty pipes, and other defective products can raise serious concerns. The buyer and the home inspection agent may assess it as a bigger problem than it really is. Therefore, call in a plumber and make sure your plumbing system looks flawless. Consider replacing rusty pipes or fixtures.

7. Enhance the Exterior

A house that looks beautiful from the outside has good aesthetic value, which increases its worth. The windows, driveway, fence, sidewalks, and backyard should appear as ‘prim and proper’.

8. HVAC Service

The HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system of the house should be serviced before the inspection takes place. Functional issues may devalue your property or change the mind of the potential buyer. A house that goes off the market and then returns shortly gains a bad reputation; people become suspicious that there’s something terribly wrong with it.

9. Keep the Receipts

When you spend money to bring a house to pristine conditions, you must have proof of it. If the inspector or buyer has apprehensions, you can show that you took care of things.

10. Admit to Obvious Issues

If you failed to get the place fixed before home inspection or prefer the buyer to invest in repairs, be frank about it. You must point out the noticeable faults in advance because the inspector will discover them anyway. Hiding the facts and then getting caught will only make you look dishonest.

Home Inspections – 10 Tips To Ace Your Home Inspection

Smart and Simple Ways Parents Can Reduce Clutter in the Home

Smart and Simple Ways Parents Can Reduce Clutter With a Home on the Market – Today’s guest blog is by Parenting with Chris. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Clutter in the Home

Smart & Simple Ways Parents Can Reduce Clutter in the Home

Looking for ways to keep your home clutter-free while it’s on the market? If you’re trying to sell, you cannot afford to let clutter and messiness win. If you do, potential buyers will walk out the door before they even make it beyond the living room. If you’re in need of smart, simple solutions, look no further than these tips for parents who are prepping their homes for sale.

Décor that can store

The easiest way to declutter your home is to store everyday items in decorative items that have a dual function—benches that open to hold blankets, ottomans that can store board games, baskets with lids for soccer balls and cleats. Modular shelves with bins, for instance, can be a cost-effective way to add pops of color and smart organizational solutions.

Do your research

Look at similar homes in your area that are on the market to better gauge buyer needs, wants and expectations. For example, Redfin notes hot selling properties in Gainesville typically go pending in just 15 days, whereas average listings wait more than a month longer. By examining trends, you can see what the top properties look like and employ similar staging techniques. You could even consider going to a few open houses to see the different solutions people have for decluttering, storage, and display.

Use closet organizers

Parents on a time constraint may think tossing clutter into a closet is an okay solution before a showing, but closet space is actually one of the most sought-after commodities for house hunters. In other words, you want your closets to look as pristine as your kitchen counters. Aim for efficient storage and pare down where you must. It’s a good time to start packing off-season wear and make some donations or have a yard sale while you’re at it.

Establish a daily chore chart

If your kids are old enough to participate, Fatherly suggests creating a chore chart so everyone can pitch in on duties. Ensure everyone has an age-appropriate responsibility to keep the house decluttered for showings.

You can even incentivize the chart. Consider allowing the kid who gets the most done to have first-pick of bedrooms at the next abode, or let them choose the location for the next family vacation. With a little motivation, everyone will be on board.

And you don’t have to tell them, but be sure to reward everyone in some manner. Maybe they pick special decor for their rooms at the next house or a game for moving day. They will be that much more excited about the transition.

Limit the additional clutter

Daily clutter and chaos from kids are common, so it might be easier to manage the madness by examining clutter from other areas. For instance, you can take your dog to a daycare or dog camp to keep their clutter and debris to a minimum. Put aside any messy hobbies, like tying fly fishing flies or painting mosaic tiles, on hiatus until your home is sold.

Rent a storage unit

Minimalism is key when staging a home, which can be tricky for sellers with busy households. Consider freeing up space by moving all nonessential and off-season items into a storage unit. Also, consider keeping mess-inducing belongings (like BMX bikes or crafting supplies) in a unit unless you are settled into the new space and/or ready to use them.

Hire a cleaning company

If you have to choose between having dinner with your family or cleaning up the den, choose dinner. You can always hire a company to come in weekly to do a deep dive into sprucing up (but that means you have to maintain the house for the next six days) or daily to keep on top of things.

Selling your home can be stressful enough, but adding kids into the mix can take the hustle to a whole new level. While it might seem like an insurmountable challenge, keeping clutter to a minimum can be easy. With a little creativity and planning, you can stay one step ahead of the mess and your home will be sold in no time!


Transform Your Garage Into the Perfect Recreation Room

Transform Your Garage Into the Perfect Recreation Room. Today’s guest blog is by Julian Lane of The Fix It Champ. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Transform Your Garage

Transform Your Garage Into the Perfect Recreation Room

If you’re one of the 80 percent of Americans who occupy a home with a garage, you may be considering the benefits of converting the space into another type of room — especially if you don’t regularly use the garage for storage or parking a vehicle. For instance, transforming your garage into a game or rec room may be beneficial to you if your home lacks space for a pool table or one or more classic arcade game cabinets.


Before converting your garage into the ultimate game room, there are several important things you’ll need to consider. If you live in a colder climate, for instance, you’ll need to think about the steps you must take to heat the garage in the winter, especially if you plan on using the room year-round. You may even choose to cover the cement flooring with area rugs or carpeting to make the space more comfortable. If you live in a warmer climate, you’ll need to explore methods of keeping the room cool and comfortable — even during the hot summer months.


For more tips on transforming your garage space into the ultimate rec room, read on!

Analyze Your Garage Space

Before making any permanent transformations, you’ll need to analyze the garage to determine whether the space can be converted into a rec or game room. To do so, think about the types of furniture and accessories you’d like to see in the converted garage. Are you hoping to fill the space with a pool table and one or two arcade games, or would you like to bring in a wide variety of game tables? Next, measure the room to determine whether you have enough space to work with. While the actual amount of space you need varies depending on the type of room you’d like to create, Houzz recommends designating at least 300 square feet for table tennis or a pool table. If you’d like your rec room to include table tennis, shuffleboard, foosball, a pool table, and several arcade games, your room should measure around 32 feet by 32 feet.

Move Everything Out

If you find that your garage would make the perfect space for a new rec room, it’s time to clear everything out before moving forward with the conversion. During this time, you may choose to hire professional movers to assist you in removing the heavier items from your garage — especially if you’ll be moving the furniture up or down flights of stairs or into storage. Plus, professionals movers can help you to clear out your garage more quickly than you would on your own. When hiring movers to assist you, use the internet to look for reputable professionals in your area. Thanks to the internet, it’s never been easier to find affordable moving companies no matter where you live. As another option, you may choose to get recommendations from trusted friends and relatives who have hired professional movers in the past.

Build Your Dream Rec Room

Once your garage is cleared out and you finally have space to work with, you can begin to build your dream rec room. However, your city may require you to obtain a building permit before you can convert your garage into another room, so it’s important to contact your local zoning department before making any changes. Next, you can finally begin to purchase your rec room games, furniture, and decor if you haven’t already done so. Depending on how much space you have to work with, you may choose to bring in a table and chairs for lounging, a small bar for entertaining, and a sound system for listening to your favorite music.


Building Your Ideal Man Cave


Compared to other home renovations, converting a garage into a rec room may sound like an easier remodeling project, but you still do not want to tackle it on your own. It’s important to also plan your project before getting started, as this will help you to get the most out of your brand new space.

Contact Gainesville Restoration for all your home remodeling projects.


Transform Your Garage Into the Perfect Recreation Room

Home Restoration and Home Renovation

Home Restoration and Home Renovation in Gainesville Florida – Today’s guest blog is by The Law Offices of Justin P. Christodoro. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Restoration and Home Renovation

Home Restoration and Home Renovation

Buying an old house that dates back to a different century sounds exciting to a person who is into historical items, Victorian styles, and antiquities. There is something satisfying about bringing life back into something forgotten and unkempt. Nonetheless, restoration of an old house requires a lot of time, money and patience; if you lack even one of those things then you are going to regret taking on a project like this.

Old houses and ancient buildings are beautiful the way they were built, so it’s important not to confuse ‘restoration’ with ‘renovation’. Tearing down a house and replacing its core elements is usually not something you should attempt on your own. You might as well go for a modern house and save yourself the extra effort. Restoration is all about keeping what the home has to offer and only making repairs or much-needed enhancements to rejuvenate it. Buying an old house can be risky as compared to newly built homes. You should always involve a real estate lawyer so that your hard-earned money does not go down the drain.

As mentioned before, the restoration of houses built in a different era is a step-by-step process. It may take years or over a decade to achieve the desired end product, and obviously it can cost a fortune. If you have no prior experience with restoration or renovation of buildings, then this is not something you should go into it blindly. You should not start working on a historical house without a fully thought-out plan because redoing a mistake can become even more difficult and expensive.

It’s best to refer to a professional who can guide you through the whole restoration process, and give a rough estimate of the amount of money needed for your project. When you start looking around the house and visualize what you want, distractions will get the best of you. You will be tempted to do something about the peeled off wallpaper, damaged woodwork or stained tiles (those things are not on the list of priorities). The primary task is to inspect the roof, masonry, and windows. This will allow you to sort out the true strength of the house by examining what needs to be done.

Ensure that the exoskeleton of the house is strong enough to stay standing for a hundred more years, and only then move towards the exterior. The sanitation system of the house is another important aspect to be noted before moving in. Get the floors and ceilings checked for water damages because that would be a major indication of serious structural issues. Water damages are an invitation for bug infestations, and repairs are a tedious and painful process.

Once you are positive that the old house has no structural or legal liabilities and have a clear-cut idea regarding the cost of restoration, then find out its resell value. You may not have an intention to sell the house again, but you must know the profit potential of the home. It will help you recognize whether or not your hard work is worth the money you invested.

If you need restoration or renovation help with an old or new home, call Gainesville Restoration and remodeling at: 352-372-1221 for a free estimate.

Home Restoration

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival. Today’s guest blog is by Clara Beaufort of Gardener Gigs. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival

You might be feeling a chill in the air this month. This is the time of year to winterize your house against the upcoming cold winter months. Here are some tips for doing just that.

Consider your storage needs

Do you have a place to properly store your outdoor equipment? If not, you may want to buy a small building for the backyard. That way, your items will be kept secure and protected from the elements. There are many types of building materials to choose from, but wood and steel are most commonly used. Steel is stronger than wood and can withstand high winds and snowfalls, while wood is more visually pleasing. Consider the pros and cons of each material before proceeding to buy the storage building.

Focus on fire safety

Most fire departments agree that you should change the batteries on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors once a year, and a good time to do that is when you set your clocks back.

If any of your smoke detectors are close to ten years old, replace them with a new, ten-year detector with a sealed battery. You don’t need to replace the batteries on these new detectors.

Experts now say you should put the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in every significant living space of your home, including the kitchen, den, living room, and bedrooms. You can put the old detectors in household trash without guilt. Just remove the batteries first and bag them before tossing them.

Don’t have a carbon monoxide detector? Check with your local fire department. Sometimes fire stations give them away.

Other fire hazards are dirty filters and poorly vented appliances. Make sure your HVAC filters are being changed every 30 days and that your dryer filter is being cleaned after every laundry load. Set your family up on a schedule to check that these important chores are being done.

Poorly vented clothes dryers are also fire hazards. Check your dryer vent to make sure that it vents outside directly, without no kinks in the air hose. It should NOT be venting into the basement or attic. That’s a fire waiting to happen.

Keep pipes unfrozen

One thing all home improvement experts agree on is that you should not let your pipes freeze. Frozen pipes are basically a game of Russian roulette. They might thaw with no harm done, or they might burst and cost $20,000 in damages.

There are a lot of different opinions about how you should protect your pipes. Some people think you should use heating tape. Others think you should protect your pipes with spray foam. Another idea is to use a material called Armaflex which also insulates.

Consider your lifestyle and pick your insulation. If you are likely to travel at Christmas and cut off the electricity, you need pipe insulation that does not require electricity. And don’t forget to drip your faucets.

Examine your roof

This is also a good time to examine your roof. You really don’t want to be doing that when temperatures are freezing or sweltering. If you have balance issues or are afraid of heights, you will need to hire someone to do a full roof inspection.

If you are fearless on a ladder, you can do it yourself. You will need to visually inspect all areas of the roof on the outside. Any warped, curled, or missing shingles need to be replaced. Check the mortar around the chimney to make sure it’s intact.

Then go up in the attic and look for any mold or moisture seepage. If you have water damage in your attic, it’s time for a new roof. Tip: Most roofing professionals will not remind you that you can lay one roof over another until you have three roofs. So you can save money by re-roofing over your current roof.

When it comes to home maintenance, fall is the right time to do outdoor work and energy improvement projects on your home. Get these simple chores done so you can enjoy the beautiful fall season.

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival


7 Things Homeowners Should Do Immediately After Signs of a Roof Leak

7 Things Homeowners Should Do Immediately After Signs of a Roof Leak – Today’s guest blog is by Julian Lane. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Roof Leak

Replacing a roof is one of the most expensive repair costs homeowners can face. That’s why acting right away at the first signs of a leaking roof is crucial in making sure you stop the water from causing major damage — not only to your home but to your savings, as well. Left unaddressed, water damage to your roof can result in mold, mildew, and a weakened structure.

Here are seven things homeowners should do immediately after discovering a roof leak.

Pay Attention to the Signs

In many cases, you’ll notice the signs of a roof leak by seeing dark-colored spots on your ceiling. In some cases, though, the water may have been causing more damage before the signs are evident. Other signs of a roof leak include:

  • Mold or mildew on the ceiling or walls.
  • Stale, wet odors.
  • Bubbling or bowing ceilings or walls.
  • Unusually high water bills.

Find and Stop the Water

Go into your attic to locate the area that is leaking, and then place containers to stop the flow of water from further damaging your home. Next, if you have the experience or the ability to safely go on to your roof, take a look at the materials above the area where the water is dripping in. You may be able to fix the issue quickly, but for major damage, it’s more likely you’ll need to cover the area with a tarp until a professional can make an assessment.

Check Nearby Areas for Additional Signs of Damage

Now that you have at least temporarily addressed the source of the leak, look in your attic, at your walls, and under your carpet to identify other areas that have been damaged by water.  For example, if you discover the leak is from a tree limb falling on your home, look at your trees to see if other limbs are on the edge. Perhaps a storm tore shingles from your roof. Look at the roof of your carport or garage to assess any other damage the winds may have caused.

Dry and Remove Water-Damaged Items

Chances are, some of your possessions have also fallen victim to the roof leak, so it’s important to address those issues. From items stored in your attic or possessions in the house below the leak, you’ll want to clean everything thoroughly.

For items that are damaged beyond repair, you may need to hire a local junk removal service to get them out of your home. These services can remove furniture, mattresses, and other large items and properly dispose of them, allowing you to continue focusing on addressing the issues inside your home. After all, the longer these items stay on the property, the more likely you’ll experience further damage — to your home and health — from mold and mildew.

Call Your Homeowners Insurance

After you have made sure the leak is addressed and have conducted an extensive search to find all the damage, it’s time to give your homeowner’s insurance agent a call. Submit a claim with as much detail as possible. Your company with send someone out to make an assessment, but it’s really helpful to make a list and take pictures so you have the documentation you need to get the ball rolling on your insurance claim.

Fix the Leak

Whether it’s a roofing professional hired by your insurance company or a simple fix you’re able to address yourself, you’ll need to get the leak fixed as quickly as possible. After all, whatever measures you have taken to temporarily stop the water flow won’t last forever. Keep in mind that different roofing materials have different repair techniques, as well as different costs. If you are fixing the leak yourself, be sure to research materials and make sure you get the proper tools and equipment to do the job right the first time.

Prevent Future Leaks

Fixing your leak now is crucial to stopping the current problem, but you’ll also want to take stock of any potential future issues. Be confident your roof is in good shape and protected by:

  • Trimming your trees.
  • Cleaning your gutters.
  • Inspecting the areas around your chimney and exhaust vents.
  • Fix any broken or exposed pipe collars.

If you watch for the signs of water damage and catch a roof leak early on, you stand a really good chance of getting ahead of any major issues. This can save you a lot of headaches, both now and in the future. Water damage is something that can have a lasting impact, which is why roof leaks should be taken seriously with immediate action.

Importance Of Property Maintenance

Importance Of Property Maintenance – Today’s guest blog is by the Law Offices of Paul Levine. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Importance Of Property Maintenance

Importance Of Property Maintenance

When a visitor or guest slips and falls on someone’s property or business, there is an assumption that a victim will sue the property owner without hesitation, and receive full compensation against the sustained injuries. However, the reality is very different. The assumption of receiving full compensation stems from the media showing the chain of events in movies or on television. But, creating a successful premises liability claim after a slip & fall on a residential or business property is a little more difficult than it seems, as it often requires the expertise of a personal injury attorney.

The importance of property maintenance cannot be ignored, as it saves the owner from a potential lawsuit. For instance, if you keep delaying routine repairs to your property, it can be problematic later on since the building deteriorates faster. This could lead to personal injury accidents, and create a substantial base to file a claim against you. Therefore, it is imperative to invest in preventive property maintenance services. If you are sued, you will then need to hire a personal injury attorney who will need to prove in court that you are not at fault.

It may have been negligence on the part of the property owner that caused the patron to slip, or it could have been an unfortunate and largely unavoidable situation. Accidents happen, so it is not always because of the negligence. Therefore, to win an injury claim for a slip and fall accident, the plaintiff needs to prove in court that the negligence was not their own.

Unreasonable Negligence in a Slip & Fall Case

No property owner gets to know about every slip hazard the moment it happens. However, every property owner should be aware of the potential actions that could be taken against them and should take actions to protect themselves from it. Therefore, when the expectation is not met, and negligence is found on behalf of the property owner and not on the person who fell, then a lawsuit may be filed that will compel the property owner to pay for the injuries sustained.

A case in point is, consider a situation in which a shopper drops a jar of juice at a grocery store, and makes a puddle in the aisle. The shopper tries to step away from the puddle, slips and get hurt. Hence, now all the liability is on that person because he was the only one aware of the issue, and did not ask for help from a store employee.

On the contrary, if that shopper, who had created the mess, walked away and told someone of the puddle, then the liability starts to shift. Now, if another shopper comes and slips, then the store can be held responsible for not cleaning it up.


Property maintenance is important, and in the event of neglect, the property owner could be held responsible. However, to achieve success in a premises liability case, it is advisable to hire an experienced personal injury attorney. This will increases the likelihood of you receiving a settlement claim. Therefore, having an experienced personal injury attorney by your side is of significant importance. Because of the statute of limitations, or the time, you have to file a claim and for other possible legal requirements, the presence of an experienced attorney is mandatory. So, if you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, then getting the right attorney who could help you in this critical time is important. An attorney can also help you in getting the maximum medical coverage for the injuries you have sustained in the accident.

Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House

Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House. Today’s guest blog is by Rachel Stinson. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Some of our possessions can be replaced when we feel they are no longer needed. Things like cars can easily be sold and replaced. However, it is not practicable, to think the same for a house.

A house is a large and immobile asset and like other possessions, age can take its toll on it. Every time there are major damages in your home, it is not practical to go in search of a vacant land for sale in order to construct a new home. Of course, if you are a real estate agent, you might frequently need land for sale for business purposes. This is not the case for your residential home. It can be extremely expensive and exhausting to find a new home and move in.

If your home is in need of repair or outdated, you can consider renovating. In addition to improving the appearance of your home, renovating can also improve the value of your home. A lot of homeowners do not remodel their homes for financial reasons. In other cases, homeowners may not recognize the need for a renovation project.

Some individuals consider renovation simply because they want a new appearance. It is better to fix things when damages can be easily repaired. The following signs indicate that your house might be due for renovation.

Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House

Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House


  1. More Individuals, Less Space:

If you are a family person, your family size might have grown as the years passed. Your house may feel frequently cluttered and unorganized, contents from the closets keep spilling and in the children bedrooms, bunk beds no longer do the trick. Before you consider buying a new house which is a large expense, there is a solution that can rid you of the constant clutter.

A few walls can be knocked down in order to create more space; more bedrooms could be added to accommodate the growing family. With this, you will be able to solve the issue and give your house a new look.


  1. Leaking Roofs

Your house should shield you from harsh weather conditions, like the scorching sun, cold winds, and a heavy downpour from the skies. A roof plays an essential role in this function. If the roof is not doing its job, this might be an indication that it is time to touch up things.

Water stains across the ceilings and down the walls might not bother you but if nothing is done, this could develop into further problems. Roof leaks, no matter how small, can lead to rotted framing, ruptured sheathing, damaged ceilings, molds, uneven insulation and electrical problems. Affected ceiling paint would darken and the ceiling plaster may expand; mold can spread throughout the house structure and take over your furniture and clothing space. If your ceiling carries electric wiring, a leaking roof could cause shorted wires and pose a fire threat.  In essence, fixing your roof can save you from having a deteriorated structure.


Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House

  1. Dreary Looking Walls: 

With time, the paint on your walls is susceptible to start chipping. This might be caused by dust, dirt, chemicals, low-quality paint jobs, leaking roofs or for the external walls, harsh weather conditions. In warm temperatures, overexposure to UV rays can cause fading in the exterior paint.

Whichever way the damage is caused, paint troubles can easily make your home look worn out. The walls begin to look unattractive and this appearance may suggest that it has not been renovated for years. You can carry out a regular check on your house for signs of chipping or cracking. If your house fits this description, you should consider renovating your home.

Painting is a cost-friendly process that quickly restores the appearance of your house. Adding a fresh layer of paint to the internal and external walls of your home is a great idea. You can also repaint the baseboards, and touch up walls that look worn out in the kitchen and bathrooms.


  1. Plumbing problems:

Damaged pipes that go undetected can cause problems in the building and also inflate your water bill. A plumbing system is hidden within the building structure and can easily be forgotten. An existing problem can rear its head through the sinks, toilet bowls, or bathtubs.

Clogged pipes and blocked drains can be dreadful. You can fix these issues when they pop up but as the years go by, it is advisable that you invest in new plumbing. It is best to reach out to professional plumbers to find out the root cause of the problem and suggest the best ways to tackle it.


Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House


  1. Termite Attacks:


Termites are small creatures that have the ability to cause great damage. When there show up in groups, they can leave your furniture and entire home in pieces. They are able to eat a good amount of wood; once they get started on this operation, there is a decline in the strength and safety of the house structure.

You can look out for a few signs that indicate that your house structure is infested with termites. Some of these signs could be confused for water damage. The floors and ceiling may have a swollen appearance. Watch out for hollow sounds when you knock on your furniture and other parts of the house made of wood.

It is advisable to deal with a termite infestation immediately so as not to fall into serious difficulties. If your house is under a termite attack, consider renovating it. Also, contact pest control professionals so as to prevent these damages from recurring.


Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House


  1. Your House Feels Out-Dated:

Some design features from the past can still add charm to your home and give it a vintage feel. Some other features do not stand the test of time. A feature that was trendy at a previous time might be an indicator to friends (or future owners, if you are thinking about selling) that your home has not been renovated in a long time.

Of course, you may like your house the way it is. However, there are some important rooms in your house that you should check out. Outdated looking bathrooms or kitchens should be renovated. As much as possible, it is important to modernize these rooms and keep them up to date; this would significantly update the general feel of your home.  These improvements will have a big impact and make your home feel much newer than before.

Renovating your bathroom would require new sinks, faucets, toilets, flooring and shower walls. For renovating your kitchen, you might need the assistance of a pro to help you manage your space and rearrange the kitchen. You can discuss with a home remodel contractor about your kitchen and bathroom remodel. This activity could turn out to be expensive; however, it is totally worth the deal.

A home is a place of peace and comfort. A lot of times, it is more practical to touch up your house than to replace it. As you notice some warning signs, you can consider renovating several aspects of your house. These improvements have an impact on the appearance of the home; it feels newer and more presentable. Also, if you would like to put up your house for sale, renovation keeps the house in tiptop quality so that the worth increases.


Six Signs That It May Be Time to Renovate Your House


rachel stinson About the author – Rachel Stinson has always had a knack for writing, analytics, food, fashion, and places. Blogging has combined all four for her with an added bonus of enthusiastic audiences. She expertly analyzes real estates, restaurants, and Dignam with respect to pricing and people involved and can express her opinions in an unhesitant, engaging manner for all matters.

Home Renovations That Add Value

Home Renovations That Add Value – Top Home Upgrades to Try. Today’s guest blog is by Rainwater Tanks Direct. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

If you tend to ignore home improvement projects around the home, here are a few home renovations you may want to consider. If you are not sure about what to place on your project list or you haven’t come up with a list yet? Let us show you what you can do to improve your home this year.

Home Renovations That Add Value

Home Renovations That Add Value


One thing you may want to consider as a homeowner is a home renovation.

There are many reasons for renovating, and some reasons may include; the desire to experience luxurious living right at the comfort of home, the desire to maximize available space, or the desire to put up the house for sale or rent. Regardless of your reason, the result remains the same – a home with added value.

If you’ve been looking into a home renovation, then you may be experiencing difficulties deciding where to begin and what it will look like once it’s completed. If this is the case, don’t worry, this is normal. Most people experience the same frustrations when thinking about where and how to begin.

