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Home Safety Checklist

Home Safety Checklist – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Home Safety Checklist

Home Safety Checklist


Most people spend a tremendous amount of time in their homes, whether it’s a house, condo, apartment, or something else entirely. However, most homeowners often forget about the hidden hazards at home that can put everyone living in the property at risk. The statistics are staggering; at least 33 million people are injured at home annually!

The good news is you can maintain a healthier and safer household by conducting routine safety checks. From garage door repair to checking for signs of black mold, it is necessary to stay on top of your home maintenance at all times to prevent safety hazards and costly repairs.

Ensure the safety of everyone in your household by keeping the following home safety checklist in mind:


Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors

The importance of having a working smoke and carbon monoxide detector cannot be overstated. According to the National Fire Protection Association, people are 55% less likely to die in home fires if they have a working smoke system.

The US Fire Administration recommends testing the batteries of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors monthly. It is also ideal to replace the batteries at least once or twice yearly. Swapping the device every ten years (or earlier if there are problems during testing) is also recommended.

Check your fire extinguishers

While the number of fires has been reduced in half since the 80s, the risk of death during fires has stayed the same. To prevent a blaze from getting out of hand, experts recommend having a fire extinguisher at home. However, it is important to remember that fire extinguishers are only effective when properly maintained.

Check yearly if your fire extinguisher has not expired yet. You need to also check if the safety pin is intact. It is also important to keep the fire extinguisher damage-free and clean. It is also ideal to regularly check if the nozzle is working as it should. Lastly, you need to have your fire extinguisher replaced every 10 to 12 years.

Check for signs of black mold

Black mold is frequently found in your home’s moist and warm areas, like the basement and bathroom. Mold can trigger symptoms like wheezing, fever, itchy eyes, and shortness of breath. Black mold has also been known to contribute to the development of asthma in children.

Make it a point to check for any signs of mold on a routine basis. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Look for mold clusters or spots, particularly in damp places or rooms where you have had water damage or leaks.
  • If you find any, put some protective gear on and open the doors and windows. Throw away any moldy items you will find.
  • Ensure you also pull out and replace any mold-covered surfaces like ceiling tiles or carpets. Treat the area with bleach.
  • Allow everything to dry completely. If a leak causes the mold, make sure it is fixed.

Other basic home safety basics to keep in mind include:

  • If built before 1978, your home likely has lead paint. Remodeling projects that disturb lead paint might spread lead dust throughout your home. Check with your state or local health department for low-dust home remodeling tips.
  • Make sure your electric heaters are grounded and have a three-prong plug. Instead of using extension cords, it is ideal that they are connected directly to the wall outlets. It is also important to never leave kids unsupervised or alone in a room with a space heater.
  • Do not leave toiletries, medicines, and other household products in nightstands, drawers, or anywhere where children can have easy access to them. Also, make sure controlled substances like sedatives and narcotics are in locked containers.
  • Have a fully stocked first aid kit that includes gauze, bandages, antiseptic, and medical tape. Keep your first aid kit in a place where you have easy access to it.
  • Have your HVAC system cleaned, inspected, and tuned up regularly. This can help ensure the air conditioner and furnace are safe and ready for use when you need them.
  • While foundation damage is not common, it can present serious flooding danger. Common signs of foundation damage include cracks and wet spots in floors and walls, particularly over doors or windows where the ceiling and the walls meet.
  • To ensure nobody will stumble down dark hallways, add nightlights for safe passage after the lights are turned off. Lights with motion sensors can help ensure your hallways are safe and you won’t waste energy or disturb others.
  • Check your light switches and outlets for cracked or missing covers. Make sure the contacts are not exposed in light switches with missing covers. For homes with small children, add childproof outlet covers. This is important, so the little ones are protected as they explore your home.
  • Check for cracked or missing shingles and determine if they need to be repaired or replaced. Working with a roofer is also a good idea so they can inspect and identify other issues like dry rot, which can lead to the roof sagging. To prevent any ice dams in winter, ensure there is adequate insulation.

Final Thoughts

Last but not the least, make sure you have an escape plan in the event of a fire. It is also recommended that you have an escape plan that can address other applicable emergencies you might face. Depending on where you reside, it can be a tornado, flood, or earthquake. Whatever the emergency may be, make sure you have a comprehensive emergency plan. You need to also run regular drills so everyone in the house knows what to do.


Home Safety Checklist

Do You Need a New AC Unit This Summer?

