Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling

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Home Restoration and Home Renovation

Home Restoration and Home Renovation in Gainesville Florida – Today’s guest blog is by The Law Offices of Justin P. Christodoro. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Home Restoration and Home Renovation

Home Restoration and Home Renovation

Buying an old house that dates back to a different century sounds exciting to a person who is into historical items, Victorian styles, and antiquities. There is something satisfying about bringing life back into something forgotten and unkempt. Nonetheless, restoration of an old house requires a lot of time, money and patience; if you lack even one of those things then you are going to regret taking on a project like this.

Old houses and ancient buildings are beautiful the way they were built, so it’s important not to confuse ‘restoration’ with ‘renovation’. Tearing down a house and replacing its core elements is usually not something you should attempt on your own. You might as well go for a modern house and save yourself the extra effort. Restoration is all about keeping what the home has to offer and only making repairs or much-needed enhancements to rejuvenate it. Buying an old house can be risky as compared to newly built homes. You should always involve a real estate lawyer so that your hard-earned money does not go down the drain.

As mentioned before, the restoration of houses built in a different era is a step-by-step process. It may take years or over a decade to achieve the desired end product, and obviously it can cost a fortune. If you have no prior experience with restoration or renovation of buildings, then this is not something you should go into it blindly. You should not start working on a historical house without a fully thought-out plan because redoing a mistake can become even more difficult and expensive.

It’s best to refer to a professional who can guide you through the whole restoration process, and give a rough estimate of the amount of money needed for your project. When you start looking around the house and visualize what you want, distractions will get the best of you. You will be tempted to do something about the peeled off wallpaper, damaged woodwork or stained tiles (those things are not on the list of priorities). The primary task is to inspect the roof, masonry, and windows. This will allow you to sort out the true strength of the house by examining what needs to be done.

Ensure that the exoskeleton of the house is strong enough to stay standing for a hundred more years, and only then move towards the exterior. The sanitation system of the house is another important aspect to be noted before moving in. Get the floors and ceilings checked for water damages because that would be a major indication of serious structural issues. Water damages are an invitation for bug infestations, and repairs are a tedious and painful process.

Once you are positive that the old house has no structural or legal liabilities and have a clear-cut idea regarding the cost of restoration, then find out its resell value. You may not have an intention to sell the house again, but you must know the profit potential of the home. It will help you recognize whether or not your hard work is worth the money you invested.

If you need restoration or renovation help with an old or new home, call Gainesville Restoration and remodeling at: 352-372-1221 for a free estimate.

Home Restoration

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival. Today’s guest blog is by Clara Beaufort of Gardener Gigs. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival

You might be feeling a chill in the air this month. This is the time of year to winterize your house against the upcoming cold winter months. Here are some tips for doing just that.

Consider your storage needs

Do you have a place to properly store your outdoor equipment? If not, you may want to buy a small building for the backyard. That way, your items will be kept secure and protected from the elements. There are many types of building materials to choose from, but wood and steel are most commonly used. Steel is stronger than wood and can withstand high winds and snowfalls, while wood is more visually pleasing. Consider the pros and cons of each material before proceeding to buy the storage building.

Focus on fire safety

Most fire departments agree that you should change the batteries on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors once a year, and a good time to do that is when you set your clocks back.

If any of your smoke detectors are close to ten years old, replace them with a new, ten-year detector with a sealed battery. You don’t need to replace the batteries on these new detectors.

Experts now say you should put the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in every significant living space of your home, including the kitchen, den, living room, and bedrooms. You can put the old detectors in household trash without guilt. Just remove the batteries first and bag them before tossing them.

Don’t have a carbon monoxide detector? Check with your local fire department. Sometimes fire stations give them away.

Other fire hazards are dirty filters and poorly vented appliances. Make sure your HVAC filters are being changed every 30 days and that your dryer filter is being cleaned after every laundry load. Set your family up on a schedule to check that these important chores are being done.