Here is a list of the top renovations (in no particular order) that can be done to your home to make it luxurious and comfortable, and, as a result, more valuable.


Basement Remodel

A basement remodel is a good way to stretch available space in your home. It’s also a great way to motivate you to get rid of all the junk that’s been piling up in there.

There are several ways to remodel an existing basement. You should think about what you would like to do with the new space. One option is to turn it into a second living room or an entertainment center. Another option may be to transform it into a home office. If you’re looking to turn the basement into an entertainment center, your options might include turning it into a mini theatre or game room. Regardless of how you want to remodel the basement, make sure it has proper ventilation and plumbing.

Home Renovations That Add Value


Entrance Door Repainting or Replacement

Did you know that a dilapidated entrance door can decrease the value of a house by a significant amount? So if the paint of the door is peeling or faded, have the door sanded and repainted. If the wood is in the process of rotting, you should consider having it replaced by a professional right away.


Make Your Home Accessible to Those With Special Needs

Making the house accessible to people with special needs is another renovation option that increases the house’s value. This is because it eliminates the need for a buyer or renter to alter the house in any way to make it accessible to a person with special needs who are living with them.

Some ways to make the home accessible to people with special needs may include the installation of ramps, installation of wider doorways, the replacement of rounded knobs with lever doorknobs, and the installation of stair lifts.

Home Renovations That Add Value


Installation of a Rainwater Harvesting System

In places where they are legal, a rainwater harvesting system can be an asset. This kind of system, after all, ensures a steady supply of water and lets homeowners save a good sum of money on water.

To get the most out of this kind of system, make sure all the essentials are set up—an unpainted metal catchment, gutter, downpipe, rainwater tank, pump (mounted pump or submersible pump), and devices that connect the rainwater harvesting system with the plumbing.


Add a Deck

A deck is a great addition to your home whether your front yard has enough space for parties or not. This is because a deck is a place for your barbecue, outdoor furniture, and guests to gather.

Home Renovations That Add Value

Roofing Re-roofing and Roof Repair Experts Gainesville Florida

Roofing Re-roofing Roof Repair Experts Gainesville Florida – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. We offer superior quality roofing services and more importantly, unmatched customer service for Gainesville Florida and North Central Florida. We are the Gainesville Florida roofing experts!

Roofing Re-roofing Roof Repair

Roofing Re-roofing Roof Repair

Even small leaks can cause major damage to your home. Your roof is one of the most important parts of any home. It protects your interior from the rain, wind, heat and other weather conditions – that is when it’s in good shape. Our experienced roofers can solve any roofing issue you may have. By using the latest techniques and technologies; we will assess your property and then provide you with the most cost-effective solution for your residential roofing needs.

You deserve to work with a company you can trust; especially when it comes to something that is protecting one of your most valuable assets…your roof! In order to guarantee the longevity of your homes roof; it is also vital that you hire a contractor you can rely on to keep your roof in great condition. Our experienced roofers will give you peace of mind, knowing we use only the highest quality roofing materials.

Roofing Re-roofing Roof Repair

As a local Certified Roofing Contractor, we partner with leading manufacturers of asphalt shingles, metal, and flat roofing materials. Our GAF WeatherMax and Royal Sovereign shingles are among the best in the roofing industry and offer both superior performance and timeless beauty. No matter your project needs, we have got you covered!

As you can see, when it comes to roofing choices, you have many options to consider. If you are in need of a dependable roofing company in Gainesville Florida, give us a call! We can be reached by calling the number below or also by sending us an email. The roofing division of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has been providing roofing services to North Central Florida for over a decade now, and we want to be your roofer!

Gainesville 352-372-1221

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Roofing Re-roofing Roof Repair

The Consequences of Broken Drain Line Damages

The Consequences of Broken Drain Line Damages. Today’s guest blog is by My Best Foundation Repair. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

The significance of drain lines cannot be stressed enough. These underground drain lines are responsible for maintaining cleanliness of home as it carries the waste water out of the building. Have you ever thought that what potential harms the broken line damages can cause? It can lead to serious consequences such as enhance the filthiness in the home, makes the proper drainage inefficient and can lead to health hazards as well. One has to bear the emotional as well as huge financial loss due to it. But there exists a solution to it! For repairing your foundation in Houston area, you can file an insurance claim. The proper drainage line removes the wastewater out of the home. Without it, bathing, cooking, washing utensils, washing floor, washing clothes, etc becomes a great issue. All routine activities get disturbed.

Broken Drain Line Damages

The Consequences of Broken Drain Line Damages


Broken Line Damage Affecting Quality of Life:

The broken lines of the drain can be an outcome of excavation work or the breakage of roots of a strong tree. These broken lines can occur in any commercial or residential building and badly affect the building and its premises. These underground drains can be a threat to people. People suffering from it have to bear the property damage as well. The most prominent sign of a broken underground line is the bad odor. On observing the bad odor, start exploring that from where it originates. The molds can grow where there is a broken line and impart to health disorders as well. The problem becomes worse when one suffers from skin allergy or when someone has asthma. Broken line damage can be identified by the slow drainage due to the blockage. It may be due to cracks and leakage in the drainage pipes. Such broken line damage is quite frequent. People can get a sigh of relief from the outcomes of broken lines by getting the financial aid.


Services of Public Adjuster Against Broken Line Damage:

Time is money.  Utilize your precious time in claiming for the damages caused by the broken underground lines. In many of the cases, the victim suffers from the financial loss and emotional breakdown. The assurance to get the recovery for the property damage and health disorders can kick out the stress and anxiety. Claiming for the damages was not this much easy before. Always consider hiring the service of a reputed and prestigious public adjuster to make the process rapid. An unskilled or inexperienced does not knot eh pros and cons of claiming and the ways to get it while a Public Adjusters for Broken Drain Lines is a blessing in this regard. The maximum settlement amount is no more a dream now. Get the right claiming amount by saving your time and cost. Seek entire compensation by consulting us today!

The Consequences of Broken Line Damages

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage. Today’s guest blog is by Churchill Public Adjusters. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

If your property has suffered the fire damages, the process of the insurance claim can be a long and tiring property loss. The claim seems to be very simple and easily resolvable though it may result in underpayments, delayed settlements or inadequate repairs to the property. The property owners mostly accept the estimates that are presented by the insurance company unaware of the actual settlement amount and the jargon that are common in the insurance industry.

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage

Miami Public Adjuster can advocate you in a fire damage insurance claim from the start to settlement. Following are the reason you must hire Miami Fire Damage Adjusters:

1: for filing and documentation of evidence:
If your claim is large scale or is very catastrophic, a public adjuster is a professional who can assist you. Miami Public Adjusters will appoint an adjuster to document your claim. The adjuster appointed by the insurance company works for the best interest of the employer.  Miami adjusters consist of professionals who understand all the terms and conditions of the policy, all the details of included and excluded items of the insurance policy. If you are not hiring a public adjuster then maybe you are fighting a lost battle. For instance, if you have never made a list of your inventory and the fire damages your house how will you prove the damages of the house? Public adjusters have the complete know-how of how to make sure you get the most reimbursement possible.

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage

2. They can understand the language and depth of your insurance policy:
Public adjusters work for the policyholders; they help them to recover the financial loss.  Although insurance claims consist of an array of complex requirement, sections, processes, and terms that are necessary to add if you want the maximum settlement. You must know the basic terms i.e. business interruption coverage, actual cash value, replacement cost an period of restoration etc. if you are filing the case yourself. If you have no experience in claiming for the property, you must hire a public adjuster so that you must get the maximum settlement.

3. If you don’t have time to deal with the insurance claim:
Damage to a property or business is very stressful. If you are a business owner you may have many other duties other than the insurance claim. If you are homeowner you may have an emotional attachment to your house that can affect your lifestyle or mental health. This is the actual time that an adjuster can help you to get rid of the claim stress.

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage

Our team of the adjuster will do the following things:
Assess the insurance policy to create the best potential policy for showing your claim to the insurance company.
File and authenticate every point of the damaged property.
Discuss on your behalf with your carrier.
Keep you educated every point of the claim.
Resolve the claim for the all-out sum with not as much of annoyance for you.

4. The claim handling of the insurance company is not satisfactory:
A fire damage claim can take a lot of time. If you think that your insurance company is ignoring your case or they are not responding, it is better to include a public adjuster in your team from Miami Public Adjusters.

Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for Fire Damage

Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Public Adjuster

Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Public Adjuster – Today’s guest blog is by Churchill Public Adjusters. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Public Adjuster

Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Public Adjuster

Home sweet home is the best place on earth. It is such a place where one feel relieves and enjoys the peace with their family. But what if any incident damages your home, building or office? It is like a nightmare to suffer from huge disaster due to flood damage, roof damage, mold, damage from fire etc. Dealing with this scenario is mandatory. Hence, one should try to get out of this situation as early as possible. It is the right time for the insurance claim. Why not enjoy a fair compensation smoothly and rapidly? Claiming procedure is quite hectic and time-consuming. But, having a representative that advises you and provide you the quick positive outcomes is a real blessing.

Ever Increasing Demand of Public Adjuster:

The need of public adjuster cannot be denied. Hiring a public adjuster is a sagacious step. Dealing with insurance claims was not this much easier before. Churchill public adjuster believes in to relax the victim and aids him in all aspects in order to get the fair insurance amount.  In this hectic life, one does not find enough time to deal with such problems and keep himself updated regarding the procedures. There is a need of one who knows all the tactics and works efficiently. Hence, the demand for public adjuster is increasing day by day.

Pros of Hiring Public Adjuster:

The devastating damage caused by hurricane, flood, storms etc troubles one’s life. This is the most crucial time that can be addressed well by hiring someone that works on your behalf. Is not it interesting? Surely, it is! Ensure to hire the Public Adjuster before the person from insurance visits your damaged property. Let us have a look at the pros of hiring a public adjuster in order to make the claiming procedure easy and tension free.

1. The huge financial loss that resulted due to the property damage leads towards the anxiety. One can reduce the stress and anxiety level by enhancing the peace of mind. It is possible when one gets assistance in insurance claiming from a professional and experienced person.

2. Enjoy getting a larger settlement if you consider hiring a public adjuster.

3. One can keep oneself safe from complex paperwork and extreme hassle.

4. A public adjuster can combat the problems that might arise during the claiming. He can combat on the basis of experience and skill. The chances of FOMO (Fear of Missing out) reduces as well.

Cons of Hiring Public Adjuster:

Although on hiring a public adjuster, the problems of claiming magically gets resolved yet there is another dark aspect of it. There are some drawbacks too of hiring a public adjuster. Let us have a glance at these:

1. Hiring a public adjuster without having any prior research is quite harmful as there are possibilities of choosing an inexperienced and unskilled person.

2. The public adjuster serves the victim and charges his fee accordingly. One has to pay a specific % of claim amount to the public adjuster.

3. In order to make their services worthy, they raise the cost of their service. Ultimately, the customer has to pay them which in turn burdens the customer too.

4. Hiding any information from public adjuster regarding the incident and damage can prove fatal. Hence, it is required to let him know all the minute details of the incident so that he can assist the customer according to his vigilance.

Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Public Adjuster

Condensing And Conventional Furnaces

Condensing And Conventional Furnaces – Today’s guest blog is by Torreys Peak Mechanical. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Condensing And Conventional Furnaces


Condensing And Conventional Furnaces

The conventional gas furnace is a square box like an appliance that intakes the cold air and cleans it using the air filter. Then gas burner in the furnace heats it up by using a heat exchanger made of steel. This warm air is then distributed by the furnace with the blower motor through the ductwork. The rooms of the home are cooled down by the heated air and this air then returns to a furnace through the returns ductwork and air grills. The cold air returning enters back into the furnace through an air filter and completes the next heating loop. Efficiency is measured in AFUF and may differ from model to model. In many furnaces, a return air ductwork or humidifier is mounted on them.

Condensing furnaces with high efficiency (90% or above AFUE) are a little more complex than the conventional furnaces. The heat exchanger technology is the main difference between condense and conventional furnace. The heat exchanger is used for extracting the heat from the combustion process. Combustion gases are exhausted in this method. Furnaces are a lot different in these regards. The combustion process in conventional furnaces is more efficient than the condensing furnaces. Bas burners with the electronic ignition are used in both conventional and condensing furnace. But the difference is that the heat extraction process after combustion is efficient more in the condensing furnace.

Changing The Furnace Filter

Changing the furnace filter just once a year shortens the lifespan of the furnace. Furnace filter, depending upon the filter type used, should be checked monthly and change it often monthly. To determine whether the filter is dirty, remove it and hold up to the light. If no light passes then filter need to be changed. By changing the filter regularly, avoids many pricey repairs. Not changing the filter causes the airflow is in furnace does not pass through it properly. As a result, it becomes overheated and shut down. Similarly, an air conditioner shut down due to a dirty filter as the coils of furnace freeze up due to inadequate airflow. Both situations stress the furnace system.

For the protection from the dirt, filters are designed for the blower motor. To buy the filter for this purpose, the task can be done by a low-cost glass fiber filter. To decrease the airborne dust in homes then the disposable standard pleated filter can be used but that cost a little more. And to remove more small particles, a reasonable filter with electrostatically charged fiber can be installed. A 4-inch thick mechanical filter system plate involves ductwork or electrical changes by cooling/heating contractors. This filter cost more but last longer and eliminate more particles. Whatever filter is used, just make sure the filter is reinstalled correctly. The arrow on a filter edge should point toward the blower motor. If it is placed backward the efficiency of the filter is decreased.

Condensing And Conventional Furnaces

A furnace maintained improperly can unexpectedly break down and cost more time and money. Frequent tune-ups help in identifying the potential problems before these breakdowns become costly. Furnace repair and maintenance is also important in the context of safety and health protection. Don’t get stuck in cold and get improperly working or broken furnace fixed fast by calling Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Their professional technicians are well trained in repairing all models and makes.

Roofing Problems

Roofing Problems – Be aware of these Common Roofing Problems. No one plans for roofing problems and they always seem to happen at the worst possible time. Making proper roof repairs before the problems get worse can save you money in the long run; as roofing repairs can become more expensive if repairs are put off.

Roofing Problems

Roofing Problems

Here are some common roofing problems you should be aware of:

Missing or damaged shingles – If you notice dark, patchy areas on your roof, this is usually a sign of damaged or missing roof shingles. This can be due to many different things including weather damage such as wind and rain, small animals running across your roof or just old worn out roofing materials. What usually happens is the sealant under the shingle fails due to weather exposure, animals or just old age. Once they become old and brittle, the shingles will loosen and fall off leaving these dark patchy areas.

Water Spots – Most people are not aware they have a roof leak until they notice water spots on the ceiling or walls. Once these water spots are noticeable the roof leak has already reached the advanced stage. Even though you may see water leaks in one part of your home’s ceiling or walls, the source of the leak is most likely in a different area of the roof. This is because Water typically travels along your roof panels before dripping onto your insulation, and then on your ceiling or down your walls. Since it may be difficult to determine exactly where the leak is; it’s always best to schedule a roof inspection with a roofing professional to be sure.


Roofing Problems

Worn Out Shingles – If you start noticing an excessive amount of roofing granules from your shingles on the ground by the downspout, this could be a sign it’s time to replace your shingles. These shedding granules could be a sign that your roofing shingles are deteriorating. The granules of the roofing shingle help to protect your shingles from the sun’s harmful UV rays; so when these granules start falling off, your shingles can become brittle and eventually crack. This is a sign it’s time to re-roof your home.

Roofing shingles are designed to protect the structural part of the roof below the shingles. But, years of constant exposure to the elements will eventually take their toll on the roofing shingles. Water stains, damaged or missing shingles can all be signs that can point to roofing problems. It’s important to keep an eye out for these signs and act before the problem gets worse.

Roofing Problems

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your roofing needs. Because we are the roofing and re-roofing experts for Gainesville and Ocala; as well as the surrounding areas of North Central Florida. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a fully licensed and insured roofing company. Therefore, when you choose us you can be sure that your roof will not only get done, but it will get done right. In addition, we promise to provide and install the highest quality roofing product available. You can reach us by calling one of the numbers below or by sending us an email


Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Roofing Problems

Swift And Satisfactory Plumbing Services

Swift and Satisfactory Plumbing is a Crucial Service – Today’s guest blog is by Patterson Plumbing and Heating. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and remodeling.

Undoubtedly, plumbing systems are extremely important and crucial part of a building. An efficient plumbing system ensures that there is constant water supply in the building. It delivers healthy drinking water to the home. You never know when you may face plumbing problems. These are just like an unwanted guest. You usually don’t know about a plumbing problem until a pipe burst or there is a water leak. Another unwanted condition is when a water or gas pipes become clogged. Obstructed pipes can lead to a messy home. It becomes quite expensive if your home gets damaged due to a broken plumbing system. Always remember to have a plumber on call for when there is a plumbing issue. Otherwise, the condition may worsen.

Swift And Satisfactory Plumbing Services

Swift And Satisfactory Plumbing Services

Quality Plumbing Services:

Plumbing is one of the most important services that one needs for a building. It includes installation, maintenance, and repair services. No building is complete without proper plumbing in it. Whether it is a home or an office, both need to have the best quality plumbing services in order to provide quality service. If you have constructed a dream home but did not get the right plumbing services, then you may face a number of serious issues.

Your bathroom and kitchen are the two most important places in the home that need plumbing. You may end up with serious issues if you have a poor sewage system. Our plumbing services address these plumbing issues in your home. No matter if it’s a clogged toilet or sink drain. We can swiftly install gas piping where required and repair the leaking pipes. Our quality plumbing services include the following:


  • Kitchen Bath Repair
  • Water Gas Leaks
  • Sewer Pipe Repair
  • Water Softener
  • Outdoor Showers
  • Pipe Relocation
  • Water Heater Installation
  • Gas Appliance Hook Up
  • Pool Plumbing

Gas leakage may also result in serious consequences. There is a greater risk when you ignore a leaking gas pipe.  Contact us for swift and satisfactory plumbing services to solve these issues as early as possible.

Commercial And Residential Plumbing:

All you need to do is to hire the services of an experienced and skilled plumber. These serious plumbing issues require the services and assistance of a trained plumber. Why compromise your quality of life by dealing with such issues yourself? Get efficient and quick plumbing services by calling us today. Plumbing Pueblo provides the best commercial and residential plumbing in Colorado.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator


Gainesville Mold Remediation

Gainesville Mold Remediation – Mold Removal and Mold Remediation Services Gainesville Florida. Mold Inspection, Mold Testing, Mold Cleaning. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a full-service Mold Remediation and Mold Removal specialist. We are also a State Certified Mold Remediator with over a decade of mold testing, mold removal, and mold remediation experience. So our mold remediation specialists have the necessary experience to assess your mold damage and contamination; in order to completely remove the mold from your home the first time.

Gainesville Mold Remediation

Gainesville Mold Remediation

Therefore, mold remediation and removal should always be handled by a mold remediation specialist. Because mold cannot be removed by simple cleaning methods and contrary to common beliefs, bleach will not kill mold. In addition, there are many health risks you could be exposed to when handling areas contaminated with mold. Mold remediation specialists are trained to remove mold and treat the infected areas to also eliminate the health risks and future outbreaks. Learn more about Mold and Mold Remediation.

What you need to know about mold:

  • There are many health risks associated with mold exposure. These risks also include allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory problems.
  • Mold is caused by excessive moisture and the only way to properly treat mold is to control indoor moisture.
  • Be aware, mold cannot be eliminated using standard cleaning methods, including bleach.
  • Proper ventilation in bathrooms and other high-moisture areas using air conditioners and dehumidifiers will also reduce mold growth.
  • Always clean and dry any building materials or home furnishings immediately after they have been exposed to moisture.
  • Add insulation to also reduce condensation on cold surfaces such as windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, or floors.
  • Mold can grow on almost any surface if moisture is present.

If you suspect that you may have a mold problem, please contact Gainesville Restoration and remodeling immediately. Call our office in Gainesville at (352) 372-1221, our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or send us an email. Don’t wait as the problem will only get worse.


Gainesville Mold Remediation

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

Roofing Installation Gainesville Florida

Roofing Installation Gainesville Florida – New Roofs, Re-roofing, Roof Repairs. The Roofing Experts for Gainesville Florida. No matter the size of your roofing installation or repair, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling we have got you covered! Whether it is a simple roof repair or a full roof replacement, our roofing contractors can handle the project from start to finish. We install both shingle roofs and metal roofs in a variety of styles.

Roofing Installation Gainesville Florida

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling have been serving Gainesville Florida; as well as the entire Central North Central Florida Area for well over a decade. We pride ourselves in our dedication to providing nothing but the best roof construction, replacement, and repair. One of the best Investments you can make is the largest asset of your home — your roof! If you are currently experiencing a roof leak and in need of roof repairs; or a total roof replacement due to weathering or other storm damage, give us a call. 

Don’t put off needed roof repairs while the damage gets worse. Have your roof inspected for free today! We work with most insurance companies so contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for all your roofing needs. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a fully licensed and insured roofing company. So, when you choose us you can be sure that your roof will not only get done, but it will get done right. In addition, we promise to provide and install the highest quality roofing products available.


So, if you are in need of a dependable Gainesville Florida Roofing Contractor call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. You can reach us by calling one of the numbers below or by sending us an email. Because we want to be your roofing contractor of choice for Gainesville and Ocala!

Roofing Installation Gainesville Florida

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Storm Damage Repair

Gainesville Storm Damage Repair by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Florida is known for its warm weather, beautiful sunny beaches, and scenic sunsets. But we also experience some of the worst storms during this time of year; as we were reminded recently by the damage from Hurricane Irma. When you experience damage from a tropical storm, hurricane, tornado, hail or other weather condition; you need the services of an experienced exterior restoration company. 

Gainesville Storm Damage Repair

Gainesville Storm Damage Repair

Gainesville Restoration can handle all of your storm damage needs, from water removal and restoration to emergency roof tarping and tree removal. We can mitigate the damage by a storm, giving you peace of mind until we are able to restore your property to its original condition. If your home has damage from a fallen tree or branches; we will provide emergency tarping while we assess and repair the roof damage. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can handle the entire process, no matter if you require restoration or rebuild. Secure your property when the unexpected strikes and protect yourself from expensive surprises.

Storm Damage ◊ Tree Damage ◊ Hail Damage ◊ Water Damage ◊ Tree Removal ◊ Mold Damage ◊ Roof Damage ◊ Wind Damage ◊ Board Ups ◊ Roof Tarping

So, if you have experienced storm damage, it is extremely important that you begin storm damage cleanup and repair immediately; to minimize any additional storm damage that could happen from putting off storm damage repairs. Because we are a full-service contractor, we can repair, renovate or rebuild any part or all of your structure. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is standing by ready to provide the valuable cleanup, restoration and rebuild services that you need. Contact us at the first sign of storm damage; so we can begin the storm damage restoration and repair right away!

Gainesville Storm Damage Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Kitchen Remodel Guide

Kitchen Remodel Guide by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Kitchen remodeling is still very popular in Gainesville and throughout Florida. With the average remodeling project providing as much as a 72% return on investment, kitchen remodeling just makes sense. Before starting your kitchen remodel you should get some ideas for your project. Spend some time browsing remodeling websites or design magazines looking for designs that meet both your style and your budget. A good place to start is places like Pinterest and other home remodeling websites

Kitchen Remodel Guide

Kitchen Remodel Guide

Kitchen Design – First, you will want to consider the space you have to work with. The average kitchen is usually about 200 to 300 square feet in size. If your kitchen is not large enough for the remodeling plan you had in mind; you would need to either select another plan or consider expanding your current kitchen space. What are you looking to achieve in your new design? Are you looking for a spacious uncluttered look or a more functional kitchen that makes use of all the space?

Remodel Purpose – What’s the purpose for remodeling your kitchen? How do you want to use this space? Have you outgrown your current kitchen and need more room? Do you cook for many people or mainly just for yourself? Is the kitchen used for a gathering place as well for entertaining and homework or is it used mainly for just preparing meals? Make notes about what you would like to achieve by remodeling your kitchen; and the things you don’t like about your current kitchen as well.This will all be helpful when designing your new kitchen.

Storage Space – Think about what you will require for storage and cabinet space. This would be a good time to take inventory of pots, pans, and kitchen utensils and decide what you need. Make sure you plan for enough cabinet space in your new design to avoid a cluttered looking kitchen. There are also many choices in cabinet styles to accommodate all of your kitchen utensils and cookware.

Kitchen Remodel Guide

Work Space – You will want to consider how much work space you will require also. Be sure to include enough countertops to make your kitchen as efficient as possible. If you have the room, you may want to consider an island for extra work space and storage. Your kitchen should be an efficient work space, not an obstacle course. 

Keep to your Budget – It’s very easy to over spend once you start a remodeling project; so you will need to decide what’s most important to you. For example, is spending more on the range more important than the sink? Splurge on the items most important, while saving on the others. This is where many people may tend to go beyond their budget. As a rule of thumb, you should set aside about 10% to 20% of your remodeling budget for contingencies.

It’s always a good idea to meet with a kitchen remodeling specialist to help plan your remodel project. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can also handle your entire kitchen remodeling project including; kitchen cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, lighting, flooring, new appliances, and more. We can also design and build the perfect kitchen concept for you. We’re not only a Gainesville remodeling company, we’re also a full-service design company.