Do You Need a New AC Unit This Summer? – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

New AC Unit

Do You Need a New AC Unit This Summer?

This is perhaps one of the worst things to happen to you in the middle of the summer – your trusty and frankly, necessary air conditioner seems to be on its last legs and you need to replace it. You need to consider so many factors when it comes to a new air conditioner; not only the cost but also the discomfort of not having a functioning AC unit in your home.

In states like Arizona, living without a functional AC unit is virtually impossible, which is why we reached out to AC repair experts at Hughes Air from Chandler, AZ to share their guide on the simple identification of a faulty AC. Do you need to replace or just repair your AC? Read on and find out.

Can You Smell the Unit?

Having the air in your house smell bad can really throw you off. If the air starts smelling off when you start your air conditioner, that should be a clear signal that something is wrong. What exactly is the matter depends on several factors.

For instance, if you start smelling smoke and the electrical smell, you need to act quickly. Turn off the unit as soon as possible and consult an HVAC technician to come and inspect the potential problem. That does mean that you will be out of AC for the time being, but you may be avoiding a more serious problem down the line.

Musty and moldy smells are also relatively common, but they don’t typically require you to replace the whole AC. More likely, the problem is in your ducts or in your air filter – remember to clean or replace those as often as the manufacturer recommends.

Does Your Device Work Longer?

If you’ve had your AC unit for a while, you should be familiar with how long it typically works. Things like how often it turns on and overall, how much electricity it uses – just from your monthly electricity bill in the months when you use the AC heavily.

So, if you start to notice certain things being off, like your AC turning on more often than usual, or it running for a long time just to achieve the same temperature, that should be a clear sign that something is wrong.

If you catch it in time, you can have an HVAC technician take a look at it and potentially offer a repair solution. However, if left untreated, this condition will cause one or more elements of the system to fail. Depending on the age of your system, repairing it may not be the best course of action. If your system is older than 10 years, chances are that replacement is a more viable option.

Strange Noises

Finally, if you notice strange noises either accompanying the above problem or even occurring on their own, this is a cause for concern. Any behavior out of the normal for your AC should tell you something is wrong.

If you hear hissing near the indoor or outdoor unit, the most likely cause is the leak in the coolant system –something that is easy to repair and can be done by any technician. However, if you hear buzzing, it’s more likely to be an electrical problem or a part malfunctioning. Turning off the device and calling an HVAC expert is the best course of action there.

Finally, if you hear banging or similar loud noises, the issue might be with the compressor or the motor – once again requiring a professional’s help.

Whether you will be seeking to repair or replace your unit will largely depend on the age and state of your AC device, as well as the severity of the problem you have. However, always keep in mind that you shouldn’t ignore the AC issues.

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Home Office Safety

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality

As an entrepreneur, working from home can allow you to continue to serve your clients while maintaining a safer environment for yourself and your family. Your home office can allow you to meet with clients remotely or in-person to provide outstanding customer service for these individuals and company representatives. Creating a safe and attractive home office environment may require some adjustments on your part. Here are four key considerations to keep in mind when equipping or upgrading your home office this year, brought to you by Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling.

Implementing SaaS for Accounting

Software as a service (SaaS) options allows you to access an extensive array of tools that let you manage accounting, estimating, and invoicing procedures from your home office. This can reduce the need for face-to-face meetings with customers and vendors, which can significantly reduce your risk. A relatively small SaaS investment can pay off in increased productivity and less time spent traveling to and from meeting sites. As a bonus, these tools can also take some of the drudgeries out of the process of accounting, which is often cited as the one task most small business owners loathe. Many SaaS invoicing and payment systems are designed specifically to minimize in-person contact while streamlining the accounting process for you, your vendors, and the clients you serve.

There are also services that provide contact-free ways to handle elements of your business. ZenBusiness, for instance, allows you to easily register your Florida LLC with the state, which prevents you from having to visit an office in person. What’s more, you’ll be able to legally do business within the state of Florida.

Managing Remote Connections

Virtual meetings and conferences are an integral part of the modern business environment. Forbes recommends investing in supplemental lighting, an external webcam, and an external microphone to ensure your Zoom, Skype, or Teams meetings go more smoothly. Forbes also recommends using a virtual background or decluttering your home office to reduce distractions for you and the other participants.

