Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling
Clogged Drain? Here Are 8 Effective Options

Clogged Drain? Here Are 8 Effective Options – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Clogged Drains

Clogged Drain? Here Are 8 Effective Options


Plumbing systems may clog over time, and that is normal. After all, you use them every day, so you can’t always keep them free from grease, grime, dust, and other elements.

But the good news is that there are ways to clear the clog once and for all: use specialized cleaning products and tools or seek professional help.

In this post, we’ll discuss the available options for clearing clogs in your plumbing system. However, before we do that, let’s figure out why your plumbing system sometimes gets clogged.

Why Clogs Happen


Hair clumps are the most common culprits behind a clogged shower drain, while toilet paper build-up is the popular cause of a clogged toilet. Large food particles and grease in the pipes, on the other hand, are usual reasons your kitchen sink clogs.

You see, water cannot flow properly once debris and other solid particles accumulate. As a result, your plumbing system may slow down or clog. To make matters worse, you will never know your plumbing system is clogged until you experience these problems:

  • The toilet overflows or won’t flush, no matter what you do.
  • It takes longer than usual to drain water in the bathtub, sink, and shower.
  • There’s an odd smell coming from your plumbing system.
  • You find standing water around the dishwasher, laundry machine, or toilet base.

How to Unclog Your Drains

There are many ways to unclog your drain, but it can be challenging to identify which option works best for your plumbing system. As a general rule, start with the easiest and gentlest solution to avoid making the problem worse.

Here are some easy methods to unclog your drain:

1. Use a hanger to unclog the sink.

Food particles, hair, and dirt can get stuck in your drain pipe walls. If not removed, they can slow down water flow and cause your plumbing system to clog.

A quick solution to this involves the use of a simple hanger. Find a coat hanger, straighten it out, and bend it to form a small hook shape at the end of the wire. Slowly push the hook down to the hole and start to fish. Do not push the hanger downwards. This will only cause the blockage to move further down the drain. It is best to use gentle hooking motions to remove the gunk that is blocking your drain.

2. Use a dish detergent.

Hair can easily clog the shower drains, whereas wipes, tissue paper, and female sanitary products tossed into the toilet bowl are notorious for blocking the toilet.

As a quick fix for clogged shower drains and toilets, use dish detergent. This product can break the build-up and lubricate your drain. Start by pouring a cup of dish detergent, then flush it with boiling water. To make it easier to remove the blockage, use a plunger.

3. Add baking soda and vinegar.

Who knew that our science class project is key to unclogging your drains? Believe it or not, baking soda and vinegar aren’t just for the DIY volcano project we had during our early years at school. The fizzing power created by these two ingredients can help eliminate mild clogs!

Pour boiling water into the drain and wait for it to be cleared. After that, pour one-half cup of baking soda. Follow that with one cup of vinegar and another cup of hot water. Wait for about an hour as the ingredients work their magic. Lastly, use tap water to drain the ingredients away. Your drain should work properly at this point.

4. Use washing soda.

If the previous method did not work, find a stronger alternative, such as washing soda.

Also called sodium carbonate, washing soda is a common cleaning product used for unclogging drains. Compared to baking soda, this ingredient is more alkaline, making it a stronger and more effective drain cleaner.

To use, pour boiling water down the sink and follow it with a cup of washing soda. Next, pour another cup of boiling water and leave it there for 5 minutes. Any blockage should be removed by then. If you notice that your sink is still not draining quickly, repeat the process.

5. Use a wet/dry vacuum.

As the name suggests, a wet/dry vacuum cleans liquids and dry dirt by vacuuming. This is commonly used to suck waste from clogged drains, especially if the blockage is near the surface.

Before you start, make sure to create a seal over the hole to prevent creating a mess. You can use an old or broken plunger head for this. Then turn on the vacuum and choose the liquid setting. Use the most powerful suction if possible. Put it over the plughole. Leave it there for 1-2 minutes. Then turn it off and pour tap water to see if the sink is now unblocked.