Kitchen Remodel Guide

So, if you’re considering a kitchen remodeling project, contact the experts at Gainesville Restoration and Ocala Restoration. We’ll be able to help you sort through the details of your kitchen remodeling project; as well as develop a budget, and then see to it that your kitchen design turns out beautifully. You can reach us by calling one of the numbers below or by sending us an email. Because we want to be your kitchen remodeling contractor of choice for Gainesville and Ocala!

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Kitchen Remodel Guide

Gainesville Metal Roof Installation

Gainesville Metal Roof Installation by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling Gainesville Florida. Your roof protects your family and your most valuable investment – your home. Metal roofing is a great alternative to traditional roofing products such as asphalt shingle or ceramic tile roofing. Compared to traditional roofing products, a metal roof will cost more in an initial investment; but a metal roof will also last 2 – 3 times longer than those traditional roofing systems. Metal roofs also offer more flexibility than traditional roofing with more design and color options.

Metal roofs are generally made of aluminum or steel but are also available in stainless steel and copper as well. In addition, metal roofing also provides energy savings over traditional roofing materials. The beauty and protection of a metal roof while truly last a lifetime. With a wide variety of metal roofing styles, you are sure to find a style that compliments your unique style. When it’s time to hire a roofing contractor, you want to work with one that provides you with superior materials and workmanship.

Gainesville Metal Roof Installation

Gainesville Metal Roof Installation


Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is your source for metal roofing solutions in Gainesville Florida and North Central Florida. Metal roofs are growing in popularity thanks to their durability, aesthetic appeal and unsurpassed protection against he elements. That’s because metal roofs can also withstand our extreme Florida weather conditions, from extreme heat to heavy thunderstorms.

Metal roofing is available in two basic forms, sheet-like panels and shingle style. In addition, a high-quality metal roof will also most likely be the last roof you’ll ever need; metal roofs are resistant to shrinking, cracking and eroding. Contact us to find out all the benefits of a metal roof.

We are your Gainesville metal roofing experts! From estimation to completion, our roofing team is ready to handle all your roofing needs. Contact the Gainesville metal roof experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling by calling the number below. You can also send us an email with any questions you may have.


Gainesville Metal Roof Installation

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator


Gainesville Florida Home Painting

Gainesville Florida Home Painting – Professional House Painters – Interior Painting – Exterior Painting – Gainesville Remodeling. We can provide you with both interior painting and exterior painting. Could your home use a new look? If so, we offer a lot more than just quality home painting services. In addition to home painting services, we can also provide complete remodeling services as well. 

Gainesville Florida Home Painting

Gainesville Florida Home Painting

Whether it’s one room or the entire house, if you’re looking for a quality painting company in Gainesville Florida; then look no further than Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling! We Offer Superior Quality and Great Rates! Our team of dedicated, expert painting contractors in Gainesville Florida are available right now. 

We understand that finding the right painting professionals for your painting project can be very time consuming and stressful. But, with our painting professionals by your side, the process will be easy and convenient. Update your old interior and exterior surfaces with a fresh coat of paint. With just the right colors and expertise, you can turn those old faded surfaces into a beautiful masterpiece. 

Our goal is complete customer satisfaction, and we strive to exceed our customer’s expectations. This is accomplished by using the highest quality painting products and our attention to detail. You’ll notice the difference immediately when you choose Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to paint your home.

Gainesville Florida Home Painting

Gainesville Florida Home Painting

So, take the next step and call to schedule a free painting estimate with our home painting professionals. Because with years of experience, our team can help you achieve the home painting project you have in mind. So, contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to find out more about our professional home painting services. You can reach us by calling our Gainesville or Ocala office at the numbers below. Also, you can send us an email with any questions you may have. 


Gainesville Florida Home Painting

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator


Gainesville Florida Mold Remediation Specialist

Gainesville Florida Mold Remediation Specialist – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. To be able to properly assess, contain, and remove mold; it’s first important to understand what mold is and how mold forms. To do this, it requires more than just looking what is visible to the eye. The unsightly black stains on your walls and ceiling are certainly a concern. But understanding the root cause of your mold contamination should also be addressed; so that the mold does not return soon after the mitigation process.

Gainesville Florida Mold Remediation Specialist

Gainesville Florida Mold Remediation Specialist

Behind the visible growth of mold is an invisible intruder growing and multiplying that is the cause of your mold contamination. Finding the source and cause of the mold infestation is just as important as removing the visible signs of mold. This will require the services of a professional mold remediation specialist. You should never attempt to clean up mold yourself; as it presents a serious health risk to you and your family if not properly mitigated.

Because behind all mold growth is an underlying water or moisture problem; it is important to understand where moisture comes from and how it gets into the home in the first place. At Gainesville Mold Restoration we first locate the cause of your mold problem and then address the cause. After repairs are made to eliminate the source of your mold problem; we then begin the mold mitigation and clean up process, eliminating your mold problem completely.

At Gainesville Restoration and Ocala Restoration, we ensure that all of our mold removal specialists have the proper licensing and training. The mold remediation specialists at Gainesville Restoration have the necessary experience to assess your mold damage and mold contamination; then properly remove the mold from your home or other property. So, for expert service in mold removal and mold remediation and to keep your family safe; contact us as soon as you notice signs or symptoms of a mold problem occurs.

Gainesville Florida Mold Remediation Specialist

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Hurricane Season Has Arrived in Florida

Hurricane Season Has Arrived in Florida and Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is ready to provide Storm Damage Cleanup! The 2017 hurricane season officially begins June 1 and will run through Nov. 30. The 2017 Hurricane season is predicted to be above average; with 5 to 9 hurricanes this year, and 2 to 4 of them forecasted as major hurricanes.

Hurricane Season Has Arrived in Florida

Hurricane Season Has Arrived in Florida

After the damage of a storm, you just want to clean up as well as repair the damages left by the storm. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can provide the support and help you need to repair the damages left behind by the storm. We can also provide full storm restoration services including water, fire, and mold remediation services. Our storm damage repair specialists restore and repair your property to its pre-damage condition. In addition, we will restore your peace of mind; so that you can move forward after the unsettling events of the disaster have passed.

Cleanup & Recovery Services:

  • Storm Damage Cleanup
  • Emergency Board up
  • Water Extraction – Flood Damage
  • Storm Damage Repairs
  • Tree Damage Repairs
  • Hail Damage Repair
  • Structural Damage Repair
  • Emergency Roof Tarping
  • 24-Hour Emergency Response

So, if your property has suffered storm damage and requires flood damage repair and clean up services you can rely on the help and experience of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. We can also have one of our 24-Hour Emergency Response Teams on site to assess damage; then begin the restoration process quickly.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is also a full-service restoration and construction company. Call us at the first sign of storm damage; so we can begin the storm damage restoration and repair right away! You can reach us by calling the numbers listed below. In addition, you can reach us by sending us an email with your questions or concerns.

Hurricane Season Has Arrived in Florida

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville Florida

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville Florida – the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s also where families and friends gather; where memories, meals and moment are created. But just as with every other aspect of life, sometimes you just want a fresh start. That’s where a kitchen remodel can play a big part. Kitchen remodeling may also seem like a daunting task. Because, there is a lot of planning and money that goes into a kitchen remodel.

Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville Florida

Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville Florida

Gainesville Restoration – Kitchen Remodeling

The first decision that needs to be made is how extensive the kitchen remodel will be. Do you want to just make a few kitchen upgrades or a complete kitchen remodel? If you’re not sure about doing a full kitchen overhaul, you could start by switching out small features, i.e. appliances, paint colors, cabinets, etc.

If you decide to do a full kitchen remodel after that, you’re going to need help. The number of decisions could become pretty widespread depending on the size of the space and the changes you want to make.

In addition to appliances, paint colors and cabinets are countertops, flooring, lighting and even furniture. Sure you could do it all yourself, but wouldn’t it be easier for you if you had professional assistance?

Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville Florida

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling handles every aspect of the kitchen remodeling process, including:

  • Designing and Planning
  • Budgeting for Materials and Labor
  • Carrying Out the Full Remodel from Start to Finish

From designing to purchasing and installation, our team is ready to handle all of your kitchen remodeling needs. We service Gainesville and Ocala, as well as the surrounding towns of Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease with a kitchen remodel project. You can reach our expert and licensed team at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. In addition, you can send us an email with any concerns you may have.

Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville Florida

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville Bathroom Remodel Contractor

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Bathroom Remodel Contractor – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

The bathroom…the place you love and hate all at the same time. It can be your spa, your escape from the kids, the place you rush around while getting ready for work; or the place you fear is the dirtiest in your home. A room that can involve and invoke that range of emotions should be designed in the way you want.

 Gainesville Bathroom Remodel Contractor

Gainesville Bathroom Remodel Contractor

Sure, you could go to a local hardware store, turn on a do-it-yourself show and try to renovate your bathroom yourself. But why add any further stress to your plate? Wouldn’t you rather consult with professionals who can turn your dream into a reality?

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling offers can do just that. As a top-rated bathroom remodeling contractor, GR&R utilizes 3D design, blueprints, and drawings to bring your design to fruition.

The following services are standard with every remodeling project:

  • Free and Detailed Estimates
  • Quality Products
  • Three-Year Unlimited Labor and Materials Guarantee
  • Time Frame Guarantee

Gainesville Bathroom Remodel Contractor

We can also help you with everything from shower conversions to bathtub replacements to shelving. All cabinetry is custom built, and every design is then built to your unique aesthetics. In addition, we explain remodel process to you up front and in detail with no surprises.

From beginning to end, our team is ready to handle all of your bathroom remodeling needs in Gainesville or Ocala. We also serve the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka, Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, and Summerfield. In addition, we also service The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and take care of all your bathroom remodeling projects. Our experts are licensed and you can reach us at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. Furthermore, you can also send us an email with any questions or concerns you may have.

Gainesville Bathroom Remodel Contractor

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection. Your home is the place where you can relax and rid your mind off your worries while enjoying your time away from work. What happens when that oasis becomes damaged? Some of the most common occurrences of damage in the home are due to water. If you know what the signs of looming water damage are, you can catch it before the damage becomes irreparable. The easiest way to tell if you may have a leak is if there is an increase in your water bill without a reason. Unless you are aware of a reason for the extra water use within that billing cycle, odds are there is a leak somewhere.

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection

If you hear running water when to your knowledge water in not being used, chances are there is a leak somewhere. Other signs include wet, warm or spongy flooring, foul odors, and cracked foundation.

If any of these signs are present in your home, fear not, because Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has a full-time staff of leak experts that provide the following services:

  • Non-Evasive Detection via Camera
  • Leak-Related Repairs
  • Insurance Consulting
  • Drying/Dehumidification Equipment
  • 3 Year Warranty on All Repairs

From estimating your damage to completing the repairs, our team is ready to handle all of your water leak related needs in Gainesville or Ocala, and the surrounding towns of: Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert and licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns you may have.

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Water Damage Repair and Restoration. When your home or business suffers water damage, it is vital that you take action immediately to minimize the damage to your property. Not dealing with water leaks and wetness can cause serious structural damage to your property as well as cause a number of health problems. So if you detect water damage or dampness, it is important to act quickly to determine the cause and stop the damage from getting worse. The longer you wait once the water or dampness is detected, the more destruction water and mold can cause.

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

Water damage to a property can happen for a number of reasons, including storm damage, failure of an appliance such as a washer or dishwasher, or from a leaky toilet, water heater, or sink. Clogged air conditioner condensation lines, aquariums, and also water beds can cause water damage disasters.

Suffering water damage is devastating for property owners. So, get help restoring your home or business property after a water damage disaster from Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling restoration professionals. We are experts at detecting the cause of water damage, solving the problem quickly. Getting your home or business cleaned up and back in working order is our first priority. Our certified technicians specialize in helping commercial and residential customers recover from floods and leaks. “We handle your water damage claim from estimating to completion!”

We assign each project to a hand-picked team of highly-skilled, educated and certified specialists. In addition, we will assess the water damage with before photos and analysis. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will begin mitigating the damage by extracting the water and using integrated drying equipment. Our estimator or project manager will also work with you and your adjuster to efficiently repair any damages.

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

Our services include 24 Hour emergency help for water extraction, plumbing repairs, structural drying, slab detection and leak repairs. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling also offers mold remediation, annual leak detection checkups, contents cleaning, and inventory. Our first priority is to you, our customer. We are also a preferred contractor with many insurance carriers in our industry and offer a complete satisfaction guarantee and a written warranty.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s experienced water damage experts put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe.  You can reach our expert and licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns or questions.

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Because your bathroom should look the way you want it to look, we would like to help you achieve the look you desire! Our emphasis is on creating a functional and calming environment, that not only reflects your taste but your personality as well. Therefore, at Gainesville restoration and Remodeling, we take the time to listen, thereby creating the perfect bathroom remodel you imagined.

So first, your bathroom remodeling process will begin with a free in-home design consultation from one of our certified bathroom designers. Then, once your bathroom layout, design, and products have been selected, our bathroom designer will go over the cost and procedure of your bathroom remodeling project.

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

As bathroom design and remodeling professionals, we can help you create and then transform your dreams into a reality. We will work closely with you every step of the way, while not stressing you out with the cumbersome parts of bathroom remodeling. In addition, you can leave the details to us and know you’ll be satisfied with the completed project.

We provide:

  • Bathtub Installation.
  • Shower Installation.
  • Tub to Shower Conversions.
  • Handicap / Elderly Bathrooms.
  • Hand Rails.
  • Flooring / Tile Work.
  • New Sinks and Vanities.
  • Toilet Installations.
  • Bathroom Fixtures.
  • And Much More!

From concept to completion, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has the expertise, skills, and also, the reputation to turn your dream remodel project into a reality. We are bathroom remodeling experts, so we understand the stress that can be involved with a large remodeling project.

Therefore, from estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your home remodeling needs in; Gainesville, Ocala, Lake City, and throughout North Central Florida. So, please contact us today and tell us about your home improvement project. Call our office in Gainesville at (352) 372-1221, our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or send us an email.

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville Kitchen Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Kitchen Remodeling – Is your kitchen a fun and inviting place or could it use a complete makeover? Maybe it’s time to think about remodeling your out-of-date kitchen! Every year millions of homeowners remodel their kitchens to achieve a fresher and modern look. Your house is not just one of your greatest investments, it’s your home. Our experienced design and remodeling team will ensure that your kitchen design project will turn out exactly how you imagined.

Gainesville Kitchen Remodeling

Gainesville Kitchen Remodeling

Do you have a passion for cooking? Do you want to increase the overall value of your home or are you simply wanting to update your kitchen? No matter your motivation for wanting to remodel your kitchen, we’ve got many redesign options for you to choose from. At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, we also specialize in custom cabinet and kitchen design. By combining form, function, and aesthetics, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling sets itself apart by listening to our client’s individual wants and needs; and then designing their dream kitchen.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can also handle the entire project including; kitchen cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, lighting, new appliances, and more. We can also design and build the perfect kitchen concept for you. We’re not only a Gainesville remodeling company, we’re also a full-service design company.

So, if you’re considering a remodeling project, contact the experts at Gainesville Restoration and Ocala Restoration. We’ll be able to help you sort through the details of your kitchen remodeling project; as well as develop a budget, and then see to it that your kitchen design turns out beautifully. You can reach us by calling one of the numbers below or by sending us an email. Because we want to be your kitchen remodel contractor of choice for Gainesville and Ocala!

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

April Showers Bring May Flowers – Gainesville Mold Remediation

April Showers Bring May Flowers – Gainesville Mold Remediation. April Showers Bring May Flowers as the old saying goes. But, April showers can also bring mold into your home. With all the impending rain, the possibility of mold formation also increases. Furthermore, according to the CDC, molds grow best in warm, damp and humid conditions. Basically, the climate during this time of year is the perfect breeding ground for mold and its spores. Spores are pretty resilient and can survive numerous environmental conditions. But, do not fret, however, because there are simple and effective ways to remove it.

Gainesville Mold Remediation

Gainesville Mold Remediation

The important thing to note is that if you do find that your home contains mold, you should not try to clean it out yourself. Experts say that exposure to molds can cause nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing or skin irritation. Certain types of mold, i.e. black mold, are especially toxic, therefore, only a professional should head the remediation process.

Lucky for you, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling employs multiple professionals, perfect for the job. They handle not only removal but also: Total Reconstruction/ Restoration/Repair and Remodeling. 24 Hour Emergency Services Including, Containment, Plumbing Repair, Water Extraction, Structural Drying, Content Cleaning, Inventory, Packing, Moving, and Storage.

From discovery to eradication, our team is ready to handle all of your mold removal needs in Gainesville or Ocala, and the surrounding towns of Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed, and insured team can be reached at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

March Time to Spring Forward

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

March time to Spring Forward! The Spring Equinox is finally upon us, and it’s also time to remodel! The official first day of spring 2017 is March 20th.  Warmer weather is on its way, which most look forward to after a long, brutally cold winter.  There are some of us that associate spring time with spring cleaning, and opening up the windows in your home for the smell of the invigorating spring air.  This year, Easter will be on Sunday, April 16, 2017.  So get ready for the Easter Bunny to arrive, dyed eggs, and chocolate candies galore! 

Students will be celebrating Spring Break this month as well.  Many people will be attending spring festivals in their hometowns. Gardening is also a big hit in the Spring Time.  Flowers and trees are in full bloom, so it is the best season for gardening in most gardeners’ opinion.  Daylight Savings Time will also occur in March.  This year it will happen on Sunday, March 10, 2017, so don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour.

March Time to Spring Forward

March Time to Spring Forward

For most Floridians, warm weather is not something that is sought after mostly because it’s warm nearly year-round.  But for those that reside in the northern states, often get excited about the anticipation of spring.  Spring washes away the snow, as the sun starts to shine brightly, bringing joy to those that endured a rough, dark winter.  The outdoor activities become much more enjoyable, and people tend to spend more time outside in the spring season.  The smell of fresh cut grass will be in the air as homeowners tend to their yards.  Children will finally be able to ride their bikes, play on playgrounds, and partake in pool or beach time with family and friends.

March Time to Spring Forward

March Time to Spring Forward

Easter is a holiday when families normally come together as one.  We visit with our loved ones, while eating great food, and hiding Easter eggs for the kids to hunt down.  There are a few traditions associated with Easter that you may have never heard of before.    The Easter Bunny tradition actually made its way over from Europe in the 18th century.  In Europe, they were known to refer to the Easter Bunny as “The Easter Hare”.  

The most common Easter traditions are making baskets, coloring/dying eggs,  egg hunts, and getting all dolled up in bonnets and fancy outfits. The traditional act of painting eggs is called “Pysanka”.  This originated in the Ukraine, and the eggs are painted with beeswax instead of dye.  In 2011, the tallest chocolate Easter egg was constructed in Italy.  It was taller than a giraffe and heavier than an elephant.  Americans consume over 16 million jelly beans on Easter and buy more than 700 million marshmallow “Peeps” during the Easter holiday. On Easter, the White House hosts an Easter Egg Roll on the front lawn.  This tradition was started by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878.

March Time to Spring Forward

Spring is often associated with the best time to plant a flower or vegetable garden.  Even if your thumb isn’t so green, it is all about trial and error with gardening, and anybody can do it.  All it takes is dedication and a little TLC.  Here are a few tips that everyone should know if you are planning on starting or repairing a garden this spring:  First thing you should do is prepare the soil.  You want to till the garden area 8 to 12 inches beneath the soil while removing any rocks and any other debris.  Make sure not to till when the soil is too wet, you may hinder the growth of plants and flowers.  Make sure to pluck out all of the weeds that have overtaken the soil. 

Next, you will want to fertilize.  Professional gardener’s and landscapers say it is suitable to use coffee grounds for your garden.  It is the more “green” way to fertilize and can be slightly less expensive than store-bought fertilizers.  Coffee grounds are filled with nitrogen (a mineral that aids in vegetable and plant growth).  Another tip is adding your cooking water to your plants.  Cooled cooking water adds nutrients and minerals to your plants that are left behind after cooking some of your favorite pasta and potatoes.  Chamomile tea is a great way to avoid your plants getting infected with bacteria and/or fungus.  Many gardening experts believe that planting your veggies, fruits, plants, and flowers at night will help your garden to grow faster. Planting at night also maximizes your water usage.

March Time to Spring Forward

Take this time of year to enjoy all that spring has to offer.  Plant a garden.  Go on a bike ride.  Sign up for the county softball league.  Go to the springs and rent a kayak.  Have a picnic with someone special.  Visit a farm to see the animals.  Pick strawberries.  Listen to the rain.  Feel the sun on your face.  Decorate your home with fresh flowers.  Explore.  Celebrate and enjoy Easter with family and friends.  Spring time has so much to offer, and the weather is marvelous!

If remodeling is in your plans, we provide complete construction, restoration, and remodeling services. Please visit our homepage for a complete list of our services.

Call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling anytime during the day or night, we are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to better serve you! You can reach us in Gainesville and Ocala by calling one of the numbers below. In addition, you can also send us an email with your questions or concerns. So, for all of your restoration and remodeling needs, please call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

March Time to Spring Forward

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Home Inspection Service

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Home Inspection Service by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Are you searching for an experienced and reliable Gainesville home inspector that provides efficient, honest, detailed inspection reports? If so, please give us a call to schedule a home inspection today. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling realizes that your home purchase was probably the largest and most exciting investment you will ever make. Therefore, we perform thorough home inspections that will leave you with the complete peace of mind you desire.

Gainesville Home Inspection Service

Gainesville Home Inspection Service

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will provide a complete home inspection including:

  • Roof – Type, condition, estimated useful life.
  • Plumbing –  Visual inspections under sinks, shutoff valves, water heater, any leaks detected.
  • Electrical – Electric panel box inspection for brand, exposed wiring, types of breakers.
  • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) – Visual inspection for secure connections around plenum connected to air handler; age and overall condition of unit.
  • Termite – Termite Report for the Sale of a Home.

Why do I need a home inspection?

Having your home inspected by a professional inspector, whether you are buying or selling your home; will save you both time and money on future repairs. At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling; we offer a variety of both residential and commercial home inspection services to give you peace of mind. Furthermore, our Gainesville Florida Home Inspectors are highly qualified, insured and certified. We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited business with almost two decades of experience.  We are here to serve you!

Call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling anytime during the day or night, we are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to better serve you! You can reach us in Gainesville and Ocala by calling one of the numbers below. In addition, you can also send us an email with your questions or concerns. Because we want to be your contractor of choice in Gainesville and Ocala. So, if you are looking for a professional home inspection service, call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Gainesville Home Inspection Service

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Repair by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling Gainesville Florida. Looking for a Gainesville Roofing contractor? We are your Gainesville roof repair specialists as well as complete roofing replacement professionals. We provide new roof installation, re-roofing, and roof repairs to homeowners and building owners in Gainesville and throughout North Central Florida. Gainesville Restorations and Remodeling is among the best roofing contractors in North Central Florida. Therefore, we can handle all of your roofing needs, from roof replacement to roof repairs and roof installations; we will perform your roofing project with the highest level of quality and workmanship.

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Repair

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Repair

Are you looking for a reliable Gainesville roof installation & Gainesville roof repair company you can count on for quality and timely results? Are you tired of working with companies that offer poor quality and charge high prices for their services? If so, you have come to the right place! At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, we understand that there are a lot of options available to you when it comes to roofing repair and replacement. We strive to make sure your experience with us will leave you with the satisfaction of knowing you made the right choice.

There’s no better way to protect your home than by keeping a good roof over your head. At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling; we’ve been professionally installing and repairing roofs in Gainesville, Ocala, and all of North Central Florida for over a decade now. Furthermore, we promise to exceed all of your Gainesville roofing expectations. 

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a fully licensed and insured roofing company. Therefore, when you choose us you can be sure that your roof will not only get done, but it will get done right. In addition, we promise to provide and install the highest quality roofing product available. So, if you are in need of a dependable and experienced Gainesville Florida Roofing Contractor call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. You can reach us by calling one of the numbers below or by sending us an email. Because we want to be your roofing contractor of choice for Gainesville and Ocala!

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Repair

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277



Gainesville Mold Removal

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Mold Removal – Do you suspect that you may have a problem with mold in your home or business?  If you are experiencing issues with mold, it’s crucial to begin the mold removal process as soon as possible. Because mold can quickly grow and spread within hours. So, if left untreated, mold can cause severe allergies, illness, and other serious health issues. If you suspect you may have a mold problem, call the mold experts at Gainesville Restoration right away. Because no matter what time of day or night; Gainesville Restoration strives to be here for all of your restoration needs 24/7. As a leading mold removal company in Gainesville Florida, our certified technicians will address your mold concerns promptly and professionally.

Gainesville Mold Removal

Gainesville Mold Removal

If this is the first time that you have heard of the dangers associated with mold; you are not alone. Many people are unaware of the dangers that mold can present. The signs of mold contamination may include, feeling sick, strange smells, unsightly stains, just to name a few. Mold can also produce allergens and irritants and has the potential to cause other health effects.