It’s generally a good idea to upgrade your Wi-Fi connection and internet speed to accommodate the added bandwidth necessary for video calls. Zoom recommends a bandwidth of at least 600 kbps for one-on-one video calls. For larger groups or higher-quality videos, you may need much more bandwidth to achieve stable connections with clients and customers.

Protecting Your Health

If you do intend to entertain clients in your home office, it’s generally a good idea to go over the best practices for protecting your guests and yourself from infectious diseases. Some of the safety measures most recommended by the CDC include:

  • Wearing masks during in-person meetings and offering disposable masks to guests
  • Maintaining a six-foot distance between you and your visitors
  • Providing hand sanitizer for clients who visit your home office
  • Opening windows to improve ventilation when possible
  • Installing UV air purification systems in your HVAC ductwork to kill microbial organisms
  • Suggesting Zoom, Skype, or Teams virtual meetings as alternatives to most in-person visits

By implementing these measures on behalf of yourself, your family, and your guests, you can often achieve a solid level of protection during in-home visits from your customers or vendors.

Improving Your Home

Investing in a fully functional and well-equipped home office can improve your productivity and morale immediately. Your home office can also provide some welcome benefits when it’s time to sell your home. Be sure to take before and after photographs of major home office upgrades to track these improvements and to allow you to realize the greatest return on your investment when you’re ready to sell.

These four keys can add up to improved productivity and added functionality when working from home. By upgrading your home office, you can protect your health while maintaining open lines of communication with your most valued clients.

Four Keys to Home Office Safety and Functionality

Gainesville Restoration & Remodeling can help you with roof repairs, as well as install a completely new roof to your home. To learn more, email today.

10 Signs Telling You to Renovate Your Gainesville Home

10 Signs Telling You to Renovate Your Home – Today’s guest blog is by the Law Office Of Phillips and Allen P.A. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Renovate Your Home

10 Signs Telling You to Renovate Your Home

New homes fitted with good quality materials and appliances appeal to spectators for a reason. The shiny and spotless surfaces, smoothly operating systems/devices, and overall vibrancy are aesthetically pleasing and comforting. However, material things don’t remain new forever – they deteriorate with time and usage. Problems with the home start to become evident by the end of ten years, or sooner if the house wasn’t flawless, to begin with. The rate of property depreciation also depends upon the level of maintenance exercised by the inhabitants.

If you notice the following signs, it is high time to consider a home renovation:

1.      Leaky Roof

If you notice water dripping from any part of the roof, do not ignore it. It could be an indication of rotting structure, which may get worse if not attended to immediately. The roof may weaken over time and collapse without warning, causing fatal personal injuries. Fixing the roof can be a bit expensive, but delaying the job will only increase the damage and resulting costs of repair.

2.      Constant Plumbing and Eclectic Issues

If one or more taps are constantly leaking, toilets and drains keep getting clogged, lights keep flickering/dimming, sockets are loose/don’t work, your water storage tank overflows/doesn’t fill up, you should be calling in a professional electrician and plumber. DIY solutions or quick fixes might make matters worse or even dangerous.

3.      Flaky/Peeling Paint

Flaky or peeling paint is just another sign of wear and tear or might be an indication of moisture buildup in the wall. Filling up gaps, evening the surfaces, and applying a fresh coat of primer and paint will give your home new life. You can take care of the paint job on your own if the walls are in fairly good condition.

4.      Congested Space

The house you bought a decade or more before may not look as roomy as it used to be. Your family has perhaps expanded, or the kids have grown up. You should consider adding a second story, room extensions, or modification of layout. You may also get rid of stuff nobody in the house needs.

5.      Cracks in Walls

If there are noticeable cracks in the walls, get them checked by an expert before you attempt a DIY paint job to cover them up. There could be a leakage in pipes running along the walls, or some other structural issue.

6.      Chipped Wood

Damaged or chipped woodwork tends to make the house look more shabby and worn out than it actually is. You can expect wood to decay faster if the weather in your area is mostly wet or humid. Staining/painting and varnishing/polishing wood can restore its glory. If you are thinking about replacing your existing woodworks, you may choose laminated wood or faux wood instead.

7.      Floor Giving Way

Broken, cracked, chipped, and discolored tiles are appalling sights. It may give the impression that some violent crimes have been committed within the house. If the floor gives way or has gotten uneven in places, it definitely needs work because it is a hazard.

8.      Bug Infestation

If termites and other bugs have been pouring into your home, do not let it slide. Your home obviously needs some professional cleaning and disinfecting. Bug infestation is also a sign of problems with the house foundation.