6. Coke

We know that coke makes for a refreshing drink on a hot summer day. But did you know it also works as an effective clog drain fix? Simply pour 2 liters of cola down the drain and let it sit for at least an hour. Then add hot water to drain it away. Watch how blockage is removed.

Unlike commercial drain cleaners, coke is quite effective but far milder. So, it’s definitely safe to use. However, note that it can also leave a sticky substance because of its sugar syrup content. Hence, it is recommended to use only when dealing with major plumbing system blockages.

7. Plungers

You can also use tools like plungers to unclog your drains. But make sure you use the right type because plungers are not created equal. A simple toilet plunger won’t work if you are dealing with a sink blockage. For that, you need a cup plunger.

To use a plunger, unscrew the stopper and position the plunger into the drain. Create a tight seal. Then start plunging. Run water every now and then to see if the clog has cleared. Repeat the process if necessary.

8. Caustic Soda

Caustic soda is a harsh ingredient and can cause chemical burns if not used properly. So, when you use it, you need to wear eye goggles and rubber gloves. Also, ensure that there is proper ventilation in the area to avoid suffocation.

To use caustic soda in unclogging drains, add three-quarters of a gallon of water and three cups of caustic soda to a bucket. Stir well using a wooden spoon. You should notice that the solution starts to fizz. Pour it down the blocked drain and leave it there for half an hour. Rinse it with boiling water. Repeat the process if needed.

Never Have to Worry About Clogged Drains!

Clogged drains can be annoying, especially if they become a regular problem. But before you resort to harsh chemicals, try to remove the visible blockages first and opt for natural solutions. They are safer for you, your pipes, and the environment.

However, if you are not confident about what to do with your clogged pipes, seek help from experts. Professional plumbing service providers can fix clogged drains, so you don’t have to. They also offer drain cleaning services to prevent clogged drains! Plus, they can recommend the best course of action to unclog those drains.


About the author

Merrie is a Marketing Manager for the Rooter Ranger brand. Her focus is on results driven strategic marketing efforts that deliver sales and profit growth. In her spare time she enjoys the outdoors and traveling the world.

Plumbing Upgrades That Help With Water Conservation

Plumbing Upgrades That Help With Water Conservation – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Plumbing Upgrades

Plumbing Upgrades That Help With Water Conservation

While it seems like there is an infinite water supply on the planet, this is not the case. Water is a precious and finite resource and must be used wisely.

Most homeowners conserve water by turning off the tap when not in use, taking shorter showers, fixing overflowing kitchen sinks, checking for pipe leaks, etc.

While all the methods mentioned above work, water conservation efforts at home should not stop there. Fortunately, reducing water consumption has become much easier with so many innovations in water conservation technology and plumbing fixtures.

To help with your water conservation efforts, below are some of the plumbing upgrades you should consider:

Pressure-Reducing Valves

Most of the wastewater at home is caused by excessive water pressure in your pipes. While 70 psi is considered the standard pressure for plumbing systems, 35 psi would often suffice.

Pressure-reducing valves (PRVs) allow homeowners to control the pressure that goes into the pipes. Have your plumber check your water pressure and install a PRV if needed. PRVs can also help prolong the life of your pipes.

Low-Flow Shower Heads

Obsolete shower heads can be a massive source of water waste, just like old toilets. Most shower heads consume 2.5 liters every minute. If you switch to a low-flow model, you can reduce water consumption by as much as 40% without compromising performance and water pressure.

There are two low-flow shower heads to choose from—aerating and non-aerating. Aside from helping reduce water consumption, low-flow shower heads can also help lessen your energy usage, as you will need less hot water when you shower.

High-Efficiency Toilets

If you want to renovate your bathroom, consider fitting them with low-flow and high-efficiency toilets. Low-flow toilets will use 20  to 60 percent less water than standard models. The average family can save as much as 80 liters of water annually when they use low-flow toilets.