Since mold is one of the most common problems water damage victims are forced to deal with; we recommend that you contact a professional mold restoration company immediately following a major storm or flood disaster. We are licensed experts in mold inspection, testing, and remediation. The mold remediation professionals at Gainesville Restoration will be able to identify any types of mold that will require removal. Furthermore, can help you through the entire mold remediation process. We start by Identifying the cause of the mold, and then if needed, begin the mold remediation process. This process involves extensive water removal of the affected area and also complete drying of impacted structures and materials.

Our Mold Remediation Process includes:


At Gainesville Restoration and Ocala Restoration, we ensure that all of our mold removal specialists are licensed and highly trained. Our mold remediation specialists have the necessary experience to assess your mold damage and contamination; in order to properly remove the mold from your home or other property. So, for expert service in mold removal and remediation; contact us as soon as you notice signs or symptoms of mold contamination.

Gainesville Mold Removal

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Building Contractor

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofing Contractor

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator



Gainesville Florida Hardie Board Siding Contractor

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Florida Hardie Board Siding Contractor Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Expert James Hardie Fiber Cement Siding Installation for Gainesville Florida. Gainesville Restoration and remodeling are proud to be a Preferred James Hardie® Siding Contractor.  Since, only James Hardie protects the entire exterior of your home with siding, soffit, and trim that is engineered for our local climate. Because it can stand up to blistering sun, strong winds, and driving rain, without losing its beauty or strength. So, if you have been considering updating the look of your home’s exterior by replacing your existing siding, let Gainesville Restoration and remodeling help!

Gainesville Florida Hardie Board Siding Contractor

Gainesville Florida Hardie Board Siding Contractor

James Hardie Fiber Cement Siding is composed of sand, water, cellulose wood fiber, and cement. All natural, non-toxic, renewable materials that make for a highly durable alternative to vinyl and wood siding products. HardiePlank® siding is also the most popular brand of siding in America and can be found on over 4 million homes. If you are searching for the traditional look of wood siding, but with the benefit of retaining its natural beauty; we invite you to contact us for more information on the performance and our ability to provide expert installation of Hardie Plank lap siding.

Why James Hardie is ranked the best choice for your home’s exterior investment:

  • Color plus 15-year paint warranty.
  • Beauty and character of wood without the maintenance of wood.
  • Hail resistant.
  • Wind resistant.
  • Fire resistant.
  • Rot resistant.
  • Termite resistant.

Therefore, we can help you with your Gainesville siding project and fit it into your budget with James Hardie Siding. When you hire our Gainesville siding professionals; you’ll also have our expertise, knowledge, and experience working for you. In addition, we’ll be able to help you narrow down your options based on your; budget, style preferences, and the space you have available. Find out more about our siding products here, then call us at the numbers below or email us here. With help from Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling and James Hardie Siding, if you can dream it, we can build it.

Gainesville Florida Hardie Board Siding Contractor

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Handyman Services Gainesville

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Handyman Services Gainesville. Do you have home repair projects around your home that you have been putting off? Is your honey do list also not getting the attention it deserves? Maybe your home could also use some much-needed TLC. If so, save yourself the hassle and time by having an expert handyman complete your home repair projects for you! Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling offers expert handyman services for Gainesville, Ocala, and surrounding areas. In addition, our handyman services include; Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Closet Shelving, Roofing Repairs, Concrete Repairs, and many other Home Improvements.

Handyman Services Gainesville

Handyman Services Gainesville

When you need professional handyman services for your home or rental property or business; call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling and let us handle all of your home improvement projects and repairs! We understand what it’s like to have to deal with an emergency repair or even a simple remodeling project. Because receiving top-notch professional services is what you expect, and Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling delivers! We provide professional home improvement services at an extremely affordable rate; without compromising craftsmanship, service or quality. We provide both residential and commercial handyman services in Gainesville, Ocala and throughout North Central Florida. We are your “one-stop-shop” for all your home maintenance, home improvement, and home repair needs. Ask about our monthly maintenance service plans.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling handle all of your handyman needs for you. You can reach our expert licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. In addition, you can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State Certified Builder, Roofer, and Mold Remediation company with offices in Gainesville and Ocala.

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Roof Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Roof Repair. We are a Gainesville roofing company focused on providing our customers with the absolute best in roofing services; throughout North Central Florida. As such, we specialize in residential roofing; taking pride in our roof repairs, new roof installs, and roof maintenance programs. Our commitment to things like; superior craftsmanship, quality materials, licensed contractors, and superb customer service, ensures that we are the best Gainesville roofing company around.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help with all of your roofing installation and repair needs from:

  • Residential roofing.
  • Commercial roofing.
  • Roofing repair projects, roof restoration, including storm damage, and preventative maintenance.
  • Re-roofing projects including roof replacement.

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Roof Repair

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Roof Repair

But, not sure if you need just a roof repair or a roof replacement? So, let the expertly trained roofing inspectors at Gainesville Restoration and remodeling inspect your roof; then provide you with a thorough report of our recommendations and roofing options.

Roof Leaks?

So, do you think you may have a roof leak? Because If you see stains on your ceiling, there’s a good chance you may have a leaking roof. But, unfortunately, water leaks never show up at a convenient time, and sometimes roof leaks can be difficult to locate. No worries, because our roofing technicians are experts at locating leaks and fixing them so they do not return. Don’t wait until the problem gets worse and your ceiling caves in! Instead, contact GRR for a free roof inspection and we will let you know if you have a roofing leak.

Therefore, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease by having your roof inspected. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville Roof Replacement and Roof Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling and home improvements. Even if you do not think you have any leaks; it’s a good idea to get an annual leak detection checkup for your home. And if you have a leak, don’t put off fixing it because it will only get worse.

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Water Leaks

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s skilled leak detection experts are capable of locating multiple leaks; as well as newly growing leaks that you may not know about yet. Furthermore, we can identify leaks at specific locations in the water pipes; so that they can be fixed before they become a more serious problem.

So, if your water bill is too high you might have a leaking toilet, water heater or a slab leak. Because water can flow through an open fill valve at a rate of up to five gallons per minute; wasting thousand of gallons of water a day. If you notice a toilet leak or a significant increase in your water and sewer bill; don’t wait to have it repaired. Slab leaks can go undetected for long periods of time because these pipes are under the foundation. We recommend that you test each toilet in your home for leaks once a year.

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling


25 BIG remodeling mistakes!

Do-it-yourself remodeling can be a lot of fun, and we’d encourage all our clients to do small-scale projects themselves. As you’re planning your next DIY adventure, keep in mind these very big mistakes (that are easy to make!)

Money-saving remodeling tips!

Remodeling is a craft that can be done by both amateurs and professionals – but with difference results depending on the skill level required. In addition, HGTV has six great tips for spending your remodeling dollars wisely. We have one additional tip: contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling!

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Ring In The New Year with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection and Repair. Did you know you could have a water leak and not realize it? Because, if you have wet spots on the floor of your home or you may hear the sound of water running or have high water bills; you may have a slab leak! A slab leak is a hole in one of the water lines running below the concrete floor or foundation. Slab leak symptoms can also include; the sound of running water, cracks in walls or flooring, as well as, mildew or excessive moisture under carpets. Furthermore, a hot spot on the floor could indicate a hot water line leak.

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling utilizes the latest equipment for detecting slab leaks. In addition, we provide fast and effective repair for your leaking water pipes. Once we locate the water leak under the slab, our leak specialist will provide repair options. Therefore, our skilled technicians can make repairs with minimal disruption to property. Furthermore, we are licensed and insured and can also work with your insurance company.

Detecting problems early will save you time and money, keeping property repair costs to a minimum in the long run. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can send a trained slab leak detection expert to your home or business; to access slab leak damage and perform effective repairs in your home.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. In addition, you can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company.

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

Gainesville Slab Water Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Florida Room or Screened Porch Additions

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Room Additions Gainesville Florida – Room or Screened Porch. Do you love to entertain outside but don’t love the bugs? Would you like to have more room? Do you love having indoor plants but don’t have enough sun in the winter and spring? Maybe you have a concrete patio but rarely use it due to the severe summer heat. If so, these are all great reasons to add a screened porch or Florida Room!

Florida Room or Screened Porch Additions

Room Additions Gainesville Florida – Room or Screened Porch

A Florida Room is a room addition to your existing home with large glass windows. Florida Rooms are all about the light! They are wonderful in the cool winter and spring to get plenty of sunshine; also in the summer they can be air-conditioned to enjoy the sun but escape the heat and humidity. Be sure to use double-paned windows and tile floors in your Florida Room; to keep cooling costs lower in the summer.

A screened porch is also a room addition to your existing home. But, a screen enclosure, instead of glass windows. Screened porches are wonderful for outdoor entertaining in the cooler weather and even in the summer; if you build them in a shady location. Screened porches can be kept cool and comfortable with tile floors and ceiling fans. In addition, they can provide a welcome refuge from mosquitoes in the evening.

Florida Rooms and screened porches can be added to your home, and they cost less than you think. Interested in adding a beautiful and useful screened porch or Florida Room to your home? Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can design and build an addition to fit your style and budget. Read all about our remodeling process, then call us at 352-372-1221 or contact us here.

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Small Bathroom Design Ideas

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Small Bathroom Design Ideas. If you’re looking for the top-rated bathroom remodeling contractor in all of Florida; you have found the perfect contractor to assist with all your bathroom remodeling needs. Do you have a small bathroom? Most of us do. Small bathrooms deserve to be remodeled too! Older bathroom designs and especially older bathroom fixtures waste space and energy. If you like modern design,100 design ideas for small bathrooms.

Small Bathroom Design Ideas

Small Bathroom Design Ideas

What about traditional designs? If you love traditional designs, beach themes, and romantic touches for your bathroom check out;130 Ideas to Make Any Bathroom Feel Like an At-Home Spa. So many of these details would be perfect in a small bathroom. You can also see more ideas for small bathrooms on our Pinterest board; Remodeling- Bathrooms.

Bathtub Refinishing and Repair

Do you have an ugly bathtub or one that is in need of repair? If so, you may also be considering replacing your old tub altogether. Bathtub refinishing also known as bathtub resurfacing, bathtub reglazing or bathtub re-enameling; is an alternative to bathtub replacement. Bathtub refurbishing can also be less expensive than bathtub replacement in many cases as well. Replacing an existing tub can be hard work as well as messy and cumbersome. But our bathroom remodeling experts can refinish your bathtub affordably and quickly. 

You deserve to have the bathroom of your dreams. We can help you take your dreams and fit them into your budget with a custom bathroom remodel. When you hire our Gainesville and Ocala bathroom remodeling crews; you’ll also have our expertise, knowledge, and experience working for you. We’ll be able to help you narrow down your options based on your budget, style preferences, and the space you have available. Read all about our Florida bathroom remodeling on our website, then Call us at 352- 372-1221 or email us here.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Slab Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Slab Leak Detection and Repair. Expensive GRU bills are one of the unfortunate things about being a Gainesville resident. However, if you begin noticing your water and power bill are becoming unusually high; you may be facing a leak in the foundation of your home. A slab leak is an industry term for when water begins leaking below the concrete foundation of your home.

Slab Leak Detection and Repair

Slab Leak Detection and Repair

Often, the culprit is copper water pipes, which can wear easily, causing serious damage. These leaks can spread and become worse over time, if not treated. Thus, early detection and remediation are extremely important in preventing further damage.

Here are some things you should look for if you think your home has a slab leak:

  • Hearing running water when all water is turned off.
  • If one spot on the floor feels particularly warmer than others.
  • Formation of mildew, mold or moisture underneath carpets.
  • The appearance of cracks in the walls or flooring.

Slab Leak Detection and Repair

Another helpful tool is to check your water meter. How much water is being used? Every month, the average household uses around 1,500 to 3,000 gallons of water per person. If you’re using more than this amount; it is important to have a professional and licensed business test for a possible slab leak. A very small leak, only millimeters in size; can add up to seven gallons per day and your water meter will spin showing water is flowing.

At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, our specially certified technicians are uniquely equipped to handle all aspects of slab leak detection and remediation. Because we utilize top-of-the-line equipment that can pinpoint exactly where the leak originated; in order to properly handle the solution. In addition, we use non-evasive, acoustic, line tracing and thermal cameras for leak detection.

Using this technology, we can provide you with written, photographed and video damage of the repair so you can be aware of how the leak started. It is also helpful information to share with your insurance company to speed up claim processing. We can handle all of your slab leak detection needs working with your insurance company from estimation to completion with a 3-year warranty to you our customer!

Our certified technicians are waiting for your call! Contact us at our Gainesville office for a free estimate at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. Or send us an email, at your convenience.

Slab Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Holiday Remodeling Ideas

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Holiday Remodeling Ideas. The holidays will be here soon and it is almost time to put up the decorations for the season; problem is you notice that your home could use some work. Therefore, maybe now is the time for those repairs or additions you have been wanting to get done. If so, we can help with your holiday remodeling needs.

Holiday Remodeling Ideas

Holiday Remodeling Ideas 

Maybe the bathroom, kitchen, living room or mantle needs some work or perhaps you would like to add that extra room. Show off the lovely additions to your home this holiday season. You can have extra room for when your holiday guests arrive. Also, the improvements you make can increase the value of your home and benefit you for years to come. So, give yourself a gift this year and get the home remodeling improvements you have been dreaming about.

Kitchen Remodeling tips

If your kitchen is showing its age, it may be time to spruce a few things up. Increased storage will help your sanity, better flooring will help the look, and energy-efficient windows will help the electric bill!

Quick fixes for annoying problems

Furthermore, remodeling isn’t always about aesthetic appeal. Sometimes, it’s necessary to improve the quality of your life; particularly from the annoying disturbances such as leaky faucets and squeaky floors. Better Homes and Gardens has 18 tips for fixing those and more!

Remodels you shouldn’t do alone

MSN Living knows what it’s talking about when it describe10 home remodels that you shouldn’t DIY. Structural changes, demolition and roof repairs made the list – all projects that we can handle for you!

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe.  Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

Holiday Remodeling Ideas

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Home Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Gainesville Home Remodeling by Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Remodeling a home is a big undertaking, but a well-planned project will pay for itself time and time again. 

When considering a remodeling project, it is important to make decisions that will make your life better and will serve your changing needs and those of your family. Do you need more bedrooms? Another bathroom? Is your kitchen functional enough? How about storage space or cabinet refacing? 

Gainesville Home Remodeling

Gainesville Home Remodeling

Our remodeling projects range from; installing new trim work or tile and replacing doors and windows, to changing flooring, fixtures, and lighting.

Maybe you have bigger changes on your mind like completing an addition to increase your home’s square footage. Maybe, you would like to revamp your bathroom or kitchen; that haven’t been updated since you first bought your house many years ago. 

Gainesville and Ocala Home Remodeling

Extreme Remodels

Why have a swimming pool on ground level when you can have it on your balcony? Why just walk down the stairs when you can SLIDE down them? Check out these remodels and more here.

Mission: Organization

These 50 insanely-creative organizing ideas from DIY Home Sweet Home are brilliant! Moreover, from storing jewelry to games to tools, these small projects will make a big difference in your life!

Remodel your mobile home!

Foundation homes aren’t the only residences that can be renovated! Therefore, if your mobile home is structurally sound, investing in a renovation may be just the ticket! Check out this extreme single wide home remodel to get some ideas!

Regardless of the size of your remodeling project, looking for inspiration in; magazines, Pinterest, pictures or just asking your friends for ideas will greatly help you in the decision-making process. 

So, contact us today, tell us about your remodeling project and we’ll give you a free estimate. Call our office in Gainesville at (352) 372-1221, our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or send us an email.

For years we’ve provided custom home remodeling services in Gainesville, Ocala, and the surrounding communities. In addition, we have built a reputation for beauty, quality, and customer satisfaction along the way.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Remodeling Your Gainesville Home – Expand Your Surroundings

Remodeling Your Gainesville Home – Expand Your Surroundings. Any time is a good time for extra space in your home. Here in Gainesville, Ocala and throughout the south, families spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the one you’ve always dreamed about? With the help of our renovation specialists, you could have that island kitchen and more cabinet space. 

Remodeling Your Gainesville Home

Remodeling Your Gainesville Home – Expand Your Surroundings

The weather is cooling off here in Florida and now is the time for outdoor gatherings. Adding an outdoor kitchen to your home would certainly please any crowd. Not to mention, saving you from trips in and out to get supplies and food. 

Functional kitchen updates

These seven products will help your kitchen function like it’s supposed to. Don’t miss out!

The bathroom is another important room to think about when it comes to additions. Therefore, with more space, that walk-in shower or whirlpool tub would enhance bath time exponentially. If you can think it, we can make it happen.


So, how many home solutions can be explained in six seconds and without words? More than 50 according to Lowe’s Vine.

Our addiction: Home Remodeling TV shows

HGTV is the king of reality TV when it comes to remodels. Which is your favorite TV show? Check out the complete list of HGTV remodeling shows here!

We here at GRR also build room additions. Also, if your home did not come with a walk-in closet for the master bedroom, why not invest in one? When guests stay over, they would feel much more comfortable in their own custom room and bathroom.  

Gainesville Restoration and Repair is a full-service construction company with years of experience. We pride ourselves in customer satisfaction. We’re not happy until you are. Call our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221, our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or send us an email.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Water Damage Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Water Damage Detection and Repair in Gainesville Florida. Property damage as a result of water is a common problem dreaded by homeowners in Florida. If not addressed quickly and properly it can cause major health and safety issues such as mold growth. That’s why it’s important to contact a water damage specialist as soon as possible if you suspect a water leak.

Water Damage Detection and Repair

Water Damage Detection and Repair

Possible causes of water damage include many things such as; broken pipes, clogged toilets, leaky dishwashers, overflowing washing machines, broken dishwasher hoses, water heaters, plumbing leaks, leaky roofs, storm flooding, and more. Therefore, If you have a broken pipe or fixture out in the open and detect it right away; property can be dried and returned to normal in a short period of time. But when you have slow leaks in pipes within your walls, the damage could be more extensive; because you may not notice the signs for a long time which could cause severe mold.

Our services include:

  • 24 Hour Emergency Services for Water Extraction, Plumbing Repairs, and Structural Drying
  • TOTAL Restoration – Reconstruction – Repair and Remodeling
  • Slab Detection and Leak Repairs
  • Mold Remediation
  • Black Water and Sewage Clean-up
  • Contents Cleaning & Inventory (including cleaning & restoring furniture, textiles, and clothes)
  • Written Warranty on ALL Services Performed

Our Certified water detection specialists will inspect with a free estimate for any water or mold damage; then make recommendations to remedy your situation and efficiently repair the damage in your home. We are a preferred contractor with many insurance carriers in our industry and offer our complete satisfaction guarantee and a 3 year written warranty.

So, if water damage to your home or business is evident or you suspect a leak; call our experts at Gainesville Restoration (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office (352) 622-5277 for 24-hour emergency service. You can also reach us be email with any questions you may have. We want to be your contractor of choice in North Central Florida!

Water Damage Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Holiday Season Remodeling

Holiday Season Remodeling. As the holiday Season rolls around; the Holiday cheer can be felt in the streets of our city and in the warm nooks and crannies of our home. In this country, Thanksgiving and Christmas are synonymous with family; embracing the ones you love and gathering around the dinner table for a homemade feast of sweet and savory dishes. Families far and wide will be traveling this year to visit and reconnect with their loved ones. What better place to come celebrate the holidays than sunny Florida!

Holiday Season Remodeling

Holiday Season Remodeling

So, are you planning on a hosting a holiday reunion in your home this year? If so, does it seem like a tight fit when planning the sleeping arrangements for relatives and their little ones? Let us let you put your mind at ease so your holidays run without smoothly and without a hitch. Need some extra space also, so your loved ones aren’t stuck in a sleeping bag? We can quickly and efficiently expand your home; adding another bedroom for the comfort of your loved ones, adding space and value to your home!

Gainesville is known for its lovely historical homes, a pristine preservation of the past. Oftentimes, however, the nostalgic architecture may leave you with an outdated look. We can take spruce up your home with brand new countertops that suit your family’s needs and style. Maybe you are in need of some extra room for all those holiday dishes? Our trained specialist can work with you to increase space in your kitchen with a set of beautiful cabinets. Nothing sounds better than relaxing by a freshly-installed fireplace with your loved ones. Just imagine how proud you will feel showing off your new bathroom remodel or kitchen remodel. Then finishing off the day while enjoying your favorite football games and indulging in some freshly made sweets!

But, whatever your holiday needs are, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can make it the best holiday season yet. Our certified technicians are waiting for your call! Contact us at our Gainesville office for a free estimate at (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277 or send us an email at your convenience.

Holiday Season Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

Bath Remodeling Key Points

Bath Remodeling Key Points. Most people choose to invest in a bathroom remodel either because; the bathroom does not function correctly, or it may be outdated. While you want to make it conventional, and all about your taste; one thing to keep in mind is the value that it may add. Especially if you ever decide to put your home on the market. Since there are many things that will go into remodeling your bathroom from start to finish. Let’s talk about a few things that one should keep in mind when planning a bathroom remodel.

Bath Remodeling

Bath Remodeling Key Points

Storage space is a good thing to keep in mind. We all have appliances, towels, toilet paper, and other things in the bathroom; that could be in storage instead of in plain view. Most bathroom storage space can be achievable by selecting a sink with ample storage on both sides and underneath. Focal points in the bathroom are another thing to think about.  These focal points may include a lovely bathroom chandelier; or a mosaic made out of colorful tiles in the shower area. Lighting can be another major focal point in the bathroom area. Also, installing adequate lighting will ensure that your bathroom looks bigger.  Make sure to have a ventilation fan installed to keep your bathroom from getting too foggy.

Furthermore, if the moisture from showers isn’t properly ventilated, it can get worse as time passes. Mold will start to form from the moisture if not ventilated well. At Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, our professionals are here to help with your bathroom remodeling. We only use quality products and offer free estimates. Call us today to discuss your bathroom remodeling plans!

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your restoration needs in Gainesville or Ocala. In addition, we also service the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs. We also service Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team by calling our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Experienced Slab Leak Water Detection

Experienced Slab Leak Water Detection. If you are hearing what sounds like running water in your home or business; even when all the water fixtures are turned off or if your water bill is unusually high, you may have a slab leak. A slab leak is caused by a leak in one of the water pipes; beneath the concrete floor of your property. Also, some of the other signs of a slab leak may include; a mildew smell, the appearance of mold, excessive moisture under carpets or a hot spot on the floor.

Slab Leak Water Detection

Experienced Slab Leak Water Detection

Because copper lines under your foundation slab can break down over time. This can create leaks that can be extremely difficult to trace. Therefore, a slab leak will continue to cause damage to your property even if you do not see it. Serious structural damage can result, or the leak can suddenly get worse causing catastrophic water damage. Also, wetness can cause the growth of mold and mildew which can seriously affect your health.

Furthermore, detecting the location of the leak is critical. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling are experts at detecting and repairing water leaks. We use the latest in acoustic, line tracing, and thermal cameras to detect and locate leaks. Because our goal is to locate the leak using non-invasive camera equipment. In addition, If repairs require us to open a wall or access an area under the floor; we are certified to make all needed repairs. Our expert technicians will properly mitigate the water damage using state of the art drying and dehumidification equipment. We can make all necessary repairs and get your home back to its original condition. 

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling have been Gainesville’s local commercial and residential leak detection specialist since 2003. We also provide you with written, photographic and video documentation of the damage; to help you work with your insurance carrier. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling makes it easy to take care your claim. We also offer a 3-year warranty on all work we perform including leak detection, damage repairs, drying, and construction. Our team takes pride in doing the job right the first time.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling leak detection experts put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Hidden Dangers of Mold

Hidden Dangers of Mold. What is mold? Mold is a filamentous fungus that spreads through spores. These mold spores spread in the air and can form new colonies wherever moisture remains in your home. There are thousands of mold strains. Some of these strains such as Stachybotrys chartarum (black mold) produce dangerous toxins. In addition, there are many health risks from mold contamination.  These health risks can include, repertory problems, rashes, nausea, headaches, and even more serious health problems. Even non-toxic molds like Chaetomium and Mucor (common in showers) can make your family ill.

Also, water and bleach will not kill or prevent the spread of mold or spores. Therefore, you will need the services of a Mold Remediation Specialist to properly; contain, clean, and remove mold and prevent future contamination. So, if you find mold, mildew or wetness in your home, you may have a mold issue. The only way to be sure is to have the area inspected by a Mold Remediation Specialist. The experienced professionals at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can advise you about the best way to remove mold and mildew contamination. The longer mold exists, the harder it is to remove from your home. So if you find mold or mildew growing in your home, don’t delay calling a professional for help.