9.      Out-dated Vibes

Home interior trends continuously change with time and old appliances lose their value. Therefore, don’t be surprised if your real estate starts to look outdated after a decade of no refurnishing projects. Replace your obsolete household items with sleeker and greener ones.

10. Dirty Kitchen and Bathrooms

Kitchens and bathrooms are most susceptible to wear and tear, primarily because of their constant exposure to moisture. Renovating the kitchen and bathrooms is the most commonplace approach to renew a home and increase its market value.

Five Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do on Your Own

Five Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do on Your Own – Today’s guest blog is by Bryan Electric, Inc. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Improvement

Five Home Improvement Projects You Shouldn’t Do on Your Own

We take pride in what we can accomplish with our own two hands. Some tasks around the house can be easily handled on our own — such as changing HVAC filters or pressure washing the deck. However, there are a few projects that are best left to the professionals. Here is a list of five home improvement projects that you shouldn’t handle on your own, presented to you today by Gainesville Restoration, Roofing, and Remodeling.


Removing Asbestos, Lead and Mold


You’ve probably seen the commercials on asbestos lawsuits, where workers can sue large companies for working with the toxic material several decades ago before it became widely known how dangerous asbestos really was. For many homeowners who are looking into buying or renovating an older home, there always comes a risk that the home includes walls, flooring, or other materials that contain asbestos, lead, or hazardous mold.


While asbestos, lead, and mold should be immediately tended to, it’s beyond the typical handyman’s prowess to safely remove toxic materials. Masks, hazmat suits, and ventilation machines will be necessary. Even the slightest error in procedure could result in spreading the hazardous material or putting the safety of yourself or others into peril. Instead of taking a risk on your own, leave this serious undertaking in the hands of professionals. It’s a pricey project, but it’s critical to remove toxic elements from your home for the health and safety of your family.


Take Care of Your Home’s Exterior


Taking care of your home extends beyond the interior. From landscaping to tree removal, you need professionals to ensure that these tasks are handled correctly and safely. Additionally, if you have gutters that need some attention, call in a pro to handle that project as well. Not only will it prevent you from climbing a ladder and getting your hands dirty, hiring a gutter cleaning service will give you peace of mind knowing everything is handled professionally. Always read reviews and check ratings before you hire anyone.


Tearing Down the Walls


Demolition projects look fun on HGTV when watching from the comfort of your couch, but in reality, these kinds of projects are a little more involved than taking a sledgehammer to a wall. lists a few personal safety hazards that can come about from DIY wall removal, which includes the ceiling actually caving in. To ensure that you can handle a demolition project on your own, you will need the proper safety equipment as well as a very thorough understanding of where the pipes, vents, and wiring are located in your wall.


On top of that, you need to make sure that what you are tearing down doesn’t compromise the structural integrity of your home. If you tear down a load-bearing wall, it might put you and your home at risk. If you do decide to swing the ax on your own, you would be held responsible for any unwanted/unexpected damages that occur. It’s probably best to leave the demolition to the pros.


Fixing Your Foundation


Speaking of structural integrity, nothing is more essential to your home than its foundation. Cracks in your foundation may seem straightforward to fix on your own. Just fill them with spackle or something, right? While you may be able to aesthetically cover up a shifty foundation, you won’t know the extent of the damage to your home unless a trained professional takes a look. You may be seeing the signs of a larger underlying problem that needs to be taken care of. Properly fixing a foundation will require a lot of time and some very specialized tools, so you should really call in the experts for this one.


Installing New Lighting Fixtures


There’s a huge difference between plugging in a floor lamp and rewiring your living room. Electrical work may be a tempting project to handle on your own, especially if you’ve worked with wiring before in high school or college. But as many trained electricians will tell you, electricity is a lot more complicated when applied to working safely and effectively in your home, so you should always work with a licensed electrician.


While gathering the appropriate materials may be easy and cheap enough to pull off on your own, setting up a new fixture that is safe, efficient, and up to code is not as straightforward as you think. Additionally, when working with electricity, you put yourself at risk of seriously harming yourself for even the smallest mistake.


It feels good to be able to get our hands dirty from time to time and take on DIY home improvement projects. However, it’s not as easy as it looks on TV. We still need to consider what we can and cannot achieve within our reasonable capabilities. Sometimes, we have to honestly assess whether it’s time to work or hand over the gloves to highly-trained and specialized professionals.