Another option you can look into is the dual-flush toilet. Amazingly, they use even less water than the low-flow ones. Dual-flush toilets come with two buttons, so the user can pick between two flush amounts, depending on the waste. While they cost more, they can also help you save more.

Hot Water Recirculating Systems

Hot water recirculating systems send hot water to the faucet or shower on demand. They can also deliver hot water way faster than water heaters. Hot water recirculating systems can help ensure you won’t waste cold water while waiting for it to get hot.

The technology has been around for many years but is mostly used by hotels and buildings. Fortunately, newer versions are already suitable for use in residential settings. Having one installed might also qualify homeowners for a tax break, depending on the laws of the state they live in.

Green Sprinkler System

In the United States, inefficient landscape irrigation is considered one of the top contributors to water waste. Because of this, automated sprinkler systems are recommended instead of conventional manual models. The automated type can water the garden or lawn at night when water is less likely to evaporate.

Most automated water sprinklers have a timer to turn off the misting system after a specific time. The more sophisticated variety has other amazing features, like a weather-monitoring function, which offers high quality outdoor misting. Advanced models can predict precipitation levels and will only disperse water when needed.

Final Thoughts

Switching to the plumbing fixtures mentioned above will save you money and help you conserve clean and fresh water. While these modifications can cost money, you will eventually save in the long run as you will use less energy and water.


About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System: Key Factors to Consider

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System: Key Factors to Consider – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Commercial Plumbing System

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System: Key Factors to Consider

The plumbing system plays a critical role in the day-to-day operations of any commercial establishment. As a business owner, you want to provide the best services to the people who work and visit your establishment.

Whether you’re building a new commercial facility or renovating an older one, put a lot of thought into planning your plumbing system. Commercial plumbing issues can cause major inconveniences to employees and guests, and ruin productivity. Foresight and proper planning, plus regular plumbing maintenance, can help ensure reliability and longevity of your plumbing system.


Here are seven important factors to consider when installing a commercial plumbing system:

1. Hiring a Professional Plumbing Company

Whether its plumbing installation, or repair; finding a reliable plumbing contractor should be your first priority. Many business owners try to save money by using inexperienced or unqualified plumbers. However, such attempts at cutting costs may backfire; causing premature leakages and an array of unanticipated issues.

Certified plumbing professionals, on the other hand, will conduct a thorough investigation of the building and evaluate the specifications of the project to come up with the best possible plumbing system for your commercial establishment. Moreover, they have the knowledge, experience, and tools to get the job done and deliver excellent results.

2. Size and Occupancy of the Building

The size and occupancy of your commercial facility is an important factor to consider because it will influence how much plumbing you need; how many restrooms, sinks, showers, water fountains, and even decorative water features are going to be in the entire building.

This information will also help the plumbing company determine the complexity and scale of the project; the workforce needed; and how long the entire installation process is going to take.

3. Plumbing Codes in Your Area

You may have to adhere to specific plumbing codes, depending on where your commercial building is located. If you are not familiar with the plumbing codes in your area (or not sure if there’s any), do some research and share this information with your plumber.

Before giving the project the green light, make sure that everything you’re doing is up to code – plumbing or otherwise. You don’t want to spend money on something and later on find out that it’s not allowed.

If you’re working with a local plumbing company, however, they’re probably already well-versed with the plumbing codes in your location.

4. Pipe Design and Layout

How do you want your pipes? Do you want them concealed in the walls? Visible and mounted on the surface? Or a combination of both? This is something you need to ponder on as well when designing the building.

If you’re going for a clean, sleek, and more streamlined look, hiding the pipes should be the way to go. However, if you want the space to have a modern and industrial feel to it, leaving the pipes exposed will contribute to the overall aesthetics.