Hidden Dangers of Mold

Hidden Dangers of Mold

Gainesville Mold Remediation Services:

  • Assessment– Identify and address where mold exists within the home and devise a proper remediation plan.
  • Containment– Identify the source of the moisture and isolate contaminated area to prevent the spread of spores.
  • Filtration– Clean and filter air to remove spores and other contaminants using specialized equipment.
  • Removal– Mold is a living organism. Therefore, it is crucial to remove, clean or dispose of materials affected by mold. Nonporous materials can be cleaned with antimicrobial cleaners and sealants. Porous materials may need to be disposed of to prevent re-contamination. Heating and air conditioning systems may require professional cleaning as well.
  • Drying– Excessive moisture is what created to mold issue, to begin with. Therefore, it’s important to dry these items thoroughly to prevent future outbreaks.
  • Repair– After removal of contaminated materials, and cleaning and drying of mold-free materials are completed; the reconstruction phase will begin.
  • Test– After remediation is complete; we then test for any visible signs of moisture, mold or odors to ensure the problem has been resolved.

So, if you suspect or have a mold issue in your home or business; call to schedule a consultation with the mold removal professionals at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. You can also reach us by email. We are available 24/7 and can start the remediation process quickly to limit your property loss.

Gainesville Mold Remediation Services

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Why You Should Consider Remodeling

Why You Should Consider Remodeling. If you’re a homeowner, chances are you’ll be remodeling in 2017. Because, with rising new construction prices, homeowners should consider remodeling as an option. Sixty percent of homeowners will be joining you in the remodel process in the coming year. The average cost of these remodels will be about $1,200.

Why You Should Consider Remodeling

Why You Should Consider Remodeling


Organizing with Sliding Drawers

So what home improvements are you going to undertake in the coming year? Space is key in any room and the kitchen is no exception! Rather than dealing with closed shelves and having a hard time reaching items that may have ended up in the back; sliding shelves are an elegant solution. Pantries and cabinets alike can be easily transformed into a convenient sliding storage space! Check out this blog about kitchen remodels, or this one with creative ideas for small kitchens. Then give Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling a call!

Why You Should Consider Remodeling

But kitchen remodeling will not be the only area of the home you should consider remodeling. Buzzfeed is known for pulling together crazy concepts, but we particularly liked this article about some of the best home renovations. Check out all 31 of these incredible ideas and then tell us what you think on our Facebook page!

Pet-Friendly Remodels

Since many people treat their pets like a part of the family; don’t neglect to consider their needs when planning for your next remodel. This article will walk you through it.

You have probably considered remodeling in the past but you’re just not sure whether or not the hassle is worth it? Well, we think, in most cases, that it is; and it’s not just because we want to be your partner in the process. Moreover, from personal experience and the experiences of our many satisfied customers, there are many benefits to a remodel.

Make your whole family more comfortable

In addition, one of the most obvious reasons for a remodel is to make your home more functional and comfortable. Maybe you’ve needed extra pantry space for your growing family. Perhaps entertaining friends if getting cramped and you need your porch extended. Whatever the reason; Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for an evaluation on how you can improve the efficiency of your home.

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Water Leak Detection and Repair

Water Leak Detection and Repair. Plumbing leaks can be very destructive over time and could be costing you hundreds of dollars every month. Therefore, if you have noticed that your water or power bill is higher than normal; you may have a water leak. Leaks can also cause hidden mold that can affect the health and safety of your family. They can also cause serious water damage that can threaten the value of your home as well.

Leak Detection and Repair

Water Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s technicians use the most advanced methods. We can locate hidden water and plumbing leaks saving you time and money. We can test your plumbing, slab foundations, toilets, sewers and water heaters to find even the most elusive water leaks. Furthermore, our professionals can repair the leaks with minimal disruption to your life and property.

So, if your water bill has been extremely high, or you have problems with mildew or wetness but you don’t see any obvious signs of a water leak; our technicians can perform a leak detection inspection for your home. Also, getting your home checked for water leaks annually; can give you peace of mind and give you a chance to fix problems before they become serious. Water Leak Detection and Repair should be part of your property maintenance plan. Be sure to always have water leak detection and repairs done by a professional; who has training in water leak detection.

Therefore, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert, licensed team at our Gainesville office by calling; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. In addition, Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096

Water Leak Detection and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

Bathroom Remodeling Ideas. So, you’ve decided that it’s time to remodel your bathroom?  There is always going to be a certain amount of planning that goes into remodeling a bathroom.  Here, we are going to give you a few tips for making your bathroom a functional, stylish room, and something that will meet your price range.  Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has skilled, experienced staff to call on for all your bathroom remodeling project needs.

Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

First, let’s talk floors.  If you are looking for a floor that is easy to sweep and mop; porcelain or glazed tiles are going to be perfect for you.  You want to avoid porous stones (such as limestone).  They tend to absorb drips and will become stained over time.  For non-slip floors, you will want to choose tiles with textured surfaces, matte finishes, or sand-containing glazes.

When using caulk make sure to go for an acrylic or hybrid formula.  This way you can remove it without using harsh chemicals.  Since caulk that contains mildewcide offers more long-term protection.  Wiring is another thing you will want to change at the time of remodel.  After long periods of time the wiring in your bathroom has been used and abused by endless hours of; curling irons, blow dryers, electric toothbrushes, and any other household appliance that we use on a daily basis.  Swapping the GFCI outlets isn’t enough.  Change the wiring with a 20 AMP circuit and make sure to install plenty of outlets.

Now let’s discuss style and trends.  Storage space is always a great thing to keep in mind when planning a remodel.  One of the most utilizing bathroom sinks will be a vanity with sink.  While it takes up the most room, it has a great look and is great for storage.  Therefore, an average bathroom vanity has about 15 cubic feet of storage.  It normally has 10 inches of countertop on each side.  Make sure to leave enough space to open the cabinet doors and drawers.  Then there is the vessel sink.  The sink bowl sits on top of the counter with this sink.  The workspace is smaller than that of a vanity sink.  It is also tougher to keep clean.

Here’s a little cheat-sheet for you when choosing a countertop.  Natural stone would be best for the homeowners that vigorously take care of their high-end bathrooms.  Granite is highly stain and scratch resistant. It also looks beautiful and classy.  While these can be a bit pricier, you’ll get more for your buck.  Marble and limestone must be sealed regularly (due to their porous surfaces).  Abrasive surfaces can show water marks.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Mold Detection and Mold Removal

Mold Detection and Mold Removal. A water leak in your home, even a small one can cause mold and mildew to grow. Since you might not even know you have a water leak in your home. But, if mold or mildew are growing in your home, you should suspect a water leak. Don’t ignore the problem once you detect it. Because your health and your family’s health could be at risk.

Mold Detection and Mold Removal

Mold Detection and Mold Removal

Because mold and mildew can cause serious health problems, including; allergic reactions, coughing, sneezing, sore throats, respiratory problems, sinus infections, migraines, pneumonia, even joint pain and inflammation.

Also, mold produces spores that spread in the air. Therefore, mold can form new colonies wherever moisture remains in your home. Furthermore, people sensitive to mold can experience anything from a mild allergic reaction to serious upper respiratory problems. Even if you are not sensitive to mold; it affects the air quality in your home, and long-term exposure is certainly not healthy.

So, if you find mold, mildew or wetness in your home, you should suspect a water leak. Even small leaks can suddenly become more serious. Costly property damage can result from ignoring the problem for too long. Moreover, mold and mildew can damage the walls, ceilings, and floors of your home. In addition, colonies can blossom into stubborn stains that can be difficult to remove. Protect your health and home and take mold and mildew seriously.

Need help to remove mold or mildew from your home? Schedule a consultation with the mold removal professionals at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Our experienced professionals can advise you about the best way to remove mold and mildew from your home. Our services include detecting the leak that is the source of the mold, drying and dehumidification of contaminated areas, contents removal and cleaning, and deodorization.

Mold Detection and Mold Removal

Effective and safe mold removal includes:
1) Containment, ensuring the mold does not spread into uncontaminated areas.
2) Killing or destroying the mold where it is growing
3) Removing the dead mold that can cause respiratory ailments.
4) Protecting your home or business against future mold infestations.

Remember, the longer mold is allowed to grow, the harder it is to remove from your home. So if you find mold or mildew growing in your home, don’t delay calling a professional for help. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling provides quality leak detection and mold removal.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Winter Water Leak Detection

Winter Water Leak Detection. Winter is approaching and those long cold days and frigid nights can cause pipes to freeze. Also, small water leaks can suddenly become a big problem. Even if you do not think you have any leaks; it’s a good idea to get an annual leak detection checkup for your home. And if you have a leak, don’t put off fixing it until it gets worse.

Winter Water Leak Detection

Winter Water Leak Detection

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s skilled leak detection experts are capable of locating multiple leaks; as well as newly forming leaks that you may not know about yet. Leaks can be identified at specific locations in the pipes; so that they can be fixed before they become a more serious and costly problem.

Have you noticed an abnormally high water bill lately? If your water bill is high you might have a leaking toilet. Water can flow through an open fill valve at a rate of up to five gallons per minute; wasting thousand of gallons of water a day. If you notice a toilet leak or a significant increase in your water and sewer bill; don’t wait to have it repaired. We recommend that you test each toilet in your home for leaks once a year.

But there are many other areas of your home that may have water leaks as well. These leaks can be behind the walls, in the ceiling or under the slab of the home. It is always a good idea to have your home checked for leaks before winter arrives.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team at our Gainesville office by calling; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Easy Gainesville Home Upgrades

Easy Gainesville Home Upgrades. It’s no secret that large-scale remodeling and renovations can improve your home and raise its value. But there are several small-scale remodels that will improve your home for smaller costs. We have a few ideas to get the ball rolling in some of the most important rooms in your home; the kitchen and the bathrooms.

Easy Gainesville Home Upgrades

Easy Gainesville Home Upgrades

The Kitchen

  • Backsplash – A backsplash is a relatively small touch; that has the potential to add a unique pattern or custom accent color to your kitchen. It can also brighten up the entire room. Worth it? We think so! Cost of the materials can be inexpensive. Also, because it’s typically a one-day project, labor costs may be minimal as well.
  • Cabinets – Furthermore, replacing your old and outdated cabinets can get pricey. But, you can spruce up your kitchen’s color scheme by simply painting over them. Try black or a dark brown for elegant sophistication, or white for warmth.
  • Faucets and Handles – Crooked cabinet handles and rusty faucets got you down? Replacing or upgrading them will give your kitchen a subtle lift.


  • Medicine Cabinet – If you find your bathroom counter is too cluttered to deal with in the morning; consider investing in a medicine cabinet. So, depending on the style, it can serve as a chic and functional addition to your bathroom.
  • Tile – If your floors look worn and outdated, it can bring your whole bathroom down. Consider re-tiling your bathroom floor!
  • Update hardware – When it comes to the bathroom, it’s all in the details. Therefore, even replacing the knobs on your cabinets can make a difference. You may also consider replacing your doorknobs. The doorknob is the first thing you and your guests will touch and see upon entering the bathroom. Talk about first impressions!

Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to find out more about Kitchen Remodeling and Bathroom Remodeling. You can reach us by calling our Gainesville office or by sending us an email.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Bathroom Niche Designs

Bathroom Niche Designs. When you’re planning your bathroom remodel, the small details count. Furthermore, adding a niche to your shower wall it provides beauty and functionality to your shower area; by providing more space for bathroom items such as shampoo, soap, and other products. 

Bathroom Niche Designs

Bathroom Niche Designs

If you’re including new tile in your bathroom remodel, consider adding a niche; also known as an inset, recess, alcove, nook or shelf to the shower area. Also, depending on the size of your shower area, these niches will adapt its size as well. Since these niches add a spa-like appearance to your shower, without the cost of a spa. 

These inset shelves can be easily set into your shower wall or the wall above your bathtub. In addition, they add elegant detail and a convenient place to put toiletries. Tile insets can be matched to the tile on the walls, or use them to highlight more expensive tile.

Bathroom remodels are a time for your creativity to flow. See many more niche ideas and more bathroom remodels on our Pinterest board. In addition, visit our bathroom remodeling page on our website for more ideas. For your bathroom remodeling project; you’ll be able to select from many different options to make your bathroom unique to you. We offer a variety of different types of bathtubs and showers, sinks, faucets, cabinetry, mirrors, and more.

When you hire our bathroom remodeling crew, you’ll also have our expertise, knowledge, and experience working for you. We’ll be able to help you narrow down your options based on your; budget, style preferences, and the space you have available. After all, we want your bathroom design and remodel to be exactly what you hoped for! Contact us at the numbers below or send us an email to discuss your bathroom remodeling project.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Mold Detection and Remediation

Mold Detection and Remediation. Mold growth in your home or business is a problem that requires immediate attention and correction. Without proper removal, mold can spread throughout your home. Mold can lead to serious health problems if not properly removed.

Mold Detection and Remediation

Mold Detection and Remediation

Since mold can grow anywhere there is adequate moisture or a water problem. Excess moisture causes mold to grow on building materials and furnishings eventually damaging them. Once established, mold can be very invasive and dangerous. 

Mold can look like stains, discoloration, or a fuzzy growth. Therefore, it is most likely to grow in damp places such as kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, bathrooms and crawl spaces; because this is where the spores find the ideal conditions to grow. 

High cellulose surfaces such as fiberboard, drywall, paper, and paneling; when exposed to excess moisture, are prone to Black Mold growth. You should pay special attention to dark green or black stains; as this is the most toxic type of mold which can cause respiratory problems. Also, Black Mold should only be removed by a reputable licensed mold contractor as soon as noticed.

Furthermore, slow leaks behind walls also result in mold growth but it is not readily visible. So, even if you don’t see any evident signs of mold growth, worsening of allergy symptoms, health problems; a musty or earthy smell could all be signs of mold growth in your home. 

If you are concerned about the possibility of its presence in your house or have actual evidence of mold growth; call one of our Certified Technicians to schedule a mold inspection.  You can reach Gainesville Restoration at (352) 372-1221 or Ocala Restoration at (352) 622-5277 for 24-hour emergency service. You can also send us an email with your questions or concerns. Our licensed, experienced and highly trained mold removal specialists will evaluate the mold damage and contamination; then remediate the mold and prevent it from returning.

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Bathroom Remodeling Trends

Bathroom Remodeling Trends. Summer is over, time to think about the upcoming holidays! When it comes to bathroom remodeling, there are things you should consider. Start with how much you’re willing to spend, then follow up with these steps for accomplishing your bathroom remodeling project!

Bathroom Remodeling Trends

Bathroom Remodeling Trends

We at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling are experts and always have great suggestions for designing too. We have been helping people with their design and remodeling projects for well over a decade now. So, as you browse these bathroom remodeling ideas; we hope they get your creative juices flowing for a future bathroom remodel.

Interested in a modern look that also conserves space while eliminating countertop clutter? Then, consider a wall mount like this sleek Kohler bathroom faucet. But, think a wall-mount is not for you?

There’s plenty of different options. >>> Find Out More

Do you bump elbows with your partner in the morning while sharing the sink? Do your shower schedules overlap? Is your makeup less-than-ideal because of poor lighting? These unfortunate situations can be remedied with a simple remodel! Make your tiny bathroom more functional using these ideas from This Old House!

Are you looking to give your home a makeover this fall? If so, you’re not alone, many people remodel during the cooler weather! Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling rounded up some of the best remodeling trends; that will make your bathroom beautiful as well as functional!

Vibrant Colors
So, while designers may not agree on what constitutes some trends in 2016; there is one thing they can all agree on. Bright colors are definitely in! Therefore, give your home a punch of personality with vibrant colors such as; Green Flash, Lemon Zest, Nectarine, and Skydiver, according to Pantone, the international authority on color.

With your imagination and help from Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, we can redesign any room in your home. Contact us to see how easy home remodeling can be. Reach us by calling the numbers below or send us an email and we will get right back to you.

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Water Bill Rising

Water Bill Rising? If you have noticed an unexpected increase in your water bill, you may have a water leak in your home. Since the leak could be in the plumbing under the concrete slab, adjoining an appliance, the toilet or water heater; finding the source of the water leak can be difficult.

Water Bill Rising

Water Bill Rising?

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling are experts at detecting and repairing water leaks. Because we can locate the leak using non-invasive camera equipment; the latest in acoustic, line tracing, and thermal cameras to detect and locate leaks. If repairs require us to open a wall or access an area under the floor, behind a cabinet or tub; we are certified to make all needed repairs. Our expert technicians will ensure the damage is properly mitigated using state of the art drying and dehumidification equipment. Therefore, we can make all needed repairs to get your home or business back to its original condition.

Other signs that there may be a leak in your home include; wet, warm or spongy flooring, foul odors, and cracked foundation. Also, you might hear what sounds like running water even when all the water fixtures are turned off. Other warning signs can include the appearance of; mold, the smell of mildew, wet areas under carpets or a hot spot on the floor. In Addition, the resulting wetness can cause the growth of mold and mildew which can adversely affect your health.

So, knowing what the signs of looming water damage are is important; so that you can catch the problem before it gets serious. Repairing the damage early is crucial to prevent further damage to the property and its contents.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling have been Gainesville’s local commercial and residential leak detection specialist since 2003. We provide you with written, photographic and video documentation of the damage to help you work with your insurance carrier. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling makes it easy to take care your claim process; from consultation to drying and dehumidification of affected areas. We also offer a 3-year warranty on all work we perform including leak detection, damage repairs, drying, and construction. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling takes pride in fixing the problem right the first time.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling leak detection experts put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Furthermore, you can reach our licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Hurricane Matthew Damage

Hurricane Matthew Damage. The forecast for the 2016 hurricane season in Florida; was for an average or above-average number of hurricanes than previous years. Since Florida had gone a record 10 years without a hurricane of category 3 or higher. But hurricane season is upon us, with Hurricane Matthew making its way up the Florida coast. Also, the Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30; with the peak period from early August through the end of October. Are you prepared for storm damage this season?

Hurricane Matthew Damage

Hurricane Matthew Damage

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help get you get ready for the rainy weather and damage associated with these storms. Because we are experts in roofing repairs, slab leaks, and water damage.

Our services include:

  • 24 Hour Emergency Services for Water Extraction, Plumbing Repairs, and Structural Drying
  • TOTAL Restoration/ Reconstruction / Repair and Remodeling
  • Leak Repairs Slab Leak Detection
  • Mold Remediation
  • Black Water / Sewage Clean-up
  • Contents Cleaning & Inventory (including cleaning & restoring furniture/textiles/ clothes)
  • Written Warranty on All Services Performed

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling are storm damage Repair experts; as well as preferred roofing and siding contractors with many insurance companies. So, did your residential or commercial property experience damage in a storm? If so, do you need storm damage repairs? Maybe you have been putting off the roofing repairs you know you need before the storms get serious.

In addition, if you would like to track the storms in the Florida area; check out the Central Florida Hurricane Center website at

Do you understand Tropical Storm Watches and Warnings? A watch means tropical storm conditions are possible within 48 hours. A warning means you should expect storm conditions within the next 36 hours.

Right now, Hurricane Matthew is skirting the Florida coast, we barely avoided a direct hit thankfully! But, Hurricane Matthew could have been much worse, affecting North Central Florida including Gainesville, Ocala, St. Augustine and more.

On the average, Gainesville is usually affected by two hurricanes each year. And the stormy season can cause serious damage to your residence or business. If you do not address the damage quickly; you can also be plagued by mold and mildew which can cause health problems or allergic reactions. Also, any structural damage to you property will only get worse until you get it repaired. Ignoring the problem only devalues your property and costs you more money in the long run.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will put your mind at ease this hurricane season and help keep your family safe. You can reach our licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold and water damage remediation company Lic # MSR 096.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

High Cost of Water Leaks

High Cost of Water Leaks. Your water bill might be trying to tell you something. Have you experienced a sudden unexplained increase in your water bill recently? An undetected water leak can cost you more than you might think. Whether you are a homeowner or business owner, water leak detection should be part of your property maintenance schedule. Left undetected, a water leak can lead to more serious problems such as flooding. The damage caused by flooding can be much more expensive to repair than addressing, and repairing the source of the water leak in the first place.

High Cost of Water Leaks

High Cost of Water Leaks

Is an undetected water leak costing you on a monthly basis?

Because water pipes can crack and burst over time. Therefore, even a properly designed and installed plumbing system will corrode, rust and collapse with age. Also, plumbing materials, weather, and soil conditions all play a part in the life of the plumbing.   

Since, in most cases, water leaks may be undetectable by normal sight or hearing. That’s why the Leak detection specialists at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling use high-tech video, audio, and sonic equipment; to identify the location of any leaks. Because our non-invasive leak detection methods minimize the excavation area needed to repair the leak. Moreover, through the use of these devices, the leak detection specialists at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can; locate and repair water leaks before the leak does more damage. So, no matter where the leak may be or how large or small; we will locate it, and repair it right the first time; guaranteed. In addition, be sure to check out our other services as well.

Our other services include:

  • Water Damage Restoration
  • Mold Removal
  • Deodorization
  • Fire Damage Restoration
  • Strom Damage Cleanup
  • Biohazard Cleanup

The best way to avoid an emergency and major repairs are; to address the problem early, at the first sign of a problem. So, if you suspect that you may have a water leak in your Gainesville; call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling and schedule a plumbing evaluation. Furthermore, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for emergency water leak service. We can be reached by below or be Email.

Water Leak Detection Services

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Gainesville Water Damage Repair

Gainesville Water Damage Repair. When your home or business suffers water damage; it is vital that you take action immediately to minimize the damage to your property. Not dealing with water leaks and wetness can cause serious structural damage to your property; as well as cause a number of health problems. So if you detect water damage or dampness; it is important to act quickly to determine the cause and stop the damage from getting worse. The longer you wait once you detect water or dampness, the more destruction the water and mold can cause.

Gainesville Water Damage Repair

Gainesville Water Damage Repair

Because water damage to a property can happen for a number of reasons, including; storm damage, failure of an appliance such as a washer or dishwasher, or from a leaky toilet, water heater, or sink. Even clogged air conditioner condensation lines, aquariums, and water beds have can cause water damage disasters.

Since suffering water damage is devastating for property owners. Get help with the restoration process of home or business property after a water damage disaster from Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling restoration professionals. We are experts at detecting the cause of water damage, solving the problem quickly. Getting your home or business cleaned up and back in working order is our first priority. Our certified technicians specialize in helping commercial and residential customers recover from floods and leaks. “We handle your water damage claim from estimating to completion!”

We assign each project to a hand-picked team of highly-skilled, educated and certified specialists. We will assess the water damage with before photos and analysis. Then, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will begin mitigating the damage by extracting the water and using integrated drying equipment. In addition, our estimator or project manager will work with you and your adjuster to efficiently repair any damages.

Our services include 24 Hour emergency help for water extraction, plumbing repairs, structural drying, slab detection and leak repairs. Also, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling also offers mold remediation, annual leak detection checkups, contents cleaning and inventory. Our first priority is to you, our customer. We are a preferred contractor with many insurance carriers in our industry. Also, we offer a complete satisfaction guarantee and a written warranty.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s experienced water damage experts put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Breathe Easy Air Quality Tips

Breathe Easy Air Quality Tips. Most people tend to think of air pollution as something that only happens outside; smog, ozone, or haze hanging in the air, especially as the weather gets warmer. But the truth is, the air inside your home may be even more polluted than the air outside. So, be sure to protect yourself from allergens and pollutants and mold using these tips.

Breathe Easy Air Quality Tips

Breathe Easy Air Quality Tips

Clean Sweep
It can be easy to ignore chores, but it’s important to clean your home regularly to reduce allergens and irritants. A thorough dusting with a damp cloth instead of a feather duster; is a great way to keep your air clean. But don’t forget to suck it up, mop it up, and keep it out! Vacuuming and then mopping will get rid of any particles that are lingering on your floors. In addition,  leaving a large floor mat at every door will reduce the amount of pesticides and other pollutants; that come in via the dirt on your shoes.

Breathe Easy Air Quality Tips


Most Floridians have experience dealing with mold. Since mold loves warm, damp environments, and that pretty much sums up Florida’s weather. But don’t let your home be a mold victim because most mold is preventable. So, be sure to follow these easy steps to avoiding hazardous growths in your home.

Breathe Easy Air Quality Tips

Be Proactive

If condensation is collecting around window sills, walls or pipes, dry it quickly. Increasing ventilation and air movement in moist rooms is the best way to prevent mold growth. Because in most cases, if a damp area is dried within 48 hours of a leak or spill; mold will not grow. Turn on a fan or open a window while or immediately after; showering, cooking, and dishwashing will also help prevent mold growth.

If you would like more information about; air quality, mold, and allergens, please contact the air quality specialists at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a State Certified Mold Remediator.

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Fall Remodeling Time

Fall Remodeling Time. Since fall is approaching, the temperature is dropping slowly and the air is a little cooler. As the days get shorter, those long summer days are behind us for a while.

Fall Remodeling Time

This also means that the holiday season will soon be upon us. So, wouldn’t you like to impress your family and friends with a new look for your home? Also, you’ll feel better knowing you made their time with you more enjoyable. That is way we at GRR would like to help you with this gift to yourself.

Fall Remodeling Time

Kitchen Remodeling

So, you’ve decided to remodel your kitchen. But, now what? Not knowing where to start, many homeowners can get overwhelmed. Therefore, some people start by looking at appliances. Others start by collecting inspiring kitchen photos from sources such as Pinterest. While others decide they need more room. Yet some people simply want to upgrade their current kitchen. Homeowners may find themselves in this exploration stage for a year or longer; before they start interviewing kitchen designers or general contractors.