Poorly vented clothes dryers are also fire hazards. Check your dryer vent to make sure that it vents outside directly, without no kinks in the air hose. It should NOT be venting into the basement or attic. That’s a fire waiting to happen.

Keep pipes unfrozen

One thing all home improvement experts agree on is that you should not let your pipes freeze. Frozen pipes are basically a game of Russian roulette. They might thaw with no harm done, or they might burst and cost $20,000 in damages.

There are a lot of different opinions about how you should protect your pipes. Some people think you should use heating tape. Others think you should protect your pipes with spray foam. Another idea is to use a material called Armaflex which also insulates.

Consider your lifestyle and pick your insulation. If you are likely to travel at Christmas and cut off the electricity, you need pipe insulation that does not require electricity. And don’t forget to drip your faucets.

Examine your roof

This is also a good time to examine your roof. You really don’t want to be doing that when temperatures are freezing or sweltering. If you have balance issues or are afraid of heights, you will need to hire someone to do a full roof inspection.

If you are fearless on a ladder, you can do it yourself. You will need to visually inspect all areas of the roof on the outside. Any warped, curled, or missing shingles need to be replaced. Check the mortar around the chimney to make sure it’s intact.

Then go up in the attic and look for any mold or moisture seepage. If you have water damage in your attic, it’s time for a new roof. Tip: Most roofing professionals will not remind you that you can lay one roof over another until you have three roofs. So you can save money by re-roofing over your current roof.

When it comes to home maintenance, fall is the right time to do outdoor work and energy improvement projects on your home. Get these simple chores done so you can enjoy the beautiful fall season.

Winterizing Your Home Before Winter’s Arrival


7 Things Homeowners Should Do Immediately After Signs of a Roof Leak

7 Things Homeowners Should Do Immediately After Signs of a Roof Leak – Today’s guest blog is by Julian Lane. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Roof Leak

Replacing a roof is one of the most expensive repair costs homeowners can face. That’s why acting right away at the first signs of a leaking roof is crucial in making sure you stop the water from causing major damage — not only to your home but to your savings, as well. Left unaddressed, water damage to your roof can result in mold, mildew, and a weakened structure.

Here are seven things homeowners should do immediately after discovering a roof leak.

Pay Attention to the Signs

In many cases, you’ll notice the signs of a roof leak by seeing dark-colored spots on your ceiling. In some cases, though, the water may have been causing more damage before the signs are evident. Other signs of a roof leak include:

  • Mold or mildew on the ceiling or walls.
  • Stale, wet odors.
  • Bubbling or bowing ceilings or walls.
  • Unusually high water bills.

Find and Stop the Water

Go into your attic to locate the area that is leaking, and then place containers to stop the flow of water from further damaging your home. Next, if you have the experience or the ability to safely go on to your roof, take a look at the materials above the area where the water is dripping in. You may be able to fix the issue quickly, but for major damage, it’s more likely you’ll need to cover the area with a tarp until a professional can make an assessment.

Check Nearby Areas for Additional Signs of Damage

Now that you have at least temporarily addressed the source of the leak, look in your attic, at your walls, and under your carpet to identify other areas that have been damaged by water.  For example, if you discover the leak is from a tree limb falling on your home, look at your trees to see if other limbs are on the edge. Perhaps a storm tore shingles from your roof. Look at the roof of your carport or garage to assess any other damage the winds may have caused.

Dry and Remove Water-Damaged Items

Chances are, some of your possessions have also fallen victim to the roof leak, so it’s important to address those issues. From items stored in your attic or possessions in the house below the leak, you’ll want to clean everything thoroughly.

For items that are damaged beyond repair, you may need to hire a local junk removal service to get them out of your home. These services can remove furniture, mattresses, and other large items and properly dispose of them, allowing you to continue focusing on addressing the issues inside your home. After all, the longer these items stay on the property, the more likely you’ll experience further damage — to your home and health — from mold and mildew.