Gainesville Restoration, Roofing, and Remodeling specialize in restoration and remodeling projects. 

5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a Fixer-Upper

5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a Fixer-Upper – The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Buying a Fixer-Upper

5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a Fixer-Upper

Buying a fixer-upper is a great opportunity for you to create your dream home. With some TLC, restoration, and remodeling, your ideal home can become a reality. However, it is important to go into the process prepared, flexible, and with an open mind. If you’re considering a fixer-upper, take a look at the five tips below to help you enjoy the process.


Meet With Remodeling Professionals

During your house-hunting process, consider consulting a remodeling and restoration team. Professionals can give you an idea of what to look out for and estimates for the cost of projects. A remodeling team can help you pinpoint your design style, too. Once you purchase and close on your home, you will have already established a relationship and determined your style to move forward with. Then, you can get to work on the plans and details to start your remodel.


Think Carefully About Your Budget

When going into buying a home that you will remodel, it is crucial to be able to balance the purchase price with your reno budget. There are some factors to consider when thinking about your budget for a fixer-upper. The key is to buy a home in a good neighborhood, with good bones, that is well below your budget. This way, you will have more than enough room in the budget for your renovations and any unexpected costs. To figure out what a good baseline price would be for you to allow you room for your budget is to look into some remodeling resources and educate yourself on a mortgage preapproval. This process can help you figure out what your home’s monthly mortgage cost might be in relation to the amount you’d like to spend on the remodel. Think about how much you are willing to devote to the project to get your dream design. You want to make sure you are buying a home that is manageable to fix up, while also staying within your means.


Identify Your Design Must-Haves and Goals

Fixer-uppers have lots of potential, but the condition of the home directly impacts your design capabilities. In order to determine if a home is right for you, think about how much work you are willing to do and what your design goals are. If a home is a total gut job, then you will need to factor that into the equation. Will you have the funds available to upgrade that large of a project? If you are not interested in an open floor plan, but you want a gourmet kitchen or perhaps a spa-like bathroom, you can focus your design priorities there instead. However, you need to establish your general goals before looking at homes in order to stay on track and have a clear plan. Be sure to create a list of your top priorities when it comes to the renovation and start there first—you may also want to consider how much time each ‘must have’ might take and factor that into your decision as well.


Focus on the Home’s Potential

When looking at homes, remember to focus on their potential. At first, it may be hard to see what a home could be when you are distracted by a boxy floor plan and outdated fixtures. Yet, every home has its own unique advantages and features that can make for an excellent home once the remodeling is done. You also want to pay attention to the home’s bones—its main structure, foundation, and frame. If these are in good standing, the home is likely in good standing to become your perfect fixer-upper! Sometimes all it takes is removing some walls, configuring the layout, and bringing it up-to-date with your personal style to totally change your perspective.


Get a Home Inspection

A critical component of your home buying journey when buying a fixer-upper is getting a home inspection. You never know what a professional can uncover when going over your property with a fine-tooth comb, especially with an older home or fixer-upper. A home inspector can review all of the home’s major systems, and give you a detailed report back on its current standing. That way, you can even negotiate with the seller to fix these issues or score a lower price on the home. If everything checks out, you can have peace of mind in knowing you won’t have to eat away at your remodel budget due to hidden issues.

Looking for a fixer-upper can provide you with limitless opportunities. Rather than buying a home with someone else’s design aesthetic, you get to be creative and craft a home that is uniquely yours. A fixer-upper is your canvas, and you are the artist that can bring your one-of-a-kind design to life. Don’t forget to plan carefully, let your creativity flow, and have fun when looking for your fixer-upper home.

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers – Today’s guest blog is by The Medlin Law Firm. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Tips to Keep Your Home Cool

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool in Summers

Summers are all about sunbathing at the beach, outdoor grills, and backyard stargazing in some parts of the world. For others, summers are far too hot and humid to leave home. The few peak months of summer seem like the perfect time to crank up the air conditioner and hibernate till the temperatures drop to a tolerable level; even if it entails filing for bankruptcy by the end of the season. If your home heats up like a furnace in the summers, use these tips to cool it down without amplifying your utility bills or contributing to global warming:

1.      Shield the Windows at Daytime

Closing blinds or putting up blackout curtains can stop the scorching rays of the sun from penetrating your home and pushing it to a boiling point. They act as an effective shield against heat waves, and lower temperature by up to 10%. Thick drapes and curtains have a darkening effect that keeps the house cooler.