The kitchen is the centerpiece of your home for holiday meals. We can make it beautiful and more functional. By maximizing your space, our remodeling crew of designers and builders can give you that kitchen you’ve always wanted.

Fall Remodeling Time

Bedroom Remodeling

Maybe you want to spruce up the guest bedroom. Let them know you care by making their stay comfortable with a touch of class. If you don’t have one, we can do that as well. It’s better than a pull out couch bed with that annoying bar sticking in your back.

Exterior Remodeling

For the exterior, how about a new look for your front entry way or aluminum siding? We can take you as far as your imagination.

We at GRR are committed to your satisfaction and hope we can be the company you think of this upcoming holiday season. Give our Certified Technicians a call in Gainesville at; (352) 372-1221, or send us an email.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Water Damage and Mold Remediation

Water Damage and Mold Remediation. Mold and mildew in your home can be a health hazard that you should not ignore. Because molds produce spores that spread easily through the air. Furthermore, they form new colonies when they find areas in your home where a lot of moisture remains. Also, some people can be quite sensitive to mold and could experience anything from; a mild allergic reaction to serious upper respiratory problems. Even if you do not think you are sensitive to mold; it affects the air quality in your home and long-term exposure is unhealthy for anyone.

Water Damage and Mold Remediation

Water Damage and Mold Remediation

So, if you find mold, mildew or wetness in your home, you should suspect a water leak. Even if the leak is so slow that you cannot detect it; dangerous molds can begin to grow and remain in your home. Also, small leaks could suddenly become more serious which could cause costly property damage. Mold is a warning sign that you should take action to protect your health and home.

The longer mold grows the harder it is to remove from your home and the greater risk to your health. The best way to avoid a mold problem is to detect and fix water leaks quickly. So if you find a water leak or mold growing in your home, don’t delay calling a professional to help.

Water damage and mold growth are significant issues that can affect any property. Understanding how to address these problems efficiently is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. This guide will cover the basics of water damage, the dangers of mold growth, and effective strategies for mold remediation. Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office; at 352-372-1221. You can also email us with any concerns or questions. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096

Water Damage and Mold Remediation

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Solving Small Space Problems

Solving Small Space Problems. Looks can be deceiving, but when you have a small space that’s exactly what you are trying to achieve. Making a small room appear larger may seem like a challenging task, but what if we told you it wasn’t? Increasing the space of a room can make a world of difference and if it’s so easy; why not give it a shot?

Solving Small Space Problems

Solving Small Space Problems


If you’ve ever wanted to make a room in your home look bigger; we’ve got the necessary tools and tricks for you to do so. Here are a few ideas that will give your smaller room a larger looking appearance.

Remove the Clutter
Having a lot of clutter in a room can be overwhelming and make a room look smaller than it actually is. Luckily, this is a quick fix. We aren’t just talking about cleaning up trash, magazines, and toys. Instead of overloading a room with accessories like lamps, clocks, and trinkets, try to put focus on just a few. Also, you may want to limit the pieces of furniture you have in a room. Removing clutter can make a room look cleaner and open.

Add Some Mirrors
Mirrors are a great addition to create the illusion of a large room. When it comes to mirrors, the bigger the better. Hanging a large mirror on one of the walls can give depth to a room. Not a fan of large mirrors? Consider creating a wall of mirrors, made up of different sizes and shapes of mirrors.

Lighting is Key
Lighting is one of the most important factors in making your small space look bigger. Whether you use outside light from a window or indoor lighting features, a well-lit room can make a drastic change. One idea is to install recessed lighting in the room. Therefore, recessed lighting can make the space seem more open and give your home a modernized feel.

Don’t Forget About the Floor and Ceiling
The floor and ceiling of a room are often ignored. However, they both can make a huge difference in a room. Sometimes bright or harsh colors can make a room seem smaller;, so the best option is to use lighter colors for the floor and ceiling. Lightly-colored wood floors or carpets can enhance the space of a tiny room. For the ceiling, it’s good to stick with white or a similar light color.


Solving Small Space Problems

We hope you find these tips helpful while remodeling your space. Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling if you have any questions or need some assistance.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Craft and Sewing Rooms

Craft and Sewing Rooms. Do you need a craft room? Face it. So many of us crafters, quilters, or sewing fanatics need a room dedicated to our hobby. And it’s not as expensive as you think!

Craft and Sewing Rooms

Craft and Sewing Rooms

Do you have a garage or carport that you don’t really use? What about an extra bedroom or study that you are not using? Any extra space in your home can become the craft room of your dreams; even a space as small as a walk-in closet. But, maybe you don’t have an extra room or garage? In the event that you don’t, room additions are possible on most properties!

Once you’ve found the space, the real planning can begin. Because crafting and sewing require storage and organization. Since that means custom cabinets and plenty of work space, and we specialize in custom cabinetry. Browse our Pinterest board for dozens of design ideas and inspirations for your craft room or sewing room. Then bring your ideas to us!

Whether you’re looking to bump out an existing room to create more space or are considering adding a room to your existing home; Gainesville Restoration and Ocala Restoration is able to professionally tackle any of your redesign ideas. 

Craft and Sewing Rooms

How well does your sewing storage work for you?

So, if your sewing room is chaos, maybe what you need is a room remodel. Also, custom cabinetry can solve your difficult sewing storage needs. From custom storage cabinets, cloth storage, custom desks and cutting tables, Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling specializes in custom cabinetry and woodwork.

If you are ready to tackle your sewing storage chaos, you have found the right contractor to assist you with all your kitchen remodeling needs; from 3D design, blueprints and drawings, and permitting to completion. You can read about our simple remodeling process on our website.

Browse our Pinterest board for dozens of design ideas and inspirations for your sewing room, then call us. Our reputation as a dependable construction company stretches throughout Gainesville, Ocala, and the surrounding Florida communities. Because it comes from our commitment to provide quality construction, professional service, and sincere customer satisfaction. Because we do it all from design, estimating, permitting, to completion! Call us at the number below or email us here.

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Easy Gainesville Carport Conversions

Easy Gainesville Carport Conversions. Does your home have a carport but no real garage? You can add real value and curb appeal to your home by converting your open carport to a garage.

Easy Gainesville Carport Conversions

Easy Gainesville Carport Conversions

Five Reasons to Convert Your Carport:

  1. Storage that the neighbors can’t see.

Your garage is a private place to store your stuff; seasonal items, sports equipment, lawn and garden items, and craft supplies that are too large to store in the house. A carport leaves all of these storage items out for the whole world to see; as well as leaves them open to mildew, bugs, and rodents.

  1. Out of the elements.

In Florida, humidity is the enemy. You can convert your open carport to a garage; that’s tied in with the heating and air conditioning system in the rest of your home, which protects your stored items from mildew and heat damage. Even your car.

  1. Curb appeal.

When it’s time to sell your home, a closed garage is going to add curb appeal to your home; especially if the majority of your neighbors already have a garage. However, carport conversions are best left to the professionals- DIY conversions can make your home unsellable.

  1. More than just car parking.

An enclosed, finished garage can double as a playroom for your kids, a home office, craft room or a workshop; especially if you tie the new garage in with your air conditioning system. A closed garage can also store your home improvement tools; like saws and ladders securely, which can’t be done in an open carport.

  1. Make your house look larger.

Done right, a garage can really improve the look of your home and make it look much larger. What kind of roof will it have? What touches will you include so it complements the look of the house? So, let us help you decide and work out the details. In addition, we can make sure you have met all of the permits and zoning requirements.

Why move when you can improve? Contact us to discuss your carport conversion. Our reputation as a dependable construction company stretches throughout Gainesville, and the surrounding Florida communities. This comes from our commitment to provide quality construction, professional service, and sincere customer satisfaction. We are committed to providing the best value and quality construction available. But our real success comes from the relationships we continue to build with our clients. You can reach us by calling the numbers below or by email.

Easy Carport Conversions

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Home Upgrades Can Improve Home Value

Home Upgrades Can Improve Home Value. It’s no secret that large-scale remodeling and renovations can improve your home and raise its value. But there are several small-scale remodels that will improve your home for smaller costs. We have a few ideas to get the ball rolling in some of the most important rooms in your home; the kitchen and the bathroom.

Home Upgrades Can Improve Home Value

Home Upgrades Can Improve Home Value

The Kitchen

  • Backsplash – A backsplash is a relatively small touch; that has the potential to add a unique pattern or custom accent color to your kitchen. It can also brighten up the entire room. So, is it worth it? We think so! The cost of the materials can be inexpensive and because it’s typically a one-day project; labor costs may be minimal as well.
  • Cabinets – Replacing your old and outdated cabinets can get pricey, but you can spruce up your kitchen’s color scheme by simply painting over them. Try black or a dark brown for elegant sophistication, or white for warmth.
  • Faucets and Handles – Crooked cabinet handles and rusty faucets got you down? Replacing or upgrading them will give your kitchen a subtle lift.

Upgrades Can Improve Home Value


  • Medicine Cabinet – If you find your bathroom counter is too cluttered to deal with in the morning; consider investing in a medicine cabinet. Depending on the style, it can serve as a chic and functional addition to your bathroom.
  • Tiles – If your floors look worn and outdated, it can bring your whole bathroom down. Consider re-tiling your bathroom floor!
  • Update hardware – When it comes to the bathroom, it’s all in the details. Even replacing the knobs on your cabinets can make a difference. You may also consider replacing your doorknobs. Also, the doorknob is the first thing you and your guests will touch and see upon entering the bathroom. Talk about first impressions!

Contact the design professionals today at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to discuss your interior design projects. We can be reached by calling the numbers below or send us an email. Because we want to be your contractor of choice for Gainesville, Ocala, and all of North Central Florida.  

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Affordable Room Addition Options

Affordable Room Addition Options. The most common room additions are built on the top of a home’s; garage, master suite additions, family room additions, and sunrooms.  Whether you want to build upwards or outwards; you should set a budget while leaving a little wiggle room for things that you may not have expected.  Sometimes little things come up during construction that may cost you a little more, but will be worth it in the long run.  Another thing to keep in mind is the value that your new room addition will add to the resale of your home in the future.  Typically, a room addition is not a do-it-yourself project.  Call us at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling; so we can help you achieve the room addition that you are looking for.

Affordable Room Addition Options

Affordable Room Addition Options

Second story additions are best if your home resides on a smaller property.  This is the more drastic approach to a room addition, but at the end of the day, you have a home that sets itself apart from the others in the neighborhood.  It will also bring in far more value if you ever decide to put your home on the market.  A family room addition is also a very popular renovation.  It will give you and your family more room to spend quality time together; more space for electronics and children’s toys. 

A nice way to open up a room addition is by putting in vaulted ceilings.  Also, adding plenty of windows and skylights will make the room appear larger; because of the brightness that the natural light allows in.  French doors and a fireplace will give your room addition more of a rustic look; great for cabins or historic homes.  Here at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, we offer a time frame guarantee, and we also offer free, detailed estimates.  Call us today to begin your new room addition! 

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your restoration needs in Gainesville or Ocala. We also service the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield. As well as, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. 


License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Fall Remodeling Decisions

Fall Remodeling Decisions. To DIY or not, that is the question. It’s that time of year! When we’re anticipating the weather cooling off and finally enjoying an evening in your backyard.

Here are a few ways you can enjoy it:

Fall Remodeling Decisions

Relax outside this weekend in an arbor built for two or take a refreshing shower in your outdoor bamboo setup. What about making bird feeders so you can bird watch in the morning?

Fall Remodeling Decisions

To DIY or not, that is the question

Do-it-yourself projects (DIY) are a great way to save money and improve your home. Many projects are the perfect way to involve the family in creating new spaces or things. But, some projects require the help of a remodeling professional. So when should you be the pro and when should you hire a pro?

Assess your skills

Before starting any project, consider your interests. Do you enjoy working outside, getting dirty and physical labor? Many DIY projects are labor intensive. If you’re not ready for it, it’s best to hire a professional. If you’re not sure; ask friends or home improvement store employees who have done similar projects about their experiences to learn more. Knowing what steps are involved will you determine if your skill set will match the project.

Consider the costs

Do-it-yourself projects are usually chosen because they can cost less. However, unexpected situations may arise because of mistakes that lead to unforeseen expenses. There are times that a DIY project is doable and can save you money in the long run. But, if you don’t feel confident taking on a project; it may end up being more affordable to hire a professional. We offer free estimates, so give us a call today.

Do you have the time?

Are you a working professional who only has the weekends free? Or are you really busy all the time with your kids and family? Consider your availability before deciding to complete a remodeling project on your own. Some projects are only meant to last a couple of days, while others could take weeks or months. If you’re constantly busy, the time that it takes to finish the project may increase drastically.

Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling understands that the remodeling process can be stressful, but we want to help improve your home and make it one step closer to being your dream home! DIY projects are a fun way to challenge yourself. But, sometimes it’s best to hire a professional who can make sure it will be done correctly; saving you money in the long run.

Best Fall Colors

Warm, neutral, happy colors are in right now. HGTV shows how you can paint the rooms in your home to fit the season.


Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for all your Fall remodeling projects. You can reach us by calling the numbers below or by email here.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Fall Remodeling Decisions


Gainesville Fire Damage Restoration

Gainesville Fire Damage Restoration. Fire can be devastating and cause major damage to your home or business. Long after the fire trucks leave, you are left to deal with fire, smoke and soot damage. Water damage from firefighting efforts can occur as well. Fire and water damage can leave your house unlivable and unsafe.

Gainesville Fire Damage Restoration

Gainesville Fire Damage Restoration

When a fire destroys even just one room of your home; the room containing the fire damage is usually not the only room of the house that shows signs of damage. The smoke, soot and ash smells can permeate through interior walls, upholstery, curtains, carpet, floors, and ceilings. Also, extensive water damage can also remain from extinguishing the blaze.

Returning your residential or commercial property to its previous condition requires professional clean up and restoration from fire and water damage experts. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has professionals with the training and experience; to help you deal with the aftermath of a fire. In addition, we can remove the pervasive odor of smoke; as well as clean up the soot and ash, deal with water damage and make repairs and restore your home or business. Plus, we are the contractor of choice with many insurance carriers. Also, we use Xactimate estimating software that insurance carriers recognize and trust.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling services include inspection and fire damage assessment. You will also need smoke and soot clean-up as well. In addition, you will need water removal and drying, repairs, and restoration. We can also provide board-up and tarping services, contents cleaning and inventory. Also, we also offer deductible assistance and can move and store your belongings for you. We also offer a “no smoke odor guarantee” and written warranty on ALL fire damage work performed. 

We assign each project to a hand-picked team of highly-skilled, educated and certified specialists. Contact our Gainesville or Ocala office 24 hours a day / seven days a week. In addition, we handle your fire damage claim from estimate to completion!

Get help to restore your home or business property after a fire from the experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. You can reach our expert, licensed team at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Also, Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Kitchen Remodeling Contractor

Kitchen Remodeling Contractor. Most of us will only remodel one kitchen in our lifetime.  Furthermore, it is often a woman’s biggest pet peeve; to have a kitchen that doesn’t function in the way she thinks it should.  Since you want to make sure that you do it right, and have the right company help you with all your remodeling needs; while getting the outcome that once was only an idea in your head.  Therefore, at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, we will help make your dream become a reality.

Kitchen Remodeling Contractor

Kitchen Remodeling Contractor

They say it’s “A Man’s World”, but it doesn’t have to be.  Because at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, our design team will take you step-by-step; to give you the kitchen that you’ve always wanted.  It is quite ironic that a room traditionally used by women is normally designed, built, and installed by men.  Women have a completely different perspective of how a kitchen should look and feel; while keeping in mind how she would like it to function.  Men tend to produce standard kitchens and bathrooms, while women spend more time in these two areas.  The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in a home to a woman. Young or old, we all love to make great food, while entertaining our friends and families.

For years, you’ve dreamt of updating the kitchen in your home.  Whether you are looking for a stylish, functional, or luxurious kitchen; Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help you achieve the exact look to fit your personal style.  Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling focuses on making your remodeling experience a positive one; by offering expert service backed by craftsmanship that only an experienced remodeling business can offer.

So, let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help you design the perfect kitchen. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

Budget Remodeling Ideas

Budget Remodeling Ideas. Remodeling your home may be a costly venture, but there are ways around breaking the bank to revamp your home; open up space and make your home feel like new.

Budget Remodeling Ideas

Budget Remodeling Ideas

Rearrange Your Furniture

Let your room breath.  Before committing to a full-on remodel, try rearranging your furniture. So, if the goal is to open up the space, avoid placing furniture near or across the entryway. In addition, removing pieces of furniture that interfere or block any natural lighting; will create a more inviting tone and help open up the room. Also, replacing dark window shades or curtains with sheer drapes can allow more light into the room to let it breathe.

Can’t bare the emptiness? Sometimes with larger spaces, it can be challenging to find the balance between filling the emptiness and cluttering the room.  A large throw rug can not only add a little depth and color but can also help eliminate echoes. Try pulling the furniture away from the walls. Also, organize the furniture in different directions to give your space a flow and logic. Proper placement of chairs, tables, and artwork can help guide your guests. Decide on a purpose or focal point for your space and then work around it.

Don’t Be Afraid of Color

Mixing and matching is OK. Older styles and trends focus on one color or pattern. Also, simply adding a splash or accent color can bring an old room back to life! So, don’t be afraid to play with schemes of color. Mix and match solid colored furniture or play with patterns and solids to add depth and texture.

No budget for new furniture? Reupholster a few pieces of furniture you already own or purchase some playful covers. Boom! No one has to know it’s the same old couch – It can be our little secret. Simply adding a variety of pillows and throw blankets is another affordable way to spice up an old room. If it’s a dining room or kitchen; new place settings and centerpieces can be a small way to make a fresh change.

Fixtures and Paint

Be green and recycle. Have antique furniture that you can’t bear parting with but can’t stand looking at? New knobs and fixtures may be just the trick to fool your annoyed eye. You can even use stencils to get creative and play with patterns in bathrooms or dining rooms.

Work smarter, not harder. Obviously, repainting a room will give it an entirely new energy. But what if you’re just not feeling that ambitious? Accent walls are the lazy remodeler’s best-kept secret. Therefore, choose one or two of the smallest walls in the room; then paint them in a bold shade that matches your color scheme. Also, this will increase the depth of your room and help add a third dimension.

Been There Done That

Some of you may be thinking, “I’ve just about exhausted every furniture formation and paint combination out there. I need something more extreme.” Well, before you go looking for a new home, consider renovating your current home! By refreshing your home with a renovation, you get to upgrade your lifestyle, keep your family memories, maintain lifelong friendships with your neighbors, and avoid the cost and frustrations of a move.

A total knockout. If your home was built in the early 80’s; you may have a lot of small rooms that need to be reconfigured to open up the space. A more modern and open interior can help bring your living space from a 20th-century parlor to a 21st-century entertainment room.

A little nip and tuck. When a makeover won’t do the trick, sometimes you need a little reconstruction. There is nothing worse than an outdated kitchen to bring down the vibe of your party. Trash the Formica and acrylic faucet knobs! A granite counter upgrade, backsplash and some new fixtures and cabinets; can take 20 years off the face of your kitchen.

So, if you’re ready to take the next step and get pricing and ideas for a remodel; contact us at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling!

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Budget Remodeling Ideas in Gainesville Florida

Gainesville Water Leak Repair

Gainesville Water Leak Repair. What is a slab leak? Any water leak in the water pipes that are underneath a home’s concrete foundation is called a slab leak. Also, slab leaks are a common occurrence that can create a serious issue. In addition, they can be caused by leaky fixtures in your home; leaks in the pipes and connections in the walls, faulty toilet hardware or broken pipes underground. While the causes for a slab leak can vary; the only consistent is that you will need professional solutions to remedy this issue.

Gainesville Water Leak Repair

Gainesville Water Leak Repair

Slab Leak Detection

What Are The Signs Of A Slab Leak?

  • Water Bill: A large increase in your water bill may be the result of a water leak in the slab.
  • Energy Bill: You notice an increase in your electric or gas bill; due to, your water heater heating a never-ending supply of water.
  • No Hot Water: One sure sign of a slab leak is the absence of hot water in your home. Therefore, the hot water pipes may break due to constant expansion and contraction.
  • Erosion: Because, slab leaks cause erosion. This can result in structural settling and various other forms of foundation related damage.
  • Hearing water running in the walls or notice a musty smell.
  • Wet, warm or spongy flooring, foul odors, and cracked foundation.

So, if any of these symptoms sound familiar; you may want to have a slab leak detection professional check your home for leaks. Knowing how to spot the signs of a water leak is important; so that you can catch the problem before it gets serious. Repairing the damage early is crucial to prevent further damage to the property and its contents.

A slab leak will continue to cause damage to your property even if you do not see it. Serious structural damage can result, or the leak can suddenly get worse causing catastrophic water damage. Also, wetness can cause the growth of mold and mildew which can seriously affect your health.

If you are experiencing a water leak in your Gainesville Florida home or business call the experts at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling. We utilize the latest in acoustic, line tracing, and thermal cameras that show where leaks are coming from.  In Florida, copper lines under your foundation/slab are one of the leading sources that break down over time and can be extremely difficult to trace.

Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling can locate the leak using our state-of-the-art leak detection technology. Because, we use non-invasive leak detection equipment to quickly and accurately locate water leaks in the slab, walls or ceiling. Also, Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling has trained leak detection specialists available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, we service both residential and commercial customers in Gainesville Florida and surrounding areas.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling leak detection experts put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached by calling our Gainesville office (352) 372-1221. The technicians at Gainesville Restoration are State CERTIFIED mold remediation professionals License # MSR 096.

Gainesville: 352-372-1221


Hardie Board Home Siding

Hardie Board Home Siding. For most of us, a home is the most expensive purchase we will ever make. It’s also a purchase that all of us hope will be one of the best investments we make. So, it makes sense to take good care of our home’s exterior.

We are a Certified James Hardie “Hardie Plank” Installer

Hardie Board Home Siding

Hardie Board Home Siding

In addition, a well-maintained home is much more likely to retain value and sell more quickly; than a similar house that has not been. Also, adding new siding or replacing worn siding is in the Top 5 Home Improvements for return on investment. Because few other home improvement projects do as much to increase a home’s curb appeal as new siding.

How much value you gain from adding new siding to your home depends on a number of factors including; the state of the existing home exterior, relative condition of the house compared to similar homes in your area, and the overall housing market for your location. All other things being equal, the home with an attractive, well-maintained exterior will be the first to sell.

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The exterior of a home is the first impression most people will ever get; of not only your house but also of the entire neighborhood. Whether or not you are planning to sell your home; siding can be a good value for homeowners in so many ways.

Add value to your home this year by having high-quality James Hardie fiber-cement siding installed by experienced professionals like Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling.  James Hardie fiber-cement siding has a 30-year warranty against; rotting, cracking, termite damage and non-combustible rated building product with up to 150 mph wind rating. Also, Hardie siding gives your home additional value and beauty and may help with your homeowner insurance rates! Your home is one of your biggest investments, let us help you give it lasting value and integrity. If you are considering upgrading your home’s exterior; first read about our siding process, then call us for a free estimate at (352) 372-1221 or send an email.

Hardie Board Home Siding

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling. Many of our readers can’t entertain outdoors because they don’t have deck space or enough of it. While this sounds familiar to most people, they continue to put up with it, year after year. If you’d like to spend more warm summer nights laughing with friends while enjoying the breeze; then be sure to check out our suggestions below!

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling

Extend your deck

First of all, one of the simplest renovations for additional entertainment space is to extend the deck in your backyard. Also, add umbrellas or a partial roof to have both a sun or shade option.

Two-level deck

In addition, if you really like to entertain a crowd; double the space by adding an upper-level portion to your porch. Since the shaded bottom level will be a nice contrast to the nightlife vibe on top. Also, adding a spiral staircase gives a touch of charm to your outdoor area.

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling

Add a hot tub

For small, intimate get-togethers, your guests will love slipping into swimsuits and having drinks in your jacuzzi. Therefore, make your relaxing retreat the most eye-pleasing possible by building it into your new deck.

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling

Switch to glass

Bugs can get overwhelming this time of year. But, switching from open-air or screened walls to glass walls will give the impression of truly being outdoors; with some of the perks of being inside. Like air conditioning! A Florida Room (sunroom) is a great way to enjoy the outdoors without the pests and heat!

Outdoor Entertainment Remodeling

Cook outside

Nothing says entertainment like an outdoor kitchen and fireplace. Enjoy your company while you’re preparing a meal for them. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can design and build your outdoor oasis.

What is the Average Sunroom Cost?

Your sunroom cost will fluctuate depending on the type you choose, as well as many other factors. Find out more here.

Our staff at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling are experts at all of the above remodels and additions. We’d love to help make your next holiday a memorable one. Start now by contacting us for a free estimate!


Gainesville 352-372-1221

Home Remodeling Building Dreams

Home Remodeling Building Dreams. Remodeling a home is a big undertaking, but a well-planned project will pay for itself time and time again. When considering a remodeling project, it is important to make decisions that will make your life better; and will serve your changing needs and those of your family. Gainesville restoration and Remodeling can take care of all your remodeling and construction needs, from design to completion! 