Call Your Homeowners Insurance

After you have made sure the leak is addressed and have conducted an extensive search to find all the damage, it’s time to give your homeowner’s insurance agent a call. Submit a claim with as much detail as possible. Your company with send someone out to make an assessment, but it’s really helpful to make a list and take pictures so you have the documentation you need to get the ball rolling on your insurance claim.

Fix the Leak

Whether it’s a roofing professional hired by your insurance company or a simple fix you’re able to address yourself, you’ll need to get the leak fixed as quickly as possible. After all, whatever measures you have taken to temporarily stop the water flow won’t last forever. Keep in mind that different roofing materials have different repair techniques, as well as different costs. If you are fixing the leak yourself, be sure to research materials and make sure you get the proper tools and equipment to do the job right the first time.

Prevent Future Leaks

Fixing your leak now is crucial to stopping the current problem, but you’ll also want to take stock of any potential future issues. Be confident your roof is in good shape and protected by:

  • Trimming your trees.
  • Cleaning your gutters.
  • Inspecting the areas around your chimney and exhaust vents.
  • Fix any broken or exposed pipe collars.

If you watch for the signs of water damage and catch a roof leak early on, you stand a really good chance of getting ahead of any major issues. This can save you a lot of headaches, both now and in the future. Water damage is something that can have a lasting impact, which is why roof leaks should be taken seriously with immediate action.

Importance Of Property Maintenance

Importance Of Property Maintenance – Today’s guest blog is by the Law Offices of Paul Levine. The opinions expressed by the author in this and all guest blogs are not necessarily those of Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling.

Importance Of Property Maintenance

Importance Of Property Maintenance

When a visitor or guest slips and falls on someone’s property or business, there is an assumption that a victim will sue the property owner without hesitation, and receive full compensation against the sustained injuries. However, the reality is very different. The assumption of receiving full compensation stems from the media showing the chain of events in movies or on television. But, creating a successful premises liability claim after a slip & fall on a residential or business property is a little more difficult than it seems, as it often requires the expertise of a personal injury attorney.

The importance of property maintenance cannot be ignored, as it saves the owner from a potential lawsuit. For instance, if you keep delaying routine repairs to your property, it can be problematic later on since the building deteriorates faster. This could lead to personal injury accidents, and create a substantial base to file a claim against you. Therefore, it is imperative to invest in preventive property maintenance services. If you are sued, you will then need to hire a personal injury attorney who will need to prove in court that you are not at fault.

It may have been negligence on the part of the property owner that caused the patron to slip, or it could have been an unfortunate and largely unavoidable situation. Accidents happen, so it is not always because of the negligence. Therefore, to win an injury claim for a slip and fall accident, the plaintiff needs to prove in court that the negligence was not their own.

Unreasonable Negligence in a Slip & Fall Case

No property owner gets to know about every slip hazard the moment it happens. However, every property owner should be aware of the potential actions that could be taken against them and should take actions to protect themselves from it. Therefore, when the expectation is not met, and negligence is found on behalf of the property owner and not on the person who fell, then a lawsuit may be filed that will compel the property owner to pay for the injuries sustained.

A case in point is, consider a situation in which a shopper drops a jar of juice at a grocery store, and makes a puddle in the aisle. The shopper tries to step away from the puddle, slips and get hurt. Hence, now all the liability is on that person because he was the only one aware of the issue, and did not ask for help from a store employee.

On the contrary, if that shopper, who had created the mess, walked away and told someone of the puddle, then the liability starts to shift. Now, if another shopper comes and slips, then the store can be held responsible for not cleaning it up.


Property maintenance is important, and in the event of neglect, the property owner could be held responsible. However, to achieve success in a premises liability case, it is advisable to hire an experienced personal injury attorney. This will increases the likelihood of you receiving a settlement claim. Therefore, having an experienced personal injury attorney by your side is of significant importance. Because of the statute of limitations, or the time, you have to file a claim and for other possible legal requirements, the presence of an experienced attorney is mandatory. So, if you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, then getting the right attorney who could help you in this critical time is important. An attorney can also help you in getting the maximum medical coverage for the injuries you have sustained in the accident.