5.  Water Needs and Frequency of Use

Commercial buildings often house dozens – sometimes, hundreds – of people. And these people will have to use the toilets, wash their hands, and even take a shower, putting a lot of strain on the plumbing system.

How will the building be used? Is it going to be an office space or rented out to tenants? How many people, on average, will be using the system on any given day?

These are the information your plumbing contractor needs to be aware of, so they can accurately assess the situation and install a plumbing system that can handle the possible increase in demand.

6. Public Restrooms

Public restrooms are an entirely different matter. Some commercial facilities have one or two public restrooms, while others have more. The thing is; public restrooms, especially in establishments that see a lot of guests daily, put a huge strain on commercial plumbing systems. People using the toilets non-stop; washing their hands non-stops; sometimes flushing stuff down the toilet.

If your building has public restrooms, consider how often they’re going to be used when upgrading or installing plumbing systems.

7. Schedule of the Installation or Upgrade

If you’re upgrading or installing a new plumbing system on a building that’s currently in use, you’ll have to pick the best days to implement the changes.

Schedule the work on the least busy days of the week. If it’s an office building, do it on the weekends when there are no employees around. This way, you’ll cause as little disruption as possible.

Investing in your establishment’s plumbing system is one of the wisest business decisions you can make. Plumbing issues are some of the worst problems in both residential and commercial properties. They can cost a lot of money to fix, too!

Attention to detail and working with the right commercial plumbing company will save you from the stress and future unexpected expenses caused by faulty plumbing.

Installing a Commercial Plumbing System


 About the author


Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Swift And Satisfactory Plumbing Services

Swift and Satisfactory Plumbing is a Crucial Service – Today’s guest blog is by Patterson Plumbing and Heating. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and remodeling.

Undoubtedly, plumbing systems are extremely important and crucial part of a building. An efficient plumbing system ensures that there is constant water supply in the building. It delivers healthy drinking water to the home. You never know when you may face plumbing problems. These are just like an unwanted guest. You usually don’t know about a plumbing problem until a pipe burst or there is a water leak. Another unwanted condition is when a water or gas pipes become clogged. Obstructed pipes can lead to a messy home. It becomes quite expensive if your home gets damaged due to a broken plumbing system. Always remember to have a plumber on call for when there is a plumbing issue. Otherwise, the condition may worsen.

Swift And Satisfactory Plumbing Services

Swift And Satisfactory Plumbing Services

Quality Plumbing Services:

Plumbing is one of the most important services that one needs for a building. It includes installation, maintenance, and repair services. No building is complete without proper plumbing in it. Whether it is a home or an office, both need to have the best quality plumbing services in order to provide quality service. If you have constructed a dream home but did not get the right plumbing services, then you may face a number of serious issues.

Your bathroom and kitchen are the two most important places in the home that need plumbing. You may end up with serious issues if you have a poor sewage system. Our plumbing services address these plumbing issues in your home. No matter if it’s a clogged toilet or sink drain. We can swiftly install gas piping where required and repair the leaking pipes. Our quality plumbing services include the following:


  • Kitchen Bath Repair
  • Water Gas Leaks
  • Sewer Pipe Repair
  • Water Softener
  • Outdoor Showers
  • Pipe Relocation
  • Water Heater Installation
  • Gas Appliance Hook Up
  • Pool Plumbing

Gas leakage may also result in serious consequences. There is a greater risk when you ignore a leaking gas pipe.  Contact us for swift and satisfactory plumbing services to solve these issues as early as possible.

Commercial And Residential Plumbing:

All you need to do is to hire the services of an experienced and skilled plumber. These serious plumbing issues require the services and assistance of a trained plumber. Why compromise your quality of life by dealing with such issues yourself? Get efficient and quick plumbing services by calling us today. Plumbing Pueblo provides the best commercial and residential plumbing in Colorado.

Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

Gainesville 352-372-1221

Ocala 352-622-5277

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