Home Remodeling Building Dreams

Home Remodeling Building Dreams

Do you need another bedroom? Another bathroom? Is your kitchen functional enough? Do you need more storage space or cabinet refacing? Also, our remodeling projects range from installing new trim work or tile and replacing doors and windows, new cabinets; as well as new counter tops, new flooring, fixtures, lighting and more.

But maybe you have bigger changes in mind, like completing an addition to increase your home’s square footage or adding a garage. Maybe, you would like to revamp your bathroom or kitchen; that haven’t been updated since you first bought your house many years ago. 

Regardless of the size of your remodeling project, you can always look for inspiration in magazines. Places like Pinterest, before & after pictures or just asking your friends for ideas; will greatly help you in the decision-making process. If you can dream it, we can build it! 

Some of our other services include:

  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Leak Detection
  • Storm Damage
  • Water Damage Repair
  • Fire Damage Repair
  • Mold Remediation
  • Biohazard Cleanup
  • Home Inspections
  • And More

So, please contact us today, tell us about your remodeling project and we’ll give you a free estimate. Call our office in Gainesville at (352) 372-1221 or send us an email.

Furthermore, we’ve provided custom home remodeling services in; Gainesville, Ocala, and the surrounding communities and have built a reputation for beauty, quality, and customer satisfaction. Because we want to be your contractor of choice!

Home Remodeling Building Dreams

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Kitchen Remodeling Costs

Kitchen Remodeling Costs. Are you thinking about remodeling your kitchen but you have concerns about the cost or time involved? The average cost of a complete kitchen remodel can typically range between $10,000 and $30,000. But remodeling your kitchen is a great way to make this common gathering place a more; efficient, comfortable, and beautiful room while at the same time adding value to your home. 

Kitchen Remodeling Costs

Kitchen Remodeling Costs

Most families spend more time in the kitchen than any other room in the house. So, why not create the kitchen of your dreams and enjoy the time you spend in the kitchen. Therefore, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is the smarter way to remodel your kitchen in less time and on budget. Also, get beautiful countertops and cabinets that are as beautiful as they are functional. Our expert design consultants will give you a quote that best fits your budget. It is our business to help you to design a beautiful and functional kitchen that reflects your style.

Our costs and scope of work are defined and broken out; so you can see where the costs are with your project. We include allowances for you so you know the job will remain within your budget. That way there are no surprises or hidden fees. Turn your kitchen space into your personal oasis.

If you plan on staying in your home for five years or less; your kitchen remodeling project will be an investment in the value of your home. On the other hand, if you’re planning on staying in your home for a longer period of time; think about what would make the most difference in how you and your family can enjoy your kitchen space. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can provide new kitchen counter tops, cabinets, lighting, flooring, and appliances. Whether your kitchen needs a simple facelift or a complete overhaul, the experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help.

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your remodeling needs. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling is a top-rated kitchen remodel and building contractor in Gainesville or Ocala. Our experts can help you design your perfect kitchen by providing 3D design, blueprints, drawings, and permitting.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling experienced designers and professional contractors build the kitchen you really want.  Our licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Easy Gainesville Bathroom Updates

Easy Gainesville Bathroom Updates. Do you need a bathroom update? Are your bathroom cabinets old and tired, or just not fit your needs anymore? You should consider new bathroom cabinets. Why new cabinets? Because new cabinets are an affordable and easy remodel for your bathroom, no matter the size!

Easy Gainesville Bathroom Updates

Easy Gainesville Bathroom Updates

Small Bathrooms

Small bathrooms can especially benefit from custom cabinets. Because custom cabinets make the most out of the small space! Furthermore, do you never seem to have enough storage in your small bathroom? If so, we can add cabinets, built-in shelves, niches, overhead storage, and design custom sink cabinets. In addition, we can add windows, as well as, bathroom vent fans for moisture and mold control. 

So, please contact us for a design appointment; because we can help you maximize your small space for the most storage possible.

Double Sinks

Furthermore, are you tired of sharing a sink with your spouse? Tired of your kids squabbling over sink and counter space? Because if your bathrooms are a little larger, you can easily install double sinks; that make the most of the space available and increase your home’s value. Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling can handle the cabinetry design, installation, and plumbing exactly to your needs and your budget.

Easy Bathroom Updates

Bathroom Remodeling Options

With this in mind, for your bathroom remodeling project; you’ll be able to select from many different options to make your bathroom unique to you. In addition, we offer a variety of different types of bathtubs and showers, sinks, faucets, cabinetry, mirrors, and more. When you hire our bathroom remodeling crew, you’ll also have our expertise, knowledge, and experience working for you. Also, we’ll be able to help you narrow down your options based on your; budget, style preferences, and the space you have available. After all…we want your bathroom remodeling project to be exactly what you hoped for! For Example, some of these options include;

  • Shower Conversions
  • Frameless Showers
  • Framed Showers
  • Shower Doors
  • Bathtub Replacements
  • Bathtub-to-Shower Conversions
  • Vanities
  • Mirrors
  • Sinks
  • Shelving
  • And More


From estimation to completion; our team is ready to handle all your remodeling needs in Gainesville, Ocala, Lake City, Palatka and more. Call our office at one of the numbers listed below or email us here.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Remodeling Idea Boards

Remodeling Idea Boards. Do you have a dream remodel? Too many choices and you don’t know where to start? If so, bring your ideas into reality by creating a Remodel Idea Board.

Basically, there are two ways to create a Remodel Idea Board; online or on paper.

Remodeling Idea Boards

Remodeling Idea Boards


First, Pinterest is a great place to create dream boards. Because Pinterest provides many ideas for every aspect of remodeling and interior design, down to the smallest detail. You can create as many “boards” as you like; one for each room, one for each theme, or one for each color or style you’re considering. Then you add all of the images to each board that appeals to you. We love using Pinterest for showing the wide range of styles and options available. The only drawback to Pinterest is the scope; there’s no limit to your choices, so narrowing down your style choices can be difficult.

On Paper

The other option for your Remodel Idea Board is on paper. This can be a large piece of poster paper or corkboard with images from; the internet, images from magazines, fabric swatches, even photographs. You can include anything that inspires you, such as a sea shell with lovely colors or a scarf. The paper Remodel Idea Board is only so large, so it forces you to make decisions; to really narrow down your choices until you find the combination that really works for you.

Once you’ve narrowed your ideas down, call us! We would love to assist you with all your kitchen remodeling needs from 3D design, blueprint/drawings, and permitting to completion.

All our costs and scope of work are defined and broken out; so you can see where the costs are associated with your project. We include allowances for you so you know you will stay within your budget. Also, there are no surprises or hidden fees. We know the importance of turning your kitchen space into your personal oasis; the importance of changing the way you live, and the importance of staying within your budget.

If you’re interested in remodeling, contact the experts at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling or Ocala Restoration & Remodeling. You can reach us in our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221, our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or email us here.

From estimation to completion; our team is ready to handle all your remodeling needs in Gainesville or Ocala. In addition, we also service the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield. As well as, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Rediscover Sleeping Porches

Rediscover Sleeping Porches. Have you ever slept on a sleeping porch? But, If not, you owe it to yourself to experience the slumber of a Sleeping Porch. Sleeping porches were common for many of the homes in the South around the 1920’s. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can design and build a Sleeping Porch for you.

Rediscover Sleeping Porches

Rediscover Sleeping Porches

Sleeping porches were born out of the recent discovery of germs in the 1920’s. Because the sleeping porch offered a healthy and comfortable escape from the potentially germ-filled indoor air. Since, in the early 1900’s, tuberculosis was the number one cause of death; and fresh air was the best treatment for people suffering from this lung ailment. The population in the southern states discovered that by building a screened, private porch; they could enjoy the cooler summer nights rather than sleeping in a stuffy and warm bedroom. In addition, the sleeping porch provided cover from sudden summer thunderstorms. In addition, it was open on two or more sides to catch the evening breezes. These porches became an especially popular place for children to spend their summer nights.

Sleeping on your screened porch is becoming popular again as people seek to spend more time connecting with nature. Also, you can convert your screened porch to a sleeping porch with the simple addition of a bed. But, you don’t have a screened porch? Well then, let us build one for you!

For years we’ve provided custom home remodeling services in; Gainesville, Ocala, and the surrounding communities and have built a reputation for beauty, quality, and customer satisfaction. From estimation to completionour team is ready to handle all your home remodeling. So, contact us today and tell us about your remodeling project. Call our office in Gainesville at (352) 372-1221, our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or use our online contact form.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Hardie Fiber Cement Siding

Hardie Fiber Cement Siding. Picking the right siding for your house is a delicate balancing act between good looks, durability, maintenance, and affordability. Since, with wood, vinyl, stone, brick, or stucco, you might get only two or three of these. But with fiber cement, you get all four. Because it’s the only siding that combines the performance of masonry with minimal upkeep. In addition, Hardie Fiber Cement Siding is rot-proof, fire-proof, and termite-proof. Also, Hardie Fiber Cement Siding is unaffected by wind or cold. Furthermore, Hardie Fiber Cement Siding has the look of painted wood clapboards, shingles, even stone or brick. Therefore, fiber cement goes for just a fraction of the cost of these other materials. So, no wonder nearly 15 percent of new homes are clad with this siding.

Hardie Fiber Cement Siding

Hardie Fiber Cement Siding

  1.  Durability

Unlike wood or even vinyl siding, fiber cement siding is as strong as concrete. Fiber-cement siding composition may vary from company to company, but the basic recipe is; Portland cement, sand, and cellulose (wood) fibers. Because, wood fiber helps prevent cracking, as does a special curing process that leaves fiber cement with a low moisture content.

Fiber-cement siding has the durability of cement is impervious to wood-boring insects; does not rot, and is resistant to deterioration from salt and ultraviolet rays. In addition, Fiber-cement siding is low-maintenance, impact-resistant, and available in finished or painted options. That’s why most companies warranty their product for 50-years, which is proof of its durability.

  1. Fire-Resistant

Fiber-cement siding has a class 1A fire rating. It is 45 times more fire-resistant than even new vinyl siding and of course all natural wood sidings.

  1. Energy Efficiency

Older homes are often drafty and poorly insulated; which not only makes it hard to keep the home comfortable, it wastes valuable energy. You can kill two birds with one stone by adding extra insulation and improving your home’s exterior appearance with high-quality siding.

  1. Style

Covering the exterior of a home with new siding will certainly improve the home’s appearance. But, it’s the little things that add oomph and style. A little bling can make a huge difference! Whether it’s adding some extra chrome to a pickup truck or a scarf and some earrings to an outfit; it’s the accessories that set things apart from the crowd.

The same is true with your home’s exterior. Fortunately, while you’re replacing your home’s worn exterior with siding that mimics the appearance of wood; you can use trim pieces to add that something extra to your home that it may never have had before. In the case of older homes with ornate trim; the trim can protect and beautify the home while preserving its original style.

Decorative trim can be used to wrap corners, posts, window trim and other exterior surfaces that you might not have considered; all of which add maintenance free curb appeal to your home.

  1. Cost

Fiber cement siding is slightly more expensive than vinyl, but 1/3 the average price of wood, stone, even stucco!

As a James Hardie Preferred Remodeling Contractor, Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling has received complete factory training in all James Hardie products, including technology and installation methods.  We can work with old or new homes currently built with; T-111, cedar siding, vinyl siding, or any other wood based siding. 

Additional benefits of using Gainesville Restoration / James Hardie Siding

  • No payments for 6 months – No down payment required.
  • A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau
  • 30-year warranty
  • Distinguished as top 50 remodelers in the USA – 2011
  • Real wood-grain look and feel
  • Easily painted / Impregnated painted siding

Hardie Fiber Cement Siding gives your home additional value and beauty and may help with your homeowner insurance rates! Your home is one of your biggest investments, let us help you give it lasting value and integrity. If you are considering upgrading your home’s exterior, call us or email us for a free estimate at our Gainesville office (352) 372-1221.

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Project Gainesville Curb Appeal

Project Gainesville Curb Appeal. One of the easiest ways to add curb appeal to your home is by remodeling your front door and entryway. Because this project can be inexpensive; yet still have a huge impact on how you and your neighbors and guests feel about your home.

Project Curb Appeal

Project Curb Appeal

  1. To begin with, add a new front door in a bright color. Since a beautiful front door, like this bright red one will instantly transform the look of your entire home.

Project Curb Appeal

  1. Then, add a portico. You can quickly update the look of a dated ranch-style or row house with a simple portico and columns. Also, porticos can keep the direct sun from the front of your house, reducing your air conditioning bills.
  1. Third, install new lighting. There are so many more styles of outdoor lighting available now than even ten years ago. Also, lighting systems are energy-efficient and can easily be automated, improving the safety and security around your home.

  1. For further accents, add tile to your front steps! This is a simple and inexpensive but dramatic improvement to your front entryway. Since tile is durable and beautiful it makes a great first impression!

Project Curb Appeal

  1. Sidelights add instant luxury and light. These windows are long, narrow windows to the either side of your front door. Also, sidelights are available in many styles and can add instant light; to what can otherwise be a dark area of your home.

Call Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling today at (352) 372-1221 or email us to discuss your new portico project! We do it all from design, estimating, permitting, to completion. From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your restoration needs in; Gainesville or Ocala. In addition, we also service the towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield. Including, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Project Gainesville Curb Appeal

License Numbers

CRC 1327956 – State Certified Builder

CCC 1326022 – State Certified Roofer

MRSR – 96 – State Certified Mold Remediator

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Household Mold Health Concerns

Household Mold Health Concerns. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling Mold Remediation. Molds are part of the natural environment. Outdoors, molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as; fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided. Because molds reproduce by means of tiny spores; the spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through outdoor and indoor air. Mold may begin growing indoors when mold spores land on surfaces that are wet. Therefore, there are many types of mold, and none of them will grow without water or moisture.

Household Mold Health Concerns

Household Mold Health Concerns

Some people are sensitive to mold, and may experience symptoms such as; stuffy nose, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation when exposed to mold. In addition, some people may have more severe reactions to molds, including fever and shortness of breath. The common health concerns from molds include hay fever-like allergic symptoms.  Also, people with chronic lung diseases like COPD or undergoing chemotherapy or other long-term illnesses can be at risk for; opportunistic infections and may develop fungal infections in their lungs. For all of these reasons, it’s important to spot mold growth early and treat it immediately.

  • Black spots or speckles on the ceiling, walls, window casings, or around plumbing
  • A moldy smell
  • Visible water condensation or water spots on ceiling
  • Cracking, peeling paint
  • Peeling wallpaper, especially in bathrooms

It is unlikely you will be able to eliminate all mold indoors; some mold spores are present in the air and in house dust. The mold spores will not grow if moisture is not present. Indoor mold growth can and should be prevented or controlled by controlling moisture indoors. If there is mold growth in your home, you must clean up the mold and fix the water problem. If you clean up the mold, but don’t fix the water problem; then, most likely, the mold problem will come back.

The EPA cautions people not to touch mold and not to clean mold in the home; without the proper equipment and protection. At Gainesville Restoration, we ensure that all of our mold removal specialists are licensed and highly trained. We have the experience necessary to assess your mold damage and contamination in order to properly remove the mold from your home or other property. So, for expert service in mold removal and remediation; contact us as soon as you notice signs or symptoms of mold contamination. You can trust Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to clean up the mold and to keep it from coming back by identifying and fixing the problem. If you suspect you have mold growing in your home, call us today at (352) 372-1221.

Household Mold Health Concerns

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Laundry Room Remodel Updates

Laundry Room Remodel Updates. Many people consider the kitchen the heart of a home, but if that is true, then the laundry room is the liver. It’s the unseen, underappreciated closet in your home where dirty laundry is haphazardly thrown to be cleaned for another busy week.

Best Laundry Room Updates

Laundry Room Remodel Updates

Making the laundry room as functional and efficient as possible will decrease your stress level. Therefore, a few simple updates could completely transform the way you feel about doing laundry. Because these tips from Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to make your chores easier!

New Color

A fresh coat of paint is cost efficient. Change the walls to a color that brightens your mood and makes the space feel homier. Also, consider adding some wall decor as well. Guests may not see it, but you will, and who doesn’t want to make themselves feel good when doing chores?

New Appliances

Change out that old washing machine and dryer and replace them with new energy efficient modern ones. Not only will these new appliances brighten up your laundry room, but save on energy costs as well.

Add Cabinet and Counter Space

Adding additional cabinets and counter tops will increase your storage space as well as provide and area to fold laundry. If your laundry room is too small for additional cabinets and counter tops see if it’s possible to expand this area. In addition, expanding your laundry room gives you more room for washing, drying, folding, and ironing. Making the time spent in this room less stressful.

There are many more things you can do to modernize this space. If you would like to find out more about laundry room remodeling or any other remodeling projects; contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. We can be reached in Gainesville at the phone number below or by email on our contact page.


Laundry Room Remodel Updates

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Locating Mysterious Home Odors

Locating Mysterious Home Odors. We have all experienced the horrible smell of spoiled food remnants in the garbage disposal.  You may have even experienced the smell of a dead animal hidden between the walls of buildings and homes.  Maybe you have walked by a building only to smell something very pungent that you could not identify? Normally, these odors can be detected by our own human senses.  But, what about those smells that can’t be traced so easily?

Locating Mysterious Home Odors

Locating Mysterious Home Odors

Most people would cringe at the mere mention of sewer odors. The biggest problem with sewer and other airborne odors is that they are invisible.  Therefore, drafts can affect our ability to properly detect these odors.  This makes the search challenging because most sewer and drain piping components are behind the building walls.  Keeping this in mind before you begin tearing walls apart, you should consider calling a leak detection specialist.  Also, make sure to find a trained technician with the correct equipment.  Because we locate these mysterious sewer odors and sewer gasses using molecular analyzers and video cameras. These machines and cameras can identify certain gasses and inspect out of reach areas.

You want to keep in mind; that the test results may or may not determine that the odor you smell isn’t from your sewer.  In addition, sometimes animals, rodents, and reptiles will make their way into a structure and die within the walls.  Sometimes the odor can be from other buildings close to yours, especially during remodeling.  Whatever your situation may be, a detection specialist should be able to help identify if you; in fact, have a sewer issue.

Call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for a Leak Specialist that you can trust.  We serve Gainesville, Ocala, and surrounding areas.  In addition, we offer free detailed estimates, use only quality products and offer a time frame guarantee to all of our customers.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team at our Gainesville office by calling; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns you may have. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Fearless Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

Fearless Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling. October can be a scary month. Because as Halloween approaches, skeletons, spider webs, and zombie flamingos begin popping up on lawns. But October can also be a time when people anticipate facing the construction goblins; as they look at their homes and think about remodeling for the holidays. It can be a frightening experience for some, but our certified technicians will take all your fear away.

Fearless Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

Fearless Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling

While you will probably not find ghosts and ghouls in your closets; you may find the fears that can come with planning a remodeling project. Furthermore, our professionals at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling have years of training and experience; which they use to eliminate your fears of remodeling your home. We use state-of-the-art 3D design and blueprint programs to capture your dreams. Also, we can show you the finished project before the work ever starts. We will determine your costs and detail the scope of work for you; so you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

At Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling we will ensure you a comfortable and unique remodeling experience, not horrifying. If you can think it, we can build it.

Take the bathroom, for instance. It is one of the most visited rooms in most homes. Our team of professionals will hold your hand and guide you through any project. From installing a new vanity to replacing tubs and showers; we will keep the vampires and monsters that could appear during a project at bay. Therefore, as one of the top remodeling contractors in the area; Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling is committed to taking your dream for a perfect bathroom and making it a reality.  See our page on bathroom remodeling for more information.

So if you are wanting a pleasant remodeling experience; call our Certified Design Team at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling for a FREE estimate today. In Gainesville at (352) 372-1221 or click this link to Contact us!

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Gainesville Florida Sinkhole Dangers

Gainesville Florida Sinkhole Dangers – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Sinkholes are depressions or “holes” in the surface of land that occur throughout West-Central Florida. In addition, sinkholes can be shallow or deep; big or small. But, all are a result of the underlying limestone dissolving. Due to a process that takes sometimes thousands of years. As a result, the water gradually dissolves small parts of the rock; enlarging its natural fissure which creates cavities beneath. Also, sinkholes are called different things in many different countries. While some of these other names for a sinkhole include Shake Hole, Cenote, Swallow Hole or Doline. Sinkholes will often form gradually or suddenly.

 Gainesville Florida Sinkhole Dangers

Gainesville Florida Sinkhole Dangers

The visible signs that a sinkhole may be forming include; sagging trees or fence posts, doors or windows that no longer close properly, and rainwater collecting in unlikely places. There is not a definite way to know when a sinkhole will occur and shake things up. Some sinkholes are visible; while some may go unnoticed for some time.

Sinkholes can destroy homes and in some cases even cause death. Usually, these catastrophic sinkholes give you some warning over the course of hours. But, the entire state of Florida is karst landscape and an irregular limestone region; with sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns. Sinkholes are so common that insurers are obligated, by law, to offer coverage to homeowners who ask for it. You want to make sure that you are prepared and know who to call; if a sinkhole affects your home, property, or business. At Gainesville Restoration, we have the knowledge and skills to take care of damage sinkholes cause. We offer a time-frame guarantee and only use quality products while completing each project. Our team is here to handle all of your restoration needs. In addition, we offer free and detailed estimates.

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your restoration needs in Gainesville or Ocala. In addition, we also service the surrounding towns of; Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. You can reach our expert licensed team by calling our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. 

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Gainesville Florida Roof Maintenance

Gainesville Florida Roof Maintenance – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Your roof is undoubtedly one of the most important elements of your home. Since your roof keeps you, your family, and your possessions safe from the elements. Maintaining your roof’s health is imperative not only to your safety but to your home’s appearance.

Gainesville Florida Roof Maintenance

Proper Roof Maintenance

When it comes to roofs, problems can escalate quickly. The slightest damage can lead to large costs and repairs. We’ve included some tips to help you prevent a roofing disaster.


It’s important for either you or a professional to inspect the condition of your roof at least twice a year. Look for obvious problems – like loose, missing, or broken shingles. Because damage to shingles can leave a roof’s structure vulnerable to weather and water damage. You should repair or replace a roof if a roof inspector reports damage.


It’s a good idea to have a roof inspection and cleaning twice a year. Basic roof cleanings may include; cleaning leaves out of gutters, sweeping debris off the roof, and getting rid of moss and mold. This debris can cause roof rot over time. It is also a good idea to get a pressure washer to deep clean the entire roof.

Insulation and Ventilation

Proper insulation and ventilation are vital to a roof’s health. Make sure your roof is properly ventilated during the warm months; moisture and heat can break down the roof and allow for mold to move in. If the roof is not properly insulated during the cold months you may lose a lot of heat. Also, make sure nothing is blocking your vents or obstructing their flow. If the vents are old or in non-working condition; consider installing a new vent if you have the budget for it.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help with all your roofing needs, from inspection to repair. Give us a call and come out for an inspection and evaluation. Since your home is one of your biggest investments; let us help you give it lasting value and integrity. Because from estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your roofing and re-roofing needs. Furthermore, contact us today and speak with a roofing expert by calling our Gainesville location at (352) 372-1221.

7 Signs You Need a New Roof

Don’t finally make the decision to re-roof your home when it springs a leak. If your roof is displaying any of these symptoms, take the necessary steps to re-roof now! Listen to these tips from Angie’s List and then give Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling a call to repair the problem!


Gainesville Florida Roof Maintenance

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Modern Gainesville Siding Choices

Modern Gainesville Siding Choices – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Home siding comes in a variety of materials and each one has its own benefits. Therefore, we will discuss the different types of siding and the benefits of each one; so that you can make a more informed decision.

Modern Gainesville Siding Choices

There are many different siding materials on the market today- from high-tech choices like fiber cement to classic wood. Below are the siding options we offer, and the benefits of each.

Vinyl siding, made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), remains a best seller because it is inexpensive, long lasting, and low maintenance. Vinyl siding usually costs $1-$6 per square foot, before installation. Some of its main benefits include:

  • Lasts about 40 years
  • Never needs paint
  • Easy to clean with soap and water
  • Comes in a wide variety of colors and styles
  • Foam backing can increase energy efficiency

Fiber cement siding is made of cellulose fiber, cement, and sand. Although designed to look like wood, fiber-cement siding is actually more durable and affordable. For example, a square foot of fiber cement siding, uninstalled, costs about $2-$6. Also, here are some more facts about fiber-cement siding:

  • Available in a variety of widths, textures, and colors
  • Holds paint for up to 15 years
  • Warranty for up to 50 years
  • Resistant to fire and termites

Masonite Siding is a type of hardboard made of steam-cooked and pressure-molded wood fibers. This product is also known as Quartrboard, Isorel, Hernit, Karlit, Torex or Treetex. Masonite board offers comparative strength to many hardboard products while being lighter and cheaper than wood.

Wood siding is a classic siding option but does require some regular maintenance. But, as prices have increased, some homeowners prefer lower maintenance material. Cedar shingles generally cost $1-$4 per square foot, and redwood shingles about $5, before installation.

