Solving Small Space Problems

Solving Small Space Problems. Looks can be deceiving, but when you have a small space that’s exactly what you are trying to achieve. Making a small room appear larger may seem like a challenging task, but what if we told you it wasn’t? Increasing the space of a room can make a world of difference and if it’s so easy; why not give it a shot?

Solving Small Space Problems

Solving Small Space Problems


If you’ve ever wanted to make a room in your home look bigger; we’ve got the necessary tools and tricks for you to do so. Here are a few ideas that will give your smaller room a larger looking appearance.

Remove the Clutter
Having a lot of clutter in a room can be overwhelming and make a room look smaller than it actually is. Luckily, this is a quick fix. We aren’t just talking about cleaning up trash, magazines, and toys. Instead of overloading a room with accessories like lamps, clocks, and trinkets, try to put focus on just a few. Also, you may want to limit the pieces of furniture you have in a room. Removing clutter can make a room look cleaner and open.

Add Some Mirrors
Mirrors are a great addition to create the illusion of a large room. When it comes to mirrors, the bigger the better. Hanging a large mirror on one of the walls can give depth to a room. Not a fan of large mirrors? Consider creating a wall of mirrors, made up of different sizes and shapes of mirrors.

Lighting is Key
Lighting is one of the most important factors in making your small space look bigger. Whether you use outside light from a window or indoor lighting features, a well-lit room can make a drastic change. One idea is to install recessed lighting in the room. Therefore, recessed lighting can make the space seem more open and give your home a modernized feel.

Don’t Forget About the Floor and Ceiling
The floor and ceiling of a room are often ignored. However, they both can make a huge difference in a room. Sometimes bright or harsh colors can make a room seem smaller;, so the best option is to use lighter colors for the floor and ceiling. Lightly-colored wood floors or carpets can enhance the space of a tiny room. For the ceiling, it’s good to stick with white or a similar light color.


Solving Small Space Problems

We hope you find these tips helpful while remodeling your space. Contact Gainesville Restoration and Remodeling if you have any questions or need some assistance.

Gainesville 352-372-1221