2.      Go Cotton

Cotton is a natural light, soft, and breathable fabric, so make the most of it during summers. Invest in some cotton sheets for your bed and couches. Loose-fitted cotton clothing will also keep your body cool and comfortable.

3.      Replace Incandescent Lighting

Incandescent bulbs and lamps emit heat, which increases indoor temperatures. Replace them with energy-efficient fluorescent lighting to beat the heat and lower your electricity bill. Energy-saving electrical appliances are a huge favor for the environment as well.

4.      Try the Ice Fan Hack

Who says you cannot enjoy a cool breeze at home without an air conditioner? All you need is a portable/mobile fan and a bowl full of ice cubes. Place the ice bowl in front of the fan to relish in a pleasantly icy gust of air.

5.      Avoid Hot Meals

Turning up the oven and keeping the stove on during summers makes the house even hotter. Skip the cooked meals and opt for dishes you can prepare without fire. Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits, make Greek yogurt parfaits, and be creative with whatever you have at home. You can initiate a healthy lifestyle and save natural resources side by side.

6.      Dehumidify

A dehumidifier is an inexpensive electrical appliance that can remove the extra moisture from the air. Humidity dampens the air, lowers evaporation rates, and tends to make summers feel warmer than they actually are. Dehumidifying your indoor space will readily make it a lot more airy and cool.

7.      Stay Grounded

Heat rises, which is why upper stories in buildings get too hot during the summer. Sleeping on the ground floor is your best option. If that is not an option, try sleeping nearer to the floor. Remove carpets and rugs, as they trap heat inside them.

8.      Add Greenery Outdoors

Growing trees around your real estate and placing potted plants near windows can also help lower surrounding temperatures. Plantation removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and provides cool shade.

9.      Counter Clockwise Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans often feel useless when it’s hypothetically a hundred degrees outside; all they do is throw hot air at your face, which is far from comforting. Adjust your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise, as it will push air downwards and produce a cooling effect.

10. Open the Windows at Night

Temperatures drop during the night, as the sun goes down. Open your windows after sunset to let in some cool air and eliminate the stuffiness. However, do lock up before going to bed as closed windows are a preliminary form of domestic

Essential Tips for a Perfect Living Room Renovation

Essential Tips for a Perfect Living Room Renovation – Today’s guest blog is by Yorkshire Fabric Shop. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.


Living Room Renovation

Essential Tips for a Perfect Living Room Renovation

When it comes to first impressions and comfort, the living room is among the primary and most important areas in the house. Since many individuals spend more relaxation at home, especially in their living rooms, the renovation of living rooms should be at the pinnacle of your mind.

Furthermore, your living room renovation doesn’t need to be a major overhaul. Whatever style you choose, renovation is always possible for you. A few tips to help make your living room look better and feel more relaxed than ever are as follows.

Set the Atmosphere of the Room       

Start by changing the mood of your living room. One way to do this is to change and work on the color palette of the room depending on what style you are opting for to achieve. 

For your living room, the colors you choose will influence how visitors feel in the house. Depending on how strong they are and how warm or cold they are, colors can energize or relax the room.

In addition to that, consider white, blue, green, and other soft-toned colors if you want to make your tiny living room look bigger. It will make your living room not only larger but also brighter.

Fix the Lightning of the Room

One of the fastest ways to add an appeal and overall comforting look to your living room is better lighting. In addition to that, it can add details to your walls. It can be a particularly stylish way to highlight the wall while adding extra light to space if you have an accent wall or stone.

Furthermore, by creating a shadowing effect, whether you have an extra-long fireplace or wall shelving, this will balance out the bulkiness of it all. Space will look bigger and more inviting right away.

Choose the Perfect Flooring

In your living room, if you want to add more personality, you might consider renovating your flooring.  Try using wooden flooring if you are into the traditional look, not just that it will also make your living larger without compromising the whole aesthetic of your house.

Furthermore, changing the flooring dramatically will affect your home’s value. Although it is possible to add or replace carpets in less than a day, know that hardwood will improve your home’s value. When the wood floor is cracked, stained, or in need of substitution, go for it.

Add Some Accents

Choosing whether or not to dress your windows in curtains remains the most contentious aspect of a home. Leaving the windows bare, however, may make the living room look incomplete.

Curtains can make or break your style, and they can add drama to your space if you use the right kind of curtains. There are a lot of choices for you on the market that is why it’s quite a struggle to choose the right one.