Some basics about wood siding:

  • Offered as clapboard or lap siding, shakes, or shingles
  • Can be treated to resist flammability and termite infestation
  • When properly maintained, can last up to 30 years
  • Requires staining or painting every few years
  • Easy to replace damaged pieces

Aluminum siding is one of the more cost-effective materials on the market, and it is long lasting and low maintenance. At $2-$5 per square foot, aluminum siding includes pros and cons like:

  • Lasts 40 years or more
  • Weather and corrosion resistant
  • Can be painted
  • Available in different finishes
  • May dent or scratch somewhat easily

There are even more choices for home siding materials. Make sure you investigate all the options before making this important choice for your home exterior. In addition, we can work with old or new homes currently built with; T-111, cedar siding, vinyl siding, or any other wood based siding. Since your home is one of your biggest investments; let us help you give it lasting value and integrity. Because from estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your remodeling needs. Furthermore contact us today and speak with a siding expert by calling our Gainesville location at (352) 372-1221.


Modern Gainesville Siding Choices

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Mold Remediation Gainesville Florida

Mold Remediation Gainesville Florida – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Molds are part of the natural environment. Outdoors, molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as; fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided. Because molds reproduce by means of tiny spores; the spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through outdoor and indoor air. Mold may begin growing indoors when mold spores land on surfaces that are wet. Also, there are many types of mold, and none of them will grow without water or moisture.

Mold Remediation Gainesville Florida

Some people are sensitive to mold, and may experience symptoms such as; stuffy nose, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation when exposed to mold. In addition, some people may have more severe reactions to molds, including fever and shortness of breath. The common health concerns from molds include hay fever-like allergic symptoms.  Therefore, people with chronic lung diseases like COPD or undergoing chemotherapy or other long-term illnesses; are at increased risk for opportunistic infections and may develop fungal infections in their lungs. For all of these reasons, it’s important to spot mold growth early and treat it immediately.

  • Black spots or speckles on the ceiling, walls, window casings, or around plumbing
  • A moldy smell
  • Visible water condensation or water spots on ceiling
  • Cracking, peeling paint
  • Peeling wallpaper, especially in bathrooms

It is impossible to get rid of all mold indoors; some mold spores will be found floating through the air and in house dust. The mold spores will not grow if moisture is not present. Indoor mold growth can and should be prevented or controlled by controlling moisture indoors. If there is mold growth in your home, you must clean up the mold and fix the water problem. If you clean up the mold, but don’t fix the water problem; then, most likely, the mold problem will come back.

The EPA cautions people not to touch mold and not to clean mold in the home; without the proper equipment and protection. At Gainesville Restoration and Ocala Restoration, we ensure that all of our mold removal specialists are licensed and highly trained. In addition, all of our specialists have the experience necessary to assess your mold damage and contamination; in order to properly remove the mold from your home or other property. For expert service in mold removal and remediation; contact us as soon as you notice signs or symptoms of mold contamination. 

You can trust Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to clean up the mold the first time; as well as keep it from coming back by identifying and fixing the problem. If you suspect you have mold growing in your home, call us today at the numbers listed below. We can also be reached at our Gainesville office at the number below or by email to answer any questions you may have.


Mold Remediation Gainesville Florida

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Gainesville Remodeling Project Tips

Gainesville Remodeling Project Tips – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Making the decision to remodel your home is tough because there are so many variables. Furthermore, hiring the right company to help with the remodeling is important; which is why being aware of the necessary steps and what to look for in a contractor is critically important.

Gainesville Remodeling Project Tips

Gainesville Remodeling Project Tips


Get Recommendations

First, listen to what other individuals have to say about the company that you’re considering hiring. Because friends and family are a great resource; find out whom they’ve hired and their experience with the company. Also, one the most powerful resources today would be the Internet and social media. Websites such as Angie’s List, the Better Business Bureau or Google Plus will give you insightful reviews from past customers. In addition, ask for a reference list of past customers, and even material suppliers.

Plan Your Project

You have probably been thinking of this project for a long time, and you’re ready to tackle it! Before meeting with potential remodeling companies; it’s important to come up with an idea of what you expect and want to see as the end result. Ask the representative what materials you should bring to the initial meeting; so the company can best understand your needs and give you an appropriate estimate. Knowing what you want will make it easier when the company that creates the plans and specifications.

Time to Meet!

Once you have narrowed down the list of potential companies; it’s important that the company you choose can answer any questions regarding your project and put you at ease with any concerns you might have. Communication is key when working on projects in your home.

Get Estimates

Asking more than one company for an estimate is a crucial step. Every company has a different perspective on costs. Be sure to choose the one that fits your budget and your preferences the most. Keep in mind that going for the company with the lowest costs is not always the best decision. Ask for a detailed line item estimate showing allowances for fixtures, building materials, and permits. The golden rule is to get at least two estimates!

Put it in Writing

The contractor should draft a contract that states every detail of the project. It should include the payment schedule, the start and completion dates and specific materials that will be used. You should also require the contract to acquire lien releases. This protects you from any financial responsibility if your contractor doesn’t pay the necessary bills from subcontractors and supply companies. If there are any changes to your contract, a change order is needed. A change order is a written authorization to the contractor to make changes or additions to the original contract.


Make sure your contractor offers a warranty and verify the duration and what’s covered by the warranty. The warranty also needs to be in writing.

Remodeling can be a stressful process but the end result is rewarding. These tips hopefully guide your process when selecting a company that best fits your needs. Here at Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling we want to help you through the process and assist you in making the best possible decision!

Call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for an estimate on your remodeling project. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State Certified Builder CRC 1327956 and a State Certified Roofer CCC 1326022.

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Small Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville

Small Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Do you want to plan a kitchen remodel; but aren’t sure what to do because your kitchen is on the small side?  Regardless of the size of your kitchen; there are things that can be done to open up space and make it appear bigger. Also, certain manufacturer’s like General Electric and Bosch offer smaller appliances; that will be best suited for this kind of kitchen. In addition, installing taller cabinets, opposed to the wider cabinets; will utilize this space better if your home’s kitchen is on the smaller side.

Small Kitchen Remodeling Gainesville

Installing skylights and bigger windows to your kitchen will allow the sun to shine in; making the room appear bigger and brighter.  Using neutral colors in your painting scheme will also make your kitchen seem bigger than it actually is.  Save space in your kitchen by adding recessed lighting and fixtures that hang over islands or countertops.  Installing lights underneath the cabinets in a small kitchen; is also an effective way of saving space while brightening up the room.

You can also attach the microwave to a wall in between cabinets to make extra space.  Also, putting an island in a small kitchen will allow for more counter space if the counter spaces are limited.  Call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for all your kitchen remodeling needs. Furthermore, we offer free and detailed estimates with a time frame guarantee.

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your restoration needs. Our service area includes Gainesville, Ocala, and the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield; as well as The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State Certified Builder CRC 1327956 and a State Certified Roofer CCC 1326022.


Small Kitchen Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221



Summer Time Remodel Time

Summer Time Remodel Time – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. If you think homeowners are sitting idly by this summer just trying to beat the heat and relaxing, think again. Many families have found that summer is a great time to get home remodeling projects done. Some of the most popular summer home improvement projects are bathroom and kitchen remodeling and roofing repairs. There are some great reasons to get these projects done this summer.

Summer Time Remodel Time

Advantages of getting your home improvement and repair projects finished during this season include longer daylight and improved ventilation. In the summer your home will get the most amount of natural light, which means longer working days for contractors. It also makes it easy for you to see the work that is being done; as well as selecting the color of your new kitchen cabinets. You can open the windows to let in warm dry air during and after construction. Good ventilation helps the remodeling process and makes your home more pleasant while the work is being done.

Perhaps you have been putting off getting that kitchen you really want. The kitchen may be the most used room in your home; so, you may want to modernize the design or get new kitchen cabinets and countertops. So, if want to remodel or redesign your kitchen, summer is a great time for grilling outside. Your family can enjoy the outdoor air and sunshine; while our team of experts creates the kitchen remodel of your dreams.

Another great reason to upgrade your home during the summer is that many of us have vacation time to use. You can trust. Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling to get the work done while you and your family are having fun. And when you get back you come home to a beautiful new kitchen or home addition.

Don’t hesitate to call Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling, the home repair, and remodeling professionals. You can be sure that from estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your remodeling needs. We get the job done right and we warranty all our work.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling experienced designers and professional contractors build the home you really want. Our licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State Certified Builder – CRC 1327956 and State Certified Roofer – CCC 1326022


Summer Time Remodel Time

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Gainesville Restoration Leak Detection

Gainesville Restoration Leak Detection – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Your home is the place where you can relax and rid your mind of the day’s worries; while enjoying your time away from work. But, what happens when that oasis becomes damaged?

Did you know that water is the most common occurrence of damage in the home? If you know what the signs of looming water damage are, you can catch it before the damage becomes irreparable.

Gainesville Restoration Leak Detection

Therefore, the easiest way to tell if you may have a leak; is if there is an unexpected increase in your water bill. Unless you are aware of extra water that has been used within that billing cycle; odds are there is a leak somewhere. So, if you hear running water when to your knowledge water in not being used; chances are there is a leak somewhere. In addition, other signs include wet, warm or spongy flooring, foul odors, and cracked foundation.

So, if any of these signs are present in your home, fear not; because Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has a full-time staff of leak experts that provide the following services:

  • Non-invasive Detection via Camera
  • Leak-Related Repairs
  • Insurance Consulting
  • Drying/Dehumidification Equipment
  • 3-Year Warranty on all Repairs

From estimating your damage to completing the repairs, our team is ready to handle all of your leak related needs. We service Gainesville, Ocala, and the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield; as well as The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team, can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.


Gainesville Restoration Leak Detection

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling Projects

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling Projects – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. The bathroom…the place you love and hate all at the same time. It can be your spa, your escape from kids, the place you rush around in while getting ready for work; or the place you fear is the dirtiest in your home. Furthermore, a room that can involve and invoke that range of emotions should be designed in the way you want.

Although, you could go to a local hardware store; turn on a do-it-yourself show and try to renovate your bathroom yourself. But why add any further stress to your plate? Wouldn’t you rather consult with professionals who can turn your dream into a reality?

Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling Projects

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling offers can do just that. As a top-rated bathroom remodeling contractor, GR&R utilizes 3D design, blueprints, and drawings to bring your design to fruition.

The following services are included with every remodeling project:

  • Free and Detailed Estimates
  • Quality Products
  • Three-Year Unlimited Labor and Materials Guarantee
  • Time Frame Guarantee

In Addition, we can and will help you with everything from shower conversions to bathtub replacements to shelving. All cabinetry is custom built; every design is unique to your aesthetics and then your project is presented to you up front and in detail.

From beginning to end, our team is ready to handle all of your bathroom remodeling needs in Gainesville or Ocala. In addition, we service the surrounding towns of; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, Palatka and Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield; as well as The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and take the stress out of bathroom remodeling. You can contact our expert, licensed team at our Gainesville office by calling; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns.


Gainesville Bathroom Remodeling Projects

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Home Remodeling Adds Value Comfort and Style

Home Remodeling Adds Value Comfort and Style – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Making your home more comfortable; adding a new room or just improving the overall look of your home can be an exciting time. But one benefit that many people forget about remodeling is that certain projects; can actually add value for when you plan on putting your home on the market.

Home Remodeling Adds Value Comfort and Style

Some home renovations will bring you more bang for your buck than others, so which renovations should you consider?

The front door

One very important improvement is a new front door. Usually, a new front door will pay for itself in value increase. Not looking to put in an entirely new door? Sometimes just painting the existing door can provide a very similar end result.

The kitchen

The kitchen is the place where family and friends come together to create memories. When people are looking for a new home, they want a kitchen that can meet that need. Kitchen remodeling can be one of the most expensive remodels, but also the most rewarding one. When remodeling your kitchen, you can expect to gain back anywhere from 60 to 120 percent of your investment. The most sought-after countertop is durable granite. If granite is out of your budget, try laminate countertops that look like natural stone at a lower price. Fresh paint can also go a long way when updating the look of your kitchen.


Have appliances that are older than 10 years? Consider investing in new appliances that use less energy. Because Energy Star appliances will save you money on your energy bills; and are a great long-term addition because of their quality.


Outdated or non-functional bathrooms make your own life uncomfortable and are a big turn off to potential buyers. We have some great ideas in a recent blog post. Check it out!

Next time you remodel your Gainesville home; think of places that need the most improvement and will be beneficial in the long run. Please Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling for all your remodeling help!


Home Remodeling Adds Value Comfort and Style

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Molds Hidden Dangers

Molds Hidden Dangers – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Mold is a danger every homeowner dreads. Mold is usually black and green in color and is more common than many people know; especially in Florida with damp conditions.  This mold is also referred to as “toxic mold” and can be very dangerous to your health; as well as have harmful effects on humans and animals. In addition, moisture and humidity are the birthplaces for the growth of mold. Also, if not treated, it will continue to grow; absorbing, breaking down, and spreading on any surface on which it accumulates. Mold produces spores, which can cause respiratory issues with humans and their pets. People who are particularly susceptible to harm include; children, the elderly, and people who have respiratory conditions like asthma or auto-immune disorders.

Molds Hidden Dangers

The four types of health problems include are allergic illness, irritant effects, infection, and toxic effects. There is no need to test for mold. Mold is visible with the naked eye and forms in damp, dark, and moist areas of your home. You should look for dark green or black substances often found near water stains on; walls or ceilings, standing water, condensation and leaks, and particularly around any air handling units, such as air conditioners. Because it is important to address mold immediately; by calling a State licensed professional that can assure you of remediating the mold properly and safely!

So, if you find mold in your home; Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can assure your mold problem will be handled professionally and with care.  As a preferred vendor with many home insurance policies, we can expedite the process; so that in one phone call we can handle your claim from Estimation to Completion. Our mold remediation service is guaranteed; with a written warranty, to ensure your home is clearance tested by a third party.

Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe.  Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221 or our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company License # MSR 096


Molds Hidden Dangers

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Biohazard Cleanup Services Gainesville

Biohazard Cleanup Services Gainesville – Most people think of nuclear waste when they think of biohazardous materials. While it’s true that nuclear waste is indeed a biohazard; other forms of biohazards exist within the average home. Therefore, Biohazards are not only radioactive or hazardous chemicals. A Biohazard can be defined as; a risk to human health or the environment arising from biological work. Biohazards can exist when any type of toxins have been introduced to your property. Also, Biohazards create a safety and health risk, that if not disposed of properly, could create a health crisis.

Biohazard Cleanup Services Gainesville

In addition, chemicals, blood, bodily fluids, and filthy conditions can all be a source of hazardous bacteria and deadly toxins. Therefore, these must be properly cleaned by certified biohazard professionals. Furthermore, you should never attempt to clean a biohazard area yourself, as you risk exposure to these dangerous toxins. These toxins can present a serious health risk from infection or disease that could even be fatal.

We are trained professionals who understand the risks involved and take every precaution necessary. As such, we implement state-of-the-art biohazard cleanup technology to restore the affected area back to its original state…or better. Our experienced biohazard technicians will clean your home or business efficiently and effectively or said another way; like it never happened. Our technicians are mindful of the pain you are experiencing during this stressful time.  Therefore, we want you to know you can truly depend on Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling to provide; professional and sympathetic customer service, as well as a thorough cleanup.

We are Biohazard experts in remediation of all forms of bio-hazardous materials including; suicide cleaning, homicide cleaning, trauma cleaning, mold, meth labs, chemicals, and hoarding. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling will help you through the process of; sanitation, decontamination, and the restoration of your home or business

A partial list of services includes:

  • Hazmat Cleanup
  • Biohazard Waste Disposal
  • Blood and other bodily fluids
  • Crime Scene Cleanup
  • Accidents
  • Trauma Cleanup
  • Meth Lab Cleanup
  • Mold Cleaning

Property cleanup such as a trauma scene or loss of life requires the utmost in; sensitivity, discretion, and professionalism. Suicides or crime scenes; such as homicides that involve the disposal body fluids, blood and tissue can present severe health risks. Therefore, these scenes must be handled by a biohazard professional, trained in removal and disposal of toxic waste.

So, if you are experiencing any situation where the presence of biohazards is likely; do not attempt to clean it yourself. Pick up the phone and call the biohazard experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling at (352) 372-1221. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can work with most insurance companies. For more information, please visit: Biohazard Cleanup Services


Biohazard Cleanup Services Gainesville

Gainesville: 352-372-1221

Storm Damage Cleanup and Repair

Storm Damage Cleanup and Repair – Anyone who has lived in Florida for a while; is aware of our weather, and how it can change very quickly. This time of year thunderstorms are a foregone conclusion, it’s not a matter of if, but when they will happen.  

Storm Damage Cleanup and Repair

Natives and long-time Residents of Gainesville; and the surrounding areas of North Central Florida know how quickly the weather can change. One minute it’s sunny blue skies with not a cloud in sight; to in what seems like no time at all, ominous black clouds that fill the summer sky. These clouds are always joined by thunderstorms that include, heavy wind, pouring rain, thunder, lightning, and even at times hail.

In addition, there is always the chance of a tornado developing as well. These thunderstorms can cause serious damage to homes, automobiles, personal property, and other structures as well. In addition to the damage accompanied by these storms, serious health risks are also associated with these storms. This is due to mold,  toxic waste, and other disease-spreading allergens that are present after a major storm.

Finally, after the storm passes, the clouds have cleared, and the rain has stopped. Then, you are left to assess and repair the damage; and that’s where we can help. Because Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has been providing storm damage cleanup to the residents of; Gainesville, Ocala, Lake City and throughout North Central Florida for well over a decade.

We are the trusted source for Storm Damage Cleanup and Repair for North Central Florida; ask around, chances are your neighbor has probably used us for their cleanup and restoration needs too. As a resident of Gainesville, we are proud of our reputation; and the commitment to quality and service that we have made to the residents of our community. After all, we live here too.

We are a full-service construction company specializing in restoration, cleanup, and remodeling in North Central Florida. Furthermore, Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling has built a solid reputation as a; highly ethical and collaborative partner who delivers an exemplary product in a timely, and a cost-effective manner. We are available 24 hours a day/seven days a week; because storm damage can happen at any time, day or night. When it does, you need someone you can rely on to start the restoration process as soon as possible; to limit the amount of loss from the damage caused by the storm.

Florida Storm Damage Cleanup Services:

  • Storm Damage Cleanup
  • Emergency Board up
  • Water Extraction – Flood Damage
  • Storm Damage Repairs
  • Tree Damage Removal
  • Hail Damage Repair
  • Structural Damage Repair
  • Emergency Roof Tarping
  • 24-Hour Emergency Response

No one plans for storm damage, but it can happen at any time, especially in Gainesville Florida during the summertime. Don’t go it alone! So, the next time you suffer damage from a storm, give us a call. We will respond quickly and can begin the restoration and repair process within 24-hours of the immediate damage. Also, keep our number in a handy location; so that you can access it quickly the next time storm damage arises. You’ll be glad you did!

Storm Damage Cleanup and Repair

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Fall Season School Holidays

Fall Season School Holidays – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. It’s that time of year again! The kids are back in school and before you know it; the Holidays will roll around and you will be entertaining family and friends. Therefore, now is the perfect time to think about home improvements; that will make your gatherings more enjoyable for you and your loved ones.

Fall Season School Holidays

Back to School & Thinking about the Holidays?

To begin with, look around your kitchen. Is it a welcoming space with ample room for entertaining? Is your bathroom able to handle the extra use that it will get? In addition, do you have enough countertop and storage space? Also, are you happy with the flooring, layout, and materials? There are many reasons to undertake a kitchen renovation. So, whether your remodeling project is major or minor; before you begin any renovation at home you need a plan.

Also, having a better idea of how you want your finished kitchen to look like; will help make necessary decisions about factors such as materials, design, and budget. This is where Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help. In addition, we have an in-house architect and design team that can help create the design you always wanted. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can handle the entire project, from start to finish.

We have been creating design masterpieces in North Central Florida for well over a decade! Contact us today and tell us about your project. Our crew of designers and will work with you to get the most out of your kitchen and bathroom space; while staying within your budget. We want to be your contractor of choice! Call our Gainesville office at (352) 372-1221; our Ocala office at (352) 622-5277, or use our online contact form.


Fall Season School Holidays

Gainesville 352-372-1221


Gainesville Staycation Vacation

Gainesville Staycation Vacation – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. We hope many of you are considering updating your outdoor entertaining area based on our blog earlier this month. Then, once your new space is constructed, fill it with things that will make staying home even more desirable. These ideas will spruce up your newly renovated outdoor area! Who needs a vacation when you can just take a staycation?

Gainesville Staycation Vacation

Gainesville Staycation Vacation

Keep it casual

Casual equals comfort. Consider how you’ve decorated your living room and bring some of those same elements; such as a comfy couch, lamps, and mirror – outside. Don’t make yourself choose between the comfort of your living room or the pleasure of your porch. Merge them to create a truly unique outdoor experience.

Add a breeze

Florida weather normally gives off a nice breeze, but for days when it’s lacking turn on a fan. A ceiling fan can be a practical and decorative addition.

Add greenery

Also, in lieu of a standard privacy fence, add a wall of shrubs or flowers. So, if you’re looking for a smaller project; hang several plants around the shaded deck to add both fragrance and curb appeal.

Mood lighting

For concentrated glows choose rustic lanterns. For more saturated but soft lighting, hang strings of white lights from the rafters. Sunlight is great for daytime, but these two tricks will make the evenings magical.

Stream music

Now that the setting and mood are completely relaxing and comfortable; stream your favorite tunes through an all-weather sound system, which can be found at your local electronics store.

Nothing will want to make you stay home more than having this personal retreat in your backyard. Enjoy your summer evenings with close family and friends. Please let us know how these tips worked out for you on the Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling Facebook page!


Gainesville Staycation Vacation

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Leak Detection Gainesville Florida

Leak Detection Gainesville Florida – Gainesville  Plumbing leaks can be very destructive over time. In addition, water leaks could be costing you hundreds of dollars every day. A good sign that you may have a leak is that your water or power bill might be very high. In addition, leaks can cause hidden mold that can affect the health and safety of your family. They can also cause serious water damage that can threaten the value of your home.

Leak Detection Gainesville Florida

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling’s technicians use the most advanced methods; to locate hidden water and plumbing leaks saving you time and money. Also, we can test your plumbing, slab foundations, toilets, sewers and water heaters; to find even the most elusive water leaks. In addition, our professionals can repair the leaks with minimal disruption to your property.

So, if your water bill has been extremely high, or you have problems with mildew or wetness; you may have a water leak. Even if you don’t see any obvious signs of a leak; our technicians can perform a leak detection inspection for your home. Getting your home checked for leaks annually can give you peace of mind. In addition, it gives you a chance to fix problems before they become serious. Therefore, always get the repairs performed by the water leak experts at Gainesville Restoration.

Water leaks can cause extensive damage to your home if not detected and repaired promptly. Leaks can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and increased water bills. Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling put your mind at ease and help keep your family safe. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. You can also send us an email with any concerns. Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096


Leak Detection Gainesville Florida

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Budget Home Remodeling Gainesville

Budget Home Remodeling Gainesville – Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. Have you wanted to remodel your home but are worried about your budget? Perhaps you want to remodel your kitchen, a bathroom or even add a room to your home. Talk to the home design experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling. They can help you design the home of your dreams while remaining within your budget. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can renovate your home without breaking the bank. Our expert design consultants will give you a quote that best fits your budget.

Budget Home Remodeling Gainesville

You can make those remodeling changes you have been dreaming about to better suit your style; while also improving the value of your home. It will improve the resale of your home in the future. From estimation to completion, planning your home remodel with Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling; can help you design your perfect kitchen, living room, bath or addition by providing 3D design, blueprints, drawings, and permitting.

Budget Home Remodeling Gainesville

In addition, room additions can be built on the top of a home’s garage; while master suite additions, family room additions, and sunrooms can also be added to your home.  Also, we can help you stick to your budget; while leaving room for the little things that you may not have expected.

Your home remodeling project is actually an investment in the value of your property. Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can provide new; cabinets, lighting, flooring, counter tops, bathroom fixtures and appliances that add value to your home. So, whether your home needs a simple facelift or a new addition; the experts at Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling can help. In addition, we offer a time frame guarantee and free detailed estimates. You can call us today to get started on your home remodel project!

From estimation to completion, our team is ready to handle all your remodeling needs in Gainesville or Ocala. In addition, we also service; Archer, Newberry, Alachua, Old Town, Starke, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne, Williston, Lake City, Micanopy, and Palatka. As well as, Silver Springs, Belleview, Dunnellon, Summerfield, The Villages, Eustis, Leesburg, Anthony, and Citra. We are a full-service construction company specializing in restoration and remodeling in North Central Florida. Furthermore, we have built a solid reputation as a highly ethical, collaborative partner who delivers an exemplary product; in a timely and cost-effective manner.

You should always hire a professional when remodeling. Let Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling help you with your bathroom remodeling project. Our expert, licensed team can be reached at our Gainesville office at; (352) 372-1221. In addition, please feel to send us an email with your questions or concerns. Also, Gainesville Restoration is a State CERTIFIED mold remediation company Lic # MSR 096


Budget Home Remodeling Gainesville

Gainesville 352-372-1221