Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Archives January 2022

Why You Should Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System

Why You Should Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.



Why You Should Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System


If your building is operating with an obsolete HVAC system during the spring and summer months, you need to prepare yourself for over the roof utility bills once your central air is turned back on. In addition, obsolete HVAC systems are notorious for not working as efficiently as the new ones.

Just like commercial heating installation, there are things you need to take into account when upgrading or replacing your commercial HVAC system. However, once you have things all figured out, you can look forward to enjoying many long-term benefits. If you are hesitant about upgrading your HVAC system, below are some reasons why you should:

Energy Efficiency

Energy bills you can incur from using an obsolete HVAC system can take up a considerable percentage of your business expense. If spending a huge amount of money on energy bills is something you would like to avoid, you should consider upgrading to an energy-efficient system with energy-saving technology. Also, since new HVAC systems rarely break down, you can save a significant amount on maintenance and repair costs.

Better Health

Undeniably, good indoor air quality can help improve the health of your employees. New HVAC systems often come with air filters and purifiers that can kill contaminants like bacteria and viruses that are present in the air. Keep in mind that contaminants might also cause illnesses that can impact employee productivity and business profitability.

Increased Comfort

A new HVAC system comes with technology that will enable reliable temperature and consistent humidity throughout the building. A work area or office that’s too cold or too hot can dramatically affect the productivity of employees and the comfort of customers. In addition, new HVAC systems operate silently, creating a peaceful work environment for employees. It can help significantly improve the customer experience as well.

Less Impact on the Environment

Your HVAC system will not only have an impact on your business, but it can also have an impact on the environment. It is crucial to keep in mind that high-efficiency HVAC systems use less electricity than obsolete ones and can help minimize waste. Also, new HVAC systems can also help lessen carbon monoxide emissions that are known to be harmful to the environment.

Remote Operation

Once you have upgraded to a new and smart HVAC system, you no longer have to turn the system on and off manually. Nowadays, some air conditioners can be turned on and off using a smartphone. Undoubtedly, new HVAC systems allow you to use the system in ways that will benefit your business.

Easy Repair and Maintenance

Old HVAC systems often have high operating costs. Not only that, replacing components of old HVAC systems like coils and motors can be costly. Fortunately, new systems come with programs that can notify you of any problems before it breaks down.

Other Peerless Benefits You Should Not Miss Out On

If your HVAC equipment has been used for years, it would be a great idea to switch to a new and efficient one. New and smart HVAC systems will not only allow you to accomplish more, but it can also help warrant that you enjoy the following peerless benefits:

Less Downtime

When your air conditioning system breaks down, it can interfere with your business one way or another. For instance, if your air conditioner is not working accordingly, your workers might not be able to work as efficiently and as comfortably.

In addition, there is a high probability that your customers might leave if the temperature becomes unbearable in your office building. Finally, if you have a building occupied by tenants, you will surely receive complaints from the occupants if your system breaks down.

Seamless Business Expansion

If you intend to expand your business, an efficient system can help accommodate your expansion. This is especially helpful if you add more space to your business and your old HVAC system can no longer effectively power the whole building.

Smart Investment

Operating commercial buildings can be expensive, so investing in smart systems can help you save a significant amount in the long run as it can lower your operating cost dramatically.

Final Thoughts

Investing and installing a new and high-efficiency HVAC system can benefit your business in more ways than you can possibly imagine. If you want to lower your energy bills, reduce your environmental footprint, and enjoy all the benefits laid out above, investing in a new HVAC system is the best thing you can do.



About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.


5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home

5 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home


Anybody who owns real estate hopes that someday, their property will be worth more than they paid for it.

Like any real property, your home’s value is heavily dependent on factors such as location, population growth, and market fluctuations, but there are some things that you can do to increase the value of your home.

Here are five simple ways to make your property more attractive and raise its worth:


1. Work on your property’s curb appeal.

Real estate agents go on and on about curb appeal for a reason: The way your home looks from the street has a great impact on its desirability.

Do you have plenty of money to spare? Consider investing in a new garage door with an updated garage door design. If you’re on a limited budget, though, replacing or painting your front door a new color can is a good way to elevate your property’s curb aesthetic without breaking the bank.

Of course, you should never forget landscaping, which is probably the best and least inexpensive way to make any property more appealing. Healthy trees, blooming flowers, and well-kept lawns and flower beds can make your home feel fresher and look multiple times prettier than it is.


2. Add more usable square footage.

Creating more usable space in your home can be a very economical and cost-effective decision, especially if you’re living in an area with very limited real estate.

The more livable square feet your home has, the more it will be worth by the time you decide to sell it. Additions like bathrooms, a family room/entertainment den, or an in-law suite can improve the functionality of your home and also increase its value.

Building additional rooms is the most obvious way to make your home bigger, but they also require more capital. If you want to create additional living space at a fraction of the cost, consider building a deck or a patio.


3. Update your kitchen and bathrooms.

Bathroom and kitchen renovations are widely regarded to have the most impact on a home’s resale value. Appraisers are likely to check for updates in the bathrooms and kitchen first as these areas tend to have the most significant impact on the decision of buyers.

There are a lot of things you can do to update the look and feel of your kitchen. You can replace outdated appliances with newer models, reface old cabinets, and revive aged flooring with newer tile designs or vinyl. Even minor upgrades such as a new backsplash can make your kitchen like new.

As for the bathrooms, complete renovations aren’t always necessary. A new vanity or toilet and some newer bathroom fixtures are often enough to give it a more updated feel.

Even if you’re not planning to sell your home anytime soon, a kitchen or bathroom renovation makes a lot of financial sense. These are high-use and high-traffic areas of your home; any improvement will pay off in the long run.


4. Invest in eco-friendly features.

Homebuyers these days tend to place more importance on the eco-friendliness of a home for two good reasons: a greater awareness of the environmental issues we are facing and because energy-efficient features in a home can save them money on utility bills.

When purchasing new appliances for your home, always look for energy-efficient models. Energy Star appliances use 10 to 50 percent less water and energy than their standard counterparts. Moreover, upgrading to a smart thermostat will improve the efficiency of your HVAC system.

If you’re ready to go the extra mile, install solar panels on your roof. However, this investment only makes sense if you’re looking to increase the value of your home over time and not looking for a quick return on investment or boost in resale value.


5. Apply a fresh coat of paint.

A new paint job is one of the quickest and most affordable approaches to updating the appearance of your home and increasing its value, especially if you’re planning to sell it soon.

If you’re on a tight budget, you don’t have to repaint your entire house. You may breathe new life into your property with basic fixes like touching up flaking or chipped paint or painting your front door and trim a new color.

When it comes to color choices, painting rooms in ivory and warm neutrals are said to add greater value to a home since light hues can make small rooms appear larger. If you want to add a pop of color to the space, create an accent wall by painting one of the walls with a different or more vibrant color than the rest of the room.


Upgrading your home doesn’t have to be a costly undertaking. There is a selection of DIY projects that can help you increase the value of your property, both for yourself and for future buyers.

Whether you’re renovating for your personal benefit and convenience or to sell for profit down the road, the ideas we’ve mentioned above will help you maximize the value of one of your most important investments.