However, it can give you the satisfaction you want when you achieve the look you are after. If you are still looking for a fabric to match your living room style, then visit the Yorkshire fabric shop. You can choose from a wide array of fabrics with different materials, styles, and patterns.

Moreover, if there are wide and long walls in your living room, then you must give them life as well. For an additional attractive feature, the walls of your living room can and should be decorated.

Invest in unique pieces of art that complement the theme of your living room and hang it in a triptych pattern over the main couch or put a large statement mirror above the mantlepiece, etc.

Revamp your Furniture

Revamp your old furniture instead of buying a new collection of furniture and giving it a new start. Not only does this make for an affordable renovation project, but the furniture fabric and paint can also be personalized if you want to suit the living room and fit its theme.

Furthermore, too much furniture in your living room can make your living room feel crowded. As homeowners usually spend a great deal of time in their living room, they want to be happy with their furniture.

However, the furniture needs to look appealing to visitors because the area is the heart of the home and not concealed like a cellar. To suit the function of your living room, you need the best furniture. Of course, you need a sofa, but an unnecessarily plush one that covers so many walls will limit the room’s overall use.


Always remember that it doesn’t need to be costly to renovate an area in your home, like your living room. To make it look better, you just need to know where to make changes. Don’t worry too much about your room’s aesthetic, you have to prioritize being comfortable in your home.

5 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

5 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas – Today’s guest blog is by Brand Range. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

5 Amazing Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

As you know, the kitchen is the standard gathered-in room of your house, so it is necessary to make little changes to remodel your kitchen. Do you want to remodel your kitchen? If yes, then go for it because the kitchen is where you love to spend most of your time with your family, friends, and food.

Whether you are looking to remodel your kitchen, there are several kitchen trends of the modern age. Simple changes to renovate your kitchen can update your kitchen.

There are many beautiful ideas to make a significant change in your kitchen, and it gives a fresh, updated look to your house and family. Check out these fantastic ideas to remodel your kitchen.

Renovate backsplash of the kitchen:

A backsplash is a great way to update your kitchen with an innovative and pop up look because it is the most used kitchen area. The backsplash with a mosaic pattern is the first field that should get renovated in your kitchen.

A tiled backsplash is the best thing in your kitchen because it takes all the oil sprinkles and food scatters on it. If you are updating your backsplash, try to bring new additions to the existing style.

But if your kitchen is not in good condition, and then include new materials instead of existing ones for an instant update. The trend of mirrored backsplash gives a glamorous and stylish look to your kitchen. Very inventive!

Like that, you can add various styles to your kitchen backsplash that will demand routine care and cleansing. However, if you add a single shade to give a stylish look to your kitchen, that is insufficient.

Update cabinetry:

Rather than choosing new cabinets for your kitchen, it is better to replace your cabinets’ doors and renew the handles. Decorating ideas for kitchen cabinets give the entire kitchen an updated and stylish look.

Updating old cabinets with a modern look gives the full kitchen an uplift and bring some bold change for a stylish impact. Buy the best quality cabinets within an affordable range to make a powerful style statement.

There is no kitchen without a cabinet because lots of the kitchen belongings are stored in the cabinet like wooden boxes, mason jars, canned meats, and packets of rice and key rings.

New flooring

A kitchen floor remodeling gives a new life to the kitchen to make it seem livelier and more candid. When it comes to the kitchen’s flooring, replace the marble with a wooden floor to give an up to date look to your kitchen, that’s why wood flooring is a fabulous choice for the kitchen.

The brightness of hardwood gives your kitchen an effective style on a moderate budget and always takes special care to maintain the hardwood floor’s sparkle. Care is essential as you go with wood, tile, or marble. Yet marble flooring offers an excellent fashion statement for your kitchen.

The kitchen flooring is the ideal part to update your kitchen status with a color scheme. The quality of kitchen flooring is limitless with a single coat of white color.

If the new flooring does not work with the color of cabinets, do not bother, there are still other ideas are present to upgrade your kitchen. Remember, you can strive to improve the color of cabinets within your budget.

Add great lightning:

Lightning designs are brilliant ways to remodel your kitchen with style and luxury. Lightning in the kitchen uses excessive energy, so try hard to use those lights with minimum energy usage.

The kitchen lighting ideas are countless; it depends on whether you are looking for LED technology or halogen light bulbs with glaring light. But the new LED technology is the most efficient option for your home. What a significant update for the kitchen!

Make sure that light bulbs work best in your kitchen to increase the charm portion of your kitchen. The influence of light is exciting on your kitchen both day and night.

Paint your kitchen:

As new flooring and cabinets give a stylish look to the kitchen, it’s time to change your paint color to provide a classy new look. Remember beyond your backsplash and wooden flooring; colorful paint makes a significant impact on your kitchen.

Color is the central part of kitchen remodeling because different colors have a remarkable impact on your kitchen. Paint not only gives a stylish look to the kitchen but also improves the benefits of your kitchen.


If you are an enthusiast to remodel your kitchen, then the ideas mentioned above are the best for kitchen remodeling. Do you prefer an updated kitchen for your home? The choice is yours because it depends on you whether you want to work in a well-furnished kitchen or not.

You are the one who decides that kitchen remodeling is necessary for your home. More importantly, remodeling of the kitchen demands significant research, thought, and care.

Now, you know what works best for your kitchen needs? Try to implement these ideas to refresh your kitchen look.

Remodeling Your Home: Best Home Improvements That Add Resale Value

Remodeling Your Home: Best Home Improvements That Add Resale Value. Today’s guest blog is by home stager, Bryce Thompson. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Remodeling Your Home

Remodeling Your Home: Best Home Improvements That Add Resale Value

The money you just spent on that new sink and automatic sprinkler system isn’t going down the drain. Think of it as seed money. Most home improvements add resale value to your home, some more than others.

Spending on home improvement projects is expected to rise in 2021. Here’s why: Interest rates remain low, COVID-19 has people spending more time at home, and more homeowners are looking to increase the value of their homes before a sale.

Before you pick up the hammer and nails, here’s some constructive advice: Ask a real estate agent for recent home sale prices in your area. This will help you set a budget so you don’t spend more than you can expect to recoup.

Here are the best home improvements that will add resale value to your home.


Whether you’re planning on selling or staying in your home for a while, you can’t go wrong with a fresh coat of paint. Start with the front door. A recent Zillow analysis found that a black front door can increase the sale price of a house by as much as $6,000.


The first thing prospective buyers see is your front yard. Curb appeal can be the difference between attracting a bid and losing offers to your competition. A good landscape design can account for 20% of the value of your home.

In Gainesville, the average cost of landscape design and build is just under $4,000 according to LawnStarter. Outdoor projects like building new patios and stone walkways will add thousands more to your expenses but could be worth the investment, adding several thousand more to your sale price.


When a prospective buyer walks into your home, the condition of your floor immediately makes an impression. If they don’t like what they see, they will already be calculating the cost and inconvenience of having to upgrade worn carpets or out-of-date tile.

If you can remodel some, but not all your flooring, kitchen and bathrooms are a priority.


Outdated kitchen appliances, countertops, and cabinets can make the entire home feel like a relic. Remodeling this room can also be the most expensive project. Once again, have a clear budget in mind and start with items that will immediately freshen up the look of your kitchen.

Having wooden cabinets painted and new hardware installed will make a great impression. A new kitchen sink and modern faucet is a must. If countertops and backsplash areas are dated and show signs of damage, consider replacing them.

If your appliances are mismatched, malfunctioning, or beat-up looking, replacing them with energy-efficient models will boost the value of your home.


The rooms that get some of the most use in the house are also often the most in need of an upgrade. Replacing toilets is relatively inexpensive and low-flow models can save you money in the long run.

Hazy glass shower doors, soap scummy tile, grungy grout, and moldy spots should either be power cleaned or replaced. Old sinks, faucets, vanities, cabinetry, and decorative items like mirrors, medicine cabinets, light fixtures, towel bars, and toilet paper holders can all be upgraded to freshen up bathrooms. If wallpaper or paint has been there a while, it’s time for a couple of fresh coats.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

It may be tempting to try and save money by DIY. That’s just one of the costly mistakes homeowners make while renovating and remodeling. If you’re the type who measures twice, cuts once and curses three times, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals. The cost of an emergency room visit and wasted materials adds up.

Remember, the choices you make to add resale value to your home aren’t necessarily the same choices you would make when staying in for years to come. Pet projects like changing the style of your staircase banister or adding closet organizers will not be the kinds of items that pay off in your quest to attract the highest selling price. Save those projects for your next place.


Bryce Thompson is a home stager and freelance writer who specializes in inexpensive ways to improve energy efficiency and curb appeal.